Melody of Mana

Chapter 182 Delivering the News

We worked on the most obvious materials for several hours before collectively deciding that sleep was required. While I felt that it wasn't really needed, we set up a guard rotation. I also set the golem to the same, but as nobody really trusted it, or my bad explanations on it, it wasn't actually counted.

Nothing happened while we rested, but after we awoke we all rose for a basic breakfast. I munched on a sandwich spiced up with what dried meat we had left. It was the popular choice, as I didn't mind making food for everyone. The twins were still a bit hesitant to do so when it wasn't an emergency, and it wasn't worth irritating them for the variety.

"I think we should go and inform the village," Dras said. "They'll be happy to know that we got the beast, and if we're going to stay here for long we might want to pick up a few things."

He wasn't wrong, we didn't have any bedding of any kind or much in the way of food variety. We had managed to find a nearby restroom, which was wonderful in a number of ways. It didn't have a bath in it, but proper facilities were a blessing I had almost wept over.

"I'll go, I was there when Ormien died," Ulanion volunteered.

"I'll go too," I put in, I was hoping to have a bit of a conversation with the elf, and this would be a good opportunity.

I got a bit of a look from the others, but everyone nodded. Finding our way to the exit was easy with the golem providing directions. That was where I got my first surprise.

As we entered the atrium where Olnir had died I blinked. The room was repaired. The pieces that had fallen were back in place, and seemed to be having cracks filled in slowly. It looked like the whole room would be back to an immaculate state in short order, save for one thing.

Someone, and I suspected I knew who, had put out a small wooden box. Upon opening it we found laid out respectfully what was left of Olnir. It wasn't much, as the enchantments had clearly seen most of the corpse as something to be cleaned, but there were some bones and his personal effects.

"I'm not sure if we should bury him nearby or what... what do you think?" I asked.

"He's from your group, so it's your decision," Ulanion answered, he seemed a bit salty.

I sang up a small privacy bubble, turning and leaving the body for now. "Alright, what's bothering you?"

He gave me a look. "I was never too much into the whole elven pride thing, but that doesn't mean that I don't care at all about my people. I just learned that the greatest leader we ever had, the one who is responsible for a majority of our society's base is here. He doesn't want to re-assume a throne that would be passed over to him in a second, to try and remake that which brought civilization to our world."

"And you think he should?" I questioned.

"After what he told me, I don't know." I waited for him to explain. It was clear he'd been let in on something horrible, something that shook his view of the world. "I knew that we'd been rough back then, harsh with the humans we'd taken over when we expanded to off this continent, but... I hadn't known how bad. We were always told that he had been a kind and merciful king, gentle to all, and been given his writings to read."

"It's often a bad idea to meet your heroes," I commented, knowing where he was going with this.

"The writings we're given left out what he told me. He spoke of having things done in his name, or doing himself things that would shock all if they heard of it. The orders themselves might well come after him if he'd done them today, not that it would matter based on what I've seen." I could see his fists clench in anger.

"I don't know how to deal with that Ulanion. I'm here if you want to talk about it though." I reached out and rested a hand on his arm. We'd only known each other for awhile, but he seemed a good guy.

"Thanks, I guess. Just not sure how to deal with it all. I mean, the whole world hopping thing is just weird too."

"That I can understand. I doubt even the elves around here know of that though." I really did on that one.

"And you're probably the only person I can talk with about it too." He might not get as much vitriol as I would if I mentioned it in an elven city, but I imagined that it wouldn't be too much less.

"We've got the whole walk back to the village to ask questions if you want, then the one back here." I smiled and we headed off on our actual mission, leaving the impromptu coffin for later.

Boy did he have questions too. As we walked he asked about what my world was like, how things worked there. I just made an illusion of a dragon to explain that, and told him that while there were some stories they were often conflicting and very old or just fiction. On the subject of things like computers and communication he perked up. It was easy enough to understand the basic ideas from someone who came from a burgeoning magitech society, though some of the implications had to be explained.

Of all the things that we talked about the whole governance system was the strangest to him. There was nothing like that here. While both of our countries were considered a lot more progressive than most with the rights of the people the very idea of a democracy seemed absurd. In this world people weren't equal, not at all, this was known by everyone.

"So the rich and the powerful were treated the same as the peasants?" He asked, laughing.

"We didn't have peasants as such... but not entirely. They were 'supposed' to be, by law," I answered.

"How'd that work?"

"Honestly, a lot of the time, it didn't really. If you had money or friends you could do things and get things that others couldn't."

"And you all still held to the idea that everyone was equal? We don't even have that."

"How does that work in Atal?" I knew how things were where I was from, but this place was still a bit of a mystery to me.

"Well, the law is supposed to apply to everyone, but those with power have both rights and duties. While they're unlikely to be bothered about small issues, and if their mana is high enough they can just ignore some of the most minor of infractions, they are also expected to provide more in taxes and if there is some conflict they have responsibilities others don't."

"That's not altogether unreasonable," I said, as it wasn't too different to how things worked back home. It also certainly beat how things had worked before Durin's takeover, where nobles could basically do as they pleased.

As we chatted we made a tremendous amount of progress, and before I knew it I was back in the clearing and headed towards the village. Their sentries spotted us well before we got close and I could easily see the two of us leading the woods causing a bit of a stir of the walls. Our calm and measured pace seemed to calm it after a few moments, but as we got near I saw the gate quickly opened up for us, the village elder coming out to greet us once again.

The nervous elf was nearly bouncing as we came into polite speaking range. "I see you've returned, but not all of you?"

Ulanion and I looked at each other, and I nodded, giving him the floor. "Sadly not all of us made it," he explained. "Ormien, and Olnir, one of ours died. We did however manage to deal with the monsters."

"My condolences, wait, monsters as in plural?" While he probably didn't mean any insult by it I could see him visibly relax.

"Yes, there were several of the wolves, which explains some of how they seemed to be able to be everywhere all at once. We also met up with someone sent to deal with them, seems your message calling for aid might have reached someone."

He lied easily about the last part, and while I generally didn't love having to lie as much as I ended up doing I was glad he did. I wasn't looking to irritate Justin, he was powerful enough to mess us up, and had been rather generous so far. This lie now would probably save us a lot of trouble down the line.

"We cannot express our gratitude enough, please come in." The elder made way for us, and as word spread the mood in the village shifted.

I saw people hugging, shedding tears as they learned that they were saved. The children seemed to jump with joy and run through the streets making sure everyone heard soon as word reached their ears. It was a bit awkward for me, since I'd seen it all, but as we walked several people came to thank us personally.

The elder took us to his own home, a slightly larger affair then the rest, but not so much as to cause massive problems. What I supposed must have been his daughter came and brought us some drinks, clearly word had reached her both of our success and approach, and she was ready when we got there.

"This was Ormien's," Ulanion said as he held out the sword he'd been carrying. "Could you have it returned to his family?"

The elder looked at the blade for a bit. "I'll need to speak with one or two people but for now you should keep it. I think he'd want those who helped him avenge his love to carry that." He waved his hand, indicating that Ulanion should place the sword back on his own belt for the time being.

"Our group wants to stay in the ruins for a bit, as that was our original goal, if you have no objections?" It was a comment as much as a request. I wanted them to be okay with it, but realistically we were able to stay whether they wanted us to or not.

"None at all. Stay as long as you like."

"There are some bodies, bones mostly. I don't know if you want them for some ceremony or not..." again I knew that there wasn't much of a funeral culture here, but it was a lot of corpses.

"I suppose we should make a small art piece celebrating the defeat of the creatures, perhaps we could bury them below it." He considered a bit, seeming a lot less concerned.

"One final thing then before we return. I was hoping to purchase some supplies, we've got some of our own, but a few things will need to be restocked." He could save a lot of time with a few words.

"No," he said both abruptly and with finality.

"Excuse me!?" I felt my muscles tense at his denial. Normally I wasn't much for demanding politeness, but there were some things I wouldn't let stand.

"I said no. Unfortunately your money is no good here. Please give me a list of what you need and I'll see to it that your order is filled to the best of our abilities, without any charge of course." I wanted to laugh at myself.

The next few days went by in a flash. We got our supplies and upon returning learned that Selene had found the most interesting stone in a desk.

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