Melody of Mana

Chapter 183 Recruitment Drive

Even after the stone was found there were a number of issues for our group. First was that nobody was sure what it did. Selene had found the thing and knew that it was trying to contact with her core, but not why. That in and of itself was a bit of a cause for alarm, the core was solid, not meant to be manipulated, not easily. I remembered myself when I'd first made it thinking that nothing could interfere with it. I was right in some sense too, it couldn't directly.

Selene wanted to try it out, while the twins were very cautious, Dras and I stood on the sidelines, not adding to either side. I was as sure as I could be that it would be safe, and was working on my own from the other stone. It was interesting, in that it didn't plug directly into the original core, but rather added something like a second. They were similar in a number of ways, but still separated by a thick barrier. Neither could directly touch the other, and all of their communication had to be done through me, which was weird.

While the arguments were going and I was working on my own end we ran into a few more problems. The main one was our guards, they had questions since they were having to stick so near to us, particularly Ulanion. Glen had a very limited idea of our full mission, but knew enough, Ulanion on the other hand knew next to nothing.

"How should we deal with him?" Dras brought up one afternoon once he'd gone to find the restroom.

"Ulanion?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's not read into this, and while we've been fairly quiet about it, he'll know too much by the time we're done. I like the guy, but we've no way to prevent that from happening, what is our plan?" Dras had become the main voice of our group, he wasn't a leader as such, but rather the most likely to table any discussion.

"We can't tell him anything, and may have to..." Robert began.

"If he can't be trusted, something must be done. Our work could be world-changing in the wrong hands," his sister agreed.

"We need to know if he can be trusted though, as well as options." Selene seemed to want to talk to him.

"We won't take him without losses, and we can't afford many more if we want anyone to return home." Glen was practical about it, and right, we needed to get this stuff back no matter what. He was a bit further away, near the door keeping a lookout.

"I think I should talk to him. He seems a bit disillusioned with a lot of the Atali ways, and we might be able to convince him to join Emperor Durin. If we can at least get that then there should be no issue right?" I'd waited till last, to gauge my companions, and they nodded along.

"Alana you've spent the most time alone with him. If you think so we should try to recruit. Between all the help he's been and his abilities I think the Emperor would want him on our side anyway. If not, it'll be best to let the leadership deal with him." That suggestion got a lot of nods as well, and I steeled myself.

The next day I managed to convince our subject to come with me back to the control room, citing that I wanted to get some more info on the golem. He read it easily and knew that I wanted a private conversation, so agreed to join me.

"So, what's this actually about?" He asked as soon as we were well away and I'd set up a barrier.

"What are you planning to do after we return to the capital?" I asked.

"I'm not sure honestly. From what I've learned on this mission I've got a lot of questions."

"Well, we'd like you to join us. I'll be honest, that's not all for your benefit, and it might not work out well for you." He'd kept my confidence, so I felt that I owed him some honesty.

"Care to go deeper into that?"

"Surely you've realized that what we're doing is pretty secretive?"

"I wasn't going to pry, but I was guessing so," he said. "You came right to a rather important place and have been all hush-hush about what you're doing with that ring thing there. What is it anyway?"

"The actual device of our search, a rather potent tool that our group was formed to investigate." I couldn't answer too much, but that would be fine.

"His Majesty knows that you want it?" He thought for a moment. "Of course, he saw what room you gravitated to. Therefore I can guess he's okay with you having it, is it dangerous?"

"Not on its own, no. It will change things though, and yes, Justin did know what we were after and approves," I answered.

"Well, he is certainly more knowledgeable about that kind of thing than I am, so I don't suppose I can really press against... Ah, the problem is that your group doesn't trust me?"

"That is the basics of it." I nodded in confirmation.

"So they'll what? Try to recruit me, and if that fails silence me?"

"If you decide not to join us, I'm hoping you'll take this opportunity to leave before they do so. I can tell them you overpowered me and fled. Could even give you a bit of time." I was ready to as well, let him flee before he got in too deep.

"They would call you a traitor if they head that, might get in a lot of trouble," he cautioned.

"They won't hear it though. So, what do you say, care to join us instead, see what we're really up to?" I leaned over, perking an eyebrow up to him.

"Well, this has been an adventure, but I'd like to know what I'd be signing up for."

"You'd be joining under Emperor Durin, the man currently trying to rule most of the human continent. Lots of black clothes, references to shadows, the like."

"Sounds kind of... evil?" He looked confused.

"It's certainly a little weird, but he's not a bad guy. Much of what he's done is to even out the power between those who have magic and those who don't. Before he came along mages and particularly noble ones trampled on the common folk. He's done a lot to stop that, and while I won't say he's perfect, from what I've seen he is doing a lot of good."

"Do you have some examples?" He asked.

"Well, you know the various Orders of priests?"

"Not many of our priests subscribe to those, but some do, so yes." That was not the answer I'd expected, but it was a different continent.

"Really? Another time though, he's made sure that their rules were followed when it came to war. When he took over the kingdom I was living in the bloodshed was kept kind of restrained on his end, and there wasn't anything like mass pillaging or rape. I was there at the very end, and he even tried to stop the fighting between the weaker forces in the capital to save lives."

That was all true enough. I'd been in a few places that had almost gotten me killed, but his strikes were often precise. I'd of course learned later that the worst offenders had been terrorists that he'd lost control over, and while they'd done some bad things that did happen during war.

"You sound like you like the guy," Ulanion observed.

"He's not a bad guy, at least he wasn't to me."

"You've met your Emperor?"

"Yes," I answered. "And I think he's genuine. He wants to help, but he will need help."

Ulanion had some questions about our laws, which was understandable. The elves lived pretty differently, as they almost all had some magic, and the potential for growth. When I ran him through the laws before and after, and how I'd lived or what I'd seen under both he didn't seem too unhappy, but he did have concerns.

"If I decide to join you there's no going back for me is there?" He asked.

"Afraid not, at least not for awhile. From what I've seen we'll have to keep our work secret for a few years yet."

"Hmm... I've been thinking I need to explore the other side of my lineage for a few days now. What His Majesty told me shook some of my perceptions about my people and our history. Might be good to see how others live for awhile, and if I don't like it... Well your Emperor is how old?"

"Sixties I think?" I wasn't really sure.

"A couple decades even if he lives long for a human then. Knowing what you know about him now, would you join him if you were given the option? Because you do have the option to leave with me if you want to. We could run off and see this continent instead." The flirting was unexpected, and I felt myself blush a little at that rather forward suggestion.

"I think I would join him if I knew what I did, and while your offer is tempting, I do want to return home."

"Good to know that I'm tempting," he laughed. "Well then, I think I'll join you, see what this Emperor of yours is like with my own eyes."

As we returned to the gate I couldn't help but think about how things might change when we returned.

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