MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 261(Gold Chain Gang Raid Pt II)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 

Author Note: Last chapter I completely forgot Creati is now Genesis, that was an error.



Horizon warps back into the back of a disguised police van, filled with monitors and other devices to coordinate efforts on this raid.

Both officers from the meeting earlier were sitting with their headsets on, watching the screens, patiently waiting as everyone gets into their positions.

Majestic and the students were closing in on the building while the officers already formed a perimeter on nearby rooftops.

Both commanders look over at Horizon as he sits beside them, only to see him with a large cardboard box, gently placing it down on an empty table.

"Got everyone breakfast for after this is done," he says. "It's from this place with great egg sandwiches, hope nobody is allergic."

"You went to get breakfast?" one of the men asks. "I thought you were preparing for the raid too."

"Prepare? I'm already here, not much else to do," Horizon shrugs as he leans back in his chair.

"Sorry if that came off as an insult," the other man says. "It's just, we've even worked with All Might before, and you're very...carefree, compared to what we're used to."

"I took no offense from it, it's understandable to those who don't have the full picture," Horizon says. "But if you had Hand of God, you'd understand. See my Quirk can be flashy, but the most useful aspects of it are all subtle. 

Like the fact that all my cards are outside so if anyone gets hurt I can instantly warp them away. Or the fact that I can feel everything that happens in and around the raid, down to the individual hairs on each person swaying in the wind.

From here, if every gun in that building was fired at once, I could hold every bullet in place with a thought, but if I really wanted to help I'd just stop the triggers and firing pins from moving like I usually do.

So trust me, I'm only this 'seemingly' carefree, because my mind is constantly combing over the entire situation each second, keeping everyone safe."


"It's starting," the other officer says as Team Horizon enters the building and Team Majestic breaks into the tunnel.

After the first tense minute of everything going perfectly, the first officer glances over at Horizon, seeing him still relaxed, "so, can I ask a question?"


"Can you Quirk really do anything?"

"In theory, but it's not in the way most people think. Normally people imagine it like I can just wish for something to happen and it happens, but that's usually not the case."

"Usually?" the second man asks.

"Sometimes you just get lucky," Horizon shrugs. "But it's more like it manipulates the world to my will, but the different things I manipulate are each a skill that must be perfected."

"So even you can't create something from nothing?"

"Not even 'Genesis' can do that," Horizon gestures to the screen.

"So is there a limit?" the man asks. "I mean, you did lose to All For One before."

"It was more like a tie if anything since I'm sure he was asleep for days just like me after that fight, plus if he didn't have months to prepare then ambush me before I knew he existed...I would have won. But still, that was 7 months ago, I'm on an entirely different level now."

"Hmm, what about the doctor thing," the second man asks, glancing away from the monitors for a moment, "can you really heal anything? Because I've had this back pain for a while now and---"


The sound of a gun going off causes both men to get startled and scan through the monitors.

"Crap, the kid got shot!" One of them yells.

"Nothing to be alarmed about," Horizon says. "If I sensed the bullet would be lethal, I would have stopped it..."

---Minutes Earlier...

"I wonder what's taking him so long, he's almost late," Cellophane says.

He was leaning against the back wall of the gang hideout, out of sight alongside Simon, who had three rolls strapped to his back.

They had a similar appearance to black yoga mats but slightly wider.

"Maybe the tunnel had some more guards than we expected," Simon says.

"Nah, he would have alerted us."

"You don't have to be that worried you know, we won't make you look bad in front of your girlfriend."

"Oh I'm not worried about that, she loves me."

"Careful now, with that ego you're starting to sound like Horizon, but if I were you I would be very worried."

Cellophane gives him a curious look, "why do you say that?"

"Well if she's dating you her standards can't be that high in the first place..."

"Hey!" Simon chuckles just as Mudman arrives from around the wall.

"You two ready?" he asks.

"How'd it go with Team Majestic?" 

"All good, they're waiting on us to make some noise."

"Then let's get started," Cellophane grabs Mudman and shoots a length of tape to the roof, quickly taking them both to the top of the building.

Quickly ascending to the rooftop, they vault over the wall built on the roof to provide the criminals more privacy, and land across from a group of three men playing cards.

"Well uh..." the air gets tense for a moment as Cellophane speaks. "Deal us in?"

All the men immediately draw their short swords and rush the heroes.

Cellophane rushes forward as Mudman drops to one knee and places his palms on the floor.

As reaches within striking distance one of the men prepares to do a wide swing with his blade, only for the concrete floor beneath his foot to become entirely liquid, throwing him off balance.

"Woah!" the man yells, and as he falls the softened material hardens yet again around his foot, sticking him in the floor.

Cellophane takes this chance to backflip into the air while kicking him in the face, and mid air attaches lines of tape to the other men and pulls himself toward them at dizzying speeds.

He plants a kick in each of the remaining men's faces, knocking them out completely.

"So, think they know we're here?" Cellophane asks as he picks up one of the men, taking him to the far wall and taping him to it.

"Well considering their friend's leg was hanging through the ceiling, yeah, they probably know," Mudman says as he helps him stick the other men to the wall.

"Hurry up!" They hear yells from behind the door blocking the stairwell access to the roof. "Something's going on!"

A chorus of yelling greets their ears.

"Oh yeah, they definitely know," Mudman says.

"And this is where the fun begins."

"Horizon is definitely rubbing off on you, just remember, only tape them to the outer walls, don't want anyone drowning," Mudman says before activating his communicator, "Simon, alarms are ringing and they're heading to the roof, you're up..."

As the rooftop brawl began, Simon was still outside the building, simply waiting.

But the moment he got that message he began walking over to the back door, and quickly picked the locks, a useful skill Eraser Head taught him.

Opening the door he hears people rushing upstairs and patiently waits until they all go past him.

"Seal the basement and deal with the heroes!" One of the men yells as Simon listens in. "It's just two of them, we need to hurry before more show up!"

As the man leads another group toward the roof, Simon adjusts his mask to perfectly copy the man's voice.

A few moments later and the first floor is eerily quiet, allowing Simon to walk out unbothered.

Moving slowly he sees the empty warehouse mostly unguarded in panic, only two men at the front door and one at the bottom of the main stairway to the upper floors.

Taking a deep breath he speaks clearly, "is anyone else down here?!" in the copied voice.

It bounces all around the mostly empty warehouse and reaches the three men.

"Is something wrong?!"


"What's going on?!"


Focusing on the three men he mentally commands them to join him at the bottom of the stairs, a new improvement made with his Quirk, one that he keeps away from the cameras.

After the men join him at the stairs he looks at them properly, not seeing any unusual or discerning features, "follow me," he commands.

Walking up the stairs with his new followers, he turns around and unrolls one of the mats.

'I hope Momo was right about these things holding up,' he thinks while unrolling it over the doorway, sealing it shut.

"You, stand here and don't let anyone touch the barricade," he commands one of the men.

As the man takes his place he rushes off toward the other end of the building, "how's the fight going up there?" he asks his allies.

"We're focusing the guys with...super strength...stuff that can...break out," Mudman says between grunts.

"Good, I'm heading to the second doorway right---"


A gunshot rings out through the building.

"Hng!" Simon grunts and immediately takes cover behind a wall, "get down," he commands his followers, and they both lay on the floor.

Taking a few deep breaths he focuses on his Quirk, focuses on not losing his control, now more thankful that even for all the grueling 'training' Horizon put him through to make his pain threshold that much higher.


Another shot goes off, directly into the concrete wall at his back.

"Simon?!" Mudman yells.

"I'm fine, focus on your fight," Simon says.

He glances out from cover for only a moment, then moves back just in time for a bullet to go flying past his head.

"Seriously?! Not just using a gun, but shooting me in the back! How can you be such a coward?!"



Simon breathes a sigh of relief.

"If there was anyone else on the floor with you, before me and these three came up the stairs, fire your gun into the air."

He waits for a moment, and after hearing nothing he peeks out to see the man standing there like a statue, revolver in hand.

"Honestly surprised it took this long before I got shot," Simon says with a groan as he walks up to the man, hand on the bullet hole in his shoulder. "But I'm guessing Horizon is gonna make me do a lot more training because of you...thanks a lot for that, jerk," he takes the gun from the man.

"Follow me," he commanded the men who were laying on the floor before running to the second stairwell.

As he gets to it he looks at one of the men and hands him the barricade, "seal this doorway behind us," he says, before taking the last man down the stairs with him.

After double checking to make sure the barricade was properly sealed, he speaks to his allies.

"Mudman, second floor is sealed up, I'm taking one of these guys to show me to the boss's office, I'll go collect all the data I can while you two have some fun."

"Copy, and for the record, I feel like I'm the only one on this team who doesn't see fighting villains as 'having fun'..."

"Don't be such a stick in the mud," Simon says as he rushes into the basement with his last follower.

While he was moving to the next step, on the roof Mudman and Cellophane were fighting almost two dozen men, each wielding swords.

But now both Mudman and Cellophane had taken a sword each, and were holding off the men when they got Simon's message.

"Yeah, 'stick in the mud', very funny," Mudman groans as he and Cellophane inch their way to the far wall.

All along the far wall were men either taped to it or sunken into it, there were no unconscious bodies on the floor at all, by design.

"Now!" Mudman yells out as Cellophane jumps onto the edge of the wall.

He takes this moment to crouch down and use his Softening Quirk on the entire floor.

By now all the men were aware of his Quick, especially since it wasn't much of a mystery judging from his name.

But what they didn't expect was for the floor beneath them to not have the consistency of mud, but of water.

The entire thing fell away instantly, and by running his Quirk through the small platform he left for himself to stand on, down the outer wall and through the building.

When they harshly landed on the fourth floor in the building, it immediately developed the consistency of wet mud.


The men scream as they fall down to the third floor of the building, all the columns, furniture, anything but the outer walls of the building were immediately liquified.

And as the men impacted the third floor, that too fell away beneath their feet, dropping them directly down to the second floor, with up to their shoulders in gray muddy water.

The window of the buildings break as liquified matter begins flowing out, but the sealed doors ensure it stayed at atleast waist level.

"Net Shots!" Cellophane yells out as he launches some premade nets of take from his suit, blanketing the either group in it and making it more difficult for them to get up.

"Looks like pretty much everyone is standing up now, no risk of them suffocating," Mudman says as he deactivated his Quirk, instantly returning all the liquified matter to its solid state, locking the men in place.

As the men are complaining about being entirely stuck in concrete, as if it were poured over them and hardened instantly, Mudman and Cellophane look at each other and nod.

"Pretty good plan huh?" Mudman asks.

"Making a four story building into a concrete swimming pool, didn't know you could do that."

"You two aren't the only ones making progress you know, I was a recommended student after all."

"Oh yeah, you're so normal that sometimes I forget," Cellophane shrugs. "Now let's get to the boss fight before team Majestic..." he leaps off the building and swings down to the main entrance in a hurry.

Mudman rolls his eyes as he softens the wall behind him, then softens a handhold before sliding down by constantly softening the wall below his hand while hardening the wall above him.

"And then he wonders why Horizon was so hesitant to let him team up with her..."


Lost my sanity and found it back rewriting this fight, hence the chapter being a bit later, sorry about that...

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