MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 262(Golden Chain Gang Raid Pt III)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"Alright, Team Horizon just went in," Majestic says to his team.

Beside him Lizardy, Creati, and Rule were standing ready, looking down into a hole Mudman made for them in this alleyway.

He'd liquified the material between the surface and the tunnel below to give them a quiet entry.

"Lizardy, you're up," Majestic says.

Hearing this she closes her left eye, and her right eye socket with the eyeball still in it detaches from her body, floating in the air.

"Looks like the tunnel is dark," Lizardy says as her eye floats down the hole. One of her ears then detaches and follows it. "Can't hear anything either...oh, I see light in the distance, toward the main base."

"Well it should be clear enough for us to enter without being noticed, we just have to get to their armory and seal it up," Majestic says. "Everyone on."

With a wave of his hand he creates four prismatic rings of energy as large as manhole covers for them to hop onto.

Quickly taking everyone into the tunnel the rings provide light to see the roughly cut stone surrounding them.

"Definitely some kind of Quirk to make this," Majestic says as he carries them toward the base.

As he does Creati makes a small steel square, the size of her palm, and hands it to Rule.

She activates her Quirk on the item and drops it behind them, suddenly expanding it until it completely seals the tunnel.

"Alright, get ready for a fight," Majestic says quietly as they reach the main base.

They stop and quietly peek out, seeing only 8 men there preparing to move upstairs, arming themselves with swords and knives.

Majestic looks at his team, and they all share a nod before bursting into the room.

"Magic!" Majestic yells as he forms some prismatic energy rings, breaking away from his students and drawing all the enemy attention onto himself.

One of the men instantly reacts and punches in his direction, and out from his fist fires a stream of high pressure water.

Majestic continues moving, right past a pillar that the stream cleanly slices through before impacting the energy ring.

Majestic wastes no time in creating another ring beneath this man and launching him upward, crushing him against the ceiling until he was knocked out.

Two more men instantly recognize the Pro Hero and rush over to him, one of them growing slightly as his muscles bulge and expand, the other fires lasers from his mouth at Majestic.

"Lizardy, full sweep!" Majestic commands.

Hearing this Lizardy immediately rushed to the door while breaking into 70 pieces, all of which entered the hallway and spread throughout the base, leaving her head and an arm hovering in the corner of this room.

She hides her head and arm from the fight while closing her one remaining eye, focusing on her pieces and the information they collect.

Focusing on how the air hits them and how her cells react, creating a vague radar map of as much of the base as possible in real time to know where people are moving.

Helped immensely by already knowing where the hallways and rooms are thanks to Horizon.

'He makes processing information look easy,' Lizardy thinks as the map forms in her mind. 'Nobody knows this fight is going on yet, they're all still focusing on Team Horizon. If we've got 8, then they could be fighting almost 30 guys...I hope Juzo will be ok.'

As she's doing that, Rule is fighting two of the remaining men.

One of them seems ordinary, rushing her while flailing about with his blade.

Seeing this she grabs a nearby metal chair and throws it at him, activating her Quirk the moment she makes contact.

So as he tried to swat it away, the chair became 15 times larger and heavier, slamming into him like a metal wall and knocking him out.

Just before it was about to entirely crush him she deactivated her Quirk, leaving it to gently lay atop the unconscious man who was now bleeding from his head.

As this happened the other man who was focusing on her shot a bolt of fire out his palm, Rule barely dodges it, almost losing some of her hair in the process.

Two more shots fly toward her before she hides behind a pillar.

Seeing her hide behind the pillar the man smiles and raises both hands, forming a large fire bolt between his palms, taking all of his effort to make an attack that would certainly cause grave injuries to any of the heroes present.

"Just come out and I'll make it quick, you're outnumbered anyway, heck, maybe I'll just let you go after we've all had some fu---"

Rule suddenly pops one hand out from behind cover and throws a small object at the man.

He wastes no time in releasing his attack, but as the fire continues moving forward, the item expands into a massive metal net, not melted, but now quite hot.

"Argh!" he screams as the red hot steel slams into his body and face, burning his skin even through his minor fire resistance.

As he falls to the ground Rule then activates her Quirk again, shrinking the net and capturing the screaming man.

While that fight was happening, Creati had three enemies of her own to deal with.

The first man lunges at her with his sword, intending to skewer her, but with some deft footwork and redirection, she not only trips him but stabs him in the shoulder with his own sword on the way down.

"Ahh!" he screams before she kicks him in the face, knocking him out.

She quickly leaps to the side, avoiding a set of sharp steel fingernails, almost a a foot -30cm- long.

This man had long sharp steel fingernails on each hand, and was ready to rush her down and shred her to pieces.

Seeing this she quickly reaches into one of the pouches on her costumes and withdraws a Creati themes handgun.

The barrel was oddly thing with most of the material being in the handle, and on each side of the handle there is a small hole.

The man hesitates as he sees the weapon, but a tennis ball sized chunk of ice snaps him out of it when it's launched toward Creati.

She barely dodges it before glancing at her other opponent who was making them in his right hand.

"Stupid toys won't save you!" the man with sharp nails yells while rushing toward her.

"These aren't toys," she says calmly before firing twice.

But instead of the usual 'Bang' they expected, each shot was accompanied by a 'Pshhh!' sound.

This creation was designed by David Shield himself to utilize a unique mini air compression system in the weapon.

The intake hole on the handle facing away from her palm takes in air, and the intake hold against her palm takes in the ammo she makes for it.

The trigger determines how much air is used per shot depending on how far she squeezes it down, but the weapon can only hold one shot at a time which means she has to create ammo between shots.

But when she needs versatility instead of power, this is perfect.

Since the two shots she made this time immediately slammed into the man's hands and began expanding into a grey foam, hardening as it was exposed to the air.

"What the---!" The man gets kicked in the face as he realizes his hands have become useless with the insulation.

Creati immediately spins around and aims her gun at the man who launched ice at her, just as he's aiming an ice spike directly at her.

And they both freeze for a moment, holding their breaths as they're in a standoff.

The man looks into Creati's eyeless mask, but on her body he finds not a drop of hesitation or fear.

And in his eyes, she sees the soul of a man that easily takes lives.

But this, this was never a duel.

"MAGIC!" Majestic's yell is followed by the large brawny man he was fighting crashing into the ice user, knowing him out and sending them both into the far wall.

Creati lowers her gun, noticing all the fighting was now over, "well, that was almost fun," she says.

"Yeah, almost, but it's not quite over yet," Majestic says as he walks up to her, gesturing at the brawny man.

"What's his Quirk?" Creati asks.

"Some kind of generic muscle Quirk, but it makes him such an annoying sandbag, do you mind?"

"It's no problem at all sir," Creati says as she takes aim at the man.

As he gets onto his feet and begins rushing at them, then fires a shot directly at his mouth.

Just before impact it capsule activates, and as it enters his mouth the foam expands blocking all his airways.

The man drops to the floor as he suffocates, writhing in pain.

Seeing this Majestic frowns, "I meant immobilize him, not...this."

"But this is more efficient, it only takes one shot this way," Creati points out.

"See this is what happens when you spend too much time with a certain someone," Lizardy teases as he head floats out of hiding.

"Heroes have to also consider how we take down our enemies," Majestic says, even as the man is still writhing on the floors. "It's an inherent disadvantage we face, but that's the cost of being a Pro Hero. But I think it might be evened out by the fact that we have entire schools that teach us compared to villains that just have to figure it out themselves."

"I know that, but it's just, well, no, nevermind," Creati says as Rule approaches the now unconscious man and taps the insulation, shrinking it into her hand so he can breathe properly. "Lets just restrain these men and get to the boss."

After taking a few minutes to properly restrain all these men, Team Majestic leaves the room and begins following the fully reformed Lizardy down the hallways.

"We need to get to the lower levels, that's where the last fight is happening," she says.

"Last fight, what about upstairs?" Majestic asks.

"That finished a while ago, they took down everyone else and are about to head for the main guy, Shi--- Simon is copying all this gang's data before he joins them."

"Wow, no wonder you girls were nervous about looking bad in front of them, these kids are better than a lot of Pro Heroes," Majestic says. "Now I get why Horizon is willing to sideline himself instead of just joining the fight."

"Yeah they're pretty cool," Lizardy says.

"How long before Simon joins the fight?" Creati asks. "With his Quirk he could end it instantly."

"Not sure, but they reported that he got shot," Lizardy says.

"What?!" both Creati and Majestic yell while Rule's eyes wide.

"In the shoulder," Lizardy says. "But he lost a lot of blood, that will affect his concentration, and his Quirk."

"Either way we have a job to do," Majestic says as they quickly approach the fight, the sound of stone breaking already reaching their ears.

"They prevented his escape, no we simply need to apprehend him," Creati says as she readies her guns.

"Get ready!" Majestic yells as they approach the door. "Magic!"

He forms a ring of prismatic energy then shifts it into a bolt of energy, blasting open the heavy steel door.

They all rush into the room and are immediately greeted by a large golden chain, seemingly constructed of energy, whipping directly toward them...


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