MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 279(Expanding The Circle)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"Front Gate Opening," Law's security system speaks through the entire house before its quickly silenced.

Laying facedown in bed he stirs awake, and with a wave of his hand all the lights in his bedroom turn on while the mechanized curtains slide open, revealing his backyard with the ocean at the base of the hill.

"Ugh," he groans while sitting up, taking in the view from his home that he rarely uses. "Almost forgot what it's like to be Law," his stomach growls, shifting his focus to more pressing matters.

"Need breakfast," he gets out of bed and enters his private bathroom to get ready for the day, all while extending his senses.


He suddenly feels the movement of every leaf for miles around him, every drop of water breaking apart from the waves crashing against the shore nearby, he could feel the air being pushed aside with every movement his houseguests make.

It was, intoxicating, yet also calming, having such precision and control at his will.

"No more headaches," he smiles, resting a hand on his chest. "And I'm even stronger now than I was yesterday, I've fully adjusted."

He stands in front of the mirror, shirtless, checking his tattoos. 

"Don't need to get any of them redone, again," he looks at his right hand.

He moves his right leg a few times, then looks at it carefully, "regenerated in the exact state it was lost, no surprise there."

After brushing his teeth he passes a hand through his hair, still completely normal thankfully, then gets into the shower.

"So, Hand of God is functioning perfectly again, took a bit longer than expected," he says to himself as the water pours over him. "But you'd have to be a psycho to let yourself die for Quirks to adjust, no wonder Nomu are basically undead monsters.

I've got more energy than before, but, nothing I wouldn't have achieved naturally," he raises a hand and activates Booster Shot, causing the energy mist to begin pouring out of him. 

"Feels like, maybe it accelerated my growth by 8 years, maybe 10," Horizon smiles while shutting off his Quirk. "Ok, that's dealt with, I'm back to full power. Now I need to just get to my Quirk Awakening."

As he says that he takes a deep breath, activating his Quirk, but the moment the Room begins to form in the middle of his chest, he stifles the instinct.

As if forcing his own nature to change he attempts to shift the origin point of his Room, raising his hand and guiding it to his palm.

But as he does so, it simply causes a geyser of healing energy to erupt from his palm, so dense it erupts almost to the ceiling before falling down as glowing blue liquid.

He quickly shuts off his Quirk, "definitely need more practice with that," he finishes his shower and dries off, getting dressed in a pair of black shorts, leaving his chest bare.

"Projects for later, I need to focus on my new abilities and liberating my current ones first," he says while walking out of the room, taking a casual stroll downstairs toward the living room. 

halfway down the stairs he stops, then frowns, "if I have to leave Japan, moving Matani Industries's main office will be a real pain in the ass," he mutters before walking downstairs.

Walking into the living room he sees Nezu casually tapping away on his phone, drinking a cup of tea as he sits on the couch.

On the coffee table is a small metal case, clearly reinforced, and a large binder, thicker than a text book, hundreds of pages waiting to be read.

Across from Nezu on one of the single seats is Enji Todoroki, drinking a cup of coffee, looking around awkwardly as he taps his foot.

As Law enters the room he looks at them, and Enji isn't sure what's about to happen, but Nezu just keeps drinking his tea.

Then he walks past them toward the kitchen.

A minute later he walks back into the room with a glass of liquor and two breakfast sandwiches they'd brought for him, along with some of his meal bars.

Taking a seat on the couch opposite Nezu he leans back and begins eating.

After a moment of silence Nezu speaks, "you don't have my brand," he says between sips of tea. "This is terrible."

"Firstly, I don't really drink tea, and secondly, nobody lives here, I just have people clean the place and make it looked lived in," Law says as he continues eating.

"It's terrible."

"Then stop drinking it."

"I already poured it," Nezu says before he grumbles, "I should have brought some of my tea..."

Enji just awkwardly looks between them, not sure what to do, so he tries to break the ice, "the coffee is good," he says.

"Oh, did you want something stronger?" Law raises his glass, gesturing to it.

"Uh, fire and alcohol is a bad mixture," Enji says. "Also, I thought you were 16, aren't you?"

"17 next month," he says before taking another sip.Law quickly finishes both sandwiches and leans back to eat the meal bar. "So, what did I miss?"

"What do you remember?" Nezu asks.

"Everything, but I've been asleep for," he looks at the clock on the wall, seeing it's 3pm, "22 hours."

"And now you're...fine?" Nezu asks.

"Better than ever," Law's eyes flash bright blue for a moment before he continues eating. "Any updates from Pantu?"

"That's what we're here to discuss," Nezu says. "She's, terrified, I'm sure."

"For good reason," Law says. "I did tell her if she stabs me in the back I'd---" he glances at Enji. "---be very unhappy."

Noticing Enji is awkwardly just staring at Law, Nezu puts his tea down, "well we should get this out of the way first, now another person knows who you are, and that the excuse of needing your Body Glove to survive isn't true."

"Well, technically I only said 'Horizon can't exist' without it, never said I'd die," Law shrugs. "But anyway, Enji, thanks for the help at the end of the fight, and not being blinded with rage over the whole, well, you know," Law gestures to Enji's missing arm.

"I trust you'd bring it back eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later," Enji says. "As for your identity, I never believed the excuse of needing that suit. But whatever deal you have with the government is not my business."

"Yet you helped," Nezu says.

"Japan needs Horizon," Enji says plainly. "But, Law Matani, really?"

"What's wrong with me?" Law asks, feigning offense.

"Well, a lot of Japan loves you, but a lot of people also think you're some kind of new age mafia boss."

Neither Law or Nezu deny it, causing Enji's concern to grow.

"This isn't inspiring confidence," Enji says.

"Well, let's just focus on the important things," Law says. "How much does the public hate you?"

"They don't hate you that much," Nezu says. "But take a look at how scared they are," he slides the metal case forward.

Law opens it to see a new phone, and the moment he touches it the screen turns on, cloning everything from his destroyed phone onto it.

"Nope," Law immediately puts down the phone as it begins vibrating in his hand, flooded by all the notifications.

It vibrates against the glass table, making so much noise that he simply commands it to float in the air above the table.

"So, people aren't happy with me I'm guessing."

"Mt. Lady is jumping up the rankings after punching you," Enji says. "That should speak for itself."

"She basically punched a god in the face," Law nods, somewhat impressed. "That's pretty heroic."

"You let her punch you, that was the most surprising thing," Nezu says.

"People were already nervous enough, and I earned that hit," Law says. "I'm not unreasonable, you know that."

"Oh I know, which is what I've told Pantu, even if she'll never believe me."

"I told her if I mess up then I'd just walk away, no bad blood between us, and I think the entire world can see I messed up, so where do we go from here?"

"The People of Japan VS Horizon," Nezu gestures to the binder on the table.

Law takes it and begins reading, "I got lucky, if I wasn't listed as a National Asset like you, she could have just expelled me from the Pro Hero program immediately."

"But this will also raise the question of whether or not you 'National Assets' should be treated with the level of sovereignty you already have," Enji says. "Speaking of being expelled, will UA still keep him?" 

"Ofcourse," Nezu says. "So long as you manage to win this case, otherwise my hands are tied."

"That will bring a lot of bad attention onto UA," Enji says.

"I will deal with that, as I always do," Nezu says. "Now, Enji and I will most likely be called upon, alongside Aizawa, but he will refuse, so we need you to tell us exactly what happened during the Gigantomachy."

"Fuck," Law sighs and sinks down into the chair. "We should get Pantu in on this, she'll most likely be requested to testify on my behalf."

"She's expecting our call," Nezu says as Law floats his still vibrating phone to his hand.

"Wait, should I leave?" Enji says. "I mean, of course I'll testify if asked, but, I feel as if I'm about to get involved in something I would want no part of."

"Too late, you've seen my face," Law says, casually. "You learning a bit more won't change anything now, no matter what you divulge the consequences for you will be the same."

"What consequences?" Enji asks.

"President Pantu is scared of me, so what do you think?" Law gives him a shrug as realizations dawns on Enji.

"Oh, I see," Enji sighs. "Well if I'm stuck either way, it's best I know as much as possible to best navigate this mess."

"Exactly," Law says as he's about to call Pantu, only for his phone to start vibrating again. "Seriously..."

He denies the call but sends a quick message before going back to calling Pantu.

"Telling your classmates you're alright?" Nezu asks.

"No, my team should know I'm fine," Law says. "I was responding to Ryuko, she's been bombarding me this entire time."

"And how is she handling this entire…event."

Law shrugs, "I'll call her later."

"So you and Ryukyu were really a thing?" Enji asks.

Nezu shakes his head, "no, a different pro hero name Ryukyo."

Before Enji can respond, Pantu's voice speaks through Horizon's phone, "are we in a secure location?" she asks.

"Yeah, and the line is so secure you can't even track it, but you'll still try."

"One thing at a time," Pantu says. "Firstly, regarding our contract..."


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