MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 280(Expanding The Circle II)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"So...does anyone else feel like I shouldn't be here?" Enji asks as Law begins reading the documents.

"Not really much of a choice for you," Law says. "You already know my face and who I am, which Pantu probably tried to get out of you but you didn't say because you're not that stupid, so now you're here."

"And having the current #1 Pro Hero on our side will make the courtroom matters that much easier," Pantu says. "I can't imagine they wouldn't call you as a character witness to speak about him."

"I see, so what should I know? If I'm going to speak about this then I can't simply go in blindly, especially after what you did yesterday," Enji says.

Law glances up at Nezu, then back down to the documents.

"It's your life, tell him as much as you'd like," Nezu says.

Law thinks it over for a moment, then sighs, "ok, fine, so, I'm not really interested in being a hero."

"I always knew that," Enji says.

"Becuase, my parents are Arsenal and The Heart Thief---"

Enji chokes on his coffee, coughing a few times, "they're what?"

"Hey you're in no position to judge, one of your kids is friends with Shigaraki," Law says.

"What?" Nezu looks between them completely confused.

"His son is Dabi," Law gestures to Enji.

"Your son is Dabi?!"

"The DNA sample also had some traces of Nomu blood mixed with his," Enji says. "So All For One likely pushed him deeper into darkness."

"Yeah but he didn't start it," Law says. "Anyway, I'm basically working off their sentences with my Pro Hero stuff."

Enji takes a moment to soak it all in, as does Nezu, then he relaxes back into his chair.

"So, your parents are in Tartarus, that's why you're doing this."

"I moved them from Tartarus," Pantu says. "Horizon claims to be honorable regarding deals he makes, but I couldn't risk it, we need his presence to stabilize the country."

"I see, so if he wasn't a 'National Asset', would you have simply given him a slap on the wrist and let that be the end of this?"

"Ofcourse," Pantu says with no hesitation. "Without him the next time a monster like that shows up there won't be a Japan, that is what you said, right?"

"It is," Enji says. "I just didn't think the corruption would be this blatant, from the beginning too."

"Sometimes the people don't know what's good for them."

"Those words are often used to justify the most cruel decisions," Enji says. "I hope you don't make this kind of thing a habit."

"Horizon is simply that exceptional," Pantu says. "My main concern is what happens if we lose, Horizon?"

"You don't have to worry about that," Law says. "I'll keep my word, you can execute them and I'll just go to whatever country makes me the best offer."

"Assuming you don't get some kind of prison time as a punishment," Enji says. "That would be a way of keeping you away from the public but within Japan, a 'Break glass in case of emergency' type situation."

"Mmmm," Law grumbles. "Well whatever punishment they decide, I've earned, but I'd hope they're smarter than trying to lock me up."

"Nobody is that dumb," Pantu says. "Everyone knows the international pressure of having someone that can cure anything being locked in a hole would ruin Japan's standing on the world's stage. This case is all about whether or not the people trust you to continue acting as a Pro Hero without having another mental breakdown."

"The last thing anyone wants is you intentionally trying to hurt people," Enji says. "Have you ever done that, trying to kill people?"

Law feigns offense, "what you think just because of who my mom is that I'm some kind of trained killer?"

"Uh, no, I just meant---" Law cuts off his sputtering with a quiet laugh.

"I'm messing with you, she trained me in everything she knows, as I've mentioned before, let's leave it at that," Law says.

"Oh, I see," Enji goes back to quietly drinking his coffee.

"Now can we get to the important things please," Pantu says. "Can you give us an assurance that you won't have another episode like that? I'd hate to imagine you turning that kind of power against a civilian population…again."

"It won't happen again, that's just a little barrier I had with my Quirk," Law says.

"Hand Of God, the Quirk you refuse to give proper details on, I respected that before but after this, I need some answers."

" fair," Law says begrudgingly. "It's a bit difficult to understand unless you experience it yourself, but, imagine my Quirk as the ability to understand things around me, and myself. This includes energy, radiation, and if I push my senses, light, but that's still really hard to do.

When I use an ability it's me giving the world an instruction, but each command takes a certain amount of my stamina, some more than others. Demanding change from the world takes the most, so at first my warping was so inefficient I could only do it once per day, and not even far enough to get to another room.

As I was growing up and constantly training, the barriers became more mental as my body could store more energy within it. Techniques became easier to grasp but still nearly impossible to a regular person's understanding.

I don't even know how I'd begin explaining what Shambles and Amputate really do if I was asked, so I often just say they're spatial and leave it at that. But after fighting All For One, I put my training into overdrive.

I worked harder and grew faster than ever before, but it was like I had a wall instinctually built into my Quirk, preventing me from accessing all the power I'd been developing, and I needed a push to break through it."

"Gigantomachia gave you the push when he killed you," Enji says. "And you woke back up with your brain running on pure instinct, that's why you couldn't use any of the abilities that require a more refined thought process."

"Well I didn't actually die, but I was close enough to trigger it, yeah," Law says. "And now I'm stronger than ever, and I can assure you that will never happen again."

"While I trust your word on this," Nezu says. "The public isn't as logical, and fear is currently ruling them."

"They aren't wrong to be afraid, especially considering what you did so casually to the second most powerful hero in Japan," Enji gestures to his own arm. "But they are thinking too short-term, not realizing that if Gigantomachia could be made, another one is imminent."

"People are stupid, nothing new there," Law takes a sip of his liquor. "Don't suppose if this goes bad we can cut another deal?"

"Unfortunately I've already been putting my job, my life, and the trading relationships of the entire nation at risk by keeping your parents alive," Pantu says. "Did you mom really have to make half the U.N. personally hate her?"

Law shrugs, "she was just very good at her job, it comes with the trade."

"How many people know they're still alive," Enji asks. "You made a false announcement that they were executed over a year ago, is that secret safe?"

"Aside from the people in this conversation, nobody knows who those 'mysterious prisoners' were, only that they had to move them," Pantu says. "That's why we didn't reveal any names or faces."

At this moment Law finishes reading the documents and shakes his head, "ok, so I'm fucked."

"That was my initial thought, yes," Pantu says. "But we have a few days to prepare, ideally they announce which judge will be presiding over this matter and I can leverage my connections."

"That's highly illegal," Enji says.

"I am the government," was her simple response. "If I can get him to hand this matter over to the HPSC then I'll simply sweep this away."

"That could cost you your job if Prime Minister Bosu disagrees," Nezu says.

"What happens to them if you lose your job?"

The line is silent for a while before Pantu speaks again, "Nevermind, If I lose my job all the files will be passed onto my successor, including all the secrets holding Japan together."

"Bosu will insist on some punishment for Horizon," Enji says. "He became president by promising the people that Pro Heroes would have a tighter leash, this flies in the face of his promises."

"This is a real mess I got myself into," Law mutters. "Normally I'd just call up America's president and have him give me a hand, but if anything they want me to lose this case so I take his offer."

"Is that where you'll be going if we lose?" Pantu asks.

"Well, it's a really really good offer, I don't even have to do anything, just be in the country," Law shrugs.

After a few more minutes of talking, Pantu got an important update.

"The official number from the battle just got to my desk," she says.

Enji's heart sinks into his chest as a grim look forms on his face, "how bad was it."

"Confirmed dead, 470,000, confirmed injured, at least 7 million, the numbers are climbing by the second since more bodies are being found, and more reports of missing people are still coming in."

"Is that news public yet?" Law asks.

"No, and it won't be until the trial is over, I'll delay it," Pantu says.

"Thanks," Law takes another sip of his drink, looking mostly unbothered, while Enji can't even fathom loss of life on such a scale.

He gets up and begins walking to the kitchen, "I need more food," was all he said before leaving the room.

As Enji sits alone once again with Nezu, he looks over at his former school principal who was cutely drinking his tea.

"Does this not bother you at all?" Enji asks.

"Letting the past bother you is a large part of why you humans can't step forward together," Nezu says. "I prefer to look to the future, a future where Horizon will save many more lives than this calamity has taken."

Enji sighs, "you're really hopeful, as expected from the principal of the worlds best Hero Course."

"You know you could visit sometime, maybe be a guest teacher like Thirteen," Nezu suggests. "Having the three greatest Pro Heroes in the history of Japan on one campus would be quite something."

"Horizon isn't fully a Pro Hero yet Nezu," Pantu reminds him.

"True, but he's already better..."


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