MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 281(Divergent Thoughts)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


---Minato Tokyo, 11 PM...

Ryuko Tsuchikawa, formerly known as the Pro Hero Pixie-Bob, sits alone on a train after being sent home early from her workplace.

She idly scrolls on her phone, but ever so often glances around at the entirely empty train.

"This is actually pretty nice," she mutters, enjoying the subway being completely empty rather than the usual crowds.

The train slows and eventually stops at the main Minato Tokyo station, and she steps out before smoothing out her outfit.

Her simple dark blue long skirt and matching long-sleeved shirt appear perfect as always, and holding her purse in hand she quickly makes her way to the streets above.

She makes it all the way to the surface without so much as seeing a single person on her path. As she gets to the street above there are no cars on the road, only an eerie silence of the once alive city lays still.

She looks to the east, seeing Horizon Tower standing proudly in the middle of the city, directly in the middle of this long main street for all to see.

Once a beacon of hope, now transformed into a symbol of fear and uncertainty.

In the hours after the Gigantomachy, the area around Minato Tokyo had effectively shut down. Businesses and residences were sealed up as everyone got as far away from Horizon Tower as possible, aside from the mobs still protesting at the foot of it.

A forlorn look claims her face as she sighs and turns her back to it, walking to her apartment.

She slows her pace and lifts her phone to her ear, returning a call she got late last night, and before it can ring a second time the person answers.

"Ryuko!" the voice of an older woman comes through the phone. "Did something happen?!"

Ryuko sighs, "no mom, I was just calling to let you know the office is closed today, until further notice it seems."

"Good, then you can get out of that place before he comes back, you should come home, I haven't seen you in months."

"I'll call Shino and find out what I can, she said the mountain resort has been full for the first time since the League Of Villains attacked it, so they may need an extra pair of hands."

"That's good, the more heroes around you the better," her mom says.

"I really don't think any amount would help," Ryuko admits. "But I know you've been worried about me staying in Tokyo, so I was just calling to let you know I'm on my way home to pack, looks like our office was the last to run away."

She looks around at all the buildings boarded up or simply closed, the bustling streets of Minato Tokyo now transformed into a ghost town in less than a day.

"Right, just get as far away from that place as possible, call me later before you leave."

"I will, and how are things back home?"

"Mmm, lots of new people in Hokkaido, too many. But the shop is busier than ever," her mom says. "Do you know if things will be changing soon?"

"No idea mom, I'm not a Pro Hero anymore so they don't update me on that kind of stuff," Ryuko says. "Shino says the Hero Network is put on high alert, everyone is expected to respond if something happens, even the Rescue Heroes."

"Oh..." her mother hesitates for a moment. "Will you go help if they need it?"

Ryuko stops walking for a moment, looking back at Horizon Tower in the distance, "well, if he goes crazy again there isn't any point in me going, but if it's something less dangerous and my team is involved, maybe..."

Her mother chuckles softly, "still my little hero."

Ryuko sighs, rolling her eyes, "alright mom, I need to call Shino, I'll give you another call before I leave."

"Ok, I'll be waiting," the woman says before ending the call.

Ryuko sighs and looks down at the phone, "yeah, hero, tell that to La Brava..."

After another minute of walking, when her apartment building is within view, she calls Shino.

"Hey, what's up?" Mandalay's voice reaches her ear the moment the call connects. "Things are a bit busy here today so I can't talk long."

"Uh, right, I was wondering if you could use another pair of hands, my office is clearing Tokyo until this mess is over," Ryuko says.

"That'd be great actually, all the nearby towns are busy too so lots of people are just coming to the hot springs for a few hours," Mandalay says. "Oh, and can you grab me some stuff on the way here, I'll send you a list."

"Sure thing, I'll be there in a few hours."

"Great, see you then!" Mandalay hangs up and presumably gets back to work.

As the call ends Ryuko is already entering her high-end apartment building, taking the elevator up to the 43rd floor, still having not seen another person on her journey home.

As she enters and locks the door behind her, turning on the lights, she quickly takes off her heels and breathes a sigh of relief.

She immediately walks over to the kitchen to make herself some tea, and as the electric kettle is on begins walking to her room.

As she's passing through the hallway she notices light out of the corner of her eye, and is immediately on edge.

She places a hand on the wall while walking toward the living room, quietly and slowly, ready to activate her Quirk at any moment.

Only to relax as she looks into the room, "let me guess, you found the spare key?" Ryuko asks as she moves to take a seat, glaring at Horizon who was sitting watching the muted news.

"Something like that, do you like the new apartment?" he asks without even looking at her.

"Seriously?" Ryuko folds her arms across her chest, taking a single seat across from him. "You drop a city from the sky, disappear for almost an entire day, don't answer any calls, send me a 'I'll call you later' text and never bother to call, then break into my home, and that's all you have to say."

"Well, how is it?" he looks over at her.

Ryuko just glares even harder at him, "it's amazing, thank you, again. But why are you here now, didn't even call me..."

"I was, busy, dealing with some things."

"Getting ready for court in two days I assume."

"Yeah, pretty much," he goes back to looking at the TV. "It's been, distracting."

Hearing how unsure he sounds Ryuko's gaze softens, "what's wrong?"

"Are you...scared of me now?"

Ryuko looks taken aback by that question, "what?"

"Everyone is scared of me," he gestures to the news which is once again updating people on the status of the battlefield. "They don't know what to do with me anymore."

"Well I'm not everyone," Ryuko says. "I'm just...upset. It was scary, you know, watching someone you love get hurt like that and then they disappear without a word, how'd you expect me to feel?"

"Right, sorry, I should have atleast called," Horizon says. "How have you been dealing with all of this?"

"I don't have anything to deal with, at least compared to you," Ryuko moves to sit beside him, looking directly at him. "But why are you here, when you should be getting ready for court, or healing people you hurt, or looking for bodies, or doing anything else, why?"

They sit in silence for a minute.

Then he takes her hand, "because, I have so much to do, so many options, but for the first time in my life I don't know what to do...and you're the only person I can really talk to, I don't have anyone else."

Hearing him so lost and confused nearly breaks her heart, "Nezu---"

"---sees me as a weapon to use against evil, we're friendly but...that's all there is to it."

"Well, what do you want to be?"

"Happy," Horizon says. "But, I don't think my original plan is the only option for that anymore, and that's what scares me."

"What was the original plan?" Ryuko asks.

"Be a Pro Hero for a while, finish the contract, retire and disappear forever, start a family of my own."

"And what changed about that?"

"I um, didn't count on enjoying being a Pro Hero, but part of me likes it," Horizon says. "Maybe not actually helping people, but the way they worship me, the perks it brings, like being allowed to freely use my Quirk in public, it's intoxicating..."

"You're scared of going back to hiding in the shadows?" Ryuko asks.

"I'm just...unsure, but depending on what the judge decides, I could lose my chance to be a Pro Hero here, in Japan at least."

"And what would you lose if that happens, is being in Japan that important to you?"

"No, but, that would make me break my contract and...I'd lose some very important things if that happens."

"And losing those things scares you?"

"That's the worst part," Horizon says. "I thought the idea of losing them would scare me, but...part of me doesn't mind that happening."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Because, they wanted me to move forward without them, and live life on my own terms, so I know it's what they'd want..."

"But you just can't let go of them," Ryuko leans against him. "Hand of God changes the world around you, but you're so scared of something in yourself changing, it's part of life."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it isn't scary," Horizon says. "Accepting terrifying, more terrifying than fighting Machia', by far."

"Why not simply, go get what you want anyway, even if you didn't earn it?" Ryuko asks. "You're Horizon, nobody can stop you."

"I can stop me," Horizon says. "Family culture stops me, all the lessons my mother taught me about honoring any contract we make, will stop me."

"Sounds painful."

"It is," Horizon reaches forward as if touching the air. "It's like everything you could ever want is right there, and the only thing stopping you from grabbing it, is yourself," he lowers his hand.

"I could never do that," she says as she gives his hand a gentle squeeze, "that's why only you could be Horizon."

"Yeah, I guess you're right..."

After a few more minutes of talking Ryuko makes her tea and changes into more comfortable clothes before returning to her seat.

"This defense doesn't sound promising," Ryuko says after he explains the details of what happened during the Gigantomachy. "I mean you killed a lot of, a lot of people."

"I know."

"And you think saying 'trust me it won't happen again', is a good enough defense?" Ryuko asks. "Even for Horizon that might be pushing the extent of your special treatment."

"Well I'm hoping with Endeavor and Nezu speaking for me that'll help."

"Oh, I won't be called as a character witness right?"

"No, Pantu makes sure nobody knows about us," Horizon reassures her.

"That's a relief," Ryuko says. "But, and I know you probably don't want to think about it...what's the plan if you lose the case?"

"I've already gotten some offers, so it looks like I'll be moving to America."

"Oh, did they beat the offer from Germany?" Ryuko asks.

"Easily, and much better perks," Horizon shrugs.

Hearing this Ryuko puts down her tea and climbs into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, "you know, living in America could be a nice change..."


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