MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 20 – USJ Incident Part III


<Central Square>

Suddenly a mist manifested next to Shigaraki, Shigaraki didn't flinch in the slightest and turned his annoyed gaze towards the mist.

"Are you done playing?" Shigaraki asked with his arms crossed. "Was it so much fun to make the little bastards of UA suffer?"

"Yes, but there's a problem..." Kurogiri reported with regret in his tone. "A student escaped from my hands, currently heading towards the main UA building possibly in search of reinforcements from the Professionals."

"Eh? An idiot escaped? You only had one job Black Fucking Mist!.... This Game Over for us because of you!" Shigaraki exclaimed as he started scratching the back of his head thinking whether to retreat or play a while longer. "And we didn't even meet the conditions for the Final Boss to appear..."

"We have company" Reaper reported suddenly and turning his head towards the two students approaching towards the Plaza. "I have permission to-"

"Do what you want with them, we'll play some more before the Pros show up" Shigaraki said as he stopped scratching the back of his neck and nodded to Reaper. "I don't care what you do, this party is already spoiled."

Reaper nodded before dematerializing into a jet colored mist that rushed towards the unsuspecting students.




Lena and Kyoka who had just arrived at the Central Zone, many unconscious and incapacitated bodies of Villains could be seen, an Eraserhead could also be seen taking a breath as he stared at Shigaraki.

Kyoka whistled. "Looks like Aizawa was busy..."

"...I think he just moved up a notch on my respect scale" Lena murmured as she looked at Aizawa in puzzlement. "Bitter teacher evolves to: Bitter teacher who can kick your ass."

Kyoka simply shook her head at the ridiculous name. "And how-"

"You shouldn't be distracted" Said a cold, deep voice directly that her ear.

Kyoka froze in shock, as she felt as if death itself had given her the eye.

Lena quickly used an Acceleration to move away with Kyoka away from the mysterious black mist.

Lena's heart began to pound as she watched the Grim Reaper himself form out of the mist in flesh and blood, he was dressed in an elegant black robe that covered his entire back, on his chest he seemed to be wearing a kind of black armor with red details, his legs were equipped with metallic boots.

Most terrifying of all was his mask, which seemed to be made of real bone.

His figure was intimidating, it was like looking death in the eye.

Only looking death in the eye.

You know you're dead.

Lena shuddered slightly at the thought before giving the villain a nervous smile "Oh, I don't remember asking for death at home."

"Reaper... that's the name that will take your heads..." Reaper replied as he began to stride towards the girls glaring at Kyoka.

Lena used an Acceleration to appear next to Reaper ready to kick him in the stomach. "Take that!"

But the latter simply grabbed her foot like it was nothing before punching her in the face that shattered her glasses and buried small chunks of video in her face. "AAAGHH!!!"

Lena fell backwards as she clutched her face in pain she couldn't stop screaming and tears streamed down her face. "UUGHHAA!!!"

Reaper never took his eyes off Kyoka as he kept walking oblivious to Lena's agonized screams.

Kyoka's face paled as she took a step back before using her Jacks in hopes to stun her mysterious opponent.

But the hope was in vain, Reaper simply grabbed her Jacks with his hand and pulled them hard causing Kyoka a terrible pain and also bringing her closer to him.

Reaper looked at her like she was trash before kneeing her hard in the stomach leaving her with no air in her lungs before hitting her with a thunderous kick in the back that threw her a few meters away.

Reaper approached where he had thrown Kyoka, the latter sobbing in pain as she watched

Death stare at her unmoving making her succumb to panic. "...p-please... sniff..."

Reaper just bowed as he reached into his robe to pull out-


Lena finally opened her eyes despite the pain to look at Kyoka lying on the floor crying.


Lena used Recoil avoiding the damage to her face and glasses and throwing a furious kick at Reaper who simply dodged to the side. "Get away from her!!!"

Turning his gaze back to Lena, Reaper retorted "And what are you going to do about it?" Provoking Lena to attack him.

And it worked, Lena used Acceleration to kick Reaper in the face.


"Predictable" Reaper said as he dodged the kick.

Lena was trying again combining fists, kicks and anything else she could think of....

But Reaper kept dodging each one of them, sometimes hitting Lena mocking her.

"Why... I can't... hit you!" shouted Lena in frustration, she was breathing with difficulty and anger in her voice, you could see that she was beaten in several parts of her body, it seemed that she could barely stand up because of the several blows. "Son of a bitch!"

Reaper tired of the cat and mouse game, moving faster than Lena had seen Reaper walked up and-

He hit her across the chest with a hard fist that sent her flying not far away.

"...You have an interesting Quirk...I'm sure the Witch will love it..." Reaper muttered under his breath as he nodded to himself. "Let's get it over with-"

"TAKE THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" Shouted a voice behind Reaper.

A large blast of sound went and hit Reaper directly, due to the large vibration his body instinctively dematerialized leaving a shadowy mist floating in the air

"But first let's take care of the little mosquito..."

Kyoka kept playing the guitar with her eyes closed confident that she could stop Reaper, not realizing that behind her a jet mist began to appear....


Lena stood up, staggering from the powerful blow.

She took a deep breath as she looked down at the ground wearily.

And then suddenly panic and fear tackled her.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

Her breathing became unsteady as her knees shook, her blood froze in terror, her heart pounded with fear and her mind filled with panic.

Suddenly she was no longer in USJ, she was back in the capsule.






Suddenly a loud melody brought her back to the world.

Lena looked up, her gaze beginning to look distorted.

She watched as a mist materialized behind Kyoka, pulling out a shotgun aiming for her head in cold blood.


Lena screamed, even as her own existence was lost in time.

For Lena it was as if the world had stopped.

Her eyes turned electric blue.

Tiny blue rays began to emanate from her body.

And before time knew it.

Lena was moving at a speed that defied time itself.

With every step it seemed that her surroundings changed, broke, and she was eternally loved again.

An abandoned USJ.

A meadow of flowers.

A futuristic city.

A field full of fire.

A jungle.

An ocean.






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After who knows how long, Lena finally reached her goal.

A short girl with coiffed black hair, dressed like a cross between a rocker and a civilian, stepped into the path of a point-blank shotgun blast.

But Lena pushed the girl away and took her place from the shot.

After taking her place, Lena couldn't help but wonder who was that girl?

Why did she want to protect her?

Why was she risking her life for someone she didn't know?

But something told Lena it was the right decision.

With a smile, Lena closed her eyes...

And everything moved again.



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