MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 21 – USJ Incident Part IV



Kyoka felt that something pushed her to the side throwing her to the ground.

Dazed she slowly got up from the ground, her body was sore from Reaper's strong blows and she could barely stand up. Looking around she could see that her guitar had a shattered neck so it was now unusable.

'Just perfect...' Shaking her head in resignation she turned her gaze towards the villain who a few seconds ago was fighting with Lena.

But she froze, she could feel the blood leave her face as she watched the scene in front of her.

The villain was pointing a shotgun to the front much of his body covered by a black fog like night, the shotgun seemed to have been fired not long ago by the small smoke coming out of the nozzle.

That scene alone could already paralyze her from the fear of death she felt.


The terrifying thing was Lena's body lying not far from the villain, which was missing half of its head, giving a flat view towards the teeth, skull and brain.

Her body was emitting a lot of small celestial rays that seemed to become more active as time went by.

'No! No! It's not true!'

Kyoka was frozen in place trying to process the scene in front of her, and although her mind couldn't accept what the world was showing her, the tears streaming down her face said otherwise.

"No... this can't.... this can't be happening... no... no..." Murmured Kyoka as she looked down at her friend's lifeless body, her breathing became ragged as she fell to her knees and tears flooded the floor.

"Meddling" Reaper muttered with annoyance.

She started walking towards Kyoka and stopped right in front of her, but Kyoka either didn't give it a thought or was simply so disturbed that she couldn't think of anything else.

Her mind was in absolute chaos, her body trembling miserably reacting to her fear.

"You'd better join her, hadn't you?" Sneered Reaper as he pointed his shotgun at Kyoka's head, but Kyoka just stared at Lena's body. "Goodb-"



<Central Plaza>

Aizawa found himself in a battle against Shigaraki, he had to admit that the villain knew how to fight at least.

"I thought you'd be more skilled than this, Eraserhead" Shigaraki provoked as he dismissed his stance and went back to scratching his neck thoughtfully. "Well, that was to be expected from a mini-boss."

"So you're going to show off...well, that works for me...but tell me, you're the strong one in this aren't you?" Aizawa asked before shooting off towards Shigaraki, Shigaraki tried to touch Aizawa but Aizawa tied a hand on him before flipping in the air and landing on his feet on Shigaraki's back, pinning him down. "I must say I'm disappointed... "


The sound of a gunshot caught Aizawa's attention as he tried to look in his direction, but...

"Don't get cocky, Hero" Shigaraki replied in annoyance from the ground before he used his other hand to disintegrate Eraser's scarf taking advantage of his distracted state. "I haven't stopped playing with you yet..."

Eraser tried to defend himself from the sudden attack but Shigaraki grabbed his shoulder and began to disintegrate it as well, reacting quickly Eraser punched him in the face and took distance before taking a deep breath to suppress the pain.

'Shit... my arm is useless now...' Eraser thought briefly looking at his arm before looking back at Shigaraki with narrowed eyes. 'If I manage to immobilize his arms-'

"By the way..."

Suddenly a large shadow appeared at Eraser's side and pinned his arm until it broke off completely

"I'm not "The Strong One" here"



"Thirteen! Thirteen! Answer!"

The shouts of the students echoed through the entrance of USJ as they surrounded one person.

This person was none other than Thirteen, the Space Hero, her white spacesuit was beginning to stain red as blood continued to pour from her body, if one looked hard enough they could see flesh and bone on the Heroine's back.

"Thirteen! Hold on help is coming!" Cried Uraraka with tears as she clung to hope despite the grim situation they found themselves in.

Suddenly, a loud sound brought him out of his wailing.

Turning his head towards the main door of the USJ, it burst open to reveal....


Shouted a giant muscular golden-haired man who gave off a hopeful aura.


All Might had arrived at USJ.

And he wasn't smiling.

The loud shout made all the people of USJ look in his direction each with different reactions, the villains looked at him with fear, the students looked at him with hope... and the League of Villains looked at him like he was a steak.

All Might turned his gaze towards the Central Plaza, where he saw Aizawa being smashed to the ground by a gigantic abomination.

Without saying a single word...

All Might took a step...

And with a strong wind All Might appeared in front of Nomu giving him a strong blow that sent him flying freeing Aizawa from the clutches of the vile monster.

"Hoho, so it looks like we meet the requirements for the boss then, excellent."

Said a voice causing All Might to turn around to see a young adult looking at it with delight, as if it were a new favorite toy.

The feeling emitting from the Villain deeply annoyed All Might.

"So you're the leader, huh?" All Might said coldly as he carefully lifted an injured Eraserhead, he could see that his friend had been severely wounded in the arms and head, much of his bones were broken and blood was pouring from his body to an alarming degree. "You did this?"

"You could say yes, but I'll give you some advice All Might, surrender you can't against my Nomu!" Shigaraki exclaimed as he laughed like a madman, All Might simply ignored him and moved faster than Shigaraki could see to drop Aizawa on the stairs along with the other students alarming them in the process.

"Help him while the cavalry arrives" All Might said and before anyone could say anything he reappeared in the Central Zone looking Shigaraki in the eyes furiously.

"So you ignore me, huh.... well whatever, in the end the dice are already rolled.... NOMU!" shouted Shigaraki, suddenly the purple creature appeared out of nowhere tried to hit All

Might, but he moved fast enough to dodge the blow, taking advantage that Nomu was wide open he gave him a strong punch in the stomach....

But it didn't do anything to him.

And that's when a realization came into All Might's head.

'This is going to be tough.'


<Moments before...>

Midoriya was watching the battles going on around the Central Zone. He knew that if he tried to help Aizawa he would only hinder him and give the Villains an advantage, so he decided to stay out of the situation.

He watched with an incredulous look on his face as the Death-like Villain turned into mist and headed towards....

'That's Lena and Kyoka?' Midoriya thought curiously before a smile spread across his face. 'Sure! They must have come to help Aizawa! Their Quirks are good for fighting large masses of opponents... plus they have better control of their Quirks than I do...'

Relying on Lena and Kyoka's strength to deal with the Death-like Villain, he focused on the fight between Eraserhead and Shigaraki, they were evenly matched, with Eraser having a slight advantage due to his scarf.

Midoriya was keeping a close eye on this bout, if at any time Aizawa found himself in a dangerous situation he was ready to unleash One For All against the villain.

And speaking of villain, Midoriya thought of endless situations and possibilities in his green head about Shigaraki's Plan, but he couldn't understand it at all, why make an assault against UA if All Might is present?

'Unless...' A terrifying realization lit up Midoriya's eyes making him tremble with fear. 'Unless they have something capable of matching or surpassing All Might!'

A gunshot snapped him out of his thoughts, directing his gaze towards the site of the gunshot, which was the place where Lena and Kyoka were fighting against the death-


Midoriya's face paled at the sight before him.


He froze at the sight of the lifeless body of one of his companions, although he wasn't close friends with Lena he didn't get along with her badly, you must from time to time she would play some harmless prank on him but she was nice to talk to.

Midoriya was in shock, he did not expect death to take one of his classmates.

Thinking about it logically, these situations are common in the daily life of a Hero, you never

know what could happen when you face a villain. After all, you're putting your own life above other people's lives.

But this... it's wrong, Lena was killed without even the chance to become a Hero, without even the chance for the world to see and remember her.

It's... unfair.

Coming out of his state of shock, he watched as Reaper slowly approached Kyoka ready to kill her with his shotgun in cold blood.

The poor girl was shaking all over as tears flooded her pale face with a miserable look, as if she couldn't accept what she just saw....

But he wasn't going to let that happen... he wasn't going to let anyone else die!


'One For All 100%!'

Feeling the power flood house cell his body he leapt in Reaper's direction ready to hit him with all his might.



Suddenly, his fist smashed into Reaper's face, sending him flying across the Zone and crashing into a wall.

The strong blow generated a huge gust of wind that looked like a tornado that covered part of the central area for a moment.

Midoriya fell to the ground while preparing for the extreme pain to come... but nothing came.

Looking at his limbs he saw that everything was in place and nothing was broken.

But he didn't have time to think about it as he quickly got up and stood in front of Kyoka who was crying looking at Lena's body with deep guilt and sadness.

It was then that he could hear Kyoka's little murmurs. "Was it my... fault?...not"

"Hey are you okay?" Midoriya asked concerned about Kyoka's state, but Kyoka just ignored him and kept looking at Lena's body the life seemed to disappear from her eyes for moment.


"You...! SHE JUST DIED DAMN IT!" Kyoka turned to look at him with a furious look on her face as tears continued to fall down her face "Y-YOU THINK...sniff...I-I..."

Midoriya's heart clenched as he looked at the sobbing girl not knowing what to do...he wanted to comfort her, but how?

"Look I-"

Suddenly a loud explosion interrupted Midoriya, turning her head in panic she saw how they were enclosed in a large dome that seemed to be made of bluish crystals....

And as the world stopped in a drab, expressionless gray.


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