MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 22 – The Warping Hero: Re-

Following the events of the sports festival, all of U.A. received a week-long break. For some, it was a chance to relax and recover. For others it was a chance to let loose and have a little bit of fun. But sooner or later, all the students found themselves back in the classroom, ready to tackle the next chapter of their lives.

Kazuya was returning to school with Shinso on their normal morning train. He was currently minding his own business by listening to a few songs from his phone. Shinso, who was standing on the train car beside him, doing the exact same thing.

It didn’t take long for some of the other passengers to notice their U.A. uniforms and subsequently recognized them from the sports festival.

“Excuse me, but are you Akio Kazuya, from class 1A? The winner of the sports festival?” An average looking man asked him.

That question seemingly set off a chain reaction, as every other passenger then turned to the both of them in realization.

“And you’re Hitoshi Shinso! The one who got third place!!”

In the next second, they found themselves surrounded with multiple people congratulating them for their performance.

“Good job at the Sports Festival! You two were amazing out there!” The first man who noticed them congratulated them with a smile.

“You guys were amazing! When you were being chased in the Cavalry Battle, I was totally on the edge of my seat!” A young woman exclaimed.

“You must have worked hard to get where you are now. Keep up the great work lads.” An older gentleman encouraged with a respectful nod.

He had to admit that being praised like this by so many people was quite the experience, but it soon started to get a little too much. Even Shinso was starting to get uncomfortable from all the questions and praises. Some said that his quirk was amazing, others said that his student  pledge was one of the coolest they’ve heard in years. It was all very appreciated, but all at once was just overwhelming.

The older gentleman from before obviously noticed their plight and, thankfully, managed to get the rest of the commuters to calm down. After initially apologizing, they began to ask questions or engage in conversation a lot more sparingly.

Soon enough, the two hero course students reached their stop. Kazuya and Shinso thanked all of them for their support once more before disembarking the train. Their attention were called back inside when the older gentleman from before called out to them.

“Do your best, heroes!” He smiled and gave the two budding heroes a nod, before the doors to the trains close.

Kazuya and Shinso gave each other a grin and waved back towards the passengers as they continued to walk the distance to reach U.A.

Soon enough, they reached U.A. and walked into the classroom to see that everyone was happily discussing the aftermath of the Festival. Specifically, the amount of attention they had attracted during the long weekend.

“It’s crazy how much attention we got after the Festival! So many people recognized me!” exclaimed Mina excitedly.

“I know right? Just one Sports Festival and now we’re practically celebrities.” Kaminari chuckled as he enjoyed his newfound fame.

“Don’t get a big head, idiot.” Jiro rolled her eyes good naturedly.

“Hey Mr. First Place! I’m betting a lot of people noticed you, huh?” Sero pointed out once he noticed Kazuya and Shinso enter the classroom. A lot of others immediately joined in on the conversation.

“You don’t know half of it.” Kazuya chuckled as he sat down on his designated seat. “Hitoshi and I immediately got crowded the moment we were recognized in the train. It was kind of a hassle, but I won’t lie and say I hate the attention.” He grinned.

“Speak for yourself. I never want to experience that again.” Shinso said from his seat. “I’m starting to understand why Aizawa-sensei likes to avoid the media so much. Being recognized is a pain.”

“Good morning, students.” As if the devil himself, their teacher immediately showed up the moment his name was mentioned.

Not two seconds later, the entire class were in their seats returning their teacher’s greeting. “Good morning, Aizawa-sensei.”

“You’re learning, good.” Aizawa nodded as they showed efficient timing. He stood behind the podium at the front of the class. “We have two things to go over today. The first is regarding the internship offers each of you will receive in correspondence to your performance in the festival. The second…”

‘Another pop quiz?!’ The entire class sat in apprehension as they waited for Aizawa to finish his announcement.

“You need to decide your code names.”

Everyone face-faulted. ‘It’s something normal!’

It didn’t take long for everyone to get excited. Hero names are an integral part of what makes a hero. Every single one of them have had thoughts and ideas of what their names should be at one point. Kazuya remembered those grueling sessions when he spent all night trying to figure out the perfect name for himself. There were revisions and alterations. Shifter, Paradox, and others. But in the end, he chose the one he felt most comfortable with.

“This is so exciting!” Toru was bouncing in her seat.

“I know right! I can’t wait to choose my hero name!”

“I’ve had one in thought since I was in middle school, kero.”

“This is gonna be manly!”

“Settle down.” Aizawa immediately silenced the entire class with an application of his quirk. The floating hair and red eyes make for an intimidating sight apparently. “The first thing we’re going to go over are the internships.”

Aizawa then proceeded to explain the process and intricacies of what they should do and what to expect for their first internships. Kazuya listened with rapt attention.

“If a pro extends an offer to any of you, it means they’re interested in your future potential. However, these offers can be canceled at any time if the interest dies down. Which means that you have to keep proving yourselves worthy if you don’t want your offers to be pulled back.” Aizawa continued. “However, don't fret if you aren’t picked now. U.A. has deals with multiple hero agencies that are willing to take on those of you who didn’t get offers this time around. Here are the offers for this year, Class 1A.” Aizawa informed as he hit a button on a remote and the screen behind him switched on.

Akio Kazuya - 5123

Todoroki Shoto - 4987

Katsuki Bakugo - 1341

Hitoshi Shinso - 1089

Tokoyami - 471

Sero - 319

Yaoyorozu - 108

Iida - 89

Kirishima - 56

Midoriya - 20

Uraraka - 11

“Normally, the numbers are more spread out. But this year, the top two have caught everyone’s attention.”

Murmurs broke out of the large discrepancy between offers. But one put much thought into it since they deserved it after all. Many were happy that they received offers even though they had been taken out early in the third round. Others were pretty bummed out they didn’t make the cut.

“Kazuya’s offers, they’re above five thousand?!” Kaminari gaped at the huge number that eclipsed the others.

“The only one coming close to that is Todoroki. Which makes sense since he got second place, kero.”

“I’m pretty sure the only reason it’s that high is because of Endeavour.” Todoroki said flatly.

“But why does Bakugo have more offers than Shinso when he placed lower in the Festival?”

“I don’t know. Probably cause he has a flashier quirk or somethin’.”

Bakugo grumbled about being third place in class, his temper rose when he heard the particular comment. He wants to be better because of his skills, dammit. NOT because of a flashier quirk. Thankfully, he clamped down on his rage in order to listen to Aizawa.

“Woah, I have so many offers! Looks like showing a super move impressed quite a lot of Pros, huh?” Sero chuckled as he boggled over the high number. He lost quite early in the first round of the festival, but has more offers than the ones who placed the same with him.

“All of you experienced real villains back in the USJ. But getting to work under a Pro Hero directly in the field will be a very beneficial experience for you.” Aizawa mentioned to the entire class. “That is why you need Hero Names to identify with when you start your internships. But be very careful, if you don’t take this seriously , you’ll be cursed of having something indecent for the rest of your life. So choose wisely.”

“Yes sir!”

— The Warping Hero —

Shinso watched as the newly dubbed ‘Froppy’ excitedly walked back to her seat after Midnight gave her the green light to use her name. More and more people finished and presented their Hero Names, some got accepted, others were told to sit back down and rethink.

He looked down to his empty whiteboard before finally writing the name that came to mind. IT was perfect in his opinion. It explains his goals, doesn’t showcase his quirk or abilities, and badass enough to make villains quake in fear the moment they hear it.

‘The Enduring Hero: Mastermind’

“Oh~” Midnight grinned at the name, “Yes yes, yes…I like it! It incorporates well into your abilities without revealing anything and works well with a mysterious persona. One that I think you’d pull off rather well. I approve!”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Shinso nodded to his teacher. He shared a fist bump with Kazuya and Kirishima on the way back to his seat.

“Looks like it’s my turn.” Kazuya stepped up to the podium. “I’ve given this a lot of thought, and to be honest I have no other reason on why I chose other than it just felt right.” He flipped the board to reveal his Hero Name.

‘The Warping Hero: Red Flash’

“Hoo~ Interesting.” Midnight put her hand on her chin as she studied the name. “It works well with your quirk and sends a message to the people. That no matter the incident, you’ll be there in a flash. It’s similar to All Might in a way that it incorporates the type of hero you wanna be in the future.” She stated. “Are you sure you’re up for the task?”

“Yes, I am.” He stated with no hesitation. This was something he was prepared for the moment he decided to become a hero.

“Well alright then! With Kazuya, that just leaves Iida, Todoroki, and Bakugo.”

“I shall be next!” Iida announced as he walked up to the podium. “I have a duty to fulfill as my legacy. And like my brother, I will do so with the Ingenium name!”

‘The Turbo Hero: Ingenium’

“I’m happy for you, Iida. Tensei will be proud.” Midnight said with a smile.

“Thank you for your words, sensei!”

“The Hot’n’Cold Hero: Celsius.” Todoroki stated, turning his board to reveal it to the class.

“Wonderful!” Midnight beamed at Todoroki. ‘It seems he’s mellowed out since the Sports Festival. Principal Nezu had plans to help Todoroki break out of his shell and his issues with Hound Dog. But it looks like that won’t be necessary.’

“A fine name, Todoroki. Well done.”

Said peppermint haired student just nodded with a smile.

Soon enough everyone managed to get their hero names approved of. Well, except Bakugo since he’s adamant on having the word murder in hero name. He ended up just agreeing to use his name for now.

Once we finished picking out our hero names, Aizawa explained more details in regards to the internship. The fact that it’ll last for one week and each student should choose one based on the different specializations they want to enter.

The bell then rang and the lists were passed out for the students to look over during the break.

Immediately, every student started talking to each other about the internships they wanted to take. Kirishima wanted to be in the bigger cities where he can fight crime. Tsuyu wanted one that specialized in water rescue.

Shinso studied the list he received with a clear eye. Of course it’ll take a while to go through each name one by one considering the amount of offers he received. But honestly, he already has one person in mind that he wants to learn from. And that man had just left the classroom a few minutes ago.

— The Warping Hero —

Todoroki sat at his desk, eyes closed in thought. Truthfully, there were other agencies that could prove beneficial for him. Other agencies that could teach him things he wouldn’t get anywhere else. So why the hell is he still considering interning in Endeavour’s? He never wants to experience the type of training he did back when he was a child. He never wants to see that man again after everything he did to his family.

‘But that won’t solve anything.’

Right now, no one else in the world could teach him how to wield his flames better than his shitty father. He’s the man considered to be the closest to All Might in strength after all. If anything, leeching of the Number Two Hero for his skill and strength doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea.

The other issue is the one regarding his family.

Todoroki is finally getting back into his mother’s life and he couldn’t be happier. He has scheduled visits every week to the hospital and he can’t wait to see her again soon. His last visit went great and next time, he’s planning on inviting Fuyumi and Natsuo so they could spend time with her together.

But what surprised him however, was that his mother told him to forgive.

‘Enji isn’t a bad man, Shoto. At least, not anymore. I don’t know what it is, but he’s changing. And I think it’s for the better.’

Todoroki just couldn’t understand it. That was the man that destroyed his family, and she's asking him to forgive? It won’t be that easy. It can’t be.

That’s why he decided to see it for himself. Todoroki opened his eyes and nodded in determination. Quickly writing his decision on the slip of paper meant for internship choices, Todoroki mentally prepared himself to start socializing with his classmates. It was due time he made some friends anyway.

Now, how do you start a conversation?

— The Warping Hero —

“Hey Kazu-bro! Who are you thinking of getting for your internships?” Kirishima asked as their group sat down on one of the tables in the cafeteria. The group consisted of himself, Kazuya, Shinso, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, and surprisingly Bakugo.

“I still have no idea. Running through the list one by one is gonna be a pain. I wish I’d gotten less offers.” He sighed.

“Humble much?” Shinso asked as he took a spoonful of the ramen he ordered from Lunch Rush.

“Shut up.”

“I’m going over to Fourth Kind! He’s pretty manly and I know I’ll learn something from him!”

“I’m going with Death Arms.” Jirou mentioned while twirling  one of her earlobes. “He’s one of the heroes we could choose from the list of 40 that the school gave us. I’m hoping to learn more combat skills with him since I’m pretty lacking in that area.”

“What about you, Sero?”

“I’m going with Kamui Woods! He may be pretty new but his skill’s the real deal.”

“I think I’m going with Uwabami myself.” Yaoyorozu announced as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. “She’s in the top 20 and is fairly popular.”

“Feh, if you wanna be stuck with a modeling gig and advertisement and other useless shit, then go for it.” scoffed Bakugo.

It was apparent how surprising this was as everyone on the table immediately turned their attention to Bakugo. Less so, because of what he said. And more so that he actually SAID something.

“Excuse me?” Yaoyorozu asked with surprise in her voice.

“All that chick is good for is the useless shit involved in heroics. You’re better off with some no name with actual skills rather than that piss ant.”

Everyone, aside from Kazuya and Shinso, had eyes bulging out of their sockets and the crude way Bakugo just described a pro hero.

“While Bakugo’s explanation could be a little…gentler.” Kazuya stated, slowly. “Uwabami is a popular search and rescue hero, but she earned most of that fame from charity, modeling, and sponsorships. If you do intern with her, you’ll more likely be roped into doing commercial stuff rather than actual hero work.”

“What the ginger said.” Bakugo added before going back to eating his spicy bento. Kirishima could only boggle as the entire thing was just filled to the brim with chili powder.

“I-I see.” Yaoyorozu mentally crossed Uwabami’s offer from her list as she tried to think of another agency.

“I’m actually surprised Bakugo knows so much about Uwabami to know that kind of stuff.” Mina commented.

Bakugo just rolled his eyes. “I’m not Deku but I know my fair share of Heroes. I do my own research on the more known Pro Heroes. It’s necessary to know the people I would have to beat when I get to number one.”

“You’re surprisingly a good conversationalist when you’re calm like this, Bakugo-san.” Yaoyorozu can’t help but comment. “Maybe you should tone down the vulgarity and keep up this version of you?”

“Fuck off, ponytail.”

“Anddddd he’s back.” Kaminari chuckled. “But she’s right man. This is the longest time you haven’t raised your voice since we’ve known you.”

“Tch.” Bakugo just turned away from the conversation. He was getting a little uncomfortable with the topic.

“Alright guys, lay off him.” Kazuya intercepted. Noticing Bakugo’s plight, he expertly steered away to another topic. “What do guys think we’ll actually do in our internships? You don’t think we’ll actually fight some villains do you?”

The rest immediately began to chatter excitedly amongst each other, completely moving on.

If Bakugo appreciated Kazuya for what he did, he never showed it. After all, he has an image to uphold.

Hey folks!

New chapter for The Warping Hero!

No action at all since we’re taking a break from all the fighting. God knows too much of that happened in the last arc.

But with this, we’re kicking off the internship arc! I wonder which Kazuya will choose for his internships.

And we got hero names! Red Flash and Mastermind was the result of the poll I did on my Pat_reon. I gave them a bunch of choices and these were two that eventually got picked. Hope you like them.

Advanced chapters and other benefits on my Patr_eon! Make sure to check it out.

P atr eon /TeemVizzle

(Remove the spaces)

That’s all from me!


Trivia: Who’s your favorite ‘Godlike’ character in all of fiction? (What I mean by godlike are the actual supposed gods of each universe. Like Sheogorath from Skyrim, Kaguya/Hagoromo from Naruto, Zeno from DBS, etc.)

P.S. Is the Soul King the godlike being in Bleach? Can’t remember him doing anything that makes deserving of that position. Could be wrong tho.

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