MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 23 – Internship Agency

Aizawa was walking through the corridors of the school, mentally checking his to-do list for the day, when he found himself face to face with one of his students.

“Do you need something, Shinso?”

Said student was currently standing right in front of the Teacher's lounge, his stance was rigid as his nervousness was apparent.

“I wanted to talk to you about the internships.”

Aizawa just raised an eyebrow. “Do you have an issue in choosing the offers you received?”

“No, I just…” He trailed before sighing. “ I wanted to ask if I could intern with you instead?”

If Aizawa was surprised by the offer, he didn’t show it. “And why exactly do you want to intern with me?”

Honestly this was pretty unexpected. Aizawa won’t lie and say he doesn’t see himself in Shinso. His struggles are identical to the ones he went through after all.

“I got over a thousand offers but after skimming through most of the list, none of them seemed right with me. Despite the supposed limitations your quirk gives you, you managed to move past it and become an established hero. I wanna learn how to do that as well.” Shinso explained. “I’ve recently discovered a new aspect to my quirk, but it’s nowhere near enough. I need to expand my repertoire if I wanna be a better hero.”

“Well, although rare, students apprenticing under U.A. teachers aren’t exactly unprecedented.” Aizawa studied Shinso for a while. He himself saw an opportunity here. Nezu never outwardly stated that U.A. Teachers taking students for internships weren’t allowed, so on all accounts it should be fair game. There are a lot of things he could teach the boy that would prove beneficial to him. Sure it would cut into some of his sleeping time, but it would definitely be worth it if Shinso learns something from all of this. Never let it be said that Aizawa was a bad teacher.

“Very well then. You’ll be coming with me on your internships. I’ll see what I can do to make you improve. Word of warning, it’s gonna be hell.” he followed up on that sentence with a dangerous smile.

Shinso couldn’t help but gulp. The next few weeks are definitely gonna be filled with pain, that’s for sure.

— The Warping Hero —

“So Yaoyorozu, any idea who you’ll get for the internships?” I asked as we walked together back to class.

The both of us just finished a meeting for Class Representatives regarding internships for the hero courses. They met with Nezu along with the representatives of Class 1B, who was an orange haired girl, Kendo, that he remembered defeated Uraraka in the Sports Festival and a green haired girl named Tokage.

The meeting lasted quite a while in which Nezu explained what’s expected of the students during the period of Internships.

When it ended, both class representatives were dismissed and they started walking back to class.

“I’m still not too sure. Uwabami was the only high ranking hero that I had, so I’m currently still reading through the list to see if there are any agencies I’m interested in.” She explained, her frustrations on the lack of a clear choice apparent. “What about you, Kazuya-san?”

“I managed to cut my choices into two. But this is definitely one of the hardest decisions I’d have to make in my life.” He sighed. “The Hawks Agency or The Edgeshot Agency.”

Yaoyorozu’s eyes widened at two of the biggest names in hero society. “Hawks and Edgeshot?! You received offers from two of the top 5 heroes?”

“It was actually three. I also got one from Endeavour, but to be honest I don’t see anything I could learn from him right now. He relies more on raw power while I focus more on technique. Our styles of heroism are also very different.”

“Hmm, quite so. But if you said you want technique, then isn’t Edgeshot the better choice? Not to mention he also has more experience in the field than Hawks after all.” Yaoyorozu offered her thoughts.

“True, but if you think about Hawks’s feat in reaching number three just a few years after his debut, you’d have to give the guy some credit. He climbed the ranks fast.”

“I suppose that is true as well.” She thought as she cupped her chin. “I understand your conundrum now.” She chuckled.

‘As expected of the impressive Kazuya. To think he would receive so many offers from top Pro Heroes. Compared to him, I’m just…’

Hearing Kazuya’s apparent success wasn’t doing Yaoyorozu’s self confidence any favors. Kazuya was also too lost in thought to notice her current predicament.

During their walk towards the class, they managed to run into Shinso.

“Hey Hitoshi.” He gave him a fistbump as they decided to walk together. “What were you doing?”

“I talked to Aizawa. I asked if I was allowed to intern with him instead of the pro’s on my list.” He explained.

“And? What did he say?” Yaoyorozu asked, curiously.

“He said yes. I’ll be spending the week of internships here at U.A. studying under him. Much better than getting some random mook.”

Yaoyorozu grew quiet as she received that information. ‘So you’re allowed to ask the teachers instead for internships?’

“Kazuya, Shinso. Please excuse me, I have something to do.” She quickly bowed before leaving. Kazuya noted that she ran in the direction of the teacher’s lounge.

“What was that about?” Shinso asked.

“No idea.” Kazuya just shrugged before continuing on. “Whatever it is, just leave her to it. She can handle herself.

“Hey Kazuya! Shinso! Guess who I’m interning with!”

Uraraka’s bubbly voice greeted them as they reached the classroom. Kazuya immediately went to his desk and sat down.

“Oh, where to Uraraka?” He asked, genuinely curious.

“I’m going to be interning with Gunhead!” She said excitedly. “The fight with Kendo showed me I’m kinda lacking in close combat. That’s why I’m gonna learn all I can with him!”

“That’s great! It's really good of you to branch out your skills like that.”

“I’m going with Selkie, kero.” Tsuyu joined in the conversation. “I wanna specialize in water rescue and I wanna see what that’s like.”

“What about you, Kazuya?”

“Oh uhh, I haven’t really decided yet. It's either Edgeshot or Hawks for me.”

The entire class went silent as they heard Kazuya’s reply.

“W-Wait a second, you have offers from both Hawks and Edgeshot?” Kirishima gawked.

Midoriya’s head immediately swerved the moment he heard it. “K-Kazuya! You got an offer from Edgeshot too?”

Kazuya just chuckled. “Yeah, I was surprised too when I saw it.” It was then he paused and understood Midoriya’s sentence. “Wait…Too? You got one from Edgeshot?!”

“Woah! Congrats Midori!”

“Damn, red.” Jirou whistled. “I guess it’s a tough choice if both heroes are from the top 5, huh?”

“Thanks guys.” Midoriya smiled appreciatively. “But I’m still not too sure. Like Kazuya, I’m also kind of stuck between two heroes.”

“Oh? Who do you have that could compete with Edgeshot?” Sato asked, curious.

“His name is Gran Torino. I did my research and he’s a veteran hero who’s been around even longer than All Might!”

‘Can’t exactly tell them All Might set everything up with Gran. The others will get suspicious otherwise!’

“But why would you intern with some like that, Deku?” Uraraka asked. “Isn’t Edgeshot the better choice?”

“I don’t really know yet. Someone with as much experience as Gran would definitely have something to teach me.” Midoriya said, unsure.

“I guess that’s true…” Uraraka shrugged. “Anyways, I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. No one here knows about heroes better than you after all!” She gave a thumbs up.

The grenette gained a healthy blush at the praise. “T-Thanks Uraraka!”

“Kazuya, you received an offer from Hawks as well?” Tokoyami questioned.

“As well…? So you also got one from Hawks?”

“Whoaaaa~” Uraraka gasped with awe before she had to step back to avoid Midoriya’s arms as he raised it in excitement.

“Tokoyami, you’re also working with Hawks?!” The green haired boy yelled.

“Lucky! He’s such a hottie! I wish I got to intern with Hawks.”Hagakure waved her arms as more and more students began to trickle into the conversation.

“Oi Todoroki, what about you? Who did you decide to intern with?” Shinso asked the quiet boy.

“I’m going with Endeavour.” He replied.

Midoriya’s energy levels immediately subdued as he heard that. “Todoroki, are you sure?” He asked with a knowing gaze. After all, he’s the only one in the class that knows his classmates’ history with his father.

“It’s fine. He’s the only one capable enough to actually teach me how to use these flames.” Todoroki started, as everyone listened in. “Besides, he earned the title of number two for a reason. There’s a lot I could learn from him.”

“Man, so many of us are working under a top 10 hero. The Sports Festival really did wonder’s huh?” Kaminari chuckled.

More conversations and chatter sprouted up from there. Everyone sharing the agency’s they want to intern with and others talking about what they will expect during the internship.

Kazuya just gazed at the internship form they were supposed to fill out with a lot on his mind. Indeed, choosing between the two heroes that offered to him isn’t easy. On one side is the respected and experienced hero that could help him with more of the delicate uses of his quirk. With Hawks, although not much is known about the man, he is considered to be the current ‘Fastest’ pro hero. With mobility that is unmatched by others. That in itself is interesting for Kazuya.

But in the end, there could only be one choice. He nodded in place as he formed a decision. Quickly writing the name on the piece of paper, Kazuya braces himself for a busy week.

— The Warping Hero —

“You’ve all got your costumes?” Aizawa questioned the class as they stood in a station entryway. “Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public, so don't lose them.”

“Yessir!!” yelled Mina excitedly as she lifted her case above her head.

“Speak clearly Ashido! It’s ‘yes sir’.” Lectured Aizawa sternly.

“Yes, sir…” pouted Mina as Kirishima patted her on the shoulder.

“Make sure to mind your manners at the hero agency’s. Remember you are there as students, listen to your superiors, and learn all you can. Now off you go.”

All the students immediately began to disperse. Some went together as they operate in the same cities, others went for the trains by themselves.

But unlike most of their classmates, Shinso and Yaoyorozu stayed put as they stood beside Aizawa in the station.

“Alright then, Shinso you come with me. Yaoyorozu, head back to the school and meet up with Midnight there. She’ll be the one handling your internships, as per your request.”

“Thank you, sensei.” The vice president of 1A bowed.

Aizawa just nodded at her before turning and walking out of the station, Shinso trailing after him.

“So what are we gonna do?” The purple haired student asked curiously.

“First off, we’re gonna polish more on your hand to hand combat. We’ll be covering quirk and stealth training from tomorrow. Once that’s done and if we have more time, I’ll see if I can bring you on one of my patrols.”

Shinso widened his eyes before nodding in understanding. He clenched his fists as he followed his teacher on the way back to U.A..

— The Warping Hero —

Kazuya stood beside Midoriya on a sidewalk as he looked into the front of Edgeshot’s agency. His belongings for the two week internship periode were beside him along with his costume as he studied the huge building that serves the headquarters for the number 5 pro hero.

Suffice to say, the red haired student was pretty nervous. It wasn’t everyday that you could learn under a top 10 hero after all. Not much could be said for his green haired classmate however, who was shaking so much in nervousness and excitement. He psyched himself up as he entered the glass doors of the building.

He mentally whooped in joy at the sight of a small Starbucks shop the moment he entered the lobby. ‘That’s definitely a saving grace if I ever saw one.’

He continued further into the lobby, all around him he could see workers and sidekicks either lounging around or trying to get to their destinations.

“Akio Kazuya, Midoriya Izuku. I’ve been expecting you.” A soft voice spoke up from behind him.

The two students immediately turned around and saw Edgeshot himself, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. He tilted his head as his one visible eye tilted in an eye smile.

“Edgeshot!” Kazuya bowed towards the Ninja. “Thank you for offering me the internship. I look forward to working with you.”

“M-Me as well!” Midoriya followed Kazuya’s action and quickly bowed.

“Likewise. Welcome to my agency, you two.” The masked hero nodded before gesturing into the elevator in the building. “Shall we then? I’m sure you’re eager to get started. You’re free to leave your luggage here, but bring your costumes with you. One of my assistants will help in bringing the rest of your belongings to your rooms.”

The man then started moving with Kazuya and Midoriya keeping pace just slightly behind him. “Our rooms?” questioned the student.

“During your stay here, my agency will be covering your accommodations and food. In terms of training, we will be covering all the bases. Combat training, quirk training, other necessary skills like stealth and espionage should you wish to learn them, will all be done in the first week. On the second, you will bring the things you have learned onto the field. Where we will actively do patrols and investigations.” Edgeshot explained as they entered the elevator and started moving up the floors. “Are there any questions so far?”

“None, sir.” grinned Kazuya. It’s definitely a busy week, that’s for sure.

“But if you don’t mind me asking, why did you offer me an internship?”

“Hmm, that would be telling. Frankly, when I look at you, I see potential. Your quirk is powerful, sure, but you complement it with great skill and a creative mind. Very few people could do what you did, with most of them often only relying on raw power.”

“I want to help you cultivate this skill. The refinement of fighting technique and strategic skill is something that many heroes value. However, the true reason I gave you an offer, is because you are genuine.”

“Genuine? I’m not sure I follow.” questioned Kazuya as they left the elevator and entered a room akin to a dojo.

“A lot of people possess the abilities I mentioned just now. But what you have that others don’t is that you have the makings of a true hero.” Edgeshot sent an appraising eye towards him as stepped into the training area. “When I thought of who I wanted to send my internships to, I didn’t take into consideration what their skills or quirks were. What I looked for was the personality of each candidate. I saw how you interacted with your classmates, your Hero’s pledge, the way you interacted with the foes you defeated during the festival. You are strong, yet humble. You have every right to be arrogant with the power you have. But you chose not to be. I can’t say the same thing towards your classmate with the explosion quirk however.”

Kazuya gained wide eyes as he listened to Edgeshot.

“Strength can always be gained through training Kazuya, but it’s the will that separates the great heroes from the common ones.”

Edgeshot turned his body to face Kazuya, staring him down with a placid calmness.

“Your fight with Endeavour’s son and the Explosion Quirk user proved it. I extended an offer to Izuku Midoriya for the same reasons.” The green haired student squeaked at this. “I saw everything in your fight against Shoto Todoroki, Midoriya. Your body was breaking, but you continued in your resolve to help your classmate. To help one’s enemy is a road not many would have the courage to walk on.”

“Wait, but how did you-”

“I’m a shinobi, Midoriya.” Edgeshot smiled. “The ability to read lips is one of the few perks that come from the profession.” His one visible closed again in an amused curve.

“T-That’s incredible!”

Kazuya was pretty sure he knew what they were talking about, but he honestly can’t remember much of Todoroki’s issues with his family. It’s been 15 years since he reincarnated after all.

“Alright then, with that out of the way, shall we begin your training?”

Kazuya and Midoriya looked at each other, before wordlessly nodding. They quickly changed to their Hero Costumes and approached Edgeshot, eager to start their internships.

“Aren’t you glad you decided on taking Edgeshot’s offer?” questioned Kazuya.

“Definitely.” An uncharacteristic confident grin grew on Midoriya’s face.

The two weeks of intense training has officially begun.



Internships are finally here! As you can see, major changes have happened in terms of which agencies each student is taking.

Kazuya is going with Edgeshot! Honestly, I had hard time choosing between him and Hawks but I ultimately went for the former.

Shinso himself went with Aizawa. There’s no one else I could think of that would be a better match for him.

We’re going to be looking at a peek of what the villains have been up to next chapter. Just what could a competent Shigaraki do with someone as capable as Stain by his side?

Advanced chapters and other benefits on my Patr_eon! Make sure to check it out.

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That’s all from me!


Trivia: The Black Clover final arc looking mighty delicious right now. What are your thoughts on it?

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