MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 7 – Quirk Assesment, Costumes, Battle Trials!

The first event of the day was the 50-meter dash. Many students displayed excellent performances like the engine-quirk user who got the fastest record yet. I was participating with one Yaoyorozu Momo. She and I walked to the track confidently. For me, this was probably gonna be the easiest event of the afternoon. After all, no one could match in sheer speed.

Once we reached the starting line, Yaoyorozu went to a running stance. I eyed her briefly before slightly bending my knees , my hand resting over a knife holster strapped to my right thigh.

My eyes were focused. As I heard a ‘go’ sounding from the teacher, I immediately flung a kunai forwards. It flew with force and precision that it reached the ending line in no time as I teleported right beside it. I snatched the knife out of the air as I landed, crossing 50 meters in under a second.

“0.8 Seconds!” came the sound from a robot.

I turned back to face the class, only to be met with many gawking faces while Aizawa just gave a nod.

Yaoyorozu soon finished with 4.31 seconds. She seemingly created roller blades and a high powered fan to help her accelerate to the finish line. Alongside him, the best performers were Tenya Iida who scored 3.01 seconds with his engine quirk, Shoto Todoroki who slid on ice and received 3.46 seconds, and Bakugo Katsuki who propelled himself using explosions with a time of 3.72 seconds.

Finally the last ones on the track was Shinso and a blonde boy with a tail, whose name is Ojiro. Ojiro cleared the whole track aided by blasting himself forward with his tail granting a time of 5.56 seconds, while Shinso just ran the whole 50 meters. But due to his athleticism, he gained a respectable 5.89 seconds.

Unlike the first event, my quirk doesn’t give much use for the grip strength test. Although it did improve by a decent amount, being sixty-four kilograms rather than the fifty-seven from Junior High. I didn’t come close though to the six armed giant, Mezo Shoji, who scored 640 kg.

Standing long jump was also pretty easy, as all it took was just another kunai throw and a flash and I would find myself on the other side of the sandbox. The other students who excelled on this event, so far, were Tsuyu Asui, Yaoyorozu, and Sero.

The fourth event, sidestepping, was a little bit tricky though but I had an idea. Impaling two knives at each line on the ground, I started flickering to each at maximum speed. I just kept on going until I smelled something burning.

“Kazuya, that's enough.” Aizawa’s voice cut through and I immediately stopped moving. He was looking at an overheated motion sensor with a bit of annoyance.

‘Great, that’s coming out of my paycheck.’ Aizawa then looked at me and grumbled. “I’ll put your score the last recorded number on the sensor, which is 767. Although obviously it wasn’t your best, that’s still much higher than your classmate’s so it's fine.”

I just nodded and went back in line with the rest of the class. And that’s when a spiky red-haired dude approached me..

“Dude, that was amazing! Was that like a teleportation quirk or something? Oh, I’m Eijiro Kirishima by the way!”

“Yeah it is.” I replied with a smile. “I noticed you too, some kind of hardening quirk right?”

“Yep! It’s good in a fight, but doesn’t really help much on these kinds of events.” Kirishima said while shaking his head.

“No quirk is useless.” I shrugged. “As long as you don’t perform last and give out your best, I say you’ve done enough.”

Kirishima’s wide grin grew even wider at what I said.” Hell yeah! That’s so manly!” He said while pumping one of his hands in the air.

“Manly huh? I don’t know about that.” I said with a chuckle. The enthusiasm that Kirishima is exuding is just infectious. It’s hard to not like the guy.

“Alright that’s enough. Stop wasting time and get a move on.” Aizawa’s voice cut through as all the chatter among students suddenly stopped. “The next event is softball throwing. Kazuya, since you’ve already done it, you can sit this one out.”

“Yes sensei.” I nodded.

What I didn’t expect however, was me actually scoring second place for this event. A girl with brown hair and permanent blush (Uraraka, I think) managed to get infinity for her score. She just touched the ball and it continued to just float all the way into space. If that isn’t insane, I don’t know what is.

The other interesting thing that happened is the green haired protagonist scoring over 700 meters after his first lackluster performance. I mean sure he injured his finger but think about it, from what I saw, he just barely touched that ball with a finger and it scored 700 meters. Imagine what his score would be if he did it properly. That’s insane raw power. Which is to be expected I guess since IT IS all might’s power.

Nevertheless, the rest of the quirk assessment went on without a hitch. And soon enough the trials were all over, and everyone grew nervous over the results.

“I’ll be posting the scores up now.” said the teacher as he fiddled with his phone, “The final rankings is the total average of each of your scores. Since reciting each of your performances at each event would just be a waste of time and energy.”

With a tap of the device, it projected a holographic screen with our rankings.

1 - Momo Yaoyorozu

2 - Kazuya Akio

3 - Shoto Todoroki

4 - Katsuki Bakugo

5 - Iida Tenya

6 - Fumikage Tokoyami

7 - Mezo Shoji

8 - Mashirao Ojiro

9 - Eijiro Kirishima

10 - Shinso Hitoshi

11 - Tsuyu Asui

12 - Mina Ashido

13 - Ochako Uraraka

14 - Rikido Sato

15 - Hanta Sero

16 - Denki Kaminari

17 - Yuga Aoyama

18 - Kyoka Jiro

19 - Toru Hagakure

20 - Izuku Midoriya

Most students looked at Midoriya in pity as said student immediately began panicking.

“Oh yeah, that whole expulsion thing? I lied.” said Aizawa.

Everyone blinked in surprise as he continued with a sadistic smile on his face. “It was a logical ruse to draw out the upper limit of your quirks.”

Midoriya immediately sagged with relief. With Uraraka patting his back with a smile on her face.

“With that done, your curriculum papers for the school are back in the classroom on the teachers desk. Make sure each of you get one and give them a once over.” Yawned Aizawa. “Midoriya, come with me. I’ll take you to the nurse so you could get that finger patched up.” Aizawa immediately left with Midoriya trailing behind him as soon as he heard the class chorus with agreements.

“We’ll wait for you in class Deku!” said Uraraka as she waved to Midoriya. He gave her a smile and quickly ran to catch up with the teacher.

Bakugo however, was shaking with disbelief. ‘I’m fourth? Fucking fourth?!’ He raged in his mind as the rest of the class began to talk with each other. ‘I lost to that damned ponytail, ginger, and half and half!’

He glanced at the three people who beat him, noticing Momo was talking alongside the other girls, Kazuya walking with Shinso and Sero, while Todoroki is standing alone, narrowing his eyes at the redhead.

‘Bastard!’ thought Bakugo. ‘Don’t fucking look down on me!’

—The Warping Hero—

Scoring tenth place was good enough for Shinso. Scratch that, it was MORE than good enough. With his quirk not being able to help out in strength-oriented exercises, being the middle of the pack in a class full of people with much more versatile quirks proved that his physical fitness was among the best in class. Hell, he beat Sato who had some sort of strength-enhancing quirk and Asui who literally has a frog physique. This by itself proves that he deserves to be here.

Still though, just because he did better than he thought doesn’t mean he’s content. There’s gotta be a way for him to even out the playing fields. For him to stand out a lot more in compared to the rest of his class.

Wait, isn’t their teacher in the same boat as him? He remembers Midoriya saying that their teacher was Eraserhead, and his quirk allows him to erase the quirks of his opponents temporarily. That doesn’t give any sort of combat uses at all (other than actually evening the playing field between him and his enemy but still...) In every fight against villains, Aizawa Shota essentially fights quirkless. He made his body into a weapon.

‘Maybe I should ask for some advice.’

Nevertheless, he knows he’s on the right track. All he needs to do now is just keep striving forward. To be the best hero he can be.

He and the rest of the students made it back to class in no time. Some immediately started packing their bags while the rest started mingling with the rest of the students. He, along with Akio and Sero, were among the latter as they aren’t really the extroverted types to just approach other people.

“Today sure was nerve-wracking huh?” He heard one of his classmates say. ‘Denki Kaminari’, he’s pretty sure his name was.

“Seriously! And this is just the first day too. U.A. is really living up to its title.” piped a floating pair of clothes, who Shinso remembers as Toru Hagakure.

“Makes you kinda nervous for tomorrow huh? Who knows what we’ll have to do if even the first day was like this.” Ojiro said from his seat while packing up his bags.

“What do you think?” Shinso said to Kazuya as they eavesdropped on the other's conversation.

Kazuya just shrugged in response. “We always knew U.A. won’t be a walk in the park. Today only proved it. All we have to do is just keep giving out our best.”

Shinso just nodded at his words as they left the class after bidding Sero goodbye. The first day of school ended pretty well all things considered. Their teacher, although strict, seems like he knows what he’s doing. The few of his classmates that he talked to also seemed like good people. He’s honestly looking forward to the rest of the year they have in 1A.

After all, nothing’s gonna go wrong right?

—The Warping Hero—

The second day of school started pretty standard. After the whole debacle from yesterday, everyone expected the days in U.A. to be filled with nerve-wracking tests and threats of expulsion. Turns out just like every other school, U.A. High also gives normal school subjects. Math, English, History, Art, Classical Japanese, etc. Subjects that could be found in any other high school. Apparently, being a hero course student doesn’t exempt you from learning things like this.

As always, I made sure to not slack off on my studies. I may not be the smartest in the class but I’m still confident I can place in the upper half in academics as long as I put in the effort.

I quickly became Present Mic’s favorite student due to my excellent performance in his English Class. Which honestly isn’t surprising, since English was my native language in my previous world. Mic-sensei now calls me up to answer any questions the rest are struggling with, or to act as a pseudo-teacher to other students who can’t keep up with the lessons.

It honestly felt great to have a teacher’s good grace. Is this how all teachers' pets feel? Gotta say I don’t mind it.

Lunch quickly ended and now it's time for our last lesson for the day. One where everyone was very eager to have. Its not everyday that Foundational Hero Studies were taught by the number one hero himself after all.

“Can you believe it? All Might is teaching us!”

“I cannot wait to show the class how dazzling I will look in my costume.”

It didn’t take long for the entire class to hear a pearl of familiar laughter. Everyone barring the socially stunted grinned as they couldn't contain their excitement and anxiousness (even Todoroki who was slightly fidgeting in his seat).

“HAHAHAHAHAHreverberated a boisterous laugh throughout the halls.

“I am…!” started All Might as he is opening the door, “coming through the door like a normal person!”

All might immediately explained what we will do today for our hero studies. Written on a card were the words that brought the more bloodthirsty students (Bakugo) to grin in excitement.


“To go with that, you need these!” declared All Might as the walls began shifting before shelves came out with suitcases in them, each one labeled with a student number.

“Your costumes have been created in accordance to your requests and special forms you all filled out before school started.” All Might continued, “Now go get changed! I’ll be waiting for you Ground Beta!” finished All Might as he dashed out the classroom.

I honestly can’t help but grin in excitement myself. Combat training and we get to use our own costumes? This day is gonna be fun.

—The Warping Hero —

The guys were all talking excitedly as we all change into our hero costumes in the male changing room.

My superhero costume consists of a short-sleeved long black haori with black flames over a black skin tight shirt with red spiral like design on the chest and combat pants outfitted with tactical belts that could hold knives and other supplies. I also use black boots and gloves as extra protection. (Think Red Hood’s costume from the DC Universe with Naruto’s sage haori and kyuubi seal in the middle instead of the leather jacket and bat symbol. Btw the spiral design is what appears as his tag in this fic)

Inside the belts are plenty of kunais prepared by the support company. They’re the newer models created specifically from my design. They’re lighter, sharper, and much more durable than the knives given to me by my martial arts instructor.

The trench coat itself is also not just for aesthetic purposes (although it definitely makes me look much cooler). It serves as protection from me as it is weaved with a special fiber that makes it resistant to most weather and tearing. The spiral like design is something I decided to add as it is the tag that appears on solid surfaces whenever I use my quirk. I plan to make it as my trademark for when I go Pro.

“Woah, looking good Kazuya!” came the voice of Kirishima in the middle of putting his own costume. It looks like he decided to go shirtless, which makes sense considering his quirk already gives the armor he needs.

“Yeah dude! Not a bad design if I do say so myself.” Kaminari piped up from his own corner while putting on his costume. The electric quirk user himself was probably going for aesthetics rather than practicality as his costume might as well be casual wear.

“Heh thanks, I don’t really need much support items other than my knives so aside from that is just for protection. Name’s Akio Kazuya by the way.” I officially introduced myself to Kaminari.

“Name’s Denki Kaminari.” Kaminari said as he jabbed a thumb at himself. “I was in the same exam site as you back in the entrance exams. The way you took down the Zero Pointer was awesome!”

I just chuckled at his enthusiasm. “You saw that huh? But I didn’t do it alone, Sero helped me out.”

“I am Midoriya Izuku!” The green hair protagonist came in and introduced himself to us, even if I can tell he’s trying very hard to not stutter. He’s literally shaking in his boots and sweating buckets. “N-Nice to meet you, Kazuya-san!”

“Nice meeting you too Midoriya. Is your finger okay from yesterday?”

“Y-Yeah, I’m all good! Thanks for asking!”

Still though, there’s something bothering me about the way he’s dressed. Hmm, the color green, a bodysuit that’s clinging to his body, and a muscled and well developed body.


Holy shit.

This guy is like a mini Might Guy.

‘This is just too good to pass up.’ I chuckled

“Midoriya..” I started as I channel my inner power of youth by doing the signature Might Guy pose. Arm extended as my thumb stuck out, while smiling my extra pearly white teeth extra hard to produce the twinkle effect and light bounces off it.

“Midoriya! I sincerely believe that you have the gift of perseverance! May the flames of youth burn brightly in you as you continue to shape your own destiny!”

“U-Uh…” Midoriya stuttered as he was taken aback from my sudden declaration. The other students just looked at us weirdly.

“T-Thanks? May the flames of youth burn brightly in you too!” He returned the same gesture back at me. Pose and everything and- oh my god, his teeth are shining even brighter than mine.

“What the hell are you doing?” asked Shinso, cutting into our Might Guy impersonation contest.

I turned around and saw Shinso in his own costume. He is wearing a black bodysuit and grey armor with a buckle making an X on his chest. He has pouches tied to the buckle that carries medical supplies and throwing weapons (mainly basic kunais and shuriken). He has fingerless gloves with metal bracers for protection and metal shin guards on his legs. He's also wearing a detachable mask-like device that's covering his nose and mouth alongside a black M frame for his head (kinda like the one Scarlet Witch uses.)

“Is that the support item you told me about?” I asked as I looked at the mask device he has currently around his neck.

“Yep. And what the hell is with your costume? There’s so much red it's hurting my eyes.”

“Whatever you say you ninja wannabe.” I snorted at what he said. “Besides, my costume is badass. You’re just jealous mine looks better than yours.”

“Keep dreaming asshat. Nothing beats the ninja aesthetic. Just look at Edgeshot.” Shinso countered.

I could only concede and nod in agreement. Gotta give him that one. Edgeshot does indeed look cool.

Once we finished changing into our costumes, we made our way to ground beta.

“They say the clothes make a person, ladies and gentleman.” stated All Might as he saw us coming from the shadows. “Be fully aware, from now onward, all of you are heroes!”

All might quickly explain the details of the battle trials. Which ended up in the students drawing lots to determine their teams.

And soon enough the teams were formed.

Team A: Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka

Team B: Hitoshi Shinso and Rikido Sato

Team C: Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu

Team D: Akio Kazuya and Kyoka Jirou

Team E: Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui

Team F: Tenya Iida and Katsuki Bakugo

Team G: Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure

Team H: Denki Kaminari and Hanta Sero

Team I: Shoto Todoroki and Mezo Shoji

Team J: Yuga Aoyama and Eijiro Kirishima

“Now let us begin! Starting with Team A as the Heroes and Team F as the Villains!”


Hey guys!

The Midoriya looking like a Mini Might Guy is something I read in another fanfic quite a while ago. It was too funny to not do in my opinion.

We finally have a good look at Shinso’s and Kazuya’s costumes. Hope they don't disappoint.

Battle Trials are coming!

I won't interfere with the Midoriya and Bakugo fight though since that moment is crucial for Bakugo’s growth.

I’m slightly nervous about writing the fight scenes since I’m still kinda rusty in that area, but then again I also wanna challenge myself as a writer.

So I’m hoping for your input on the matter.

That’s all for today’s notes.


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