MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 8 – Battle Trials, Combat Training

A/N: Made a mistake in the last chapter. Like canon, Midoriya’s team is the heroes while Bakugo’s are the villains. Not the other way around.

That’s all, now enjoy the chapter!


When I heard we were having battle trials, I expected the fights to go like the sparring sessions I had back at the dojo. I wasn’t however, expecting a deathmatch

“Young Bakugo! Stop what you’re doing right now! Are you trying to kill him?!”

Since the very first day of school, everyone in class already noticed there was something going on between Midoriya and Bakugo. But no one expected it to be anything like this.

All Might is already shouting into the communicator in an effort to stop Bakugo from murdering Midoriya, clear panic in his eyes. On the screen in the observation rooms, Bakugo is aiming his large grenade-like gauntlet straight at the greenette, obviously preparing for something huge.

The entire observation room could only stare wide-eyed as a huge explosion tore through the section of the building Midoriya and Bakugo were both in. A massive hole is now visible on the outside of the building and pillars of smoke could be seen rising through the air.

I was just shocked at the entire debacle. What part of battle trials did Bakugo not understand? This is supposed to be a practice session. NOT a place to settle grudges and outright murder your classmates! How the hell did such an aggressive guy enter the hero course in the first place?

And the worst part is that none of us know what the hell is going on since the cameras don’t come with audio. All Might is the only person who can hear anything since his comms are linked with the fighters.

“Bakugo, do something like that again and you will be disqualified! I will forcibly end the match and you will lose!”

All Might continued to speak to Bakugo through his earpiece, berating him for his recklessness and telling him the consequences if he does something like that again. I don’t know if it worked since he’s now deciding to just beat the ever living crap out of Midoriya. But what happened next totally slumped me.

In order to win, the hero team doesn’t necessarily have to defeat the villain team. All they need to do is to secure the payload by touching it and victory is theirs. So if I were Midoriya, I would just be focusing on how to win without beating Bakugo, because that’s too daunting of a task for Midoriya currently.

And he did exactly that with the craziest, most reckless, and incredible way. By obliterating literally every floor of the building by swinging his punch that was originally meant for Bakugo upwards. The punch created an air cannon that managed to disorient Iida, allowing Uraraka to swoop in and secure their victory. Although he couldn’t escape unscathed. By redirecting his attack upwards, Midoriya didn’t have the chance to block Bakugo’s attack. Meaning he took the full force of Bakugo’s explosion to the face.

Everyone in the observation room were shocked beyond belief. Even All Might considering his wide eyed stature. No one, and I mean no one, expected Midoriya’s victory. After the huge explosion and the resulting ass-kicking afterwards, people were on the belief that Bakugo was too strong for Midoriya and the match would end at his loss.

But nope, Midoriya proved them all wrong. He deserved that victory. Unlike Bakugo, Midoriya is fully capable of working with anyone. His teamwork with Uraraka was what allowed them the win, in comparison to Bakugo and Iida who had no synergy at all.

“These guys are crazy. Isn’t this just a mock test? Why are they going so far?” Shinso asked with a wince while looking at Midoriya’s injuries through the monitor. “I mean seriously, this is just overkill.”

“Who knows, but it's obvious these guys have some sort of grudge against each other. Maybe they have something to prove.” I replied after some thought. “You’ve seen how Bakugo was during the Quirk Apprehension Test. He just attacked Midoriya after he did the softball throw. Honestly we should’ve seen this coming”

“Something to prove, huh?” Shinso muttered thoughtfully. “I guess I can get behind that.”

“Of course you would.” I just snorted at his reply. “But I sure hope Midoriya learns how to control his quirk sooner or later. At this rate, Midoriya will do himself in before any villain does.”

— The Warping Hero —

“So red, any idea how you wanna do this?” Kyoka Jirou asked her partner for the Battle Trials. They were currently inside a spacious room in a building. The ‘Nuclear Weapon’ was located in the center of the room. Using their allocated time to strategize and come up with a way to win.

She and her partner, Akio Kazuya, were the villains while Kaminari and Sero were their opponents.

“About your quirk, what can you tell me about it?”

“It’s pretty simple. My earphone jacks work as extensions for my ears, so I have enhanced hearing. I can also stick them to objects and channel vibrations through them, damaging whatever it's connected to.”

“That’s great! I’ll be relying on you as our scout then.”

“What about you? What does your quirk do?” She asked me.

In response to her question, I held out one of my knives. “My quirk is called Teleportation Tags. I can plant these markers on solid objects and then I’m able to teleport myself to where the tags are located.”

“That’s pretty cool. So what can we do against Kaminari and Sero?”

“Kaminari’s quirk could be dangerous but I do have a plan, if you’re willing.”

“I’m all ears.”




“Begin!” All Might’s voice came through.

“Jirou, their locations?” I asked through my communicator as I stood in the center of the spacious room on the third floor. Jirou is currently waiting in one of the upper floors.

“They’re climbing up the stairs, approaching your location.” came Jirou’s voice from the communicator.

“Gotcha. Remember the plan.”

I immediately turned around as the two heroes finally arrived. I spread my hands to my side in a villain-like manner. ‘Might as well commit to my role.’

“Welcome heroes, I’ve been waiting.” I say with a villainous smile.

“Kazuya!” Sero said with wariness, as all he could see were my knives littered around the room. Punctured through the floors and the walls.

“Why don’t you just surrender, man? This doesn’t have to turn ugly.” Said Kaminari with a confident smirk as his fingers sparkled with electricity.

“On the contrary, a fight is exactly what I want.” I said with an insane grin. Without further prodding, I immediately dashed in and punched Kaminari in the gut. It was obvious they didn’t expect my sudden movement.

Sero was much faster on the uptake as he aimed his elbows and sent a length of tape in my direction. I immediately flashed away and reappeared behind him, my knife already mid swing.

“AGH!” Sero managed to dodge at the last second for my kunai to only cut his shoulder.

“Sero!” screamed Kaminari as he saw his partner getting injured. He gritted his teeth through the pain and launched himself at me, coming at me from the side.

I dodged his lightning-induced punch by leaning backwards and gave a right kick aimed at his head.

I continued to trade blows with Kaminari, throwing more hits while dodging most of his attacks. He overextended in one of his punches and I grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground.

As I was about to tie him with the capture tape, I had to jump back as he channeled electricity all over his body.

“You’re not taking me down that easy!”

In the middle of my jump, I didn’t notice Sero’s tape as it managed to wrap around me.

“I got him!” Sero said while panting in obvious pain. Looks like the cut was a little deeper than I thought.

Kaminari and Sero stood in front of me out of breath, “That was tough.. Wait, where’s Jiro?”

I just smirked at them, “Now!”

The floor above us suddenly cracked and broke apart as a figure could be seen landing through the dust.

Jiro immediately used her earphone jacks and connected them to her boots. She blasted Sero away before they had a chance to react.

Kaminari wanted to help out, but he suddenly felt disoriented and his vision shake before he somehow found himself wrapped up in Sero’s tape. He could see Kazuya was standing at the spot he was standing on just a second ago.

“W-what?! What happened?” He asked while looking at me, curiosity clear in his eyes.

I just grinned at him showing my pearly white teeth. “That was my ‘Tactile Substitution’. I can switch locations with a person that has my tag.”

“But when did you mark me?” Kaminari asked.

“During our fight of course. I noticed how there was no way I could actually capture you without getting electrocuted. That’s why I came up with this plan. Why else did you think I intentionally got caught in Sero’s tape?” I replied.

“Damn, we didn’t stand a chance, did we?”

“Nope!” I said with a chipper in my voice.

During our talk, Jirou already managed to tie up Sero with the villain tape. He couldn’t do much while being injured and disoriented by Jirou’s soundwaves.

“Nice job red, your plan worked out.” Jirou trailed off. “Everything went off without a hitch.”

“Of course it did, I’m the one making the plans.” I said teasingly.

“Arrogant much?” Jirou rolled her eyes in good nature.

“VILLAIN TEAM WINS!” All Might’s voice came in through the speakers.

I gave Jirou a high five as I went and helped Sero to his feet.

“Sorry about that Sero, are you alright?” I apologized as I offered a hand to a now-free Sero.

“It's fine.” Sero trailed off as he accepted my hand. “It's probably not as bad as it looks. Nothing Recovery Girl can’t fix.”

I nodded as I allowed him to lean on me for support. All four of us slowly exited the building as we made our way to the observation room.

— The Warping Hero —

“Splendid work, Young Kazuya! Young Jirou! Both of you have shown an exemplary example of fast and efficient work! Not only did you show great teamwork, but also have managed to complete your objective with zero injury! An excellent example of a perfect execution and completion of a mission within its parameters!”

All Might heaped praises at his two students who did an astounding work for their Hero Class Assignments.

“As students, all of you here must strive to achieve your classmates' performance! Young Kazuya! Young Jirou! Would you mind sharing how you two achieved such stellar results?”

“Don’t look at me, Kazuya did most of the planning.” Jirou shrugged before continuing. “I just did what he told me to do.”

Everyone turned to Akio Kazuya at that statement with a curious look. He sweatdropped a bit at the attention but quickly explained. “I didn’t do much. I just worked out a plan that works to our strengths and take Kaminari and Sero’s abilities into consideration. It wasn’t that hard.”

‘Wasn’t that hard huh?’ All Might’s grin widened at that. From what All Might read about Akio Kazuya’s profile, he is said to be someone to look out for in the future. Someone who has great mastery and control of his own quirk and a good mind to use it as well. He’s also shown to have the heart of a hero already, seeing his performance in the Entrance Exams and a report they received where Young Kazuya and Young Shinso managed to stop a robbery by themselves.

Akio Kazuya has the potential to be a Top 10 hero in the future. It’s very rare for a student to show that much potential so quickly during their first year. All Might immediately brought his thoughts towards Midoriya. ‘To become the next Symbol of Peace, the first step you have to take is to surpass and learn from your peers. I believe in you Young Midoriya!’

Said student was, unfortunately, still in the infirmary due to his injuries.

“There you have it folks! I hope to see the rest of you perform just as well for the rest of the trials!”

A chorus of ‘Yes Sir!’ is what he heard before he called the next group of students.

“Let’s proceed with the next teams! Plus Ultra!”

— The Warping Hero —

“Hey Shinso right? Any ideas of how we’re going to do this?”

Shinso nodded at Sato’s question. “Between the two of us, there’s not much we could really do at this point. Tokoyami and Asui would most likely be keeping the payload at the center floor. It’s the only solution they have against a relative unknown like me.”

“Huh, now that I think about it, you never used your quirk at all during the Quirk Assessment Test right?” Sato questioned curiously. “Is it a mental quirk or something?”

Shinso just gave a pertinent grin. “You can say that, now I think all we can do now is just to get in the building and look for it the old fashioned way.”

“I can work with that.” Sato gave a nod.

“BEGIN!” All Might’s voice came through their radios.

Shinso and Sato unconsciously gave a deep breath as they entered the building. Walking straight for the stairs, they climbed to the second floor and checked every room they passed.

They kept doing the same thing until they reached the fourth floor. They entered a room and could see Tokoyami standing in the center, menacingly. The nuclear weapon could be seen behind him.

“You won’t get past me heroes, for you shall be stopped by the darkness.”

A dark tendril came from Tokoyami’s abdomen as it grew and grew until it created Dark Shadow in all its prime.

Sato sweated a bit at the menacing display, but was otherwise fine. He started to finger one of his pouches that held sugar in one of his large hands.

Shinso, however, grew wary. Since Asui is currently still nowhere to be seen. “So what’s the plan here huh? You act as distraction, while the frog girl ambushes us from behind? How readable.”

Tokoyami just narrowed his eyes in response. “Don’t even try to intimidate me hero-” He suddenly stopped talking as his eyes seemingly glazed over.

‘Easy!’ Shinso just smirked. “Now walk awa-” He couldn’t finish his vocal command, as Asui suddenly dropped from the ceiling and tackled him to the ground.

“Argh! Dammit! Sato!” Sato tried to grab Asui but she suddenly hopped away and started climbing the walls, dodging Sato’s attack.

“Fumi! What’s happening?!” Dark Shadow screamed as his partner kept being unresponsive. In a panic, he punched Tokoyami in the head in a last ditch effort, breaking the brainwash.

“Huh what? What happened?” Tokoyami came to as he looked around him. He saw Shinso on the ground, while Sato was chasing Asui who was still hopping around the walls, using her tongue to attack back.

“Dark Shadow!” He called out, immediately using this chance to attack Shinso who is seemingly vulnerable.

Seeing Dark Shadow approach him, Shinso just tsk’ed and activated his Artificial Vocal Chords. “Dark Shadow! To the left! Aim for the guy in yellow!” came out Tokoyami’s Voice.

“Wait no! That wasn’t-” Tokoyami was surprised to hear his own voice coming out of Shinso. He tried to warn his partner but was too late.

“Sure thing Fumi!” Dark Shadow replied, only for it’s red eyes to suddenly gain a purple hue.

‘Gotcha, can’t believe that worked.’ Shinso thought with a grin. What he did right now was a huge risk. Who knew that a sentient quirk could also be affected by his brainwashing. Definitely a welcome surprise tho.

“Attack Asui and hold her down!” Shinso commanded the darkness entity.

“No! Dark Shadow, stop!” Tokoyami tried his best to reign in his own quirk, but it was all for naught. Dark Shadow quickly caught the hopping Asui in his arms and slammed her down. Shinso made quick work to tie her up with the capture tape.

“Now Sato! Dark Shadow, get back in your host body and stay in there!” The shadow quirk immediately heeded the command and retreated inside Tokoyami’s body.

Tokoyami himself didn’t get much chance to retaliate as he found himself shoulder tackled by the yellow giant which is Rikido Sato. He crossed his arms to defend himself but was launched away, his back hitting the walls hard. Before he could get up he saw Sato, who was panting slightly with veins on his forehead, kneeled beside him and tied his arms behind his back with the capture tape.

Shinso just calmly walked towards the payload and put his hands on it. Securing their victory.


“Nicely done.” He complimented Sato, which he got a thumbs up in reply.

The both of them proceeded to help Tokoyami and Asui to their feet, and together walked back to the observation room.

“Splendid work Young Shinso! Young Sato! Although you were caught off guard during the fight by Young Asui’s ambush, you quickly turned it around in your favor! A perfect example of how things could go wrong during a mission and as Heroes, it is your duty to keep pushing forward and secure the victory. Well done!”

“Thank you All Might-sensei.” replied Sato and Shinso.

“Shinso-san, might I ask what happened? How did you take control over Dark Shadow?” Tokoyami questioned once they finished the review. All Might just announced the next participants when Tokoyami approached Shinso to ask him a question.

“My quirk is brainwashing. Meaning I take over the minds of the people I target. I honestly didn’t know if it’d work on Dark Shadow, since you know, he’s technically a quirk. It was a surprise, but a welcome one.” Shinso drawled out. He intentionally omitted the fact that someone has to reply to him or engage him in conversation for the brainwashing to work, but he saw no reason to parade out that particular fact.

“I see, perhaps it is because Dark Shadow is in itself unique due to its sentience.” Tokoyami nodded in understanding. “Today was my loss. I look forward to our next fight, if it happens, Shinso-san.”

“Likewise.” Shinso’s smile grew a little bit wider as they shook hands. He was honestly expecting a much more aggressive response to his quirk being revealed. But it looks like the people at U.A. are much more lenient and understanding than he thought.

“Aww, look at you starting to make friends. Gotta say as your first friend, I’m proud.” Kazuya said as he wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.

Shinso just rolled his eyes in annoyance. “I’m not as antisocial as you think, asshole.”

Kazuya just gave a grin. “In any case, well done on the trials. I saw how everyone responded when you used you quirk.” Kazuya gave Shinso a side glance. “They were all amazed. Especially the part when Dark Shadow attacked Asui instead of you.”

“I’m glad.” Shinso huffed. “I know you said I didn’t have to worry about how 1A reacted, and I did genuinely stop caring what people think about me. But it’s nice to see that they weren’t judgemental about it.”

“We may not know these guys yet, but they’re good people.” Kazuya trailed out.

“Yeah, maybe.” Shinso said thoughtfully, as he trailed his eyes over the rest of his classmates.

“Woah! Todoroki’s so strong!”

“Wait what, his battle ended? I thought it only just started?”

Shinso and Kazuya’s attention went to the screen after hearing the outbursts of disbelief from their classmates. From the screen in the observation room, it was seen that the entire building is now frozen in a layer of ice, including the opposing villain team.

“Huh, when I heard he was Endeavour’s son, I expected him to burn the building down in flames. Not turn it into a popsicle.” Shinso stated as he, Kazuya, Tokoyami, and Sero were standing in the back of the room. Sero joined them after he got back from the infirmary.

“He’s melting the ice now, that’s definitely not what an ice quirk can do.” Kazuya pointed out as Todoroki melted the ice to free the villain team with his left hand.

“Wait, so he can freeze AND burn? Talk about overpowered, some guys really do have all the luck.” Shinso muttered bitterly.

“When he froze the building, he used his right hand. And now when he’s melting the ice he’s using his left hand. So we can only assume that each hand holds a different power.” Tokoyami mentioned his observations.

“No wonder he’s been acting so cold since school started. I would too if I held that kind of power.” Shinso scoffed, only to suddenly turn to a snicker. “Heh, get it? Cold.”

Sero snickered with him while Kazuya and Tokoyami just rolled their eyes.They wanted to say more, but stopped as they saw Todoroki and the rest reenter the observation room.

All Might continued to do his job as he summarized everything that happened during the trials, which isn’t much since Todoroki basically ended it in an instant.

The fights continued well into the evening until we were all finally dismissed and returned to class. Objectively speaking, everything went well all things considered. The only major injury that happened was Midoriya, and everyone, barring some, managed to show the rest of the class what they were capable off. And the class became closer as a whole.

Today’s classes were definitely interesting to say the least.


Hey folks!

Hope you enjoy the fight scenes. It took me awhile to write them as I kept writing and deleting things cause I just couldn’t get the fights I imagine into words.

I’m satisfied with how it turned out though. Tell me what you think!

This ends the battle trials. Next chapter we’ll get to the aftermath and then it’s straight into the USJ!

That’s all for the author notes.



Random trivia:

If you could take one quirk from the entire series to have in real life, which would it be?

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