Milf Harem In Another World

Chapter -012.

Chapter 12.

Callum's inability to answer Lucien's question led to his remaining silent as they continued, with Dorian following closely behind. After a brief period, the trio reached the far end of the training field, where a large crowd had already assembled.

Lucien scanned the crowd in search of the member of the Crowfield family expected to visit the training field. His attention settled on a girl with green eyes and black hair, dressed in an expensive-looking light pink robe. He recognized the woman standing beside her, which was the real reason he had come here.

Lucien's shaft began to twitch a little when he saw that woman, the person he recognized was Effie, who had playfully teased him the night before.

His smile however faded when he noticed Adam beside Effie, as he could see from Adam's demeanor that he was much more powerful than him, as indicated by the aura of seasoned combat experience surrounding him.

When Lucien gazes at Effie, who appears to be searching for someone, he remarks, "This new life is going to be really interesting," and she smiles at him when their eyes finally meet.

Mumbling softly, Dorian stands at the end of the crowd and remarks, "Oh, all that ruckus was made for that Miss Sword Prodigy's arrival." However, Lucien and Callum, who can still hear him, turn to look at him and enquire simultaneously, "Miss Sword Prodigy? Are you acquainted with the girl?"

Dorian, not wanting to seem familiar with the girl, is startled by seeing Lucian and Callum gazing at him and asking him the same question he didn't want to hear.

After hearing him, there doesn't appear to be much he can do about it, so he looks at Callum and tries to tease him, "Why are you asking me that? You did mention that you didn't want me to engage with you, didn't you?"

"Ugh...fine, you can talk to us, now tell me who she is and why did you address her as Miss Sword Prodigy?" Callum groaned as he stumbled over his own words, but since he was curious about the young lady, he allowed Dorian to converse with them.

Lucien couldn't resist teasing Callum when he noticed his curiosity about a stranger. He leaned in and asked, "Are you intrigued by that young lady, mate?" He made sure to keep his voice low, so only Callum and Dorian could hear, not wanting to cause any trouble with his little joke.

Callum maintained a poker face and replied, "Interested? Please, don't be ridiculous. You know I prefer women with substantial assets, both in the front and the back. Besides, I find it strange that this is the first time I've seen that lady, considering we're usually well-informed about every young family member of the Crowfield family, don't you think?"

"Oh, so you prefer women with big assets, huh? I didn't realize you were so needy," Lucian joked, attempting to poke Callum in the stomach. Callum dodged the playful jab and replied, "Why are you avoiding the main issue and getting caught up in trivial matters?"

"Ah! My apologies for that," Lucian said suddenly. Then, turning to Dorian, he inquired, "You are going to share some details about that young lady, right?"

Dorian, watching these two guys chatting away about women and other random stuff, found them pretty intriguing.

Growing up in the motherly shadow of his older sister, he was always a bit timid around strangers. But seeing how carefree and easygoing these guys were, he felt a sudden urge to join them and be more like them. He wanted to live a life that he felt he deserved.

Without any hesitation, he jumped in and shared what he knew about the Young Woman they were discussing.

"So, you're saying she's someone who aced swordsmanship test at the academy exam by beating every one up? That's hard to believe, she doesn't seem like the type." Lucian asked seeming more interested in the fact that she was a sword prodigy than in any other details Dorian had to share about her.

The young woman standing at the podium, flanked by six individuals, appeared to exude a royal air, making it difficult to discern her potential for aggression.

Before dwelling on the matter further, a burly man dressed in crimson armor with a trailing cape suddenly stepped forward, exuding a chilling presence.

This imposing man was none other than the battalion commander of the Crowfield family, Herald.

"This is Young Miss Daphne Crowfield, a recent addition to our hunting party. She has gained recognition as a sword prodigy due to her remarkable talent. If I catch wind of anyone spreading unwarranted things or speaking disrespectfully about her, there will be severe consequences."

"Yup, she really is quite assertive," thought Lucian upon hearing the battalion commander's words. It was clear that the commander wouldn't make such statements without good reason.

The battalion commander opened the conversation with a lengthy discussion about the upcoming hunt, sharing information about the goblin's cave and orc's hideout that the hunt party planned to raid due to the damage they had caused to the corps and property of the Crowfiled.

After a few minutes of talking, during which only the basic details of the hunt were mentioned, the battalion commander finally fell silent and turned to look at Daphne, who seemed eager to speak her mind, so he said, "The stage is all yours young miss."

Daphne gave Herald a small smile and then nodded as she walked forward. "Whatever Uncle Herald said, you don't need to worry about it because I'm not hesitant to spare lives. However, if any of you doubt whether I'm capable of joining the hunt or think that my presence will make things harder for you, feel free to challenge me. The proof you seek will naturally become evident."

Her father, the head of the Crowfield family, naturally didn't want her to focus on things that should be the main concern of the men, and as she had thought; her father had naturally asked the battalion commander to create a barrior between the warriors and her from the beginning, which would eventually lead her to reconsider her stubbornness of joining the battalion after graduating from the academy in the distant future.

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