Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 73 - Diligence

The colors of the seven wheels are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

Regarding the cultivation of chakras, even if Zhang Jun didn’t know the cultivation method of the diamond seal, he had said something through hearsay. Chakras are internal states that can be observed by yogis. Each chakra represents different content and is considered to be the embodiment of human energy.

According to the Diamond Seal, Zhang Jun knows that the seven chakras represent the physical and mental state of a person. By adjusting the chakras, he can also cultivate the spirit and body. Of course, the seven chakras are just a way to practice the diamond seal.

“It is said in the scriptures that if you fix the diamond seal for a long time, you can achieve that the diamond does not damage the body, is not afraid of demons, not afraid of swords, and I don’t know if it is true.” He said, “The golden light in the eyes of the Buddha is always washing my body And spirit, I don’t know if it will help the practice of Vajra Seal?”

Throughout the night, Zhang Jun was in deep-level cultivation, forgetting about it, and even failed to stand on the Hunyuan pile that was required every day. He didn’t wake up from the calmness until the rising sun.

The moment he woke up, he felt that his thinking was extremely clear, there was nothing uncomfortable in his whole body, he was in a good mood, and was full of energy.

“This state is like the first-born sun. It is flourishing. It’s a shame not to use it for cultivation.” He said to his heart, he actually started to comprehend his Zhenwu Muquan directly.

This enlightenment doesn’t matter, he immediately feels that great ideas are flooding, and the things that are difficult to sort out on weekdays can be quickly figured out. The progress of Zhenwu Muquan is ten times faster!

Zhang Jun thus entered a wonderful state of cultivation, eating only one meal every three days, but each meal can eat four or five times the usual amount of food, this babysitter was very scared, thinking that he had hyperthyroidism. Kind of disease.

On the next day, he successfully forgot about Lu Yunxiang’s martial arts, making Zhenwu Mu’s boxing more refined.

Day after day, more than a month passed unconsciously. During Lin Xian’s visits several times during the period, he did not disturb him who was immersed in cultivation, but left quietly after just one glance.

On this day, when the sun went down, Zhang Jun’s Zhenwu mother fist had a bit of diamond seal. This is his harvest for more than a month, integrating the Diamond Seal into the Zhenwu Mother Boxing.

This is a great progress, showing that he has begun to research and create his own boxing frame, and is moving towards the realm of a generation of masters. Only the master of martial arts has his own unique frame of female boxing.

Of course, he is still far from the realm of the master, and is still in the groping stage.

“I won’t be able to learn Zhen Wu Mu boxing until all the marks of Master Lu Yunxiang in the Zhen Wu Mu boxing are erased. At that time, I will be able to nurture my own frame!” Thinking of this, Zhang Jun burst into anger and couldn’t help but shout. laughing out loud.

The next day, after being closed for more than a month, he finally walked out of the house and went directly to Lin Xian.

Lin Xian is busy with the jewelry store. She has made a marketing plan to further promote the name of Tianxing Jewelry. Zhang Jun still does not know that due to the crazy promotion of Tianxing Jewelry some time ago, it has become a well-known brand in the East China Sea.

In the office of the company’s president, Lin Xian was very happy to see Zhang Jun. She smiled and said, “My great master, you have achieved great martial arts, have you finally left the customs?”

Zhang Jungan laughed and said, “Sister Xian, you have worked hard during this time.”

Lin Xian gave him a glance and said, “It’s not hard, it’s an honor for a little girl to serve the great master.”

Zhang Jun knew that his future wife was a little upset. He acted as the shopkeeper, and hurriedly accompanied the smiley face, saying: “Those who can work harder, Sister Xian knows better than me, this is no way.”

“Okay.” Lin Xian said, “Since you have come out, you just help me do something.”

Zhang Jun asked: “What’s the matter?”

“Recently, there is another big promotion. I have to prepare for the supply. I have channels for gems and gold, and I still rely on you for jade. Our company, jade sales account for more than 50% of total sales, and shipments It’s big, so you must stock up in advance.” Lin Xian said.

Zhang Jun was stunned and asked, “Are all those jadeites sold?”

Lin Xian nodded fiercely, with excitement in her beautiful eyes, and said, “There are less than 20% left. I don’t think it will last too long. Only those jadeites that are sold will bring the company 690 million. If you count the unsold income, the total value is more than 800 million!”

Zhang Junzhi was stunned and said: “We estimated that the value of those jadeites was not more than 400 million yuan. It seems that this jadeite retail is really profitable, and you can make double the profit after changing hands!”

Lin Xian smiled and said, “This is normal. The jade in our shop looks good, and compares it to many century-old shops. Many rich people in the East China Sea come here to order the best jade.”

Zhang Jun said: “So, I want to get some jade as soon as possible!”

Lin Xian said: “We are still more than two months away from the Myanmar public market. We can’t wait. I mean, let’s go to the jade rough market all over the country. Counting the East China Sea, there are 14 similar rough stone markets across the country. The scale of each place is huge.”

When Zhang Jun heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, “Okay! I used to only stare at the Burmese public market, but I missed the domestic market.”

Lin Xian smiled and took out a map, which marked more than a dozen locations. The first stop was Kyoto.

“The places I marked are all large-scale rough trading markets. You visit them one by one in order. However, you must separate the time when you act to avoid suspicion. So in the first three months, you only Do it in the Kyoto circle.” Lin Xian said, she obviously had a plan.

Zhang Jun nodded repeatedly and said: “Yes, just do it.”

“Be prepared for these few days and set off next Monday.” Lin Xian said.

Zhang Jun thought for a while and asked, “How much cash can be transferred out of the company’s account at present?”

Lin Xian said: “Most of the company’s funds are invested in inventory and advertising. At present, it is only about 500 million. Moreover, you can only take away 200 million of these 500 million, and the remaining 200 million is working capital.”

Zhang Jun smiled “hehe” and said, “300 million is enough, enough for me to sweep Kyoto once.”

After discussing the plan, the two went to the restaurant for lunch together. After the afternoon, Zhang Jun was busy preparing for his trip to Kyoto. He wanted twelve capable and responsible people from Zhang Wu and divided them into six groups.

These six groups of people each drove a large truck and accompanied him on a long-distance journey to Tokyo.

At the same time, Lin Xian also allocated 300 million yuan into Zhang Jun’s account to purchase jade.

Three days later, Zhang Jun and six large trucks lined up towards Kyoto. The two cities are 1,800 kilometers apart, and it takes about 20 hours to drive.

He didn’t waste time on the road, but stood up Hunyuan piles in the carriage and used the bumps of the car to strengthen the practice. The effect was more obvious than on the train.

They set off in the morning and arrived in Kyoto the next afternoon. Even if two people took turns driving, the twelve people who followed were very tired, so Zhang Jun let them go to the hotel to rest temporarily.

After setting up the group, he also rested for a while and didn’t leave the hotel until the evening. At this time, the first Kyoto friend he thought of was Shen Rong, the female police officer of the Criminal Police Brigade.

“I don’t know if what happened last time left her a psychological shadow.” He thought to himself, fumbled out the phone and dialed Shen Rong’s number.

The phone was connected, and a surprise voice came from the other end: “Zhang Jun? Is that you?”

Zhang Jun smiled and said, “It’s me, so happy to hear my voice?”

Shen Rong was quiet and said, “I am not happy because you are.”

Zhang Jundao: “Is it a promotion?”

“Huh? How do you know?” Shen Rong asked strangely.

“Hehe, you have done so many merits, you should have been promoted long ago, otherwise it is really unreasonable.” Zhang Jun joked.

“Don’t you want to thank you, it’s not your help, how can I contribute.” She smiled, “I will invite you to dinner tonight, two of you.”

Zhang Jun thought for a while and felt that there was nothing to delay eating, so he agreed and said: “Since you are so enlightened, then I’m not welcome, I’m here.”

Shen Rong said: “Okay, it’s up to you.”

In the evening, Zhang Jun and Shen Rong sat face to face in a middle-class restaurant in Kyoto. They ordered six dishes, one soup, and a box of beer.

Shen Rong filled Zhang Jun with a glass, then raised the glass in front of him and said, “I respect you!”

Zhang Jun smiled and drank from a toast.

Shen Rong was in high spirits. He drank four or five bottles of beer in a row, ran back to the bathroom four times in the middle, and his face was full of drunkenness. Drinking to this level, people’s consciousness is not very clear. She was very happy and suddenly covered her face and started crying.

Zhang Junxin said that what happened last time really left a shadow? Just about to ask, Shen Rong had already raised the pretty face of pear blossom and rain, and said: “Zhang Jun, do you think I am quite useless?”

Zhang Jun stayed, and immediately said, “What do you say? You are the heroine of the Criminal Police Detachment, who has caught so many criminals. Who dares to say that you are useless?”

Shen Rong shook her head: “How could I catch the bad guy without you helping me? I’m just useless, otherwise he wouldn’t leave me.”

Zhang Junxin said that this little girl was hurt by love, not because of the psychological shadow, so he sighed and said sternly: “Shen Rong, when you miss a very frustrated green grass, don’t be sad, because there is a large bush of grass waiting behind. you.”

Shen Rong didn’t mean to be happy, holding a beer bottle in a daze, and slurred her story to Zhang Jun.

Shen Rong’s father is the chief of public security in Kyoto. It is said that it is not low to sit in this position. At any rate, he is also a deputy provincial cadre and deputy chief inspector. But this kind of official is nothing at all in the stables, any one who comes out is bigger than his official title.

She has lived in the middle of a group of red two generations since she was a child. In terms of status, her father’s official position is not big or small, so her status in the circle is not high or low.

When he was sixteen, he met a man named Chen Wan. Chen Wan’s grandfather is a big-time figure, and his parents are also in high positions, so he naturally becomes the king of all children.

For some reason, Chen Wan took care of Shen Rong, which raised her position among children a lot. Until one day, Chen Wan suddenly slapped her, and then said in a contemptuous tone: “Bash. Goods, never show up in my sight!”

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