Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 74 - Emerald City

Hearing this, Zhang Jun couldn’t help frowning and asked: “Since he took care of you at first, why did he suddenly change his attitude?”

Shen Rong sobbed: “Because I am useless, I am a coward.”

Seeing her sad look, Zhang Jun sighed and said warmly: “No matter what others say, I never think you are a coward. If a person never comes and does not intentionally hurt others, then no one can accuse him.”

Shen Rong looked at Zhang Jun blankly and asked, “Really?”

Zhang Jun nodded vigorously. Even without Buddha’s eyes, he knew that Shen Rong was very weak at the moment, and a bad word could cause unpredictable consequences.

Shen Rong’s mind seemed to have found a point of support, and she continued to tell Zhang Jun the story that was deeply imprinted in his heart.

One winter many years ago, the weather was surprisingly cold. Chen Wan took Shen Rong to skating. They met a group of people at the rink and accidentally collided.

The four opponents are not good at stubbornness, they are not afraid of the identity that Chen Wan reported, but fight more fiercely. In the end, several people gathered around Chen Wan, who fell to the ground and **** on him.

Shen Rong was terrified at that time. She saw Chen Wan being beaten and all she could do was cry. She couldn’t even hear Chen Wan’s yelling “Hurry up and shout.”

Because of this incident, Chen Wan hated her so much that she was isolated by the whole circle. From middle school to university, and then to work.

After listening to the narration, Zhang Jun looked calm. He sat next to Shen Rong, gently hugged her shoulders, and said softly: “That person was just trampled on his dignity and torn off his gorgeous coat above him. He is the real one. A coward and a coward, an incompetent rat who can only exasperate a girl. Such a person is not worth remembering at all. You’d better forget him completely.”

These words of Zhang Jun calmed Shen Rong. She held Zhang Jun’s arm and muttered, “Thank you.”

Soon, Shen Rong fell asleep, holding his arm to sleep. Zhang Jun had no choice but to carry her into the car and take her to the hotel temporarily. He wanted to send Shen Rong home, but when he thought that he might be in trouble, he simply let her stay in the hotel for one night and talk about it tomorrow.

When Shen Rong woke up, she found a note beside her pillow, which read: “You drank too much yesterday, I will help you come back. Don’t worry, I didn’t even touch your hand. In addition, breakfast is ready. You eat before you go to work.” The signature is Zhang Jun.

Seeing the note, Shen Rong felt warmth in her heart. She relaxed for a long time, then smiled slightly, and said, “A new day has begun!”

Zhang Jun rushed to Kyoto Rough Stone Market with people early in the morning. Kyoto is the domestic economic and political center, gathering talents from all over the world. Naturally, the jade business here is not small.

In the northern suburbs of Kyoto, there is a large-scale market, which gathers jade merchants from all over the world, and thousands of large and small stalls and shops are scattered everywhere. Every day after nine o’clock, there will be a lot of people and cars coming and going.

This place is called Emerald City, and it is a gathering place for jade merchants. It is not as formal as the East China Sea Gambling Festival. It consists of a large number of retail investors and the market is more active.

Zhang Jun and his party walked on the wide aisle, his eyes kept sweeping across the stalls, and sometimes stopped for a while, buying a few large or small, or half or full gambling materials regardless of the price.

And every time a part of the material is bought, someone will deliver it to the truck outside and a special person will guard it.

After passing dozens of stalls in a row, Zhang Jun did not make many shots. He found that most of the materials were at a loss and not worth the shots. It wasn’t until he walked into a rough shop that he was attracted by a piece of half-gambling material worth hundreds of kilograms.

The longitudinal section of this material is a kind of green beans. The water head is not good, the light transmission is poor, and the color is too dark. It is not a good material. But even so, this jade is priced at millions.

Naturally, what attracted Zhang Jun was not the green beans, but the three fist-sized emeralds buried deep in the half piece of jade. These three pieces of jadeite are distributed in a fret-like shape, two pieces of ice are light green, and the third piece is a glass of imperial green that surprised Zhang Jun!

It is almost impossible to hide jade in this kind of jade, because the formation of jade has gone through hundreds of millions of years and has a unique mineralization process, which is extremely difficult to happen.

In addition, the glass imperial green belongs to the finest jadeite, and it may not be possible to dig out a few pieces in a mining area in Myanmar. At the beginning, Zhang Jun was in the East China Sea Gambling Stone Festival. After seeing so many materials, he didn’t find a piece of imperial green in glass. Although this piece is only the size of a fist, its value is incalculable.

On the surface, Zhang Jun just glanced casually and asked: “Boss, can this material be cheaper?”

The boss is a skinny middle-aged man, and he felt energetic when he asked the price, and said: “Brother, this jade is a good thing. Take it back and polish it carefully. It is not a problem to sell it for 1.5 to 600 thousand yuan. The price is already the lowest. No, I won’t sell it for a cent.”

Zhang Jun said, “Boss, you don’t need to talk about those imaginary things. This stone needs no water head, no color, and it looks like a piece of tofu with long green hair. I wouldn’t make a million.”

Hearing Zhang Jun said the material so unbearable, the boss was upset, and said, “Brother, it’s up to you to buy or not to sell to me, but don’t arrange things randomly.”

Zhang Jun could see that the person in front of him was really unwilling to give in, so he had to say: “Okay boss, we will be familiar with each other once and again, and I won’t tell you anymore. I hope that when you come again next time, you will be able to raise your hands and give you a discount. One or two.”

The boss’s eyes turned dark, and he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, brother, next time you come, I will give you 15% off!”

After buying this piece of hundreds of kilograms of material, Zhang Jun kept rushing to other stalls and shops, and he bought all those who could make a difference of three to five times the price.

The Emerald City has a large area, and each stall has its own warehouse. More jade is stored in the warehouse, which is more troublesome to see. As a result, Zhang Jun bought materials much more slowly. On the first day, he only visited about one-tenth of the stalls.

But the harvest was also quite fruitful. He bought more than 20 million stones and sent them to the East China Sea that night.

In this way, he wandered around the Emerald City for five consecutive days. In addition to his generous shots, he swallowed a large amount of goods, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

On the fifth day, when Zhang Jun was choosing the rough stone, two people in the distance talked in a low voice. The old man was in his seventies, and his thin black face was full of wind and frost. He said: “It’s been the fifth day, this person is still buying, have you ever counted, how much did he spend?”

The middle-aged man had dark eyes, and he said solemnly: “Should you say that there are 100 million yuan. If you dare to take so much money into the Emerald City, the other party is either a fool or a master. Old man, which one do you think is more likely?”

The old man’s name is Lao Bazi, he pondered for a moment, and said: “Look at this young man, he doesn’t look like an experienced jade expert, 80% is the latter.”

Middle-aged humanity: “So, 20% may be experts. This time I came to the Emerald City to scan the goods.”

The old man looked at him and said, “Yu, do you want to attack him?”

The middle-aged man nicknamed Yuskin smiled coldly and said: “I have studied these past few days. Every time he buys a stone, he will send someone away. We will find a few quick people to keep up, and we will rob the goods. Down! Even if you do so once, you can earn ten to twenty million.”

The old man looked sad, but said in his mouth: “This method is safe, but we have to check the details of this person, not the royal relatives.”

Yuskin said: “Don’t worry about this, I always do things carefully, and I won’t go wrong.”

However, Zhang Jun was picking up a few eye-catching materials, and suddenly he heard a conversation between an elderly and a middle-aged person in the distance. Since practicing the Diamond Seal, his ears are far beyond ordinary people, and within ten meters he can hear the sound of ants eating leaves.

Although the other party was several tens of meters away, and the voice was low, they couldn’t escape his ears.

A ray of cold flashed in his eyes, he sneered, and took the opportunity to go to the toilet to call Li Yunfei. After arriving in Kyoto, he never contacted Li Yunfei and others. The call at this time made them very happy.

“Brother, have you come to Kyoto? Why don’t you come to me?” Li Yunfei asked loudly.

Zhang Jun whispered: “Brother Li, I have something to do. I want to trouble you for help.”

“Your family is welcome, you say.” Li Yunfei was very bold.

Zhang Jun then explained the situation, making Li Yunfei on the other end of the phone furious, and cursed: “The **** who doesn’t have eyes has robbed my brother! Don’t worry about this, wait for the good news!”

Zhang Jun smiled and said, “After doing this batch of bastards, I will invite Brother Li to drink.”

After contacting Li Yunfei, he continued to select rough stones, but he couldn’t see any abnormalities. On the other side, Li Yunfei called a dozen brothers and was rushing towards the Emerald City.

After picking this one, he deliberately went to the old and middle-aged shop and selected it carefully. It’s strange to say that from the mess of stones, he actually found a dozen pieces that could increase the value more than ten times.

“Is the rough stone in the hands of these two people of higher quality?” Thinking of this in his mind, he proposed to take a look at the warehouse. When business comes to the door, the two naturally do not object, and even think that these sold goods can be returned.

The two people’s warehouse is located in the second basement of the Emerald City, sealed with two strong gates, so it is difficult for strangers to get in. Even if you go in, there is no way to remove the heavy rough stone.

Entering the warehouse, Zhang Jun was secretly surprised. He found that it was a large warehouse with an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, filled with all kinds of emeralds.

He moved in his heart and said: “The two have so many goods. With such strength, he can stand on his own.”

The old man said indifferently: “This is not our family, but if you get a match, we can sell it on a commission.”

While talking, Zhang Jun looked through the jade in the warehouse. Soon, his heart beat violently.

Author’s words:

Staying up late for the fifth shift, I was so sleepy that I rolled around for safflower.

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