Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 75 - Priceless

As far as he could see, he saw a stone more than one meter high and covered with numerous cracks. Under perspective, you can see that these cracks go deep into the interior, and the red and yellow jadeite inside is in a shattered state, which is basically of no value.

However, in the center of this rough stone, there is a solid ball the size of a wax gourd. Those fissures that extend to the inside are all around the outside of the solid ball, forming a peculiar scenery, which makes people sigh the magic of the Creator.

A solid ball the size of a wax gourd is composed of two parts, one third is high-ice chicken butter yellow jade, which is rare in the world. The other two-thirds are ice-seeded red jade, which is lustful, and is also rare.

Among jadeites, red is called jade, and green is called cui. Among them, the color is mostly respected by green, but if you encounter a lustful jade, you can also sell at a high price, or even worse.

He calmly said, “This stone is useless, it’s a pity.”

The old man hurriedly said: “Little brother, that’s not sure, there may not be good things in it.”

Zhang Jun seemed interested, and asked, “How much do you offer for this stone?”

The middle-aged man rushed and said: “Three million!”

Zhang Jun sneered: “Three million? Are you kidding me?”

The middle-aged man said: “If it weren’t for a lot of stuff outside, let alone three million, I wouldn’t sell it for thirty million.”

“In that case, you just keep it.” Zhang Jun finished speaking and walked around to observe the other rough stones.

There was a lot of good material in the huge warehouse. He just walked around randomly, pointed out one by one, picked out 67 stones, and said: “I want all of these, you will make a price.”

The old and middle-aged people were taken aback. This is a big deal. The old man said: “Little brother, every stone has a price. I will calculate it for you.”

In the end, the total price of these sixty or seventy stones was 41 million after erasing the fraction.

Zhang Jun said: “Forty million, and then take that big stone, I want it.”

The old man frowned and said, “Little brother, the stone is worth three million, plus one million for the profit. We have made you four million. You bargained too hard, right?”

Zhang Jun said indifferently: “I am actually the easiest to buy things. I can buy what I can and leave if I can’t. The two of you should consider it carefully.” After that, he will walk out of the warehouse.

With the price of 40 million yuan, their profits are already quite substantial, and naturally they cannot let Zhang Jun go. The old man then smiled and said, “Well, the first time you do business, you should make friends.”

Simply set the price, Zhang Jun asked someone to remove the stone. As part of the rough stone was too heavy, they had to use a forklift to move it.

After the stones are loaded, they are ready to be sent to the East China Sea. As soon as the car was installed, Li Yunfei arrived with someone. However, they did not show up, but guarded outside the Emerald City.

Before long, the truck set off, and a black BMW dropped far behind. Li Yunfei also took the man and horse, and also followed far behind.

After buying the batch of rough stones, Zhang Jun was ready to come again at intervals so as not to attract suspicion. He took someone back to the hotel and waited for Li Yunfei’s news.

At the same time, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau is conducting a round-up activity. Shen Rong, who has been promoted to deputy captain, took the lead and led more than 20 police officers to besiege several suspects on a hill in the suburbs.

The mountains are full of thorns and withered grass, it is easy to hide, and the sky is getting dark, everyone dare not act rashly, so as not to let the suspect get off.

“Team Shen, why haven’t reinforcements come? When it gets completely dark, the search will be even more difficult.” A middle-aged police officer said in a deep voice with a very dissatisfied expression.

Shen Rong said: “Wait a minute, we are short of manpower. Going into the mountains can easily cause casualties. Safety comes first. You can’t act rashly unless you are 100% sure.”

The police officers also know this truth, but if you wait any longer, it might not be possible that the suspect will run away in the dark, and that will fall short, and no one will be held responsible.

A young police officer said: “It would be great if the Qin team was there, but unfortunately he went home to recover from his injuries.” After saying this, he knew that was wrong, and quickly said, “Of course the team led by Shen is also very good.”

Shen Rong bit her lip. She has been the deputy captain for a short time. People on the team obviously have doubts about her ability. If the suspect cannot be taken down today, it will be difficult for her deputy team to continue.

Suddenly, she thought of Zhang Junlai, and secretly said: “He was alone at the beginning, and he brought down five or six opponents in an instant. He is powerful. It would be great if he could help me.”

Looking up at the sky, it was dark in about half an hour. She struggled a bit in her heart, and still dialed Zhang Jun’s phone.

At this moment, Zhang Jun was standing at the hotel and asked: “Shen Rong, what’s the matter?”

After all, she is asking for help and facing danger. She was a little bit open and said: “Zhang Jun, our brigade is rounding up the suspect, but reinforcements are too late. If you don’t do anything, the suspect is very likely to escape.”

Zhang Jun is a clever man. He heard that the other party wanted to ask him for help. He thought about it and asked, “How many people are there and what weapons did he bring.”

If the suspect is armed with a gun, he will not help. After all, it is too risky. He is not a professional policeman and there is no need to go to work.

Shen Rong said: “According to the informant, there are seven of them. They have no guns, but they carry daggers.”

Zhang Jun said, “Tell me the location and I will be there soon.”

Shen Rong was overjoyed: “Thank you, Zhang Jun.”

Putting down the phone, he drove directly to the place Shen Rong said. When he first came to Kyoto, he put the Volvo in the car and drew it to Kyoto so that it would not be inconvenient to use the car.

About half an hour, he rushed to the foot of the mountain. The car lights flickered, and Shen Rong rushed over and said, “The reinforcements will be there in ten minutes or so, or else we will wait?”

Zhang Jun smiled and said, “Since it’s here, I’ll help you clean them up.” He looked at the sky, and night had fallen, but it didn’t affect his vision in the least.

Shen Rong nodded: “Okay, let’s go together!”

Zhang Jun waved his hand and said, “No, you stay at the foot of the mountain. The sky is too dark, and there are too many people and chaos.”

The young police officer came over and listened to Zhang Jun’s words and couldn’t help snorting coldly: “Listen to your tone, it seems like how powerful it is. After all, we are professional police officers. You just need to follow behind.”

Shen Rong was annoyed. The young policeman had just graduated from the police academy. He was young and energetic, and he didn’t know Zhang Jun’s deeds in the Jindian, so he was rude.

“Wang Cheng, shut your mouth!” She angrily rebuked, “Zhang Jun can subdue five bandits with knives and guns in three seconds. Do you think you are better than him?”

Wang Cheng was stunned, speechless, but still snorted unconvinced and stepped aside.

Zhang Jun didn’t care about him, and asked, “Do you know the specific location of those people?”

Shen Rong quickly said: “They should be above the mountainside to the north.”

Zhang Jun nodded and said, “Be prepared below.” After finishing speaking, he strode up the hill and quickly disappeared from people’s sight.

In the dark, he could see everything clearly, almost the same as in the day. His footsteps are brisk, and he rushes more than ten meters away with a shake of his figure, taking the dragon step to the extreme.

While walking hurriedly, observe the surrounding environment. When he reached the mountainside, he began to walk horizontally around the mountainside. After about three minutes, he saw a piece of withered grass that had been trampled on, and thorns that had been interrupted by man.

“It should be here. You can find them by following these traces.” He thought to himself, and began to walk up the mountain.

This time, he walked more slowly and there was no sound under his feet. Five minutes later, he faintly heard a heavy gasp from the front, and immediately slowed down his steps again, lying on the ground like a cat, looking forward.

On a huge boulder thirty meters away, three people sat cross-legged and scanned the surroundings vigilantly. Around the boulder, there are four other people on guard.

Among the three people on the boulder, there was a dark and thin young man who whispered: “In five minutes, we will rush out from four directions.”

The tone of this man is very strange, and he doesn’t look like a local.

Another yellow-haired young man said: “Lao Ruan, they can’t see it when it gets dark. It is not difficult for us to escape. It is better to go back and take away the money first, so that there will be more nights and dreams. That money, where did you put it? I should tell my brothers.”

There is a dead gray in the eyes of the black and thin young man, and he said coldly: “You don’t have to worry about money.”

The yellow-headed youth shrugged: “Lao Ruan, you are a Thai after all, and you don’t know the boundaries of our Kyoto. I’m really worried that you will forget the place. That would be a big loss.”

The black and thin young man gave a cold snort, ignored it, and paid full attention to the surrounding movement, and then said: “There are three minutes left, everyone is going to go down the mountain!”

Zhang Jun knew that if he waited any longer, people would flee. After watching for a while, he approached the guard in the far east. His movements were very light and made no sound. And in this darkness, even if it appeared in front of the opponent, it was just a vague shadow.

Zhang Jun approached one meter behind the opponent. The person still felt nothing. Then he felt a numb in the back of his head and he fainted to the ground.

Using the same method, Zhang Jun quickly knocked out the four people outside and walked towards the boulder. When others arrived, the black and thin young man on the boulder said, “Go down!”

When the words fell, the three men filed off the boulder. The young yellow-haired man and another tall and thin man walked in front. They just jumped off the boulder and felt a pain in the back of their head and passed out.

The muffled sound of the body falling to the ground shocked the black and thin young man on the stone. He roared and suddenly rose into the air, raised his elbows, and shot down towards Zhang Jun’s direction.

Zhang Jun was taken aback and saw that this move was very violent. If he was hit, his brain would burst. He then dodges and hides aside. When the opponent landed, he blasted past with a punch.

The black and thin young man took a weird step, suddenly moved one metre across, turned around, and hit another elbow.

Zhang Both deliberately figured out the opponent’s strength, so he went head-on.

Author’s words:

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