MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 114 What exactly did you get up to with that succubus?

[Quest Update] 

[Number of animals freed and escaped the hideout alive: 19/20] 

“Ah Vincarna, welcome back, I am glad to see you have returned with more animals.” Tiriana said before saying.

“Allow me to introduce to you Lady Bengal.”

“Lady Bengal, this is Vincarna the one who is currently attempting to rescue the animals including the white tiger.”

Bengal came closer to John and looked down on him.

It was easy to say that Bengal was the size of a two story house.

After looking down on him for a few moments, Bengal took a large sniff of him before cocking her head to the side and asking.

“Why do I smell that succubus whore Elrinira on you human?”

“Succubus Queen Elrinira?” Triana asked in surprise as all the other druids nearby also showed surprised expressions.

“I am more than happy to explain Lady Bengal, however might it not be best to explain after I have rescued you kin?” John replied.

Bengal looked at John for a moment before replying.

“You are correct young druid, very well I will await your return before getting an explanation.”

“Hey bro I can fill them in on the details.” Bandit suddenly said as he hopped over.

“Bandit, you know about this?” One of the druid’s asked.

“Yup, bro explained it to me earlier.” Bandit replied.

“Actually that's a good idea, Bandit please fill them in and then I will answer any questions you may have after I finish my task.” John replied before saying.

“Teleport: Emerald Enclave”

“Leave it to me bro.” Bandit said just before John vanished.

After John disappeared everyone looked at Bandit making him feel like he was under a spotlight before Bengal said.

“Please explain, young Jackalope.”


John repeated back in the dungeon.

“Everything ok?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah it’s just Bengal is now present in the Emerald Enclave and boy is she huge.” John replied.

“You actually met another world boss?” Sarah said in surprise as Vulxis’s eyes went wide before adding.

“Most players have never even seen a world boss let alone speak to one since they tend to keep to themselves, and yet here you are having met two.”

“Yeah and what could be worse is that Bengal smelt Elrinira on me and asked me about it.”

Sarah and Vulxis' eyes suddenly went a bit cold and narrow as they looked at John, making him tilt his head in confusion before Vulxis said in a voice colder than he had heard from her before.

“John what do you mean Bengal smelt Elrinia on you? What exactly did you get up to with that succubus?”

For some reason John thought he was being interrogated and got the feeling that it was best to just be honest.

“I did nothing, surely Alea told you that, the reason Elrinia’s scent is on me is probably because she clung to me at one point before I asked her to let go.”

The two women's faces visibly relaxed and they showed smiles again before Vulxis said.

“Very well as long as that was all.”

“What else were you thinking?” John asked back.

Sarah and Vulxis avoided answering the question as they both headed towards the passageway back to the main hall.

John with a confused look on his face followed behind the both of them, as he did an idea came to mind but he soon shot it down because it was too outlandish.

“So either we can go straight to the boss room since we can guess that's where the white tiger is, or check out the other passage as that will most likely have some more bandits we need to kill.” Sarah said before adding.

“Since we want to get the most out of this dungeon I suggest we do the passageway to make sure we complete all the quests here.”

“Agreed.” John and Vulxis said.

They proceeded around the pit towards the passageway on the other side and as they walked down it they started to hear the sound of voices.

“What do you think the boss is up to with that white tiger?”

“Who knows or cares, we all know she adores them for some stupid reason.”

“What’s the deal with that spell tome the shady guy in the hood sold to the boss recently? The boss has not left her room since she brought it.”

“I heard it’s a druid spell tome for their Wild Morph skill.”

“You can’t seriously be suggesting that the boss is trying to learn how to wild morph into a white tiger can you?”

[Class Quest Update]

[Illegal Druid Spell Tombs Part 2 (Chain Quest) (Ordinary)] 

[You have overheard some bandits talking about a druid spell tome their boss has obtained for the druid’s signature Wild Morph skill, obtain this spell tome and return it to the Council of Seven.]

[Quest Goals:] 

[Obtain and return the Druid Spell Tomb for the Wild Morph skill that the bandit boss has to a member of the Council of Seven 0/1] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Access to a spell, skill or ability that is not normally taught to low rank Druids.] 

[Quest Failure punishment:] 

[The Druids will start to gain a bad reputation as fake druids use their spells for bad and evil means.]

Vincarna: I just got a class quest update.

Black Dragoon: For the white tiger?

Vincarna: No this is for another class quest I have regarding the druid spell tomes that are going around.

Ice Blue Queen: What’s the quest now?

Vincarna: I have to obtain the spell tome from the bandit boss.

Sarah nodded before saying.

Ice Blue Queen: That’s convenient since we need to visit the bandit boss soon anyway.

As they approached the other end of the passageway the three slowed down and carefully hugged the wall to their left since they could tell the bandits were on the left of the next room from their voices.

The three took a quick look around the corner and found five bandits present.


[Name: Zaos (Veteran)]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Sorcerer+1]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 1300/1300]

[MP: 620/620]

[P ATP: 55 (Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 176 (117+59(M ATP))(Magic Attack)]

[END: 69 (54+15(DEF))]

[Name: Urim (Veteran)]

[Race: Orc]

[Class: Warrior+1]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 1540/1540]

[MP: 520/520]

[P ATP: 173 (114+59 (P ATP))(Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 52 (Magic Attack)]

[END: 135 (54+81(DEF))]


[Race: Human]

[Class: Monk+1]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 820/820]

[MP: 320/320]

[P ATP: 159 (100+59(P ATP))(Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 34 (Magic Attack)]

[END: 69 (34+35 (DEF))]


[Race: Human]

[Class: Hunter+1]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 820/820]

[MP: 320/320]

[P ATP: 159 (100+59(P ATP))(Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 34 (Magic Attack)]

[END: 69 (34+35 (DEF))]

[Name: Pam]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Cleric+1]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 820/820]

[MP: 420/420]

[P ATP: 35 (Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 156 (97+59(M ATP))(Magic Attack)]

[END: 49 (34+15 (DEF))]

Ice Blue Queen: Shit.

Black Dragoon: What’s wrong? Is it because they have a cleric?

Ice Blue Queen: Not just that but the veteran warrior and Monk, they both get a charge skill at level twenty so my slows will be less effective on him since he can just charge straight in and I don’t have my blink skill yet.

Vincarna: Blink?

Ice Blue Queen: It’s the short range teleport skill Sorcerers get like the one you used before, every class gets a movement skill at level twenty, that’s why I was surprised you already had your’s.

Ice Blue Queen: Ranged attackers generally get a skill or spell that helps them create distance while melee get a skill that allows them to close the distance, you will both need to learn to use your these skills strategically in the future.

Vincarna: Does that mean all of them will have some sort of movement skill or spell?

Ice Blue Queen: Most likely, but we still need to take care of the cleric first so it can’t heal the others.

Black Dragoon: What’s the plan then?

Ice Blue Queen: Vulxis will attack first to draw the aggro and force the warrior to charge at you then we will focus fire on the cleric.

Vincarna: I can bind the warrior in place.

Ice Blue Queen: Really?

Vincarna: Yeah I have the Entangle spell that can hold one target in place for 12 seconds.

Ice Blue Queen: Ok that could work, since the warrior has the higher attack being a veteran bind him after we all cast out first spells, then we focus on the cleric until he is dead, before we proceed as normal.

Vincarna: Why are they so much stronger than the earlier bandits?

Ice Blue Queen: Because the npc’s hit level twenty, see the plus one next to their class?

Ice Blue Queen: To allow players to get used to combat with npc’s instead of just monsters which is all you normally face in the starter village, enemy npc’s first class advancement is delayed till level twenty.

Ice Blue Queen: However as you can see the stats show it has been calculated as if it was from level ten, from now on npc’s class advancement will happen the same as with players so their next one will be level twenty-five.

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Full Breakdown of Bandit Stats:

[Name: Zaos (Veteran)]
[Race: Human]
[Class: Sorcerer+1]
[Level: 20]
[HP: 1300/1300]
[MP: 620/620]
[P ATP: 55 (Physical Attack)]
[M ATP: 176 (117+59(M ATP))(Magic Attack)]
[END: 69 (54+15(DEF))]

SPI: 65 (55+10)
WIS: 62 (+)
STR: 55 (+)
INT: 117 (74+43)
VIT: 54 (+)
DEX: 55 (+)

[Polished Staff]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[M ATP: 59]
[INT: 7]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Voodoo Mantle]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 5]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Shimmering Robe]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 9]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Shilly Gloves]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 2]
[SPI: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Sanguin Belt]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 2]
[INT: 5]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Pagan Britches]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 7]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Wandering Boots]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 2]
[INT: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Emerald Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[INT: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Coral Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[SPI: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Name: Urim (Veteran)]
[Race: Orc]
[Class: Warrior+1]
[Level: 20]
[HP: 1540/1540]
[MP: 520/520]
[P ATP: 173 (114+59 (P ATP))(Physical Attack)]
[M ATP: 52 (Magic Attack)]
[END: 135 (54+81(DEF))]

SPI: 77 (66+11)
WIS: 52 (+)
STR: 114 (76+38)
INT: 52 (+)
VIT: 54 (+)
DEX: 54 (+)
[Slayers Axe]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[Great Axe]
[P ATP: 59]
[STR: 8]
[Requires Level: 20]
[Grunt’s Pauldrons]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 13]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]
[Fortified Chain]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 18]
[STR: 8]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Brutal Gauntlets]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 12]
[STR: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Spiked Belt]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 10]
[STR: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Hulking Leggins]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 16]
[SPI: 7]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Savage Boots]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 12]
[Requires Level: 20]
[Skull Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Coral Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[SPI: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Race: Human]
[Class: Monk+1]
[Level: 20]
[HP: 820/820]
[MP: 320/320]
[P ATP: 159 (100+59(P ATP))(Physical Attack)]
[M ATP: 34 (Magic Attack)]
[END: 69 (34+35 (DEF))]

SPI: 41 (35+6)
WIS: 32 (+)
STR: 100 (55+45)
INT: 34 (+)
VIT: 34 (+)
DEX: 45 (+)

[Brass Knuckles]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[Main Hand First]
[P ATP: 34]
[STR: 5]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Offhand Brass Knuckles]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[Offhand Fist]
[P ATP: 25]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Leather Pauldrons]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 6]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Scouting Tunic]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 8]
[STR: 8]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Forest Leather Gloves]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 5]
[STR: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Dark Leather Belt]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 4]
[SPI: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Scout’s Leggings]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 7]
[STR: 8]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Wrangler’s Boots]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 5]
[STR: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Skull Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Race: Human]
[Class: Hunter+1]
[Level: 20]
[HP: 820/820]
[MP: 320/320]
[P ATP: 159 (100+59(P ATP))(Physical Attack)]
[M ATP: 34 (Magic Attack)]
[END: 69 (34+35 (DEF))]

SPI: 41 (35+6)
WIS: 32 (+)
STR: 100 (55+45)
INT: 34 (+)
VIT: 34 (+)
DEX: 45 (+)

[Cliffrunner’s Bow]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[P ATP: 59]
[STR: 9]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Leather Pauldrons]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 6]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Scouting Tunic]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 8]
[STR: 8]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Fletcher's Gloves]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 5]
[STR: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Dark Leather Belt]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 4]
[SPI: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Scout’s Leggings]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 7]
[STR: 8]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Wrangler’s Boots]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 5]
[STR: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Skull Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[STR: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Name: Pam]
[Race: Human]
[Class: Cleric+1]
[Level: 20]
[HP: 820/820]
[MP: 420/420]
[P ATP: 35 (Physical Attack)]
[M ATP: 156 (97+59(M ATP))(Magic Attack)]
[END: 49 (34+15 (DEF))]

SPI: 41 (35+6)
WIS: 42 (+)
STR: 35 (+)
INT: 97 (54+43)
VIT: 34 (+)
DEX: 35 (+)

[Polished Staff]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[M ATP: 59]
[INT: 7]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Voodoo Mantle]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 5]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Shimmering Robe]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 9]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Shilly Gloves]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 2]
[SPI: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Sanguin Belt]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 2]
[INT: 5]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Pagan Britches]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 7]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Wandering Boots]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[DEF: 2]
[INT: 6]
[Requires Level: 20]

[Emerald Ring]
[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]
[INT: 4]
[Requires Level: 20]

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