MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 115 Because your plans suck

Ice Blue Queen: Ready?

Black Dragoon: Ready.

Vincarna: Ready.

Ice Blue Queen: Then let’s go get more loot.

Vulxis started to channel her Draconian breath a second before the other two as they moved around the corner and before the enemy had noticed them.

"Draconian Breath" 

Followed a second later by.

"Chain Lightning" 

"Frozen Orb" 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Zaos] 

[Damage Dealt: 44 to Urim] 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Taw] 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Then] 

[Damage Dealt: 130 to Pam] 

[MP: 610>>560] 

Right after firing off their AoE spells John cast entangle on Urim.


[MP: 560>>530] 


“That’s rich coming from a bandit.” Vulxis said.

As Vulxis finished speaking the monk did a forward flip and appeared in front of her before saying.

“Paralyzing Palm.”

And striking her squarely in the chest.

“Shit I’m stunned for ten seconds.” Vulxis said with a growl.

“Rapid Fire”

“Fire Ball”


“Healing Light”

“Chain Lightning”

“Frozen Orb.”

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Zaos] 

[Damage Dealt: 44 to Urim] 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Taw] 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Then] 

[Damage Dealt: 130 to Pam] 

[MP: 530>>480] 

 “Shit, with Vulxis stunned we don’t have the attack power to out damage the cleric’s heels so switch to plan b.” Sarah complained.

“There was a plan b?” John asked as Vulxis also showed a confused expression.

[Damage Dealt: Entangle Tick 10 to player Urim] 

“Yeah b, as in back to basic’s, just keep attacking them till they die, no need for fancy tactics right now.” Sarah explained causing John and Vulxis to roll their eyes.

“Axe Kick”

“Power Shot”

“Fire Bolt”

“Healing Light”

“Chain Lightning”

“Frozen Orb.”

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Zaos] 

[Damage Dealt: 44 to Urim] 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Taw] 

[Damage Dealt: 110 to Then] 

[Damage Dealt: 130 to Pam] 

[MP: 480>>430]

[Enemy Taw Defeated] 

[*NOTICE* Player level is over 1 level lower than defeated enemy exp amount increased by 50%] 

[*NOTICE* Player is under the effects of dungeon exclusivity rights, enemy kill exp will be doubled.] 

[491520 exp Rewarded] 

[Exp: 984461/1638400>>1475981/1638400] 

[Quest Update] 

[Kill White Tiger Bandits: 20/20] 

[Enemy Then Defeated] 

[*NOTICE* Player level is over 1 level lower than defeated enemy exp amount increased by 50%] 

[*NOTICE* Player is under the effects of dungeon exclusivity rights, enemy kill exp will be doubled.] 

[491520 exp Rewarded] 

[Exp: 1475981/1638400>>1967501/1638400]


[Level up] 

[Level: 14>>15] 

[All stats increased by 3 with extra 3 added to INT and 2 to Wis and 1 to DEX] 

[SPI: 46>>49] 

[WIS: 61>>66] 

[STR: 46>>49] 

[INT: 72>>78] 

[VIT: 45>>48] 

[DEX: 76>>80] 

[*NOTICE* MP will be restored.] 

[MP: 430>>650] 

“Ok so I have to ask, when you were part of your previous parties or guilds did you do the strategies because your plans suck and don’t seem to work.” Vulxis asked.

“I never claimed to be a good strategist, it was you two who wanted me to lead.” Sarah said in defense.

“Fire Bolt”

“Radiant Light”

“Chain Lightning”

“Frozen Orb.”

[Damage Dealt: Entangle Tick 10 to player Urim] 

[Damage Dealt: 116 to Zaos] 

[Damage Dealt: 50 to Urim] 

[Damage Dealt: 136 to Pam] 

[MP: 650>>610]

[Enemy Pam Defeated] 

[*NOTICE* Player level is over 1 level lower than defeated enemy exp amount increased by 50%] 

[*NOTICE* Player is under the effects of dungeon exclusivity rights, enemy kill exp will be doubled.] 

[983040 exp Rewarded] 

[Exp: 329101/3276800>>1312141/3276800]

“Stupid idiot.” Sarah said before continuing.

“If the cleric had radiant light why did they not use it to begin with instead of the shit rank one skill.”

“How is radiant light different?” John asked.

Rank one spells like healing light or that one you have only heal by one hundred hp, this is done to give healers more worth at the start of the game otherwise no one would bring them if their heels worked the same way attack magic is calculated because the amount they would heal would be so low.”

“However once a healer get’s access to their rank two heal spells it gets calculated the same way as attack spells, in this case base spell amount plus magic attack power, this is because the healers now have access to gear to help increase their stats and make the heels worthwhile.”

“Your next heal spell you get should work like this also.”

“Fire Bolt”

“Chain Lightning”

“Frozen Orb.”

[Damage Dealt: 116 to Zaos] 

[Damage Dealt: 50 to Urim] 

[MP: 650>>610]

[Enemy Zaos Defeated] 

[*NOTICE* Player level is over 1 level lower than defeated enemy exp amount increased by 50%] 

[*NOTICE* Player is under the effects of dungeon exclusivity rights, enemy kill exp will be doubled.] 

[1638400 exp Rewarded] 

[Exp: 1312141/3276800>>2950541/3276800]

“Just you left, big guy,” Sarah said.


[Damage Dealt: Entangle Tick 10 to player Urim] 

“Ummm no I don’t think so, especially since I’m now free.” Vulxis said before running at Urin and saying.

“Rising Dragon.”


“Overpowered Strike.”

“Lunging Dragon.”

“Chain Lightning”

“Frozen Orb.”

[Damage Dealt: 50 to Urim] 

[MP: 610>>560]

“Shit, I can’t wait to get my rank two skills, the experience here is great but it hurts knowing that I could learn my rank two spells to do more damage but I can’t.” Sarah complained as Vulxis and Urin exchanged blows.

“Nothing that can be done about it now, we only have the boss after this guy and we are done and you can go get your new skills.” Vulxis said.

“You think your dickheads are strong enough to beat the boss? Ha don’t make me laugh, she is far stronger than me.” Urin said before adding.

“Prepare to die, lizard trash.”

“Raging Slame.”

“That’s a….” Sarah was about to warn Vulxis when the latter suddenly leaped several meters away from Urin causing his attack to miss.

“What was that?” John asked.

[Damage Dealt: Entangle Tick 10 to player Urim] 

“HAHA I’M FREE BITCH.” Urin yelled as the vines holding him down disintegrated and he suddenly sped towards Vulxis, closing the gap she had just created.

“Entangle.” John tried to bind Urin again however the vines missed their target since he moved so fast.

[MP: 560>>530]

“Don’t bother trying to lock an enemy down if they're using a movement skill, it practically never works because you need to cast your spell while anticipating exactly where the target will be at time of cast.” Sarah stated.

“As for your question, that was my movement skill that dragoons get called leap.” Vulxis answered.

“Overpowered Strike.”

“Lunging Dragon.”

“Chain Lightning”

“Frozen Orb.”

[Damage Dealt: 50 to Urim] 

[MP: 530>>480]

“So it’s not just for closing gaps then?” John asked curiously.

“No, while that is its main function, it can be used defensively also, it’s a shame your entangle wore off at that moment though it did make him waist his big attack.” Vulxis answered before.

“Lunging Dragon.”

“Overpowered Strike.”

Vincarna: I have a plan to end this quicker, am I right in thinking your lunging dragon has a five second cool down?

Black Dragoon: Yes why?

Vincarna: I will disable him so aim your next attack at his throat.

Ice Blue Queen: Wait, are you going for a super critical? You know how hard they are to pull off?

Vincarna: Trust me.

Black Dragoon: Ok.

“Frozen Orb.”

“Overpowered Strike.”

“Earth Skip.”

As Sarah fired off her frozen orb and Urin brought his axe on Vulxis, John teleported next to Urin catching him by surprise while he was mid swing and using his staff to trip him up before he and Vulxis aimed both their attacks at his throat.

“Lunging Dragon.”

“Chain Lightning”

[Super Critical Hit] 

[Damage Dealt: 150 to player Tasar] 

[Opponent Stunned for 2 seconds] 

[MP: 480>>430] 


“Well shit you actually pulled that off.” Sarah said, impressed.

“Meh, it's not my first time doing this.” John replied nonchalantly.

“It’s not, how many times have you pulled that move off?” Sarah asked.

“Oh right, you used that move against the healer with that Silver Death bitch right?” Vulxis said after remembering she had seen John do that before.

“Yup, as long as you get the timing right and you have the right sort of weapon like a staff or maybe a polearm you can pull this off.” John replied.

“Why have I never thought of trying that?” Sarah thought out loud to which John just shrugged.

“Why is he not getting up?” Vulxis asked, confused.

“Oh when you land a super critical on and opponent it stuns them for two seconds.” Sarah replied.

“Really? That’s convenient, now I can’t wait to get a polearm and try it myself.” Vulxis said with an evil smirk.

“Same, I want a polearm also.” John replied.

“You do?” Vulxis and Sarah asked together.

“Yeah when I was training with all the weapons back in the weapons hall the polearm just felt like it suited me more.” John replied, which made Vulxis' eyes sparkle slightly.

“Shall we?” John said before.

“Chain Lightning”

“Lunging Dragon.”

“Frozen Orb”

[Super Critical Hit] 

[Damage Dealt: 150 to player Tasar] 

[Opponent Stunned for 2 seconds] 

[MP: 430>>380] 

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