MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 134 Alea’s Resolve

All the girls looked back at John and Shizu who were still dancing before Sarah asked.

“Are you sure about this Alea?”

“About what?” Alea replied.

“About John and not keeping him to yourself, once you make it a group relationship by inviting one or more girls in, there is no going back.” Sarah cautioned.

Alea turned to look at Sarah with a smirk before saying.

“You mean once I agree to let you be together with him then I won’t be able to stop you.”

Adria giggled at Alea’s sharp reply.

Sarah on the other hand just shrugged with a smile before saying.

“And that, but seriously I have been holding back until now because of our friendship and your feelings towards him, however after tonight and what he has done for us, unless you tell me you have changed your mind and want him all to yourself I won’t hold back anymore.”

Alea looked back towards John and smiled as she saw him gliding across the room with Shizu whose tails would not stop wagging.

“While I won’t deny that in the beginning I never even considered sharing John with anyone, it was only after talking with Elrinira that I understood that John is far more vulnerable than he appears.” Alea started to speak and the other two did not interrupt.

“It’s strange isn’t it, I have never fallen in love in over one hundred years and the first time I do I need an npc succubus to warn me about how fragile the heart of the man I love is.”

“Is that such a bad thing? At least now you’re aware of it.” Adria started.

“No it’s a good thing, I just can’t help but worry over what could have happened to him if we had never met Elrinira.” Alea replied.

“Don’t beat yourself up over things that might have been, especially when we don’t know if that’s what would have happened.” Sarah advised.

“I won’t, but I will use it to strengthen my resolve.” Alea said as she wore a serious look on her face that her friends rarely saw.

“I will accept Elrinira’s proposal and become John’s queen, I will be the queen of all John’s future women and i will decide who can be one of his women and who can’t, I will pass swift judgment on any who try to harm my love or my new sisters, I will make our group the most powerful force on Atlantia.”

Sarah and Adria stared at Alea in surprise.

Honestly they never thought that Elrinira’s plan could succeed, simply because it involved a princess and future queen accepting other women as lovers of the man she loved.

While what Maria had said in the past was true that powerful individuals both male and female  had formed their own harems and had many lovers this time it was different.

Those previously had never included one of the lovers being someone who would one day rule an entire race, normally said future rulers where the harem builders since people flocked around those with power.

And yet here was the future elf queen saying that she would be the leader of all the lovers of a low born commoner who until a little of a week ago lived in a wooden shack in the slums.

The question now was who would become this man’s future lovers and more importantly would he even accept the situation that he still knew nothing about.


For the rest of the evening John spent the night either dancing or talking with the ladies.

As the night progressed the girls insisted on dancing with John more and more, John also noticed that their bodies seemed to be pressing up against him more and more also, not that he was complaining he just found it strange but put it down to the drink.

John mainly had water the entire evening to stay hydrated since he was dancing so much however the ladies were all drinking wine of different sorts.

The guests and delegates eventually stopped paying so much attention to the group once they got used to the fact that John kept dancing with each of them in turn.

There were three individuals who kept looking over often and shooting John with looks of rage and jealousy but there was nothing they could do about the situation in such a setting without bringing embarrassment to their race.

Eventually John noticed that his dates and Shizu were getting a bit tipsy and as some of the delegates were starting to take their leave he suggested that they should take their leave as well in case something unexpected happened while the women were slightly drunk.

The girls were reluctant to end the night, but when John stated that they could continue talking and dancing away from the crowds they readily accepted.

The group bid their farewells to those they were friendly and familiar with before they left the banquet hall, this time Sarah and Shizu were on John’s arms though John was unsure why Shizu had suddenly decided to walk arm in arm with him.

John noticed the stairs of people as they left, most were filled with interest, while many contained jealousy and three in particular contained hatred.

“So where to?” Sarah asked.

“John’s room.” Alea said simply as she led the way.

“I’m fine with that, but can I ask why you're both still holding onto me? no one is watching anymore so you don’t need to pretend.” John asked.

“You're right we don’t, we can act as we please now.” Sarah replied as she buried John’s arm deeper into her cleavage now that they were out of the hall and away from prying eyes.

“Sarah’s right, we can.” Shizu said doing the same to John’s other arm.

“Err.” John said unsure how to respond.

“What, you don’t like it when two beauties want to cling to you?” Shizu asked mischievously.

“I reserve my right to silence.” John replied.

“Oh and why is that?” Shizu asked in a flirtatious tone.

John didn’t reply but just looked towards Alea who was walking slightly ahead arm in arm with Adria, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to Alea’s ass that seemed to start swaying more as his eyes fell on it.

Noticing his gaze Sarah giggled before whispering in John’s ear.

“Don’t worry about that, in fact you should embrace this as it will make you the most envied man in Atlantia.” 

“I thought I was already envied and hated?” John asked back.

“Oh compared to how envied and hated you will soon become this is nothing.” Sarah replied cryptically.

John sighed before asking.

“You have no plan on explaining what you mean by that do you?”

“Now where would be the fun in that?” Sarah replied mischievously.

John just rolled his eyes before focussing them back on Alea’s ass before then switching to Adria’s which also seemed to start to sway more.

“Enjoying the view?” Shizu asked with a grin.

“Yes.” John replied automatically which caused Alea and Adria to look back and smile at him.

“Don’t get used to it too quickly, you will be seeing it often in the future.” Sarah said.

“I don’t think I could ever get used to a view this good.” John replied.

“Good answer.” Shizu said with a smile.

As they arrived outside John’s room Alea led the way in while saying.

“Holo on.”

“Oh already expecting some gossip?” Sarah asked teasingly.

Alea rolled her eyes before saying.

“Let’s get some drinks and find out.”

As the four grabbed some drinks from the bar the Genesis News Network was shown on the holo.

“Welcome back to the Genesis News Network.”

“Repeating our top story tonight, three famous women from Atlantia and Genesis who are included on the recently popular list called The Impossible Princess’s have apparently become the boyfriend of the same man.”

“Earlier this evening we reported that a human by the name of John Michaels proclaimed that he was the boyfriend of the elf princess Alea Keagwyn, the human princess Adria Bristle and one of  the most famous players in Genesis Sarah Lapis.”

“Seeing how no one has yet refuted this claim and that according to our sources at the banquet  the three women in question danced with John Michaels for most of the night before all leaving together.”

“We can conclude that this may very well be true.”

“We have also just now been informed that John Michaels also danced with the new draconian empress Vulxis Noxmeila as well as the Kitsune princess Shizu, who also left with the four in question.”

“We have also just been informed that John Michaels is actually the human mentioned by Tia in the recent human racial punishment announcement where they lost Stone-mist castle.”

“This is quite the development considering John Michaels was living in the slums previously.”

“How he came to attend the Genesis Agreement Banquet while also dating these three famous and powerful women we don’t know, but rest assured that we will continue to look into this matter for our viewers.”

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