MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 135 Provocative dancing

*NOTICE* Minor Yuri content near the end of this chapter.


“Well it looks like someone is famous now.” Sarah said with a smirk while looking at John.

“And who’s fault is that?” John asked while rolling his eyes.

“Yours.” Sarah replied.

“Definitely yours.” Adria agreed.

“I agree it’s totally yours.” Alea added joining in on the fun.

John looked at the three girls smirking at him as if he had been betrayed.

“What did you expect from taking three beautiful and famous women to a banquet and proclaiming that they're all your girlfriends? Even more so when two of them are real life princesses.” Shizu teased.

The four girls giggled at JOhn’s look of betrayal before Alea said.

“Ok that’s enough teasing him, lets have some fun.”

“Right, holo switch to Atlantia world music.” Sarah said and the holo’s display suddenly switched to showing a logo as music started to come out of the speakers.

“Oh it’s the new single from Melissa Delacruz, I love this song.” Shizu said with a smile.

“Isn’t that the woman your mother mentioned earlier that's on the impossible princess list or something?” John asked.

“What? Don’t tell me you have never heard of Melissa Delacruz.” Shizu asked in surprise as the other girls also showed surprised expressions.

“Nope, should I have?” John asked.

“Of course, she is only the most famous celebrity in the world right now.” Adria began to explain.,

“Although celebrity players from Genesis are normally more famous because of how intracol Genesis is to Atlantia, such as our famous friend here.”  She said looking at Sarah who just rolled her eyes.

“Celebrities from tv, film and music sometimes become just as famous and popular if not more so, Melissa Delacruz is one such example.”

“If we remove every famous person from Genesis the most famous person in the world right now would be Melissa Delacruz.”

“Not to mention even your brother fancies her and wants her to become his wife and future queen.” Shizu said with a giggle.

Adria smirked before saying.

“That would never happen, that fat pig has been chasing after Melissa for a few months now and she has no interest in him whatsoever.” 

“Melissa? Do you know her?” Shizu asked excitedly.

Adria nodded before replying.

“We have met a few times at social gatherings, I’m surprised you have not heard about it.” 

Shizu shrugged before saying.

“I may be a fan but it’s not like I follow her religiously like your brother, also I have never seen her at the social events we have both attended.”

“That’s because the social events I am talking about are not the political ones that your mother forces you to attend, we all know the lazy Kitsune princess would not attend any social event if she could get away with it.” Adria teased.

Shizu shrugged nonchalantly before saying.

“Why would I want to attend boring social events if I am not forced to, it’s just full of men trying to sweet talk me with ill hidden lust in their eyes, or women with fake smiles who pretend not to be jealous of my position, status and beauty.”

“Wow, someone has a high opinion of themselves.” Sarah remarked.

Shizu gave Sarah a smirk before asking.

“Am I wrong? Name one person at these events who isn’t after something from you.” 

“That’s easy, I’m looking at him.” Sarah said, looking at John.

“John doesn't count, after all he is classed as your friend.” Shizu countered before returning to the main topic.

“Anyway since when have you been on a first name basis with Melissa Delacruz and can you get me an autograph?” 

“Even though the Genesis News Network and other news agencies only report us as casual acquaintances we are actually rather close, also yes I can get you her autograph.” Adria replied.

“Can you get me one also Adria? I am also a fan of her music.” Alea asked.

“Of course, I already got one for Sarah in the past so it won't be a problem.” Adria agreed before turning to John.

“Do you want me to get you one also John?” She asked.

John shook his head before replying.

“No thanks, I don’t know anything about her as I had never heard of her before tonight.”

“I expect you have heard some of her songs before, she has been around for a few years now.” Alea mentioned.

“Perhaps if I heard them I would recognise them, there was often music playing in the background of some of my old jobs, but that's all it was, background music.” John replied with a shrug.

“Well that decides it then, holo play music by Melissa Delacruz.” Adria ordered before saying.

“We need to teach you the awesomeness of Melissa’s singing.”

After which she stood up before pulling John up towards the middle of the room.

“What are you doing?” John asked, confused.

“Dancing of course but unlike earlier I will be inviting you since we are away from prying eyes and the dancing will be a lot different.” Adria replied before she started to dance in front of John in a way that was far more provocative than earlier at the banquet.

She swayed her hips and moved her arms and head around to the music. She started to sing along with the song  while looking at John.

Her hands often touched different parts of his body as she danced around him, once or twice she planted her ass against John’s crotch area and moved it around a little before taking it away in a teasing manner.

She started to purposefully arch her neck and body in ways that allowed John to see the maximum amount of skin her dress allowed around her cleavage area.

After a few moments the other girls got up and started to dance, the girls started to take turns teasing John while also dancing with each other.

They teased him in subtle ways with their bodies allowing for slight contact to happen before pulling away, they especially seemed to enjoy the parts when they pressed there ass’s against John’s crotch and rubbed it slightly before pulling away, ir when they where behind him and leaned against his back, allowing him to feel there ample breasts.

They made sure to show off as much of their skin that their dresses allowed while often making sure one of their legs was fully visible through the leg split in their dresses for John to look at.

As the music changed they kept dancing and pressing their bodies closer to John’s.

They took turns teasing him while allowing him to see them dancing with each other in a sexual manner as they grinded up against each other.

“Do you dance together like this often?” John found himself asking.

Sarah, who was currently pressing her breasts into John’s back as her hands roamed his chest, answered into his ear while Shizu was dancing in front of him with her ass gently touching his cock softly now and again while she made sure her tails would brush against his face and hands letting him feel her soft fur.

Adria and Alea were grinding up against each other right in John’s vision, allowing him to watch as they touched and caressed each other.

“It has been known to happen, especially when several of us get together and drink, though would you like to know a secret?”

“What?” John asked.

“We have never danced like this in front of a man before so congratulations, perhaps if you're lucky you may even see something far more interesting.” Sarah whispered in his ear.

Just then a knock came from the door causing Alea to say.

“It must be Vulxis, she finally managed to escape and come join us.”

After which she danced and swayed over to the door opening it before pulling Vulxis in and closing it.

“Finally managed to escape an….” Vulxis started to say but suddenly found her lips being covered by Alea’s.

It took Vulxis a moment to recover before she started to return the kiss.

John watched on in shock and surprise as he saw the empress of the dragonian race and the princess and future queen of the elf race locked in a passionate kiss.

“Told you.” Sarah whispered before she pulled Adria who was now dancing alone in front of John towards her and started to kiss her own cousin.

John was beyond shocked as he watched four of the five women in the room making out with each other.

Shizu showed a surprised expression at Alea kissing Vulxis in front of John, but soon she let it go and continued to grind against John’s cock before she leaned back resting her head on his shoulder before repeating the question she asked before with a flirtatious smile.

“Enjoying the view?”

John could not find the words to respond and could only nod.

Shizu’s perverted smile grew before she asked.

“Oh? You like watching women make out with each other do you?” 

John, having finally found his voice, replied.

“Apparently so, even if this is my first time witnessing something like this.”

Sarah broke the kiss with her cousin who was not a bit breathless before she leaned on John’s back again and asked in his ear.

“Would you like to see more of it in the future?” 

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