MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 136 Well that could have gone better

*NOTICE* Minor Yuri content near the end of this chapter.


“Would you like to see more of it in the future?” Sarah asked with a silky tone into John’s ear.

“The answer is obviously yes, though I don’t believe that’s my choice to make.” John replied.

“You're right it’s not, it’s ours, however.” Sarah began to say before she took hold of John’s hands which he had carefully been keeping away from the women all this time, something they had all noticed.

Sarah then guided his hands up to Shizu’s hips and placed them there, Shizu whose head was still laying on John’s shoulder smiled before she started to grind against his crotch more aggressively and her tails wrapped around him as if to prevent him from escaping.

After this Sarah continued.

“However if you promise and agree to something we ask of you then it will become partly yours and you will be able to witness this often.”

After which Sarah left John’s back and moved in front of Shizu where she started to grope Shizu’s breasts.

His back now free was soon taken by Adria who started to rub her hands over John’s chest before she whispered. 

“Watch carefully.”

After which Shizu moaned in pleasure before leaning forward and kissing Sarah while continuing to grind her ass against John’s cock which she could feel was getting harder.

Shizu was quite surprised by the girth she was starting to feel with her ass cheeks.

Alea and Vulxis broke apart before Vulxis pouted and said.

“You didn’t even let me finish.”

Alea smiled before caressing Vulxis' cheek and saying.

“That’s your punishment for keeping us waiting ‘Empress’.”

“Now why don’t you show John your true form?” Alea asked.

“And ruin my dress once my wings and tail come out?, not unless you want me to get naked.”  Vulxis replied.

“It’s nothing we have not seen before.” Alea replied with a smirk.

“Someone hasn’t, and why did you do that in front of John?” Vulxis said with a slight blush as she looked towards John and continued.

“I was not expecting you to invite John, after all we have never allowed any man to witness this.”

“And for good reason.” Adria spoke up before asking.

“Do you know what they would do with the information if they found out that our friend circle secretly engaged in intimate acts?”

“I know full well that they would use it against us as ransom to demand whatever they wanted.” Vulxis replied.

“Why am I witnessing this then?” John asked all the women, when then turned to look at him, even Sarah and Shizu who broke their kiss to do so.

“For two reasons, first off because we know you won't use this as blackmail material or spread this information around.” Alea answered before continuing.

“The second reason is that, soon there will hopefully be no need to keep this a secret any longer.”

“Why not?” John asked.

Sarah smiled before saying.

“Simple, it’s to do with the promise and agreement I spoke about before.”

“You want me to promise and agree never to reveal what I have seen here today and not blackmail you?” John asked with a frown.

“No John, Alea has already said that we don’t believe you're that kind of man.” Adria replied before adding.

“No, what we want you to agree to and promise is something far more beneficial and enjoyable for us all.”

“I’m afraid I’m not following.” John stated.

“Neither am I.” Shizu suddenly said.

“Nor me, what are you three up to without asking us?” Vulxis asked with an annoyed tone.

Alea sighed, turning to John and saying.

“It would seem we sisters need to discuss some things John, I apologize that after all that we can’t tell you more.”

“I see.” John said in a slightly annoyed tone before gently removing himself from between Adria and Shizu.

After which he straightened his clothes slightly before saying.

“You will forgive me if I don’t escort you all back to your rooms but I am rather tired after all the dancing, if you will excuse me I will head off to bed.”

Without waiting for a response John turned and headed for his bedroom before closing the door behind him.

Afterwards he leaned against the door before looking down at the bulge in his pants and mumbling.

“What a cock block.”

Afterwards he went to the bathroom as he would need to sort himself out before he could get to sleep.


Outside the room the five women watched John enter his bedroom before closing the door on them, they all showed a mixture of different emotions from confusion, to doubt, to embarrassment.

Only Sarah who was the only one to have ever seen and touched an actual male dick let alone take one inside her knew what had just happened causing her to sigh and shake her head before saying.

“Well that could have gone better.”

“What happened? Why did John suddenly leave?” Adria asked with surprise.

“We just cock blocked him.” Sarah answered honestly.

“We what?” Alea asked confused, a sentiment shared by the other three.

“Basically he was horny and his dick was hard.” Sarah started to explain before asking.

“Let me ask you this, how do you four feel when you are in the middle of playing with yourself and you get interrupted?”

Realization dawned on their faces before Sarah continued.

“Now imagine how you would feel if you were interrupted when being satisfied by one of us, that’s basically how John felt, just more intense since all of us except Vulxis who had just arrived we're focusing our attention on him.”

“Shit.” Alea said with a sad face while looking towards John’s bedroom.

“Don’t worry too much about it, we can explain everything to him later and make it up to him after we explain everything to Vulzis and Shizu.” Sarah advised with a kind smile.

“Are you sure he will forgive us?” Alea asked, still concerned.

“Alea you may be experienced when satisfying us, however you have no experience in romance with or the satisfying of men, trust me, I will teach you all how to please him so much that he will definitely forgive us.”

“And why would we need to learn that?” Shizu asked with a frown.

“Oh please, with how you were grinding your ass against his cock as well as wrapping your tails around him it’s obvious you like him, you have only ever done that with us when we were alone.” Sarah replied while rolling her eyes.

“Let’s continue this conversation in my room, it does not feel right to have it here after what we just did.” Alea said before turning and leaving the room without waiting for the others.

“Wow I have never seen Alea like this, she is really annoyed at what we did to John isn’t she.” Adrai said.

“I think it’s more the fact that she is annoyed at herself for what she did to the man she loves.” Sarah corrected.

“So she is actually in love with John?” Shizu asked.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice with those eyes of yours.” Sarah replied as they all followed after Alea.

“Of course I did, I just found it surprising, especially since you all have feelings for him also.” Shizu replied.

None of the girls denied this because they knew there were some things they could not hide from Shizu’s eyes.

“And what about you?” Vulxis asked while looking at Shizu.

“I won't deny I am attracted to him, he is the first male that has not given me a feeling of boredom when I have interacted with him, however I don’t want to steal someone from a friend.” Shizu answered while looking at Alea’s back.

“Don’t worry that won’t be a problem if you accept the proposal we have for you both.” Sarah stated.

“What proposal is that?” Vulxis asked with interest.

“Let’s wait till we return to Alea’s room since it is something known only by a handful of people.” Adria answered.

A few minutes later they arrived at Alea’s room and once they were all seated on comfortable chairs Shizu said.

“Care to explain now.” 

Alea nodded before she went on to explain the whole situation of meeting Elrinira and what she told Alea after she left.

“And you're ok with this?” Vulxis asked in surprise.

“I am, it took me a bit of time to come to a decision but I have decided to become John’s queen and lead his harem that I will build around him.”

“And both of you are going to be involved in this harem?” Shizu asked, looking between Sarah and Adria.

“Yup, I made up my mind as we dungeoned together and I grew to like John more and more. Sarah replied

“Even though I knew of this plan beforehand, I was not willing to admit to anything before meeting John.” Adria started to explain. “I had an interest in him from when I had seen his meeting with Sarah back at his shack, however I was not willing to dive into a relationship with just anyone like my hopeless cousin here.”

“Hey.” Sarah protested.

“Adria just smiled at her before continuing.

“However after spending the evening with him, enjoying his company and dancing with him, something that has never happened with any other man before, and also after what he did for the three of us tonight I have decided that I will also join his harem.”

There was silence for a few moments as Adria’s words sunk in before Sarah asked.

“Now the question is what will you two decide, will the draconian empress and the Kitsone princess join John’s harem?” 

Vulxis and Shizu looked at each other and they could both tell that the other was considering it.

Finally Vulxis asked.

“Before we give a definite answer let me ask this, who else do you plan to invite into this harem?”

Alea, Adria and Sarah looked at each other before Sarah said.


Check out my new novel and tell me what you think:
God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

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