MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 174 Level 20 gear

As Alexia opened her eyes she noticed the other woman smirking at her before Sakoto asked in a teasing tone.

“So, how did it go?” 

“Very well actually.” Alexia replied to looks of surprise from the other women.

“Are you saying Adria didn’t chew you out?” Sakoto asked.

“She did not, but whether Shizu will chew you out is another matter.” Alexia replied with a smug smile which caused Sakoto to show slight panic as she looked at her daughter.

“Shizu I..” Sakoto started but Shizu held her hand up with a sigh before saying.

“Calm down mother, I figured this would be a possibility after what Elrinira said about aunt Alexia earlier.”

“You're not upset?” Sakoto asked.

“No.” Shizu replied simply.

“You're open to the idea?” Sakoto asked in surprise.

“In general yes, but not at this time, after all you do not meet the requirements to join.” Shizu answered.

“Requirements?” Sakoto asked, confused.

“We will discuss this later mother, once I have organized my thoughts.” Shizu replied simply.

“Putting that aside for now it's good you're all still present.” Alexia said.

“Well we wanted to know what happened in your discussion with Adria, but why is it good?” Thasinia replied.

“Growth type regalia.” Alexia said simply.

“That theory again, why would we need to discuss something that does not exist?” Sakoto asked in a bored tone.

“What if I said it does exist and I have proof?” Alexia replied with a smug smile.

Sakoto’s bored attitude disappeared instantly as all the others started to pay attention also.

“Explain.” Sakoto said.

“John already has two pieces of a growth type regalia.” Alexia replied.

“John only has one growth type item, his mantle.” Alea replied.

“Not anymore, he received a spear from the council of seven.” Alexia replied.

“What!” Vulxis said in surprise before adding in a glum tone.

“He actually received that Naginata and it's a growth type spear, no fair.”

“Yes and apparently both item’s used to be part of the demi-god Daratrine’s regalia.”

There was silence for a moment as the news sank in before Thasinia said

“So we need to start researching and investigating this.”

“Actually I already have an idea on how to possibly attain these item’s.” Alexia replied before adding.

“And if I’m right there are probably only five growth type regalias in all of Genesis.”

“Five?” Tanelia asked.

“Yes, if my theory is correct only four are now accessible since John is already working on one collection.” Alexia began to explain.

“I believe that in order to be able to work on collecting a growth type regalia you have to get the special quest from the village elder in the starter village like John did in Yesta Village.”

“If you successfully complete this quest you will be rewarded with a piece of the growth type armor.”

“But John was a druid at the time he received the growth type armor.” Alea responded.

“I think that was just a coincidence and a lucky happenstance that John got teleported to the emerald enclave where he became a druid.” Alexia replied before continuing.

“As we know each of the five races that signed the Genesis agreement also seem to have their own unique class in genesis, such as the elves druid, the human necromancer or the draconian dragoon.”

“These five races are also the five races that rule over one of the five continents.”

“What you are saying is that each continent's starter village has its own unique quest that once completed allows the player who completed it to start collecting the growth regalia that is in some way connected to that continent's unique class?” Tanelia asked.

“That is my theory, yes.” Alexia confirmed.

“So since the quest John got from the village leader was a unique quest that he managed to complete, no one else will be able to collect the growth type regalia?” Alea asked.

“That’s my theory, however there is no way to know for sure if there is not another way to open up the growth type regalia collection.” Alexia replied.

There was silence for a bit as the women all thought on this before Chirax said.

“If this can only be started in the starter village that means it is only available to new players, unless someone manages to obtain a rebirth like Sarah here did.” 

“Correct, and because of this we need to consider carefully who we give this opportunity to.” Alexia said.


On the way towards the auction house John had passed a shop and sold his miscellaneous trash he didn't need anymore and didn't think it was worth selling on the auction house since it always took a percentage profit whether it sold or not.

Selling off all the old gear he had in his bag he managed to make back three gold fifty silver.

He also sold off all his Minor Healing Potions of which he had six, these sold for a measly ten copper each netting him a whopping sixty copper.

He entered the auction house and found a place to sit down before he started to look over what gear he needed to upgrade.

(Ok so the gear I need to upgrade that is below level twenty is my weapon, though I don’t have to worry too much about that since I will be upgrading Lilastea.) John began to think to himself.

(My gloves need an upgrade, my belt, boots, rings, though I doubt I will find one better than my Aspirant’s Ring at this level.)

With that John started his search and some time later he had found suitable upgrades.

[Forest Leather Gloves]

[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]



[Defense: 5] 

[Strength: 6]

[Requires Level: 20]

[Cost: 2 Gold]

[Dark Leather Belt]

[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]



[Defense: 4]

[Spirit: 6]

[Requires Level: 20]

[Cost: 2 Gold]

[Wrangler’s Boots]

[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]



[Defense: 5] 

[Strength: 6]

[Requires Level: 20]

[Cost: 2 Gold]

(Unfortunately because of my level the auction house only has uncommon green gear, I guess no one is foolish enough to sell better gear.)

(Because of that there was no better ring, I can buy one that adds four stat points to one stat, however The Ring of One adds a total of six stat points so I will stick with that for now.)

(Fortunately the auction house allows me to pay directly out of my bank account.)

(Ok let's find five uncommon green weapons to upgrade Lilastea)

John did a quick look and found five uncommon green items that all together came to one gold.

(Actually since I am here I may as well get the ten rare blue shoulder items to merge with Phanta, that way I can level it up as soon as I reach level twenty-five.)

John did a quick check and could not help but exclaim.

“Damn that price shot up.”

While the level twenty uncommon green gear cost him two gold each, the rare blue level twenty five gear cost him five gold each totaling fifty gold.

(If Lilastea follows the same pattern as Phanta, after I level it up to uncommon green it will probably need ten rare blue spear weapons.)

John did a quick check and could not help but swear.


Each spear cost him ten gold totaling one hundred gold.

(I suppose it makes sense for weapons to cost more since there is less total number of them compared to armor, but still that's nuts.)

(Growth items are expensive, if I did not have the two penchant guild income I would not be able to afford to upgrade them.)

After John had purchased all that was on his shopping list he continued to randomly browse the auction house to see if he could find anything of interest.

He had agreed to meet Adria here but she had not arrived yet.

Even though there were several interesting items, none of them were great enough to make him want to purchase them.

With that decided John headed towards the collection point to pay and pick up his items.

[Bank Money: 13,465 Gold 85 Silver 72 Copper>>13,308 Gold 85 Silver 72 Copper]

John decided to wait outside as it would be easier to see Adria when she approached if he stood next to the entrance.

After waiting for a few minutes he noticed that the crowd was starting to make a commotion and he heard excited voices.

“Wow it’s Red Rose.”

“The princess, what is she doing here all alone?”

“Talk about a beautiful redhead.” 

“I thought she was busy trying to beat pride rock.”

“It seems she needs something from the auction house.”

“What could be so important that she didn’t send one of her team or her maid to collect it?”

“Stop complaining, it’s not everyday you get to see the princess.”

John couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head as he remembered how people treated Alea before also.

(Seems like this is the normal reaction if you're a princess.)

The crowd parted to allow Adria to pass through as she smiled and waved to people now and again.

As John was up the top on the entry steps to the auction house he had a fairly good view over the crowd and saw that a few people were giving Adria dark looks and whispering to themselves.

They were dressed in outfits similar to what Sarah wore in game; however their clothing was darker and had the occasional skull motif.

(Judging by their outfits I’m guessing they are from the necromancer faction.)

As John was in thought he suddenly heard someone yell


As he looked over he saw Adria smiling as she happily skipped towards him while the crowd all shot him curious looks.

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