MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 175 That’s not romantic

John sighed as he shook his head from the sudden attention Adria had given him.

“Who is that guy?”

“The princess called him Vincarna, ever heard of him?”

“Nope never.”

“Seems she was meeting a guy here and not picking something up from the auction house.”

“This is going to be interesting considering how her suitors are already fighting over her.”

Adria stopped in front of John before giving a quick spin and then leaning forward slightly to show more of her cleavage as she asked.

“What do you think?”

Adria was wearing leather armor that was mainly black though it had a red tint to it here and there.

The chest area showed off a large amount of her cleavage while her hair was tied in a long ponytail.

She also had two daggers at her hips.

“Beautiful but also surprising.” John replied, causing Adria to smile happily before she asked.

“About what?”

“You're a thief, I honestly thought you would play a necromancer.” John replied.

Adria giggled before replying with a smile.

“I can understand why you would think that, after all, mother plays one and the necromancer is still unique only to humans.”

“However being a spellcaster never appealed to me, I wanted to be a melee fighter, but I did not want to wear heavy armor, So in the end I picked a thief because they get some unique skills only available to them.”

“Such as?” John asked intrigued.

Adria winked before saying.

“That information will cost you.”

“How much? Also you know that I can just search it up on the net right?” John replied with a smile.

Adria leaned in close before saying in a silky voice.

“Yeah you can, but is searching something up on the net as fun as paying me with a kiss?”

“No it’s not, but do you really want me to kiss you here in front of all these people? Once they see it you know what will happen right?” John replied.

“Of course I know and that’s why I want to do it, while it wont stop them all it will stop some of those annoying suitors, plus can’t a girl want her boyfriend to kiss her?” Adria replied with a sideways look.

John smiled before he did something that shocked the crowd who were paying attention to them both.

John wrapped his arm around Adria’s waist as he mumbled quietly.

“Teleport Emerald Enclave.”

[Teleportation failed because of the anti teleportation spell in the city.]

[*Notice* The council of seven have detected that your teleportation is being blocked by an anti teleportation spell and have used some of their mana to overpower the spell.]

[Teleport Emerald Enclave successfully activated]

[You will be transported in 10 seconds]

After scanning the notifications John  kissed Adria in front of everyone present.

Even though she had asked for it, Adria was still slightly taken aback by John’s sudden move but soon got over it and wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss.

The crowd seemed to go silent for a moment out of shock before everyone seemed to speak at once.

“What the hell!”

“Am I seeing things?”

“Tell me I’m dreaming.”

“Is the princess really kissing someone?”

“She is, I thought she was still single though.”

“Wait, what about the recent news that the Genesis News Network released about her and two others being the dates of a human male at the Genesis Agreement Banquet?” 

“No way that’s legit?”

“The princess actually has a boyfriend?”

“Oh this is going to get interesting and possibly bloody once her suitors find out.”

As the crowd were discussing wildly about what they were witnessing, the two in question were focussed entirely on each other as they had started a tongue battle.

The crowd continued to watch and discuss in amazement and nobody seemed to notice the teleport circle that had formed underneath John and Adria.

The council of seven had agreed to temporarily allow non druids to teleport to the emerald enclave as long as John was the one bringing them since they knew it was for Bengal’s blessing.

As the crowd watched in amazement they suddenly saw John and Adria disappear into thin air.

“WHAT!” Many people cried out in surprise.

Everyone looked around in shock trying to find out where they two had gone with no hope.

Even the necromancers in the back had looks of shock on their faces.

It was common knowledge that aside from the teleportation hall, teleportation magic was restricted in the city and it would need many high level players or npcs combining their energies to allow the transport.

What they did not know was that the council of seven noticing the restriction placed around John when he cast the spell enhanced it with some of their own mana allowing the transport.


John and Adria arrived in the emerald enclave still kissing and did not break apart until John heard a familiar voice say.

“Haha that’s my bro, I knew he could do it, he’s almost as good with the ladies as I am.” It was unmistakably Bandit.

“What are they doing?” A different more feminine voice asked curiously.

“Kissing.” Bandit replied knowingly.

“What’s kissing?” Asked the second voice.

“It’s how humans show affection to each other, kind of like how we lick or rub against the one we like.” Bandit explained sagely.

“What’s kissing feel like?” The second voice asked.

“No idea, our mouths are the wrong shape.” Bandit answered.

“Are they going to start mating soon?” The second voice asked excitedly.

“Probably, you want to stay and watch, humans have so many different positions they can mate in, it's crazy.” Bandit answered knowingly.

“Really? The male doesn’t just mount the female from behind?” Asked the second with interest.

“Well that’s one of them, apparently they call it doggy style.” Bandit replied with a frown as he told her the name.

“Why doggy style?” 

“You know, that whole thing about a dog being man’s best friend or some stupid shit.” Bandit answered in an angry tone.

“That’s stupid, it should be rabbit style,” proclaimed the second voice.

“I agree.” Bandit said.

At this point John wanted to turn and curse Bandit and whoever he was talking to but he found he was unable to escape Adria’s hold as she kept kissing him.

It seemed her strength stat was higher than his.

“Wow, they're still going.” The second voice said.

“Yeah humans have the capability to mate for hours if they have the stamina.” Bandit explained.

“Hours? Wow, most male rabbits only last seconds and even you only lasted a couple of minutes.” The second voice accusingly before asking.

“Why can’t you last hours?”

Upon hearing the question John couldn’t take it anymore and laughed into the kiss with Adria.

This surprised Adria who finally broke the kiss before looking at John curiously waiting for an explanation.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself after what that female rabbit said to Bandit.” John replied, turning to look at Bandit and a female rabbit who were cuddled up together watching them with interest.

“Yeah Bandit, explain to this nice young lady why you can’t last longer.” John said with a chuckle.

“Oh I like this human.” The female rabbit said while Bandit looked betrayed and asked.

“Bro come on man, what happened to bros before hoes?” 

“How do you even know that phrase, actually the better question is how do you even know so much about human intercourse?” John asked in return.

“What can I say bro, I’m a Jackalope of sophistication.” Bandit replied smugly.

John rolled his eyes before saying.

“Yeah right, you probably spied on humans while they were having sex.” 

“Having sex?” The female rabbit asked.

“It’s what humans call mating.” Bandit explained before saying.

“Only humanoids, chimpanzees, baboons and for some reason dolphins mate for fun.”

“Every other species does it to increase their species.”

“Ohhh.” The female rabbit said before asking.

“Is that why you don’t last long?”

John chuckled before asking.

“Yeah Bandit is it?”

“Come on bro, I’m built for rapid fire with multiple targets, not long term aimed shots.” Bandit replied.

“Rigghhttttt.” John said.

“Anyway let’s stop with the stupid questions and you should get back to mating with this human beauty here.” Bandit said.

“We are not going to have sex in front of you.” John replied.

“Why not?” Bandit and the female rabbit asked.

“What?” Adria asked.

John sighed and began to repeat his conversation with Bandit and the other rabbit to Adria before he said.

“I really need to look into a way for you girls to learn the language of the beasts.”

“So this is the famous perverted Bandit I have heard so much about.” Adria said while looking at Bandit.

“Hey hey hey, I’m not perverted, I’m a connoisseur of the romantic arts.” Bandit proclaimed which caused the female rabbit to scoff before saying.

“How does mounting me from behind for one minute make you a connoisseur of the romantic arts?” 

“Come on baby, I was romantic towards you in the beginning.” Bandit said defensively.

“How is hopping up to me and saying ‘hey sexy,  let’s make babies’ romantic?”

John couldn’t take it again before he broke out in laughter.

“Hey bro come on man, at least try to pretend you're on my side.” Bandit said in a slightly hurt voice.

“Sorry Bandit but she has a point, it wasn’t really romantic.” John replied after calming down.

“Really?” That's strange. I mean the other female rabbits always put out when I used it in the past.

“Are you surprised? It’s because we are in heat, idiot.” The female replied.

“She’s probably right, look, let's ask a princess for her opinion.” John said before relaying the conversation to Adria whose face turned into a frown before she looked at Bandit and said.


After that she turned on her heel and marched away.

“Wow.” John replied in surprise.

“Ouch.” Bandit said.

“Told you.” The female rabbit said before getting up and hopping away.

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