MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 186 Summoning Request

“What!” Sarah cried out  as she forgot to use the messaging function in surprise.

[Ice Blue Queen: What do you mean die in the city?]

[Vincarna: Do we have time for me to explain now?]

[Ice Blue Queen: Ok ok, hold on.]


Golden Phoenix was still having a back and forth with Adria and Shizu when she suddenly got a message notification that made her show surprise.

[Ice Blue Queen: Stacey.]

[Golden Phoenix: Sarah! Why are you messaging me so suddenly? It can’t be a coincidence when I’m pretending to argue with Adria.]

[Ice Blue Queen: It’s not but I need you to leave so that we can go clear pride rock.]

[Golden Phoenix: Clear pride rock? At your level?]

[Ice Blue Queen: I know what you want to ask and I promise to explain later, but for now we need you to leave.]

[Golden Phoenix: I want to help Sarah, but without a good reason it will look suspicious if I just give up when I started this argument.]

[Ice Blue Queen: I know but I have a solution, however you will need to be killed here in the city.]

[Golden Phoenix: In the city safe zone! How?]

[Ice Blue Queen: I’m not sure myself but he asked me to make sure you're ok with it.]

[Golden Phoenix: He? Are you talking about the John you're supposedly dating? Why would he care about my opinion?]

[Ice Blue Queen: I’m not supposedly dating him, I am dating him and not just me, however now is not the time for that, so if you trust me and agree I promise to explain everything after.]

[Golden Phoenix: You know I trust you love.]

[Ice Blue Queen: Good, I will make this up to you.]

[Golden Phoenix: You better, I want deserts for a week.]

[Ice Blue Queen: Haha if that’s all you want then sure, but I was going to offer you something far better to eat.]

[Golden Phoenix: Oh! I can’t wait to find out what you have in mind.]


[[Ice Blue Queen: She’s in, though it seems I’m going to have to compensate her with lots of desserts.]

[Vincarna: I will be sure to add my fair share since I’m the one about to kill her.]

[Ice Blue Queen: How exactly? We’re in the city.]

[Vincarna: You’ll see.] John replied while he looked at a notification he had received after overhearing the conversation between Adria, Shizu and Golden Phoenix.

[*Daratrine's Savagery Alert*]

[The individuals known as Ice Blue Queen and Nine Tails are recognised as being part of your pack as they are on your friends list.]

[The individual known as Golden Phoenix has disrespected and insulted your pack members I’ve Blue Queen and Nine Tails in public.]

[Daratrine's Savagery is now available to use on the individual known as Golden Phoenix.]

[Do you wish to activate Daratrine's Savagery?]

[Yes] [No]

(Yes) John thought before backing up into the alley again.

The girls followed him curiously before he said.

“”Wild Morph Druidic Avenger”

[You have transformed into your Druidic Avenger Form]

[Stats will not change however  you will deal double damage to entities now of the mortal plane]

“Wow.” Vulxis said with bright eyes.

“Cool.” Sarah agreed.

“Oh here we go, someone’s about to die right in the city.” Eliphas said with a smirk.

“Huh?” Vulxis asked, confused.

“Have you seen this before?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah when Vincarna came to collect me and Shizu he was using this form before he killed Droktar.” Eliphas replied.

“Your current form can kill someone in the city?” Vulxis asked with interest.

“No.” John replied before saying.

“This form has a different ability, I am only using it as a disguise, the ability to kill someone in the city and increase their death penalty comes from my weapon.” 

“Wait, your weapon deals an increased death penalty? Without the Alchemy potion?” Eliphas asked before asking.

“Does that mean Droktar can’t log into Genesis for more than twenty-four hours?”

“Yup he is locked out for forty-eight hours.” John replied before heading out of the alley towards Golden Phoenix.

Upon hearing his response Eliphas watched John leave with sparkling eyes.

As John walked towards Adria, Sarah and Golden Phoenix people started to notice and pay attention to him because of his strange attire.

As John continued to approach, Golden Phoenix continued pretending to argue with Adria while the group of people following her laughed and joined in occasionally.

As John got within a few meters Shizu noticed his approach and smiled before saying.

“Well this has been an enlightening experience meeting you, however I’m afraid you will be leaving soon.” 

“Excuse me?” Golden Phoenix asked with confusion.

Shizu didn’t reply and only signaled for Golden Phoenix to turn around.

As Golden Phoenix turned around she was surprised to see an individual in black with a red tint and ghostly flames coming off them standing behind her.

“Hey who are you?” One of the people with Golden Phoenix asked aggressively.

The individual did not reply and just stared at Golden Phoenix.

As she opened her mouth and was about to say something a scythe appeared in the individual's hand.

The surrounding people started to point and laugh at this until what he managed next shocked them into silence.

The individual swung his scythe at Golden Phoenix and sliced her cleanly in half.

The two halves fell to the ground with a thud before turning into light and disappearing.

[Enemy player Golden Phoenix Defeated] 

[Enemy player Golden Phoenix is more than 1 rank higher than you and will therefore not be affected by Daratrine's Savagery increased death penalty.]

[“NOTICE* Because you killed the player using Daratrine's Savagery, you will gain no experience.]

“Wha!” Vulxis said in shock as she watched with Sarah and Eliphas over near the alley.

Sarah’s mouth hung open while Eliphas eyes sparkled even more at watching John perform another instant death in a city safe zone.

Everyone just stared in awe at the stranger unable to say anything.

“Princesses, I believe you should be moving along now don’t you?” The stranger said before turning to leave.

Everyone watched him move away before he suddenly vanished from sight.


John reappeared in the alley after using Earth Skip quietly before saying.

“Wild Morph Human.”

As John returned to his normal state and stepped out of the alley he found five women waiting for him all with smiles.

“Well that was entertaining I must say.” Shizu said before adding.

“Though I never expected to meet that bitch Golden Phoenix so soon.”

Afraid and Sarah shared a look before Sarah said.

“It’s not as simple as you think.” 

“Oh?” Shizu replied with curiosity.

“I figured something was going on.” Eliphas stated.

“How about we save this conversation for later, I’m afraid you five are getting plenty of attention at the moment.” John suggested.

The girls looked around and saw that nearly everyone was paying attention to them.

People were paying particular attention to Vulxis as a draconian in the Easter continent was unusual.

While Eliphas was getting wary and aggressive looks from the humans in particular, an orc in the human capital city never happened except for when they were to meet the empress.

Since Eliphas was accompanied by the princess most assumed incorrectly that was the reason.

“I agree.” Vulxis said before asking.

“How are we all going to travel to our destination?”

“I already have it planned out.” Adria replied as they started to walk and she began to explain.

“I instructed my personal maid to head over there earlier so that she can summon me using the summoning stone.”

“After that I will summon all of you.” 

“That simple?” John replied.

Adria chuckled before saying.

“Not everything has to be so complex, honey.”

John nodded in agreement before saying.

“Are we all set to upset some bastards then?”

“Oh damn straight.” Sarah said with a vicious grin before adding.

“I have much pain, suffering and humiliation to return to that bastard.” 

John pulled Sarah into a hug and strolled her long hair gently before saying.

“Don’t worry, I will do all I can to help you get revenge on that bastard that hurt you.” 

Sarah melted into the hug and closed her eyes while leaning on Kohn’s chest with a small smile as she replied.


Adria smiled at this before saying.

“Right I just messaged Roberta and received and invite, I will see you all soon.

As she finished speaking she disappeared from sight.

“We need to remember to be careful as we make our way through pride rock.” Sarah said from John’s chest before adding.

“While the lions shouldn’t attack us, it won’t stop the other players, we won’t be safe from them until we challenge the capture point.”

“Remember, apart from Adria we are all severely under-leveled for this raid.”

“What do you suggest?” Eliphas asked.

“Adria and John should scout ahead since they can both stealth and locate enemies that we need to avoid.”

“Will my stealth be effective on them with such a level difference?” John asked as he continued to pet Sarah.

“As long as you don’t get too close you should be fine.” Sarah replied.

Soon enough a notification came through to each of them.

[*NOTICE* Player Red Rose has sent you a summoning request using the summoning stone of the Pride Rock raid]

[*WARNING* You are severely underleveled for the location you are being summoned to]

[Would you like to accept the summoning request?]

[Yes] [No]

“Yes” they all said and soon vanished from Waning City.

A few moments after they disappeared a man dressed all in black appeared from stealth before saying.

“Interesting, what is that princess bitch planning? I should inform Silver Serpent, I’m sure I will get a good reward.”

After which he faded away again.

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