MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 187 Pride Rock begins

“Well now that's interesting.” Silver Serpent said with a curious smile after he read a message.

He was currently in the Wanning City auction house stocking up on supplies before their group challenged Pride Rock again.

“What is?” Undead Rising aka Jordan Marks asked as he searched the auction house.

“It seems the princess is attempting Pride Rock with an entirely new team.”

“Not like that will make any difference. Undead Rising scoffed before asking.

“Anyone we know?”

“Yes in fact, that bastard John Michaels, also Sarah.” Silver Serpent replied.

Undead Rising turned to look at Silver Serpent as if he was nuts before asking.

“Did that bitch suck your brains out of your cock last night?”

“How can they hope to beat Pride Rock?”

Silver Serpent chuckled with a shrug before saying.

“No idea, all my contact said was that they seem to think the lions won’t attack them for some reason.”

“Strange, the whole challenge of this resource raid is the lions, how could it be so easy to get past them?” Undead Rising asked with confusion.

“Who knows, but let’s hurry up so we can go investigate this.” Silver Serpent suggested.

“What’s the point? Even if they can somehow get past the lions, the people we hired will eliminate them soon enough.” Undead Rising scoffed again.

“Apparently that bastard is a thief since he is going to help the princess scout ahead.” Silver serpent reported.

“Then there even more stupid than I thought, don’t they know that stealth is less effective against players of a higher level?” Undead Rising asked.

“Yeah I don’t get that myself.” Silver Sepent mused

“Still this is an opportunity to teach that bastard a lesson. Undead Rising said with a vicious smile before saying.

“Have the people we hired kill him slowly to prolong his mental torture and also waste more time in there.”

Silver Serpent nodded in agreement before saying.

“Nice idea.”

After which he went on to message the men they had hired to keep killing Adria’s party in the past.

Unfortunately for them things where not going to turn out like they expected and it was going to be a costly endeavor for them.


[*NOTICE* You have discovered the resource raid 'Pride Rock']

[Pride Rock is the home to many lions who guard it aggressively, killing any individuals who would invade their territory.]

[Resource Raid Quest Notification] 

[Capture Pride Rock. (Unique)] 

[Because Pride Rock has been guarded by lions for so long, many natural resources have spawned over time, if you wish to claim these resources for yourself make sure your the first to capture Pride Rock.]

[Level Limit: 100]

[Quest Goals:] 

[Capture Pride Rock] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Party Leader will gain ownership of Pride Rock] 

[Random Item]

[Quest Failure punishment:] 

[You will fail to take ownership of Pride Rock.] 

[This is an automatic quest which you cannot refuse] 

[Quest Accepted] 

John received the quest notification as soon as he arrived inside the raid.

As he looked around he saw that he was once again inside a forest, he was currently in a small clearing that only had one path leading out of it.

Looking towards that path John saw a huge rock face in the distance.

[Player: Red Rose has invited you to join her party, would you like to accept?] 

[Yes] [No] 


[You have joined player Red Rose’s party, current members:] 

[Red Rose (Leader)]

[Black Dragoon]

[Ice Blue Queen]

[Nine Tails]



Adria sent out the invites before she started to address the group.

“So Sarah says she has already told you the basic plan, but I will give a quick reminder.”

“Myself and John will stealth and scout ahead while the rest of you stick together and follow us while watching each others back”

“We will notify you if we come across any players so that we can make a detour to go around them.”

“I’m sure it won't be long before information that I am challenging Pride Rock again leaks and those hired by those bastards come looking for us.”

“Our priority here is to avoid any and all confrontations since we won't stand a chance with you all being way to love level, we need to get to the capture point and start the capture challenge so we don’t need to worry about them any more.”

“What if someone is already attempting the capture challenge?” John asked.

“Then the others will stay hidden a safe distance away while you and I will keep an eye in stealth.” Adria replied before continuing.

“Once they fail and the capture point opens up again we will move in straight away.”

The others nodded in understanding.

Adria, seeing that they all understood and were not opposed to the idea, Adria said.

“Also for those who have never done a resource raid before, let me just explain something.”

“Unlike other dungeons and raids which can often have multiple paths you can take, a resource raid only really has one path towards the goal, this is what makes ambushes so effective here.”

“While there are small diversions they do not take you too far from the main route, so we have to still be careful when we need to avoid anyone.”

“The main route in Pride Rock is to follow the forest path towards the huge rock face in the distance before we find a path to climb it and find the capture point at the top.”

“With that explained are we ready to begin?”

The others nodded to signal they were ready.

“Then let’s begin.”

John took a breath to calm himself before saying.

“Wild Morph Jackalope”

As he finished speaking his body began to shrink and transform.

[You have Wild Morphed into the Jackalope] 

[Your Wisdom, Strength, Intellect, and Vitality stat points will all redistribute to Dexterity] 

[Wisdom: 100>>0] 

[Strength: 107>>0] 

[Intellect: 125>>0] 

[Vitality : 72>>0] 

[Dexterity: 101>>505] 

“Wow you're right his Jackalope form is super cute.” Adrai said as Shizu nodded in agreement.

“What the hell is this?” Shelur asked in surprise.

“It’s John’s Jackalope form, is there a problem?” Vulxis asked.

“Druid’s can get a Jackalope form?” Selur asked before adding.

“Also I thought he would become a white tiger since tigers can use stealth?” 

“Apparently.” Vulxis replied with a shrug before John said.

“My white tiger form can indeed use stealth, but so can this form.”

“Also this form is faster than my white tiger and is better for reconnaissance.”

After saying that he turned to the others before saying.

“I will scout ahead then.”


As John finished speaking he suddenly vanished from view.

“Guess that's my queue to go also, stay safe.” Adria said before adding.


After which Adria also vanished.

“Well then shall we also get going.” Sarah asked Vulxis and Selur who both nodded before they headed into the resource raid.


“Tank grab the agro of the lions already.”

“Attackers coordinate to take them down quickly but make sure not to draw the aggro from the tank.”

“Healers keep an eye on our health.”

Further inside the resource raid a group of players were battling some lions.

They were coordinating well to take down the lions without losing any members.

They made sure not to pull too many lions at one time however.

After a few minutes they managed to kill all the lions they were currently facing before they started to check to loot.

While they were doing that the leader of the group suddenly received a message which he read before showing a grin.

“It’s time for another payday, boys.” The leader said.

The rest of the party looked over with excited looks before one of them asked.

“Is that stupid princess back again? She really never learns.”

“Don’t complain idiot, we get a nice bonus everytime we kill her, do you want to lose out on that easy cash?” Another asked.

“Yeah this is an easy gig.” A third said before adding.

“Not only do we get a weekly wage, but we get a bonus everytime we kill her and also get to keep all the loot that her party and the lions drop.”

“Honestly it's win win.”

“Don’t forget the fact that if by some miracle we did die, our employer has to pay for any gear we drop and also compensate us with an extra week's wage.”

“Honestly boss, how did you ever negotiate such a good deal?”

“Haha.” The leader laughed before saying.

“What can I say, these rich people have more money than brains.”

“As you all know, we have done a few jobs for that Sanders kid and his family in the past both in Atlanta and Genesis.”

“So when he came to me with the job and I learned that it involved the princess I simply took the opportunity to increase the price.”

“Some words about the danger of going against the royal family and how we need insurance.”

The group of men all laughed before the leader said.

“Remember though boys, we are not the only group hired for this job so lets make sure we get there first.”

“Let's go.”

The group happily set off into the forest towards the resource raid start point.

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