MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 190 You still haven’t grasped how important you are babe

(Black Dragoon: He has a point, it can’t be seen as a good thing for a druid to engage in such slaughter, after all that is obviously the reason why the resource raids of the central continent are different to the others.)

(Black Dragoon: Even though Vincarna won't be the one doing the killing in the future he also wont have done anything to prevent it, as he said he will follow whatever you decide and we don't know how Genesis will perceive that, he could even be punished for it.)

(Nine Tails: Plus are you really going to refuse the first request your lover has made of you?)

(Red Rose: Hey it’s not that I don’t want to accept, I would do anything from him, it’s just that this involves the human empire and by agreeing not to hunt the lions we will be severely limiting what the kingdon can get from this resource raid.)

(Vincarna: I told the lions that we could work out a deal.)

(Red Rose: Seriously… You just put me in a very awkward position honey.)

(Vincarna: I know and I’m sorry but as a Druid I feel this is my responsibility.)

(Red Rose: …. Fine I can agree to this but there is something you must do for me in return.)

(Vincarna: Name it.)

(Red Rose: Take my mother as your lover.)

(Nine Tails: ...)

(Black Dragoon: …)

(Eliphas: …)

(Vincarna: …)

(Eliphas: what the hell?)

(Vincarna: Umm, I know we spoke about this before, but how exactly does your mother becoming my lover help the human race?)

(Vincarna: Also shouldn’t it technically be me becoming her lover since she is the empress while i’m just a common man?)

(Black Dragoon: Cough cough.)

(Vincarna: No offense honey.)

(Eliphas: Huh?)

(Red Rose: You still haven't grasped how important you are babe.)

(Vincarna: Important? me?)

(Red Rose: Yes you. You're the first man in history to date the princesses of three different races at once, while two of those princesses will one day rule their race.)

(Red Rose: Just this fact makes you a player in the political world since you will have the ear of future rulers, and since these future rulers are all part of your harem they will naturally form a closer friendship which will in turn bring those races closer together.)

(Red Rose: Because of this the leaders of the other races will see you as a major player going forward including the ministers of the human race.)

(Red Rose: By taking mother as your lover and replacing my father as the new king consort you will help stabilize mothers position on the throne and in turn stabilize mine in the future.)

(Vincarna: Stabilize? I thought  the main concern was your mother being forced to marry someone who will one day stab her in the back?)

(Red Rose: That was indeed the main reason she married my father and is still married to him even now, however that doesn’t stop the ministers from converting her position on the throne and scheming of ways to replace her, by you taking the position of king consort and standing beside her those who scheme against the throne will have to be all the more wary of making a move against mother because it will no longer just be those loyal to mother they will have to be wary off.)

(Vincarna: What you're saying is that should they claim the throne for themselves that they will have to consider the fact that the kitsune and elvin races will stop being so friendly towards them and may even turn hostile?)

(Red Rose: Correct, you see your position and influence in the world is now something that every race will have to take note of while also being careful not to upset one of your lovers since that will have the possibility of turning you and in turn all your lovers against them.)

(Ice Blue Queen: All this power and influence and all you have to do is satisfy us all in bed, aren't you lucky baby.)

(Red Rose: ....)

(Nine Tails: ...)

(Black Dragoon: …)

(Eliphas: …)

(Vincarna: I’m pretty sure I will have to do more than just satisfy you all in bed.)

(Ice Blue Queen: I don’t know, with how well you performed last night that might just be enough.)

(Eliphas: Was he really that good?)

(Ice Blue Queen: The best I’ve ever had, and I’ve been with several men.)

(Eliphas: Bah, you're just saying that because you're in love.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Perhaps, but you're curious now aren't you?)

(Red Rose: Getting back on topic, the reason why mother will be your lover and not the other way around is the same reason we are all your lovers and you are not ours.)

(Nine Tails: To maintain the balance of the harem.)

(Black Dragoon: No one female member can be higher than the others in case jealousy takes root in the harem, the only exception to this rule is Alea who is your queen.)

(Ice Blue Queen: However Alea’s position is really only an honorary thing since she is recognized as your first lover and she allowed the harem to be made.)

(Eliphas: How many women are you planning to have join this harem?)

(Ice Blue Queen: Who knows.)

(Vincarna: I’m still not sure about your mother, but I did promise you that I would try to get along with her and see what happens so what if I take her out on a date, that’s the best I can offer for now.)

(Eliphas: Seriously?)

(Red Rose: That’s acceptable, how about you take her out in Asyath Serin since we are still here?)

(Nine Tails: What about our group shopping trip?)

(Ice Blue Queen: We can still do that without John.)

(Nine Tails: But I wanted him to carry all my bags.)


(Ice Blue Queen: There will be plenty of time for that in the future, we will have many chances to all go shopping together where he can carry all of our bags for us.)


(Black Dragoon: Hmm making my future husband carry my bags instead of a servant so we can be alone actually sounds fun.)

(Vincarna: I accept the conditions and agree to take your mother out on a date in Asyath Serin.)

(Red Rose: Hehehe)

(Nine Tails: Hehehe)

(Black Dragoon: Hehehe)

(Ice Blue Queen: Hehehe)

(Vincarna: Wait, why are you all laughing?)

(Eliphas: Boy you just got played hard)

(Vincarna: Was this all a scheme to get me to agree?)

(Ice Blue Queen: Would we do something like that darling?)

(Vincarna: Yes I suspect you would.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Well maybe but we will make it up to you soon enough daarrrllliiinnnggg.)

(Vincarna: You still want that to happen even though Shelur is also here now?)

(Nine Tails: Shelur doesn't mind watching, do you girl?)

(Eliphas: Not at all.)

(Black Dragoon: She probably even wants to join in.)

(Red Rose: Not happening.)

(Eliphas: Boo boring bitchy princess.)

(Nine Tails: It has nothing to do with her being boring Eliphas, we have already told you why you can’t.)


(Vincarna: Wait, what?)

(Nine Tails: Nothing darling don’t worry, it’s girl talk from before.)

(Vincarna: Right, so am I good to tell the lions that you agree Adria?)

(Red Rose: Yes, go ahead.)

(Vincarna: Thank you for humoring my selfish request.)

(Red Rose: Don’t worry darling, it's part of being a couple and I don’t doubt you will have to humor many of my selfish requests in the future.)

John looked towards the lions before saying, “My mate agrees, you and your pride will be permitted to remain here as long as you don’t attack humans.”

“Thank you young Druid, we will assist you in killing off any humans present that do not carry your scent.” The lion replied with a bow, something the other lions repeated before all but the leader ran off.


At the entrance to the Pride Rock resource raid a new group of players had just teleported in.

“Looks like they're not here Jordan, they must be further ahead.” Daniel said after looking around.

“Makes no difference, they will either die from our men or the lions and if by some miracle they manage to survive both of those then we will have the pleasure of killing them ourselves.” Jordan replied with a smirk.

“True, let's get moving, we need to clear this resource raid within a week.” Daniel said before he started to lead the group forward.

After traveling through the forest for a short while Daniel frowned before saying, “Strange, I can't contact any of the teams we had stationed here.”

“That’s strange, maybe they're in combat and don’t have the time to reply?” Jordan replied.

“Maybe.” Daniel replied.


As John was overlooking the resource raid from his position atop pride rock he noticed movement coming from the entrance location where the portal stone was located.

Taking a closer look he recognized two familiar human males leading a small group through the forest towards pride rock and couldn’t help but grin.

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