MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 191 Pride Rock Capture Point initiated

(Vincarna: It would seem the VIP's have arrived.)

(Eliphas: Who?)

(Ice Blue Queen: Do you mean Silver Serpent and Undead Rising?)

(Vincarna: That's correct.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Then it's time to put our plan into action.)

(Eliphas: What plan?)

(Vincarna: You're adamant about doing this then?)

(Ice Blue Queen: Of course, those two idiots need to learn once and for all that they have no chance with us because we already belong to you.)

(Vincarna: So how do you plan to do this?)

(Red Rose: I will use the special potions Elrinira gave to Sarah and let those two idiots have a smell while I'm in stealth, after that when they near the top of the rock I will knock out their other members of their party with the black bottle allowing only those two to reach the top where we will all be waiting for them.)

(Vincarna: If that's what you want, I will ask the lions not to attack them for the time being, the rest of you should be safe to proceed up to the top of pride rock now.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Understood.)

(Nine Tails: On my way honey.)

(Black Dragoon: Lets have some fun.)

(Eliphas: I'm curious to see what you're all planning.)

John turned to the pride leader before saying, "A group of humans are approaching us."

"I am aware of this young druid, I have already sent some lions to dispose of them." The lion replied.

"Please wait." John said. "We have a special punishment in mind for two of their party so please have your lions hold off and only attack them after they fall unconscious."

"I don't quite understand why you would ask this of us but very well." The lion replied before letting out a loud roar.


"Strange why have we not run into any of the other parties and why are they still not responding?" Daniel asked with a frown.

"Could something have happened to them?" One of the party members asked.

"Like what?" Jordan asked. "They can handle a few lions and it's not like one small party of low levels can do them any harm."

"They do have the princess with them who is a thief." The party member pointed out.

"And? She is one player, sure she may be able to burst kill a cloth armor player but she would then get swarmed and killed herself." Jordan snapped back, silencing the party member.

"Something is definitely off about this." Daniel said with slight concern.

"You're worrying too much," Daniel replied. "As I said before there's nothing here that can cause us any problems except the capture point bosses." 

"I guess you're Right." Daniel replied as the group continued through the forest.

A short while later Jordan suddenly asked, "Do you smell something?" 

"I do, though I have no idea what it is or where it's coming from." Daniel replied.

"What about you lot?" Jordan asked as he turned around to address the rest of their party who were following behind them.

"Can't smell anything boss." 

"Nor me."

"What sort of smell do you mean boss?"

"Useless trash." Jordan mumbled upon hearing their responses.


A few meters away from Jordan and Daniels party Adria giggled quietly to herself as she put a white bottle back into her inventory before continuing to follow them.

(Lets see how you like it when the tables are turned bastard.)

The party soon left the forest and looked around before Adria heard them speak.

"Any sign of them?" Jordan asked.

"Not that I can see." Daniel replied.

"Up there boss." One of the followers said while pointing to one of the paths that led up to the top of pride rock.

Everyone turned their gaze to see four women close to reaching the top.

"There's only four of them." Jordan remarked.

"Understandable." Daniel replied before saying, "The princess is a thief so she is probably scouting out the path ahead of them for any dangers. As for that bastard gutter rat he probably got himself killed already acting tough in front of all the women by volunteering to scout ahead not understanding the level difference."

"Haha true." Jordan replied. "Come on, let's hurry it up so that we can watch their slaughter take place on the capture point."

"Should be entertaining for a few seconds at least." Daniel replied.

They picked up their pace as they took the same path they saw the four women on before while Adria followed behind them all in stealth.


The four women soon reached the top of pride rock and witnessed the strange sight of a Jackalope and a lion talking to each other on friendly terms.

"We have arrived." Sarah said happily before picking John up and hugging him in her ample bosom. 

"Welcome I'm glad you all made it here safely." John replied as his Jackalope paws started to instinctively press and massage Sarah's breast making her smile pervertedly at him with a thirsty look in her eyes.

"Shall we get started." Sarah asked impatiently.

"Are we able too without Adria here?" John asked, "You said before that no one could enter the capture point once it started."

"Booo I forgot about that." Sarah replied.

"And what about those two recording us? Do we have a broadcast disruptor?" John asked in a serious tone.

"Of course." Sarah replied happily. "I made sure to borrow one from Alea before we left."

(Red Rose: They're almost at the top. I'm going to put the rest of their party to sleep now.)

"Let's get ready." John said as he gave Sarah's breast one last prod before he jumped from her arms while saying. "Wild Morph: Human" 

[You have Wild Morphed back into your natural form]

[Wisdom: 0>>100] 

[Strength: 0>>107] 

[Intellect: 0>>125] 

[Vitality: 0>>72] 

[Dexterity: 505>>101] 

The women watched as John returned back to his normal form before Nine Tails said, "Your Jackalope form is cute but I still prefer the original you."

John smiled at her before saying, "We should move over to near the capture point so we can all get on it as soon as Adria joins us."

The women nodded as they all moved over to stand next to the capture point.


"Where almost at the top, get ready just in case." Daniel ordered.

"Relax there's nothing to worry about." Jordan replied full of confidence.

"There is nothing wrong with being cautious, I don't like how quiet it has been so far that I have not been able to contact any of our people." Daniel replied.

"Whatever makes you feel comfortable." Jordan replied dismissively as their group reached the top.

"Well look what we have here." Jordan said in a mocking tone as he saw that four women and one male were standing next to the capture point as if about to start it.

"It seems they haven't started yet." Daniel said before asking. "Where is the princess?"

"She is probably skulking around here somewhere that pussy bitch." Jordan replied before adding in a whisper. "Honestly the only thing her pussy should be used for is being my personal cock sleeve."

"Oh you think so?" They all suddenly heard a female voice say before they smelt something once again.

"Shit." Jordan cursed under his breath as he never expected that Adria would be right next to them in stealth.

Before Jordan or Daniel could say anymore they heard a number of loud thuds from behind them.

Upon turning around they found the rest of their party lying on the ground asleep, after inspecting them they found that they were unconscious.

"What the hell happened?" Daniel asked.

"Perhaps I can answer that dickhead." Sarah said from over next to the capture point.

Jordan and Daniel turned just in time to see Adria exit from stealth before grasping John's arm and kissing him on the cheek with a smile while Sarah held his other arm and kissed his other cheek.

"What do you mean Sarah?" Daniel asked in a sweet voice. "Also why are you still pretending to be interested in that gutter rat?"

Sarah giggled before showing a sweet smile Daniel had never seen before as she said, "You seem to be mistaken for a dickhead, I'm not pretending to be interested in John, I am already his lover, as for your friends they are unconscious thanks to a gift I got from my big sister."

"You don't have a big sister." Daniel replied with a frown as she once again addressed him as a dickhead.

"I do now," Sarah replied sweetly before adding. "We have planned a special show just for you and your dickhead brother Jordan, that is why your friends had to be knocked unconscious."

As Sarah finished speaking they all stepped onto the capture point as Adria said, "Now be good little boys and enjoy the show this princess has prepared just for you."

As they stepped onto the capture point and Adria finished speaking a notification appeared before all of them.

[Pride Rock Capture Point initiated.]

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