MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 200 Surprised Bengal

"That's correct." Vulxis replied. "Though there are exceptions to this such as in Vincarna's case where he has multiple mates."

"Well that makes him better than most humanoids I guess." Missy replied. "But it's still strange, the whole point of being alive is to reproduce and breed the next generation so that your race and lineage continue to exist."

"Don't lump all beasts in with your group of horny rabbits." Bengal said towards Missy.

"Gah!" Missy said, making a strange noise as she saw who spoke to her.

"Lady Bengal you're here?" Missy asked in shock before shooting Bandit a sharp look and asking. "Why didn't you tell me the white tiger of the west was here?"

"You never asked." Bengal replied simply.

"Why would I ask if one of the few beings on par with mother was here?" Missy retorted.

"I see, so you're one of the randy queens' daughters." Bengal said in understanding.

"Indeed lady Bengal, I apologize for not coming to greet you earlier but someone never informed me that you were here." Missy said respectfully.

"It's fine, I am not here on official business but because my daughter was rescued by Vincarna and I came to check up on her condition before deciding to stay and test him." Bengal replied.

"He rescued your daughter?" Missy said in surprise as she looked at Fanya who was still enjoying John's scratches.

"Now that I look I can sense a bond between her and Vincarna." Missy said with wonder before she looked at John with more interest. "Incredible, not only was he the first to form a bond with a Jackalope but also a white tiger."

"Indeed." Bengal agreed. "Though he doesn't seem to have realized what that means just yet." Bengal finished with a chuckle.

"Pardon?" John asked curiously.

"I see what you mean." Missy said with a giggle. "How can someone be so fortunate yet so clueless?"

"Maybe it's because he is clueless that he is fortunate." Bengal replied.

"You mean he treats us so well and without wanting anything in return because he is so clueless about the situation he is now in?" Missy asked.

"Correct, and it's not only us." Bengal replied with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Missy asked with interest.

"Elrinira." Bengal replied simply.

"Succubus Queen Elrinira?" Missy asked in surprise. "What does she have to do with this conversation?"

"Because she has also shown an interest in Vincarna and is apparently testing him." Bengal replied.

"What?" Missy said in shock as she turned to look at John again in shock.

"Lady Bengal, not that I'm upset but why are you revealing all this?" John asked.

Bengal smiled before saying, "I have my reasons however I am not ready to reveal them to you yet. Like I said I am also testing you like Elrinira but for a different reason."

"I see." John said with a frown.

"Don't worry Vincarna." Fanya said as she opened her eyes and looked at John. "Mother would never do anything to harm you since I am bonded with you."

"I know Fanya, I'm just curious that's all." John replied as he stoked Fanya again who purred once more.

Missy watched the interaction between them all before her eyes suddenly lit up as if she realized something.

"Well Vincarna let me congratulate you." Missy suddenly said.

"Huh?" John replied.

"It would seem you are worthy to meet my mother Queen Aurora, more than worthy." Missy replied before turning to Bandit and saying. "Well done cousin."

"Huh?" Bandit responded in the exact same way to John making all the women laugh at how similar they were.

"Don't worry cousin," Missy said with a smile. "Just be prepared for my mother to reward you in the future." 

"You mean?" Bandit asked excitedly.

"Correct, I expect mother will mate with you after what you have done for our race here." Missy replied.

"OH HELL YEAH." Bandit said happily as he bounded around in happiness. "You hear that bro? I'm going to father some royal children."

"I heard." John replied with a strange smile, "Congrats I guess."

Bengal laughed before saying. "You probably don't understand why Bandit is so excited. To beasts of the wild their greatest honor is being able to mate with their race's leader, after all that means they will sire their races' future leaders and possible rulers."

"Does that mean I don't have to worry about Queen Aurora ordering Bandit to cancel our bond?" John asked Missy.

"While I can't speak for my mother on this as my task was only to determine if you were worthy of letting her. I can make a fairly educated guess that it will be fine, though you will have to ask her that yourself." Missy replied.

"I will?" John asked.

"Of course." Missy said with a nod. "The original plan if you proved worthy was to invite you to the Jackalope haven to meet with mother there, however since lady Bengal is personally here mother will also need to personally come here to meet with both lady Bengal and you."

After Missy finished she turned to Bengal and asked, "If that is agreeable with you Lady Bengal?"

"That is fine, I plan on remaining here for sometime." Bengal replied with a nod.

"Thank you." Missy replied with a small bow. "Then if you will excuse me I need to inform my mother of all I have learnt." After she finished speaking she suddenly vanished.

"Oh yeah oh yeah, I'm gonna ride the queen hard." Bandit said in happiness.

"It will take a bit of time for Queen Aurora to arrive." Bengal stated.

"Well while we wait on that, why don't we sort out the rings." Adria suggested.

"Rings?" Alea asked curiously.

Tommy removed the silver ring from his inventory before showing it to Alea.

Alea's eyes widened with shock as she stared at the beautiful ring.

Bengal focused intently on the ring in John's hand as she stared at it in wonder before asking "Why do you have an object created by a god?" 

"Created by a god?" Alea repeated as she looked at John in shock.

John smiled before removing his own ring causing Bengal's eyes to widen in shock, "Another one?" She said,

"Girls if you would be so kind." John said, turning to the others."

John's lovers nodded with smiles before they all pulled out their own rings.

"What!" Bengal replied in shock, surprising them all.

"Is there something wrong with those rings mother?" Fanya asked.

"You don't understand what those ring's represent my daughter." Bengal said after forcing herself to calm down. "Those are items created by a god, an actual god. Just seeing one of them is already rare enough, yet they all possess one."

After she finished speaking Bengal noticed something before asking with a frown, "Why doesn't Eliphas have one?" 

"Because she is not part of the harem." John replied.

"What?" Bengal asked in confusion." 

"Allow me to explain lady Bengal." John said before explaining how he came to possess Aphrodite's Rings of the harem.

"Holy fuck bro," Bandit said in shock. "The Goddess Aphrodite is like the best mate in existence for males and females, as the goddess of mating she is apparently the best and most enjoyable mating experience you can ever receive."

"Thanks for the info Bandit but it's not like I need to know that." John replied.

"What you talking about bro, Aphrodite only takes an interest in individuals she likes and plans to mate with in the future."

"Good for her." John replied before proclaiming, "However unless she becomes a member of the harem I won't be making love with her." 

John's lovers all smiled when they heard that while a certain goddess with long pink-blonde hair smiled with interest when she heard what John said before she mumbled, "Is that so Vincarna."

"You would refuse Aphrodite?" Bengal asked in surprise. "Refusing Elrinira is one thing, however refusing the goddess of beauty, love and sex is quite another, it would take a very strong willed individual to resist her charms. Many individuals have claimed to be capable of resisting her charms including other god's however all have failed because when it comes to using her sexual charms to get what she wants no one is better as she is the literal embodiment of beauty and sex."

"I never claimed to be able to resist a god's charms, all I said was that if she wants me to make love with her then she has to be a member of the harem." John answered.

"What Vincarna means is that he will only voluntarily make love to those who are part of his harem, aka those women you see before you. If this goddess wants to force Vincarna to have sex with her we won't hold it against him since no mortal can resist a god, however is she really so desperate for sex that she needs a piece on the side?" Alea explained with a frown.

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