MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 201 Equipping the Ring’s

"I would be cautious about saying such things allowed." Bengal warned nervously. "The gods are not known for forgiving those who insult them."

"Well if she is foolish enough to make a move against me for speaking my mind she is even less likely to end up having sex with my love," Alea replied. "After all everyone knows that anger and revenge are powerful motivators, even against the gods."

"This is true." Bengal acknowledged while looking at Alea in a new light.

"So about these rings." Alea said, while turning to John and asking with a beautiful smile as she held out her left hand, "How long do I have to wait for you to put it on my finger?"

"Not long at all my queen." John said with a smile as he carefully put the silver ring onto Alea's wedding ring finger.

As soon as the ring was in place it shined in a silver light that started to focus on the empty jewel slot before a silver jewel formed and occupied the slot.

Alea looked at the ring with wonder on her hand before she smiled beautifully and kissed John causing the silver jewel to once again glow silver.

After they broke the kiss they smiled at each other before they both heard a cough coming from beside them.

They both turned their heads to see Adria, Sarah. Shizu and Vulxis all staring at John with expectant looks while offering him their rings in the right hand and holding out their left hands while waiting for him to slide it onto their fingers.

Alea kissed his cheek before saying, "Your other future wives are waiting for their rings my love." 

John smiled before accepting Sarah's ring who smiled brightly as he slowly slid it onto her wedding ring finger. 

As before the ring glowed but this time in a blue light that started to focus on the empty jewel slot before forming a blue jewel.

Like Alea before Sarah stared in wonder at the blue ring before kissing John deeply making the jewel glow in a blue light.

After that John put the rings on Sarah, Shizu, and Vulxis wedding ring fingers where the jewels formed in their respective sockets before they kissed making the jewels glow some more

"Vulxis," Shizu suddenly said.

"What?" Vulxis asked however just as she finished she found her lips being sealed by Shizu's before both the jewels on their rings started to glow.

"Ha it worked." Shizu said after breaking the kiss. "It seems it really is being intimate with anyone in the harem and not just John." 

"Not really surprising considering Aphrodite is known to not discriminate regarding gender relationships and is rumored to often have sex with both men and women and sometimes both at the same time." Alea noted.

"Am I being replaced then?" John asked with a chuckle.

All the women looked at him before Shizu touched his cheek and said, "No one will ever replace you my love, however try not to get jealous when we start kissing each other." 

"I have and never will complain about watching that." John replied.

"Pervert." They all said together before giggling.

"Fucking hell bro how do you even manage that?" Bandit asked with respect.

"Manage what?" John asked curiously.

"Manage to have so many mates yet where they all get along and are happy in each other's company." Bandit replied.

"That is something you will have to ask them, since I am the lucky one to have all of them." John replied, making the women all smile at him even more.

“Your turn darling.” Vulxis said as she turned to John with a smile.

John nodded before he slipped the gold band onto his wedding ring finger and soon after it was in place all the rings started to glow brightly all at once.

Along with emitting a golden glow, the words of the poem became visible on the ring.

“Are those words going to show up every time we are intimate from now on?” Vulxis asked with a frown.

“That’s what the description says.” John replied.

“What, you don’t like the idea?” Sarah asked with a smirk.

“It just seems strange that’s all.” Vulxis replied.

“And a ring you got from the goddess of sex, love and beauty that glows when you're intimate with one of us isn’t?” Adria asked.

“Fair point.” Vulxis conceded.

“Come on, it's interesting.” Shizu said with a smile.

“You only care about whether something is interesting or not.” Vulxis sighed as they suddenly all heard Shelur mumble,  "Jealous." as she looked at the rings on each of their fingers.

Shizu smiled and winked at Shelur before saying, “Then you know what you need to do right?”

“I do.” Shelur nodded before turning to Bengal and saying, If you will excuse me, lady Bengal.

Bengal only nodded in response before Shelur turned to look at John with longing in her eyes before saying, “Wait for me.” 

After which she suddenly turned around and hurried away.

“Huh.” John replied in a confused tone before asking, “what was that about?”

“Who knows.” Shizu replied with a playful smirk.

“Oh you definitely know.” John replied.

“Darling, are you insinuating that I, your darling girlfriend and future wife are planning something behind your back?” Shizu asked in a hurt tone.

“Yes.” John and the other girls all replied.

Shizu giggled but refused to say anymore.

“Well then ladies if we are done with the raid I need to get back to lady Bengals task of hunting a silver deer.” John said to the girls.

“Then I suppose we should all return to our own quests also.” Alea said with a smile before she walked up to John and kissed him on the cheek before whispering so that only he could hear, “Your slave desires her master's attention.”

John smiled perversely at Alea before nodding to which she showed smiled perversely in return before she activated a portal stone and left.

“Those two are definitely planning on having some alone time later.” Sarah suddenly said.

“Can’t really blame her, after all she was the only one who could join us in the resource raid.” Vulxis replied.

After that all the girls gave John a peck on the cheek before saying goodbye and teleporting away.

“Damn bro I still don’t know how you do it.” Bandit said with respect.

“Neither do I.” John replied.

“Vincarna.” Fanya suddenly said.

“Yes?” John replied while turning to Fanya.

“Bend down.” Fanya requested.

Although surprised John did as he was asked and bent down before Fanya who suddenly licked his cheek in the place where the girls had just kissed him.

John froze in shock as Fanya quickly went and hid shyly behind Bengal while peeking at John.

Bengal chuckled at this while Bandit whistled before saying, “Damn bro, we need to trade notes on how to pick up chicks.” 

“What?” John said while still in shock.

Bengal continued to chuckle before saying, “Don’t you have a silver deer to hunt young Druid?” 

“Yes… yes of course, please excuse me.” John said as he managed to gather himself before activating the Wanning City portal stone as he gave Fanya one last look before he vanished.


A large impressive aircraft was flying through the air with the intention of returning to the Western continent.

On board was the Ork delegation that had recently attended the Genesis Agreement Banquet.

“How do you think the banquet went, chieftess?” A male Ork asked a beautiful female Ork who lounged on one of the sofas in the plane.

“Interesting to say the least.” Chieftess Shufharz Replied with a smirk. “I must say I was surprised to learn that a woman would allow her daughter to date a man who already has other lovers.”

“Do you believe that what we saw was the truth and not just a show then?” The male asked.

“Oh it was definitely a show, but it was a show to warn the suitors of those girls that they are no longer available.” Shufharz replied. 

“There did not seem to be anything overly intimate that happened.” The Male replied.

“That’s because you're forgetting that the other races are not as open with their feelings and relationships as us Ork’s.” Shufharz replied before continuing. “If I had to guess I would say that the group had yet to officially form a relationship, however there was definitely attraction there so I don’t think it will be long.”

“But what about the Draconian Empress and the Kitsune princess?” The male asked. “The Kitsune princess in particular spent the whole night with the group.”

“Them I’m not sure about.” Shufharz admitted. “All Kitsune are known to only like interesting things, I expect someone informed Empress Sakoto about their little game and that’s why she and her daughter decided to attend.”

“Both Empress Vulxis and Princess Shizu are known to be close friends with those girls.”

“How is the investigation into John Michaels going?” 

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