MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 202 Silver Deer information

“Poorly.” The male Ork replied before continuing. “All we have found so far is what was mentioned at the banquet, he once lived in the slums and was treated badly by everyone at the school he attended.”

“We’ll keep up the investigation, I want to know why those girls are so interested in this human and if we can use the situation to our advantage.” Shufharz ordered.

“You don’t mean to try and have a female Orc join this supposed Harem do you?” The male asked incredulously.

“If it turns out to be legit then it’s something I’m considering.” Shufharz replied.

“But..” the male Orc started but Shufharz interrupted him.

“Have you really not realized what this would mean if it turns out to be true? If two princesses from different races marry the same man in the future, it will dramatically shift the balance of power in the world.”

“Do you still think it’s a bad idea to have an Orc join this group? Thank god the human princess is not in line for the throne or this would be even worse.”

The male Orc was about to reply when Shufharz’s access band suddenly went off notifying her of an incoming call.

Shufharz looked at the notification and saw the caller's ID before she smiled and accepted the call.

“Shelur, why are you suddenly calling me? We should be landing at the palace in about twenty minutes.” Shufharz said.

“Chieftess, I called to inform you that I need to take a trip to the central continent.” Shelur replied, causing Shufharz to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Why the sudden need?” Shufharz asked. “If there was something there you wanted to buy you should've told me and I would have picked it up for you.”

“I plan to go join John Michael’s harem.” Shelur declared happily.

The plane turned deathly quiet after hearing what Shelur said and it took a few moments for her words to sink in before Shufharz asked, “Sorry, can you repeat that? I think I got a bad connection for a moment.”

“I said I plan to go join John Michaels harem.” Shelur repeated.

“How? Why? You mean it’s actually a real thing and not just a show they put on?” Shufharz asked in rapid succession.

“How? By being invited, why? Because I am attracted to him and I have seen for myself that he is fantastic at sex with the tool to back him up, and yes it’s a real thing that already has sex members.” Shelur replied.

“Invited by who? How do you know he is good and has the tools, six members? I was expecting four at most from what I saw at the banquet.” Shufharz said.

“Allow me to explain, Chieftess.” Shelur said before going on to explain almost everything that has happened since she first met John.

“Contact the palace and tell them I want the plan refueled and ready to depart back to the central continent asap, Shelur and I will be returning immediately.” Shufharz ordered.

“Chieftess?” The male Orc asked in surprise.

“Work it out you dumb shit.” Shufharz cursed, causing the male Orc to frown in anger. “The situation is far worse than I expected since John Michael’s harem contains the Kitsune Princess Shizuku and a Draconian.”

”That leaves only us and the Dwarves who do not have a representative in this harem, and since this harem contains the future empress of the Elves I won't let our people lose ground to the other races.”

“Luckily Shelur already has an opportunity to join this harem that will most likely be filled with some of the most powerful and influential women Atlanita has in the future.”

“Now do as I your Chieftess orders and while you're at it you should clean out your room in my palace, you're no longer welcome.” Shufharz said to the male Orc.

“But…” The male Orc tried to protest.

“But nothing.” Shufharz said, cutting him off again. “While you're half decent in bed that appears to be all you have going for you since you were incapable of figuring out something so simple, I neither want your cock of your council anymore.”

“Shelur, prepare your things and report to the palace at once, you and I will return to the central continent.”

“Yes Chieftess.” Shelur replied.


“What was that?” John mumbled as soon as he appeared on Wanning City, “It didn’t seem like a simple lick from how they all responded.”

“Well whatever I need to find the silver deer first, woods or the forest are the obvious locations, but which one?”

John decided he needed more information so he started to wander around the city asking the local npcs and players if they knew where to find the creature.

While most of the npcs had indeed heard of the creature, they were unsure of where to find it since it was apparently a very rare beast.

After a few hours of getting no leads John was getting tired and bored so he decided to head to a local inn for a drink.

John didn’t know much about the inn’s in Wanning City so he simply chose one that seemed popular and therefore he assumed it was either cheap, had good food and drink or both.

As he entered he saw groups of different individuals, the majority being humans chatting, laughing or drinking in small to medium groups.

Tommy took a spot at the bar and ordered a drink while he listened to what the other patrons had to say.

The npcs seemed to mainly be talking about how they were unhappy with the recent tax rise while the players were discussing the latest news and gossip about Genesis.

A group at a table nearby were talking about Melissa Delacruz's new song.

“It’s fire right?”

“Totally, you know it’s going to be the number one on the single charts this week.”

“How does she always come up with awesome songs?”

“She claims they are taken from her life experiences.”

“Is that why she doesn't do love songs?”

“I guess, I mean she is a member of the Impossible Princess after all.”

“Assuming she doesn’t get won over by that lucky sod who won the heart of the Elf Princess.”

“Don’t forget our own princess as well.”

“Don’t tell me you two idiots believe those stories?”

“You don’t?”

“Fuck no, do you think some average Joe could win the heart of a princess, let alone two?” 

“Well regardless, did you hear the rumor about the prince approaching Melissa again?”

“Same old story where he gets shot down I bet.”

“Not this time, this time she accepted his invitation to party up.”

“What why? Everyone other than that fat prince can see she is not interested.”

“Apparently he found the location of an item she needs for her class mission.”

“And she believed him? I doubt it.”

“Well apparently what she needs is incredibly hard to find and acquire, so much so rumor is she has been stuck on this mission for a couple of weeks now.”

“What could be so hard?”

“Silver Deer antlers.”


“Fuck that is hard.”


“What are you smirking and laughing about?”

“Well who do you think sold this information to the prince’s people.”

“You know where to find silver deer’s?”

“I call bullshit.”

“I got lucky one day and happened to stumble across one of them in the forest to the south of the city.”

“Why didn’t you kill it? Silver deer meat is a top level ingredient for chefs, not to mention the other materials you can get from its corpse.”

“My level was too low, I had only just left the starting village at the time. After doing some research I learnt how valuable they were so kept quiet about it until I could go kill it myself, the prince just happened to be offering more money than I could refuse for the information.”

After overhearing the conversation John smiled before leaving the in and heading for the city's southern gate.


“What the hell do you mean you set me up on a date with John?” Alexia asked Adria in shock.

After separating from the group the first thing Adria did was go speak to her mother, unfortunately she was on an important call with the minister so Adria had to wait a couple of hours before she could give her mother the good news.

“Exactly as I said mother dear, I have set you and John up on a date, make sure to wear something sexy and nice. We want you to leave a lasting impression on him so that he wants you in the harem.” Adria replied.

“But…” Alexia began but was interrupted by Adria.

“But nothing mother, this is your chance to finally get rid of father and have what you truly desire, also I have seen the way you look at John so don’t try to deny it, you're going on this date and that’s final.

Alexia sighed before saying, “Fine.”

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