MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 203 Divine Eyes

*AUTHUR NOTICE* Because people wanted me to streamline the amount of system information, I have cut down what the inspect skill shows to only: Name, Race, Gender, Class and Level. I may alter this again in the future.


"So now that we're alone will you tell me what you didn't speak about before?" Shufharz asked as she relaxed on a sofa as she and Shelur flew back towards the central continent.

"Where shall I start?" Shelur asked while relaxing on the sofa opposite.

"Start by telling me more about this Draconian Black Dragoon, it seems kind of strange that a normal draconian would be invited to a harem full of royal family members." Shufharz instructed.

"They never spoke her real name, which was strange, she carried herself with nobility so she is obviously not just any normal Draconian, also when she was insulted in the raid she said 'the idiot doesn't realize who he's speaking to'." Shelur explained.

"Hmmm, I wonder if it's possible that it's her, it's well known that she secretly has a second character granted to her by Tia, however that character's name is known by only a small number of people. But if that's the case how did that boy meet her, is his luck really that good?" Shufharz mumbled to herself with interest.

"Do you know who she is?" Shelur asked.

"I have a good idea, though that's all it is," Shufharz replied. "However from what you just told me and how that woman interacted with John Michaels at the banquet, I think I can safely guess that this Black Dragoon is actually the Draconian Empress Vulxis Noxmeila."

Shelur gaped when she heard that but as she thought about it she realized it made sense.

"If I'm correct then this harem is even more powerful than I thought as it now contains one leader and two future leaders." Shufharz said in a serious tone before asking, "what else is there?"

"John has a close relationship with Lady Bengal and her daughter Fanya." Shelur replied.

"WHAT!" Shufharz shouted in shock, surprising Shelur for the chieftess very rarely raised her voice, she had no need to most of the time.

"Explain." Shufharz demanded.

Shelur nodded before going on to explain what she knew about how John rescued the young white tiger which he later formed a bond with and named Fanya.

"So the rumors are true, he is the player who succeeded in obtaining an until now race specific class." Shufharz said with an impressed tone. "Furthermore he is the first Druid to even bond with a white tiger."

"That's not all, he's also the first person to form a bond with a Jackalope which led to the creation of the Dexterity stat." Shelur continued.

"What!" Shufharz replied in surprise, "he's the one who was behind the new stat?"

"Then there is the fact he has a connection with at least three more important npcs." Shelur began to explain, "First is the central continents world boss, the Jackalope queen, it seems she sent her daughter to judge if John was worthy of meeting her and he proved more than worthy so he will meet her in the near future."

"Then there's Succubus queen Elrinira." 

"He has a connection with a third world boss?" Shufharz asked in surprise.

"Indirectly at least because Sarah Lapis definitely does." Shelur replied as she explained about the items Sarah had that knocked the human part unconscious.

"Then maybe most unbelievable of all is the goddess or sex, love and beauty Aphrodite." 

"WHAT!" Shufharz asked in even greater shock than before, "How does a low level new player already have a connection with a god? Let alone the goddess Aphrodite that we Orc's have been trying to build for years."

Shelur then explained about the rings John and the other girls all got causing Shufharz to frown on thought.

"There must be something more to it than just what was in the message." Shufharz finally stated. "Many Orc's have tried similar methods in the past to attract the goddess's attention however without success."

Shufharz continued to think for a few minutes before she sighed and said, "It's something we will have to investigate when you get your own ring, is there anything else I should know?"

"Ummm." Shelur replied hesitantly.

"What is it?" Shufharz asked with a frown.

"It would seem John is taking Empress Alexis Bristle out on a date with the idea being that she will become his lover in the future and join the harem."



"Well this must be the forest south of the city then mention." John said as he looked up at the tall trees in his Jackalope form.

After getting the information about the Silver Deer's location John had left the inn before finding a secluded spot to transform into his Jackalope form after which he rushed out of the city and made his way here.

"Well let's go find us a silver deer." John said to himself before rushing into the forest.

The Dexterity stat boost awarded to him by his Jackalope form allowed him to dash through the forest easily as he ducked under, jumped over or dodged around obstacles such as trees, roots and bushes that appeared before him.

As always he used the opportunity to gather any herbs he happened to pass while keeping an eye out for the silver deer.

(I wonder if Adria knows her friend has partied up with her brother.)

John considered informing Adria but then figured (Meh it's not my business.) since he didn't know Melissa at all and wasn't friends with her.

If he came across her in the future and she needed help he might lend a hand for Adria's sake, but other than that it was none of his business what she did.

As John progressed deeper into the forest he encountered various deer and inspected them all even though none of them were silver, after all John didn't know if the silver deer were really silver or just named such.

After a while John suddenly heard the sound of combat and voices yelling.

Because he didn't want a repeat of what happened when he was traveling to Wanning City. John activated his stealth before going to take a look.


What he found was a group of half a dozen players that were currently in combat with two large boars.

These boars were much larger than the ones John faced back in the starter village and had sharp tusks.

The group was working fairly well together and seemed to be taking orders from a fat young man in the back who seemed to be playing the Necromancer class.

While giving orders he seemed to always want to stay close to a beautiful female hunter who had long pink hair even though this hunter was obviously trying to keep a distance between the two.


[Name: Prince of Necromancy]

[Race: Human

[Gender: Male

[Class: ???]

[Level: ???]

[Name: Dream Archer]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Female

[Class: ???]

[Level: ???]

[*NOTICE* The Goddess Aphrodite has noticed something interesting about the player named Dream Archer and thinks it will be most interesting if you were to learn the truth. She has therefore enhanced your Inspect skill with a small amount of her divine power.]

[Inspect has been upgraded to Divine Eyes]

[Divine Eyes (God Tier skill): The most advanced version of the inspect skill known to exist, only something or someone shielded by a god can hide from the divine eyes]

[You will no longer suffer from the ten levels higher penalty when inspecting another players or npc.]

[Has the ability to reveal any hidden information.]

[Can be used by saying or thinking either 'Inspect' of 'Divine Eyes'.]

[Congratulations you have just acquired a God Tier skill and received the title 'Blessed by the Gods']

[Blessed by the Gods: A title given to those people whom the gods bestow something upon. Because a God has bestowed a skill upon you, you have gained a small amount of their divine energy. Stat point increase on level up has increased by 1.]

[Because of their rarity in only being bestowed upon by the Gods, All God Tier skills receive a Genesis World Announcement, would you like to hide your name?]

[ Yes] [ No] 

(What the fuck is this, yes I want to hide my name.)


[Congratulations to ******** for successfully receiving a God Tier skill.] 

[They will receive the following reward:] 

[Title: Blessed by the Gods]



[Congratulations to ******** for successfully receiving a God Tier skill.] 

As soon as the Genesis World announcement was made the world seemed to freeze and every player stood there in shock before all hell broke loose.

This wasn't the first time someone had received a God Tier skill and the title Blessed by the Gods, however it was very rare for it to happen, the last time it happened was over ten years ago.

As players started to wonder who had achieved something not seen for ten years, the leaders of each race and faction held emergency meetings and ordered their subordinates to discover the one responsible so that they could determine if the player who had acquired the skill was likely to be a friend or foe.

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