MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 204 Melissa’s secret

"What the fuck." John heard Prince of Necromancy cursed when he heard the world announcement go off before he ordered. "Investigate who was responsible at once."

"Yes boss." His underlings replied as the battle continued.

(Let's try out this new skill then, Devine Eyes.)

[Name: Prince of Necromancy]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Class: Necromancer +4]

[Level: 112]

[Name: Dream Archer]

[Race: Half-Elf]

[Gender: Female]

[Class: Hunter +3]

[Level: 101]

When John saw the race that was displayed on Dream Archer's information he could have sworn he heard a beautiful voice utter a small giggle.

(Is Dream Archer the character name Melissa Delacruz uses? And she's a half-elf?)

(Is that just in Genesis or Atlantia as well?)

Although John originally had no intention of bothering with Melissa Delacruz business, when he saw her race his curiosity got the better of him so he messaged Adria.

[Vincarna: Hey babe you free?]

[Red Rose: Always for you honey, are you missing me already?]

[Vincarna: Of course, however that's not why I messaged you.]

[Red Rose: Ok what's up?]

[Vincarna: Is Melissa Delacruz's Genesis character's name Dream Archer?]

[Red Rose: Yeah, I thought everyone…. Oh wait you have never paid any interest to her before, why do you suddenly ask?]

[Vincarna: She has partied up with a player named Prince of Necromancy which I'm guessing is your brother.]

[Red Rose: What! Why the hell would she go do something stupid like that, let me message her right now.]

[Vincarna: Wait.]

[Red Rose:???]

[Vincarna: She is currently in combat and distracting her might be dangerous, let me explain what I know.]

[Rose Rose: Ok.]

[Vincarna: I overheard that your brother paid someone for information on the silver deer that she needs for her class mission, because of this she agreed to party up with him.]

[Red Rose: That slimy bastard, he probably refused to tell her the information so she had no choice but to party up with him.]

[Red Rose: Wait, isn't the silver deer what you need for your quest from Bengal?]

[Vincarna: Yup.]

[Red Rose: That's perfect, we can have her leave my slimy brothers party and party up with you instead.]

[Vincarna: We can talk about that in a minute but first let me ask you something.]

[Red Rose: Go on.]

[Vincarna: Is Melissa Delacruz a half-elf?]

[Red Rose:…]

[Red Rose: What?]

[Vincarna: Is she a half-elf just in Genesis or in Atlantia as well?]

[Red Rose: What are you talking about? Melissa is a human like you and me.]

Seeing Adria's reply John took a screenshot of Dream Archers information before sending it over to her.]

[Vincarna: Don't be so sure. (Image Attached)]

It took several seconds for Adria to reply after John sent the picture.

[Red Rose: What the hell?]

[Vincarna: You really didn't know?]

[Red Rose: No, she never told me.]

[Vincarna: I wonder why.]

[Red Rose: I'm sure there's a good reason, I have known her for years and we are really close.]

[Vincarna: As you have hinted at before ;)]

[Red Rose: Pervert.]

[Vincarna: Regardless I won't be teaming up with her if she kept something like this from you, her supposed best friend.]

[Red Rose: But…]

[Vincarna: No buts, I can't trust someone who is lying to my lover to have my back.]

[Red Rose: I understand.]

John could feel how upset Adria was from this so he decided to try and cheer her up a bit.]

[Vincarna: If she explains the whole situation to you and it's nothing that hurts our group then I will consider teaming up with her in the future, however for now why don't you find out what part of the silver deer she needs, then if I manage to kill one before she does I can give her that part.]

[Red Rose: Thanks babe, I know you're doing this for me so I will be sure to reward you well later.]

[Vincarna: You don't need to since you rewarded well a few hours ago ;)]

[Red Rose: Hehe pervert.]

[Vincarna: You weren't complaining at the time.]

[Red Rose: I will never complain when we are doing that. Right, I will message her in a few minutes and ask her about some things.]

[Vincarna: Good luck.]

[Red Rose: Thanks, love you. X]

After John finished messaging Adria he shot a threatening look towards Dream Archer who was still firing arrows at the boar and thought.

(You better not be planning to hurt my women, if you do I will never forgive you.)

After that John turned and left to continue searching for the silver deer.


Melissa was in combat against the boar's with the temporary team she was forced to join and she was starting to get seriously pissed off.

(This fat pig of a prince just won't take the hint, why won't he just stop trying to get close to me.)

(I'm starting to regret not messaging Adria about this situation, but I know she has been busy trying to capture pride rock and I didn't want to disturb her.)

As she continued fighting she suddenly felt a shiver down her back as if someone was about to attack her from behind.

Melissa quickly spun round with her bow drawn only to discover that nothing and nobody was there.

(Did I imagine that?)

"Is something wrong, beautiful Melissa?" Thomas asked in what he thought was a suave tone.

"No nothing your highness." Melissa replied in her professional acting voice before she continued to attack the boars.

After a few minutes the boars lay dead before Thomas ordered, "Collect the spoils then we continue, we need to find my future wife's prize."

Melissa rolled her eyes at this but has stopped commenting after the first dozen times the prince had addressed her as such on this outing.

As Melissa retrieved the arrows that were still usable she suddenly received a message and seeing who it was from she smiled.

[Red Rose: Hey Mel, have you killed the boars yet?]

[Dream Archer: Adria, how did you know I was fighting boars?]

[Red Rose: How else, I am always keeping a close eye on my girlfriend to make sure no one steals you away from me.]

[Dream Archer: You tease, but seriously how did you know?]

[Red Rose: My boyfriend just happened to pass by and let me know that you had partied up with that slimy brother of mine.]

(Boyfriend? Wait, that gossip is real?)

[Dream Archer: Your boyfriend? So that gossip about your date at the banquet was legit? But wait doesn't that also mean?]

[Red Rose: Naturally, and yes I am not his only girlfriend.]

[Dream Archer… seriously?]

[Red Rose: Hehe, I know what you're thinking, why would a princess like me date a guy who already has girlfriends.]

[Red Rose: Well first he didn't already have a girlfriend when we started dating, all five of us became his girlfriends at the same time and second you will understand why I am willing to share him when you meet him and hear the full story.]

[Dream Archer: Five? If your boyfriend was here why didn't he come say hello to your best friend, surely you have told him how close we are?]

[Red Rose: I have but there are two simple reasons why he didn't approach you, first he is slow to trust his fellow humans.]

[Dream Archer: Ah the whole living in the slums and being mis-treated, yeah I heard about that on the Genesis news network. What's the second reason.]

[Red Rose: If I had to guess it's because he thinks you have been lying to me and you're not really my friend at all.]

(What the hell!)

[Dream Archar: What the hell gave him that idea?]

[Red Rose: The fact that you never told me you're a half-elf.]


[Red Rose: So tell me, is that only in Genesis or are you really a half-elf?]

[Dream Archer:…]

[Dream Archer: How the fuck did he find out, that priestess said that no one below the god level would be able to see that, who the hell is this boyfriend of yours?]

[Red Rose: So it's true?]

[Dream Archer: Yes it's true, I'm really a half-elf and not only in Genesis, it's a long story and the messaging app is not the place to tell it, but believe me when I say that before you and your boyfriend, no one alive knew of this information except a priestess in the starting village who helped me hide it.]

[Red Rose: Alright I believe you but I expect a full explanation about this after you have got what you need from the silver deer.]

[Dream Archer: You know about my class mission as well?]

[Red Rose: What can I say, my boyfriend is amazing, why didn't you tell me about your class mission? I could have helped with it.]

[Dream Archer: He certainly seems to be you lucky girl, also you were busy with the pride rock resource raid.]

[Red Rose: Don't get jealous babe, I plan to have you join John's harem so that we can share him with the other girls, also I beat the resource raid earlier.]

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