Mob Yandere

Chapter 168-2

[Part 2/4]

Inaba wanted to avoid being turned into paper, a musical instrument, a plate, or wool at all costs, but she didn't say anything. She used evasion tactics to confuse the situation. Inaba knew that in this luxurious and flamboyant den of iniquity, anyone who resisted would be broken and corrupted. She wasn't going to make the foolish mistake of moving herself up the execution queue.

"Yes. Kudzu-san. I will be staying here tonight, so please make arrangements for that. ... And while you're at it, please assign the new girls as storytellers tonight."

"...I'm not sure about the new girls alone. Can you join us?"

Kudzu's response to Kayo's instructions sounded coquettish. The Nanban girl stopped walking and turned her head. Kayo looked up at her, but in reality, it was the opposite in 2 ways.

A moment of silence. A heavy atmosphere. Kayo stared intently into the eyes of the anxious maid. And then....

"...Yeah. I don't mind. Please do your best to help out your juniors?"

"...!! Thank you very much!!"

The maid's head also broke into a smile, as sweet as honey, as if a flower had bloomed. It was a scene that could be imagined as a field of blooming lilies. At least that's how Inaba-hime saw it. She sighed inwardly.

In reality, the truth was much more gruesome than Inaba could have imagined, but it was a blessing that she didn't know it yet.

...Kudzu could tell from the faint but strong odor that the Nanban girl had been given an old loincloth by her fellow old woman. Her employer had had a lot of fun in the car on the way here.

"Hehe. You don't need to be so overjoyed. ...After all, we are friends."

Not many people could understand the meaning behind the words of the merchant daughter, who was smiling happily at the maid's joy. Even Inaba-hime, who was on high alert, couldn't understand.

"Well. We've arrived...Inaba-san, are you not drinking?"

"...I have a guard duty."

Most of it is probably a lie. There's no way to know what's in the tea that's being served to this group of people. She knows a few maids who have already fallen for their tricks and succ*mbed to their pleasures. Be especially careful if there are sweet and delicious-looking high-class sweets served with the tea.

...She can't bear to see or hear about sweets that look like poison bait that She has never seen or heard of at home.

"Is that so? Well, that's a shame, but it's good that you're so dedicated to your work. In that case, I'll leave it in your capable hands."

The employer's encouragement, the words of which were hard to tell how serious they were. Inaba humbly complies, even if it's just for show, and waits on the veranda. The shoji paper door is closed, and on the other side, there is the sound of laughter and conversation among several people, accompanied by tea and sweets... It's only a matter of time before she hears some nasty sounds like "Oh!? ♡" or "Ugh!! ♡" or "Hiiiyyy!!!♡♡♡". She can already see how this is going to play out.

"Sigh... really, what's going to happen?"

Inaba mutters to herself as she admires the well-kept garden. This is a terrible mansion, but it's still better than the other possibilities. ...But it's only a temporary solution.

She can't stay here for years. She'll have to leave this place sometime soon, and her next destination will be her destiny... Oh, really, things don't go her way.

"At least, if he were handsome and a gentleman..."

Yes. Like that person, for example. Like the elegant person who accompanied her as her caretaker until she got here.


Remembering the side face of Onitsuki's household member, who was so beautiful it was almost startling, Inaba-hime lets out a deep sigh, partly to escape from the female voices of coquetry that began to echo from behind the shoji paper door.

It was a deep, deep sigh, a youthful, innocent, and alluring sigh, just like a girl in love.

...It would be a little while before she would learn the truth, which was far too important and deadly for her.

* * *

"...I have been ordered to assign you to serve me."

It was a few days after I returned from my mission in the Anma Mountains. Onitsuki Sumire, the lady of the Onitsuki household, summoned me to a room in the mansion that the Oumi family had assigned to me, even though I was still suffering from severe muscle aches.

"Perhaps it's thanks to your recent accomplishment. I never expected to be directly requested."

The lady's tone didn't seem as surprised as her words suggested. Instead, it was a tone of mockery and sarcasm, as if she was talking about something amusing. Her behavior reminded me somewhat of her daughter. A sadistic attitude...


Of course, I didn't find it offensive. I didn't even feel anything at all.

In fact, I barely remember anything from Mount Anma. It's like a huge chunk of my memory is missing. I don't know if it was an accident or if it was intentional. But considering that the thing I had hidden in my pocket disappeared, I suspect the latter... Whatever the case, I was apparently praised for some accomplishment. Hina was the one who reported my achievements.

The eldest princess of the Onitsuki clan, who beheaded the giant snake that was displayed on the capital's gate, persuaded the Middle Counselor (Chuunagon) to reprimand the Tengu and have them apologize. She mentioned my name as her assistant. With the Middle Counselor's recommendation, I was given a small reward and a low-ranking government position, which was about one-hundredth of what I received.

"What a rise to power for a son of a poor farmer from the countryside. Your parents must be crying with joy."

The statement itself was perfectly reasonable. However, the ladys words, like those of the Middle Counselor, seemed more like a threat to me. Of course, that's not the main point here.

"...However, with power and position comes responsibility. You can no longer behave like a lowly servant as you did in the past. Do you understand?"

In other words, there's a chance that I will be called upon by the court, or rather, by the Omnyouji Bureau, in the future. No favoritism within the family is allowed. I cannot refuse even unreasonable orders.

...It seems like nothing has really changed, but I shouldn't worry about it.

"Head to the Omnyouji Bureau. They will give you the details there. ... Isn't it an honor? It's a testament to your recognition as an exorcist. The Onitsuki family is proud of you."


In response to those truly heartless words, I responded in the same tone of emptiness. The tense, formal conversation was like being stretched to the limit... everything felt so empty.

"As the Household Member Coordinator, you can't just walk there, you have to ride. You'll need an attendant as well... Whatever you do, act with the Onitsuki name in mind."

"Yes! I'll do my best to uphold the honor of the Onitsuki family!"

My response and bow were interrupted by a cold sensation on my neck. I instinctively tried to draw my cursed sword from my sheath, but it was no longer in my hand; it was pressed against my neck.

In an instant, the lady of the house, who had been sitting in the seat of honor, had moved behind me. She stroked my neck with the side blade of the dagger (tantō) that she had stolen.

"My, my, isn't this a bit rough? Look, the blade is slightly tilted. How careless of you."


The sensation of the icy blade, yet I remained silent. I understood that I was not expected to respond. And more importantly, I feared that if I moved carelessly, I might be beheaded by reflex.

"No, no. I'm not saying you should store it like a piece of furniture. But if the blade is chipped or the sword comes out, it will be a big problem, won't it?"


A dull heat ran through my neck. A feeling that was slowly overflowing... I didn't move a muscle. I couldn't move a muscle.

"There you go. Look. It's just this much. I intended to cut all the way to the tip, but it only cut through a thin layer of skin. The blade must be dull. Take care of it..."

She stroked the wound and showed me her palm, which was stained red like a whitebait. Red, crimson, vermilion, dark red...

"...Well, that's not all, is it?"

The lady murmured as she stroked the overflowing blood again. There was no third time. There was no need for it. The wound was stopped. The wound was closed. It was clearly too early for an ordinary person.

"You're getting better at it, aren't you? At this rate, you must have used it at least once during the last mission."


The lady presses up closely from behind. Her lukewarm whispers tickle my ear. The soft pressure on the back, even through layers of cloth, feels overwhelming, evoking a sense of blood connection with the daughter. Yet there's not a shard of excitement.

In the cold grip of fear, my whole body shrinks...

"I'll say it again, okay? Take good care of your weapon. It's you who'll suffer if it fails you in a pinch."

She holds me on tightly, wrapping her arms around, hand resting on the abdomen. Rubbing. With one hand, she strokes the belly horizontally with the nail of her index finger. In the other hand, she holds a Tantō. Its crimson tip aimed at my heart.

"Sumire, sama...!!"

"Don't move. ...You'll ruin the aim, won't you?"

In a trembling voice, as if in response to the murmured name, the demon of the blade chastises. Slowly, very slowly, the tip approaches. Closing in on the bosom. Drawing closer, closer, closer... Into the sheath it goes.

Click. The sharp blade fits snugly into the scabbard.

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