Mob Yandere

Chapter 168-1

[Part 1/4]

Life is a continuous series of unknowns, surprises, and things that never go according to plan. It's a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, a tough journey across a muddy river, a path through life. Like a boat adrift in a storm, people can only surrender to the currents and play with the cards they're dealt.

And Kakitsugi Inaba was in a position to deeply understand these words. Possessed by a fox youkai and turned into a puppet, she had lost her memories of the past few months. When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a completely changed situation.

Inside one of the tents set up by the delegation to Mt. Anma, the exorcists and warriors who entered were met with a mountain of discarded flesh. Servants and laborers were all dead. It was immediately clear that the corpses of these puppets had been dead for some time.

The Imperial Court immediately sent personnel to the Kakitsugi family's mansion and territory in the capital. When they dispelled the cleverly hidden illusions, they found a scene no less hellish. The tragedy of the main residence on the Kakitsugi family's territory was said to be beyond words. The youkai fox was cruel creatures who toyed with human life and dignity.

...After many twists and turns, the Imperial Court and the Omnyouji Bureau decided to freeze the status of the Kakitsugi family as exorcists. Although there were some who had married into or into the family, the loss of servants, laborers, and other personnel made it almost impossible to rebuild. The assets and privileges in the capital were confiscated by the Imperial Court and the Omnyouji Bureau, and the territory itself was divided among the neighboring families. Officially, it was under temporary management, but it was practically a takeover.

Now, Kakitsugi Inaba's existence was hanging in the air. She was the last surviving member of the main family. Although the status of the Kakitsugi name was frozen, it was not revoked. The Imperial Court and the Omnyouji Bureau were at a loss as to what to do with her. The neighboring families who had taken over the Kakitsugi territory offered to act as her guardians out of traditional friendship. Or perhaps the families who had married into the family... Well, it would be foolish to believe these suddenly affectionate relatives at face value. At best, they would try to get her pregnant or kill her off with a sudden illness.

"Well, I guess... this is better than the alternative?"

"Oh? Did you say something, Inaba-san?"

The soft murmur was barely audible, but the Nanban girl, dressed in a vibrant young green hakama, was quick to catch it and turned around with a flourish. She flashed an angelic smile.

"No, it's nothing... Anyway, it's a beautiful garden."

Inaba replied calmly, suppressing her emotions as she faced the overly sweet appearance of her temporary employer. She averted her emerald eyes and looked out at the garden that stretched along the veranda. A luxurious hibiscus garden, with white gravel paths and a pond filled with carp swimming, it was a testament to the owner's wealth.

"Ah, you like it? That's good. Hehehe, the scenery is nice, but there are also many fruit trees planted. There are so many sweet, sweet fruits... I can't wait for autumn!"

The temporary employer, the only daughter of the Tachibana trading company, chirped with a lovely smile. She turned around to face Inaba and skipped along the veranda with a lightness that almost made a sound. Inaba sighed softly again as she watched her back.

(Really, how did things turn out like this?)

She had lost her home and family, but she wasn't particularly attached to them anyway. Still, she was at a loss for what to do with her life. The Onmyouji Bureau must have been struggling with how to deal with the situation, when the Onitsuki family took the initiative and intervened.

The inheritance of property and houses, the appointment of guardians... In the midst of the complex entanglement of interests, Inaba-hime's existence could become an important key. The Onitsuki family recommended a temporary guardian as a 'gesture of goodwill'.

It was the Tachibana family. Or rather, the Tachibana daughter, Tachibana Kayo. Their mansion was a testament to their consideration for all parties involved.

They offered the guardianship to a young girl, provided security at the mansion, guaranteed food and shelter, made it easy to monitor from the capital, and maintained the pretense of a Joraku (visiting capital) role. And since there was also the possibility of kidnapping or murder, all parties involved agreed to the proposal. It was a masterstroke. It is said that the Omnyouji Bureau even expressed their unofficial gratitude.

And it was great news that not only the surroundings but also Inaba-hime's immediate safety was guaranteed. It was supposed to be. That's what it was supposed to be, but...

"Oh, yes, that's right. Have those things... been brought in yet?"

Kayo asked as if she had just remembered something. Caught off guard, Inaba fell silent for a moment and then replied.

"...Yes. From the back door, indeed."

"In front of others?"

"Only those who have been prepared."

"That's good♪"

Nanban's daughter was genuinely pleased with Inaba's answer. Pleased, she walked across the hall of the mansion. She proceeded along the only passage to reach the innermost room of this mansion... Inaba, who followed her as a guard, was very depressed.

It was only natural. The back door of the mansion, probably designed to be less conspicuous. If someone think about the contents of the packages that were received from the merchants and carried to the back room...


"W-welcome, young lady!!"

As soon as they stepped into the "back room", the maids who happened to be passing by bowed deeply when they recognized Kayo. They greeted their young lady.

"Yes. Good work♪"

The employer replied cheerfully and walked past them. Inaba also followed suit. Walking past, she observed the maids with a glance as she passed them by. Young girls with delicate features... even if they seem innocent, if she looks into the depths of their eyes, she can see what lies beneath.


Oh, even them... Inaba-hime lamented the state of the mansion. This place is a toy box. They are toys.

The mansion of the Tachibana daughter, located on the summit of Mt. Tatara, can be structurally divided into 3 main parts. The "front room", which is also used for the trading company's business, the "middle room" for entertaining guests and banquets, and the "back room", which is located in the innermost part and occupies the largest space... the young lady's own private space.

Basically off-limits to men, Tachibana Kayo was an absolute monarch in that space, protected by a soundproof barrier. It's not a metaphor. It's a harsh reality.

From the almost blackish gray streak, the girls who were literally "purchased" were Kayo's servants. Inaba knew that the curse engraved during the purchase, which restricts their freedom, was created through a technique that is almost illegal but legally binding, according to the knowledge of the exorcists. They cannot defy the orders of their employer, Kayo. Defiance would lead to their effective death.

It's a shady business. The act itself became a topic of discussion among the public. People had various speculations about it. Some saw it as a means for questionable entertainment, while others viewed it as a noble act of rescuing girls who had fallen into a world of suffering. Some even wanted loyal hands and feet... But for Inaba-hime, none of those were the correct answer. They were not the complete truth.

Inaba knew better than to stir up trouble unnecessarily. She knew the value of silence. So she stayed away. She witnessed the employer's misconduct, which she heard leaking from her employer's sleeping quarters during her night patrol.

Her treatment of the maids, dressed in provocative attire, was far from merciful. She pinched, pushed, twisted, pulled, bit, slapped, and made them cry... Her actions showed no mercy, far worse than your average thug. It was literally like handling disposable toys. What even is the meaning of "Shiromuku," a term for pure innocence on her?

(...But I'm in custody after all, so it should be okay.)

Inaba didn't care how others fell. She only worried about the sparks flying her way. She absolutely refused to join the banquet where people engaged with a mix of wicked demon-like statue in debauchery night after night in the buddhist room. There should be some consideration for the destruction of dignity, shouldn't there?

"Kayo-sama! Thank you for coming!"

Inaba realized a little late that she had been mentally making sarcastic comments as a form of escapism. A girl dressed in an exceptionally elegant maid uniform approached quickly from the other end of the hallway. She was accompanied by several subordinates or perhaps Servants.

"Hehehe, Kudzu-san, hello. I hope everyone has been well in my absence."

"Yes, everyone has been getting along as usual... Welcome back, Kayo-sama."

One of the head maids, Kudzu (former noble girl who saved by MC inside labyrinth on Kayo's bought mansion before), was genuinely happy about her master's return. Kayo hadn't been able to visit the mansion for a while due to her recent busyness. And Inaba wasn't entirely unrelated to the reason.

"Honestly, he's so persistent, it's annoying. It's over with, isn't it?!"

The Nanban girl pouted, her cheeks puffed out in annoyance. She had been running back and forth between the imperial palace and the trading company's headquarters for the past 4 days.

In a way, it was a just reward and a cleanup. Her father, the head of the trading company, had taken on the job of transporting provisions from the Minister of the Left, but she had interfered without considering her position and ended up ruining it. Kayo had been running around apologizing and explaining to all parties involved.

"Anyway, the expedition has been canceled! The trading company members are complaining bitterly, and the nobles and shoguns are grumbling too. Isn't it ridiculous?"

"I think it's probably a matter of pride..."

Kudzu deduced from her knowledge and experience as Kayo vented her frustration. They must have found it unpleasant that their plans were thwarted by a merchant's daughter.They must have found it unpleasant that their plans were thwarted by a merchant's daughter. Especially the latter, the high-ranking court officials, who were even more arrogant.

"Yeah, that's probably it! That's definitely it! It's a completely ridiculous story! If we had gone ahead with the plan, we would have been the ones who would have lost out big time!"

While it's not exactly the same as the social classes of samurai (warrior), farmers, and artisans, the position of merchants is not always guaranteed by the social hierarchy. Ultimately, money is the source of power for the rich merchants, and it is not unconditionally guaranteed by law or bloodline.

The high interest rates of usurers are due to the lack of guarantees. Looking back through history, there have been many rich merchants who lost their fortunes due to the Tokusei-rei (debt relief) or the Ki-don-rei (debt cancellation). In particular, Emperor Nin'ei's Tokusei-rei (debt relief) was notorious among merchants because it was issued without any relief or compensation.

Having been almost ruined by a conspiracy, Kayo, a natural-born merchant, had no shred of trust in the court. Her father had told her not to worry because he had received Minister's consideration, but... she couldn't help but harbor some doubts, even though she couldn't put them into words.

"Has it been resolved?"

"Of course! I don't do sloppy work!"

Kayo confidently responded to Kudzu's question. It was true. She brushed off any annoying remarks, pretended to cry and deceive, and swiftly slapped away any attempts to touch her shoulders or knees. As a bonus, she took on a few small tasks. A merchant doesn't rise without getting up even if they fall, right?

"Well, it's fine. I can take a break for a while now! Leo-kun can handle the miscellaneous tasks anyway!"

Perhaps it was time to let her take on a slightly higher-level job. Leaving the boy apprentice at the main store was not only due to her goodwill as a superior towards him, but there was more to it...

"Phew. Complaining made me thirsty. How about some tea?"

"I'll prepare it in the room. Warabi, Shiori, head to the tea room first."

Kudzu made a suggestion to Kayo and ordered her subordinates behind her. The two maids bowed respectfully and left... the small Nanban girl followed behind, taking small steps that suited her petite figure.

"Oh, by the way. How were the newcomers who started working the other day?"

"They're not bad. They're from the same noble family, after all. Though they were a bit rebellious, so they received a little punishment... Please rest assured, our relationship is now good through the flower arrangement lessons."

Kayo nodded in agreement with Kudzu's decisive response. She glanced at Inaba-hime behind her.

"What about you, Inaba-san? How about receiving a lesson as well? It won't hurt to have this kind of refinement, you know?"

"No, thank you. I'm not very interested in that sort of thing."

Inaba immediately declined the suggestion that seemed to come out of nowhere. She knew about the trap hidden within.

Inaba knew that the former noble daughter, who had a dignified and composed face, was "adored" by her employer at night, wearing a dress that was almost like a string and with a horse-like d**do. She also knew that her character and education had been used to create explicit works that the other maids, who admired her, found too obscene. The aforementioned newcomers had probably been influenced by flower arrangement. Inaba wanted nothing to do with them.

Furthermore, Inaba knew of several other maids who blindly believed in and worshiped Kayo, corrupting their fellow maids as her henchmen. That was why Inaba distanced herself from the other maids.

"That is a shame. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to ask at any time. There are others here who are skilled in calligraphy, poetry, or whatever it may be. Do not hesitate to ask."


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