Mob Yandere

Chapter v11-epilogue-6

[Part 1/6]

And now, their efforts are paying off.

The legend of the nine-headed dragon is not well-known. The legends scattered throughout Fusō are all ancient and unclear. That's why Fusō-kuni's records barely mention them.

They made sure their records and witnesses were eliminated so that no one could connect the dots. They were seen as different beings, encouraged to spread false legends.

...The dragon with nine heads doesn't actually have nine heads, and the serpent with eight branches doesn't have eight branches.

The serpent god with eight branches. There are very few who know its true name, 'Yamata-no-Orochi.'

'So, I'm like a pillar that doesn't exist to these monkeys... huh?'

In the dark night, on the body of a serpent left abandoned during dismantling due to its massive size, there sat a being with its legs crossed.

The silver threads dripping from its body are part of itself, originating from the body of its mother. It is an entity strengthened by its last remaining life, enhancing itself with its 'divine punishment.' Before the serpent with one head, inspired by the unfortunate Demon son and the spider's thread that tore its belly, took its last breath, it made a choice... and that crystallized into 'her.'

'That's an interesting approach, huh? But seriously... what's up with that female figure?'

'Maybe it's to lower people guard? Looks really matter, huh? Even a slight change can affect how people feel when they see it."'

Naturally, the voluptuous snake looked down physically at the Demon and answered. She displayed her slippery body and showed her split long tongue. Her tail, like wriggling tentacles, had nine sections.

'Hahaha, you're lying!'

The blue demon laughed cheerfully and denied the statement.

'You're aiming for that guy, right? I get it, you know? I can easily see through your thoughts. Even to the core.'

At the blue demon's harsh criticism, the snake twisted her enchanting beauty into a grotesque expression. Literally, the snake had the gaze of a predator targeting her prey.

That man has a human face, beastly heart, youkai spirit, and even a divine spirit. His value is immeasurable. It's not just about exorcists. It's the same for deities. In a way, even more so... especially for the current great snake.

'You've fallen into a headless snake. But one more pillar won't make a difference, huh?'

At the peak, only one-ninth of her former power remains. In reality, it's much worse. Not even one percent remains. It's still lower than its predecessor. While it has somewhat improved by utilizing the power of divine punishment, it's far from being able to claim to be a god. It's impossible.

That's why a change in strategy is necessary. A change in tactics is necessary. She must not give up on acting alone.

'Are you going to become the successor to that crazy Earth Mother Goddess? Well, the birds (Tengu) seem to be thinking along the same lines... Like isn't he just right for a stallion? Also, that you saw through my true name is also commendable.'

'You've got it all wrong!'

The Demon's claws swung, and nine huge tails covered in shining scales overflowed from behind the youkai woman blocked it. She received the Demon's slash without being cut...!!

'You're so slow!!'

'Watch behind you.'

The demon shouts. The snake looks behind. A huge anchor was approaching. The anchor that the blue demon had thrown in advance was circling like a boomerang and was about to crush the giant snake from behind.

'I'll return the favor♪'


The slimy tail deflected the anchor. With the same momentum, it returned to the blue demon. Without being able to defend, the demon was hit by the anchor and sent flying.

Breaking one large tree after another, her shadow disappeared into the dust and darkness enveloping the forest... The trunk of a large tree comes crashing in!

'Well, you're still alive, huh?'

The giant tail grabs the charging large tree, entwines it, tightens it, and then breaks it. But it's not just one being thrown. Two, then three, four, like a child throwing toys, they all come at once, capturing and destroying them all.

'Hmph. Quite skillful, aren't you? Almost like a fox. You're not imitating a monkey, you're imitating a fox?"

Looking beyond the darkness. With a torn thin skin, a trickle of blood flowing down the forehead, but with just that, the blue demon had a smile on her face. Dragging her ominous anchor, she glared and sneered.

'I doubt it, but the great serpent-sama would grow a tail just to deceive youkai fox from a distance... It's not like you grew a tail for such a clever trick, right?'

It was a blatant provocation. It was a mockery of the great serpent's trickery.

'Ahaha! No way!!'

'That's right!!'

The snake laughs. The demon laughs too. They both direct their killing intent towards each other with a full smile. It was a ridiculous exchange.

Giggling and chuckling. Thick with killing intent and malice. And at the same time... a proposal was made.

"Shall we join forces?"

With a different opinions, they laugh at each other. It's even more gruesome than before.

'Your desire is to be killed by a nurtured hero, isn't it? Like a bonsai tree feeling isn't it?'

'If that guy messes up your plans, it'll be quite satisfying, right?'

The demon acknowledges the snake as a subordinate, and the snake also recognizes the demon as useful in securing a stallion. They are fundamentally incompatible, but they can cooperate for now. They can cooperate.

'When that guy kills you, I won't lift a finger to help you.'

'If that monkey-like creature falls into temptation, I'll take care of you first.'

They both agree. What kind of conclusion will they reach in the end... In any case, it was a fact that these two, who couldn't cooperate at all, managed to work together.

'Hahaha!! The Youkai Salvation Organization, was it? I'd rather be a subordinate to you than those boring folks! With a bit of fate and dignity... well, do they have it? They're good enough to be the last opponent before the end! Take this!'

The demon gleefully throws off her monk's robe and drapes it over the snake.

'Stop with the trumpet already. You'll raise suspicion.'

'Is that so? ...Ah, right. Here, take this.'

The snake, who received the monk's robe, inspects it closely and then, as if remembering something, sheds her skin at her feet, peeling it off from her "self" that was abandoned earlier. She casually tosses the snake skin to the demon.

'A small gift for the greeting. Maybe it'll taste better if you soak it in alcohol and let it rest?'

'It might also be good to grill it and serve it with hot sake.'

The two monsters converse as if handling a blowfish fin. It was strange considering they were just playfully fighting moments ago, but given their monstrous mental structure, it was a natural behavior.

'...The birdbrain is being pretentious.'

'Perhaps it was a bit noisy after all?'

The two of them noticed a presence approaching with the wind. Despite restraining themselves, the strong youkai aura was still intense. It was only natural for the Tengu who sensed it to quickly arm themselves and rush over.

'It's a hassle to make a fuss. There's nothing to gain, so should we sneak away? How about grabbing a drink somewhere since we're already here?'

'Sounds good. Since I'm in this body now, how about treating me to a meal?'

'Wow, shameless!'

Casually, in a lively and enjoyable manner, the two of them chatted, deceived, and then left. They melted into the darkness.

When the Tengu noticed something was amiss and arrived, all that remained were the rough marks of violence....

Q. Why does the Tengu harm the protagonist even though they have an agreement?

A. In the Tengu's values and culture, they do not consider acts of harm as long as there is complete consent. By the way, feathers are considered as hair, and wings are an erogenous zone. The Tengu presented a coat made from their own erogenous hair as a gift....

Q. What does the snake's head ultimately symbolize?

A. The snake god says, "The number of my heads is not from one to eight, but from zero to eight" (smug face). Also, the great serpent is a clumsy being who mistakenly believes they were exposed by the feces = crap = revival of nine. Their appearance is inspired by a certain Golden Hind.

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