Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 27 Sylvia Stelle Hawkinf [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


November 21st, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy, Strategic Department. 3rd POV.




The sound of an explosion rang out covering the whole room as the fight video started. Various Mobile Suits, mainly Galdragudar Type, were circling on one Suit alone. The lone mobile suit manages to outmaneuver all of them despite being an old Unit, Swezidel. 


The only Unit she uses. The video stops as the Swezidel is about to destroy another cockpit.


“Can some of you answer why this lone Mobile Suit managed to destroy over half of the Galdragudar Units?” The Professor watched as none of his students raised his hand, he looked over the roll of students, catching the ashed white hair among them. 


“Miss Sylvia, can you answer my question?” Sylvia Stelle Hawkinf, startled out of her sleep, sleepily looked over the rest of her classmates in confusion and then slowly pointed a finger to her face.


“Ehhhh…me?” The professor's vein visibly popped out at her question but he managed to hold off his anger. 


“Yes…Can you tell me how a single unit manages to destroy over half?” He said again, this time his voice was heavier, containing much of his anger.


Sylvia looked over at the screen, seeing the familiar video being played again and again to the point she started to get tired of it, even though it was one of her best friend’s videos.


“The Swezidel is best adapted at Recon mission, using its black paint and Stealth Matrix, it is capable of bypassing most ships and staying out of range, but all of this would not be possible without Aegis Generator which extends its operation time by more than 5 days without recharging or refueling. As for your question as to how it managed to destroy over half of that Unit, I would say it is because the pilot's skill is superior, the Team of Galdragrudar underestimated the Pilot and only fought on one instead of swarming.” She said and quickly dropped back down to sleep again, which irritated the Professor much more.

Time passed by so fast but she wouldn’t notice, because she was sleeping, so when she heard a faint voice of a bell ringing in her sleepy state she quickly got up and looked at the time.


5:30 PM. Alright time for her to get off. Just as Sylvia finished packing her bag, she was stopped by a group of students. Using her sleepy head to get a good look she quickly knows who they are.


Arlan Miskeve, Satano Romania, Wiskon Inodo… weird names but these three are quite notorious in the strategic department, after all, they pick on anybody who stands out more than them. 


Using her tired eyes, she looks over the rest of the room, the empty row of seats, and no one to stay around. Huh, it seems like she oversleeps. 


I want to go play with HaroNii… That Thought crossed her mind as she was about to move, only to get stopped quite roughly by Satano… “...Excuse me, may I go, please?” Said Sylvia as she ducked her head a bit, she didn’t want a problem, she just wanted to sleep and play. 


“Huh?! What is it? Speak louder you twick.” The one who said that was Wiskon, using his intimidating appearance to cower others to his cause.


“Excuse me, may I go, Please?” She said again, this time louder than before and it earned the chuckle of those three. 


“I thought the Supposed ‘Best Friend’ that was the talk of the town got more spine than this.” Said Arlan, as he pushed her back into her seat. This makes them laugh even more, how many times does this count now? It's probably around…27 times now.


Sighing, Sylvia took out her notebook and opened them to the 54 pages. “Ahem, Arlan Miskeve…The fake Prodigy of the Miskeve house gets into Elysium by using the influence of Professor Akfirk Miskeve, your uncle, then tries to get the lowest score in everything to the point that you almost get kicked out but using your uncle's influence, you get a scapegoat which is the innocent Class C student who studies hard but he and you got grade swap which results in him getting kicked out. I wonder…what the Principal would say about this.” Sylvia said with a smile, which resulted in the result freezing Arlan on the spot. She then turns toward Satano, startling him but he remains calm.


“Satano Romania…” Quickly turning the page to page 67, she comes to a stop. “Oh…quite the notorious one indeed. At age 10, you rape a student of Class C, resulting in her pregnancy which you order her to abort and it results in her dropping out. You then process to frame another student and that then results in him dropping out too. Wow, you're really horny for your age.” 


Satano's face quickly turned red and he tried to touch the hair of her head so she quickly swatted it away, “Don’t touch me please, you wouldn’t want to get found out right? Just so you know I’m recording everything all the time and if something happened to me I would spread this out to the internet so everyone knows it's your guys doing.” 


“Don’t mess with me! You just some ordinary-”


“Ordinary what? Ah…my house isn’t quite famous, it's just an ordinary merchant who got quite rich and got a bit of connection. Don’t worry, it is not really that important. But the connection…is quite important in our trade.” She said as she smiled innocently at them, Knowing what she meant, the trio quickly backed down.


“Oh…I forgot about you…” Quickly turning the page to page 13, her eyes widened a bit. “Wiskon Inodo…Beat someone to death 3 times. Oho…you even process to rape one of the victims before strangling her to dead! Wow! So manly, Maybe you should try cutting off your dick to reduce your manliness?” 


“Ha! You got no evidence to support that!” Wiskon stood profoundly in front of her, using his size to try and intimidate her. At this, Sylvia just stared with her tired eyes, blinking slowly before closing the book, clenching her fist tightly…she watched at the place Yoha said was the best spot to punch someone to knock them out with as little power as possible. 


So she did as she was told to, she punched him in the dick and watched as he slowly dropped down to the floor trying to ease the pain in his groin. Well, it only works for a boy. The other two quickly rush to help Wiskon get up and she walks past them quietly.


“Evidence? I have them, I actually have it all, you know? The only reason I never publish any of these is because it is a hassle…And it has nothing to do with me or my friend. But since you guys try to pick on me, I guess…I have no choice.”


Walking toward the door quietly she turned to look at them one last time. With a gleeful smile on her face.


“Y-you bitc-” Just as Wiskon was able to get up on his feet and about to rush at her, the familiar voice she always heard appeared behind this door.


“Sylvy, What’s wrong? You are quite late.” Wiskon quickly stops in his tracks, glaring at her angrily. At that, she just put her finger on her lip and with a slow ‘shh.’ She fixes her expression to her normal one. 


“I’m coming Yoha! I just overslept.” Opening the door to the familiar light blue hair, she quickly took Yoha into a hug. And taking in a very deep breath…  “Yoha…you smell of another woman…and it, not the scent of your little group too…ahhh but it smells nice…” Indulging in her haven, Sylvia buried her face into Yoha's neck as she slowly inhaled every second of it.


“Sylvy…Did you…” Just as Yoha is about to sneak her head to watch what going on in the room, Sylvia quickly takes hold of her hand. 


“Yoha! You must tell me about this new person, who is she? What does she look like, how did you guys meet and how did you have her scent on you!” She quickly said, diverting Yoha’s attention away, this is the good and bad quality of Yoha, she cares too much about her friend. So she quickly forgot what she was about to do and turned her attention to Sylvia.


“Fine…but you should fix that bad habit…Either report them to the principal or get them out already.” Ops…she did notice after all.


“Eh…but it's such a hassle!” Feeling the glare of Yoha, Sylvia quickly concedes, “Fine, fine. I will report them to the principal…but you do realize that having a speck of dirt on someone is good, right?”


“And that notebook of yours has my name on it too,” Yoha said while smiling a bit, making Sylvia’s heart skip a beat. “I hope you don’t plan to use it on me.” Her very handsome smile…


“AH! I love you! I love you! I love you! The way you said that, the tone of your voice! Everything! I love you Yoha!” She said, snuggling up to Yoha while she was laughing awkwardly. 


“I know, I know…But stop with the teasing already.” 


“Okay! But it's kinda fun to see you all loosen up, wait…I think you loosen up more than before! Is it this girl's work? I got to talk to her! Come on! Introduce her to me already!” Sylvia quickly urges Yoha, linking arms with her as they walk out of the classroom, ignoring the silent sobbing of the soon-to-be-expel kids.

Sorry, I didn't post yesterday! Wake up with a bad headache so I try to sleep it off, only to get more bad headache.

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