Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 28 The weird friend she have. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


November 21st, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy.


“ is Sylvia…your best friend?” Klara said as she tried to distance herself from Sylvy who was busy snuggling up with her. 


“She…a bit clingy…but she doesn’t mean harm…Mostly, I think.” Just remembering what she has in that little notebook of hers actually makes me shudder, The notebook full of dark secrets of almost everyone in the school who she thought would be fun to find. 


“Mhm…You smell of…Books, inks, and…Metal. Either you work with the computer a lot or you stay somewhere full of it.” Sylvy said as she huffed in a good amount of air, a bad habit she developed after coming here. Klara’s face quickly becomes disgusted as she tries to remove Sylvy who is clinging to her arm right now.


I quickly hold her by the collar and pull her back a bit forcefully, holding her up in the air like a cat. She is actually very light if you try to hold her up. 


“Sorry about her…it was a bad habit of hers.” I quickly apologize.


“No…Nevermind it…I mean…rich people are weird, I get it.” She said as she tried to sweep the place where Sylvy just clung to. “So…what is she doing right now?” Klara was pointing toward Sylvy who was still in the air. She put out her Pen and a Black notebook, which unlike the black one that has everyone’s dark secret.


“She was writing about what she thought of you in the first impression-”


“Nene! Where did you grow up?” Sylvy cut me off before I could finish. I quickly put a hand on Sylvy's mouth to stop her from saying anything more, she can get quite…personal without knowing.


“Sorry, not with her Sylvy,” I said and put her down, allowing her to put away the imaginary dust on her skirt. “Right, sorry. You don’t have to answer her question, it is mostly just to satisfy her curiosity.”


“No fair! I want to know more about Yoha's new friend too! As your best friend, I have the right to know everything!” She said while putting her notebook away, and back into her bag.


“You get too personal Sylvy, that's why you don’t have any friends,” I said while flicking her head with little force which she excessively acted by crouching and grabbing her head like it actually hurt.


“Urg! Yoha, you don’t know how strong you actually are! It hurts, you know!” Sylvy cried out but I ignored her and then placed my focus on Klara who was watching all of this like it was a comedy show.

“Anyway, This is my best friend, Sylvia Stelle Hawkinf. You can call her Sylvy if you want.” Sylvy who felt her name being called out quickly got up and did a bit of a pose, putting on a peace sign over her eyes.


“Sylvy is what you should call me! Ah! But if you have another nickname you can use that too.” Sylvy said energetically, which is a lot of contrast to her 5 years ago. Back then, she was so soft-spoken, like a true aristocrat, but she changed that after getting the bad ‘Habit’ of stalking people and finding out their secrets. Time truly changes people, well, look at me as an example.


“Well…I’m Klara Nelson, Nice to…meet you?” Klara said hesitatingly. As she comes closer to me and whispers in my ear. “Oi…isn’t your friend kind of a nuthead?” 


“She is. But she…is a neutral person, not good or bad, just doing whatever she wants. So as long as you don’t get on her bad side she is actually quite pleasant to be with. Also, did you know she used to be like me now? But she is more genuine with her feelings.”  I said and watched as Klara’s face twisted, looking from me to Sylvy who was writing something in her new notebook, a blue one this time.


“No way…There's no way she would be a little lady like you.” 


“It’s true, I used to be more outgoing? No more like I don’t mind talking to people but circumstances happened and here I am.” Her face changes a bit and then she quietly looks down.


“So…right now is not…your real personality?” She asks, and I start to think. Is this my real personality? I don’t know, I don’t really even know if the personality I had during childhood is a real one, or a fabricated feeling I created to blend in with the environment.


“I…don’t know, I was faking many things since childhood, so maybe this is my real personality or a fake one I make myself believe. But I do know that I was genuinely happy…when you talked to me that time. So thank you, for staying with me that time, I am also sorry for punching and strangling you.” I said out loud. Well…I do remember a few times when I felt genuine feelings, mostly for Mama. But those happy times are long past now, I need to focus on the future. A future that I don’t like where it’s going.


“Hey. Are you there?”


“Hm? Yes?” 


“You suddenly stop moving, I’ve been calling for a minute now.” 


“Is that so? …I’m sorry, I just think about the past, that is all.” Klara’s face turned a bit angry at what I just said.


“Stop it.” She said, Stop what? I wonder what she is talking about.




“I said stop it, stop being polite, it's creepy. Talk to me like you did when you vent things out.” She said, looking into my eyes, I could see her violet eyes shining under the light, as her hand moved slowly toward mine but it quickly stopped when she realized what she had been doing. “A-anyway! I don’t like the way you talk with me, so you should use that tone when you talk to me, it's ok if it's in public but when we are alone together you should use that tone.” 


Klara quickly huffs away as she begins walking forward, leaving me and Sylvy alone but then she turns back. “What? We are not going to fix your code, today?” She said with a bit of a red face. 


“Ehhh! What's this? So this is how it is?! Ah! I’m going to love every second of this!” Sylvy starts saying something that is nothing but nonsense to me, I want to ask her what she meant but she quickly leaves in the dust and runs toward Klara and they start talking together. It was mostly Sylvy doing the questioning and Klara just trying to get Sylvy off her back, I mean it literally, as she was hugging Klara’s back right now.


“...Ha…hehe…Maybe…It should be fine if it was just us.” It should be…We are friends after all.


[Gundam Nova]


November 22nd, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy, Male Dorm. 3rd POV. 


“Brother! You should come back already! Father has been worrying sick about you!” Said the little girl as she was dragging a boy’s hand with little to no success. 


"Stop it, Alfina, you're going to break my arm.” The boy said with little to no interest as he let his right arm be pulled by his little sister, while his left hand held a pencil and drew with no setback.


“Ugh! Why are you so strong! Father would forgive you! Why don’t you just come back already?! I miss you!” She said while hitting her brother back, which he just ignored and continued drawing on the blueprint. 


“You don’t really miss me much, you just want me to go back to stop Father from clinging to you. Also, I don’t plan to go back, you are already a better company heir than me anyway.” Said the boy as he finished drawing. “Alright, time to render…then model after that is the testing…” He said out loud, voice dry as if he was dying.


“This is why you should come back! You don’t take care of your health! At least take Mary with you!” Said the young girl who continued hitting her brother’s back.


“I don’t want to bother Mary, she is pregnant, right? I think she should stay back on earth with her family.”


“Then take Elcare! She misses you too!” 


“Elcare is still young, she shouldn’t be here. I can’t protect her from the other kids” 


“I can! I will call her anyway! Also, did you even take the money from your bank? Father sent you more than 10000 every month but all the equipment in here is so shabby!” She said, looking over the messy room, full of outdated equipment and messy cloth hanging around, the bed didn’t look like it had been washed in years! How can someone live like this?!


“I can manage, I don’t want to rely on Father’s money. Though I take it out if there is something I really want and I get no money for it.”


The little girl stopped hitting her brother and watched what he was doing. She watched as several thousand images were being rendered, joints, arms, and even tiny little screws were in. Every piece of a mobile suit is here. “You know with Father Money, you could have built all of these on Earth.” She said, watching as her brother continued to create every single piece from scratch.


“True…but that's not what I want. I want to build something myself. I want to become successful by myself. Also, it is past the curfew, go back already. I don’t want to deal with the Resident Advisor.” he shooed his sister away quickly, and the girl was Furios, to say the least.


“That's it! I’m calling Ubel! She is going to RIP you apart once she sees this room!” Walking away, she slams the door shut with a loud bang, waking up almost everyone on the same floor as him.


“Ubel, huh? I kinda missed her cooking.” He said out as he turned his attention back to his computer.

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