Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 3 Getting Strong!

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


“Mmmh! maaMa! Mama!” 


“That’s right, Yoha! Now say it again!” 




“Ahhh, My daughter is the cutest!” Mama or mother said as she squeed at how cute and adorable I am like a normal parent, 4 months have passed and my vocal cords have been developing much more lately, I can now form a proper word, albeit in a baby way, not just mimicking anymore. 


Huh, an act I was so proud of! Since I reincarnate person, I should be able to speak faster than most babies, isn’t it? Hehehe, now I can extort people using how cute I am! But there is one problem…There is no one to extort sweet from! In here it is just me and Mother! I can’t even go outside too since Mama never goes outside! 


For the past 4 months, mama has been a shut-in and only stares at her computer in the dark room, her hand moves nonstop whenever I wake up and the blue light from the computer should not be good for her eyes, so to cheer her up, I decide to train my vocal chord to try and say mama for the first time.


And from her it looked, like she was please, very, please. “Yoha, say it one more time, ok? Now say it to the camera!” Said Mama so I did as she wanted, I will even add more service to this by smiling and laughing too!


“Mama! Ehehe!” heh, cute isn’t it! Now, you may worship my cuteness to your heart's content! 


Mama seem to take damage from that as she now holding her mouth to stop herself from squeeing at seeing my adorable appearance and show of affection. 


Huh hehehe! So this is how it is to be a girl and a cute girl to boost! Now I know why they are so picky, if I was that handsome I would be picky with who I want to date too, eh….wasn’t I enjoying this way too much?


I am a man! Manly man! Why do I act like a little girl!? Wait…I am a little girl…I am a little girl…


Suddenly all the embarrassing things I had just done float to my mind and my body reacts to it in a way that I was too used to it by now. “Uwah! Mama! Mama!” my stubby leg pushes me forward as I extend my hand out to reach for Mama, the one in front of me.


“Eh! W-what’s wrong? I just fed you, and your diaper is not full too, are you feeling itchy? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?” Mama picked me up and gently rocked my crying body, she asked if I was itchy or anything but it was not that! I was just embarrassed and my body conveyed emotion in that way! 


I cried in my mother’s arms for 2 hours straight before tiredness overcame me and took me to sleep.


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


“Mama! TeeeVe!” I said as I was crawling and tugging on Mama’s skirt, she looked over from the computer with a tired eye and I felt bad for doing this but it was time for Mama to rest now, she had been going at it for 10 hours straight not counting the little time she takes to feed me and put me to sleep, she didn’t even get to enjoy herself!


So this is my plan to force her to relax! First, to get her to open up the TV for me, next, I would sit on her lap and force her to not go away, even though I was just an infant, Mama tended to leave me alone because I never did something that troubled her before, but not this time!


And before she knew it, she would relax by me sitting on her lap and fall asleep leaving the TV open for me to watch all I want! Muhahahaha! The perfect plan that would never go wrong!


“Alright, alright…” She said tiredly before picking me up, as for how I was able to crawl away from my crip? It was easy! She changed the crib to one where I could open it from the side so I could go out easily! With this, I was able to crawl anywhere I wanted and work my leg out to the point I could support myself a bit using the furniture in the house!


Though I gotta be careful, after all, the furniture here got a lot of edge that would surely hurt me if I wasn’t careful.


As Mama sits me down on the sofa, she opens up some cartoons which I do not have an interest in but I can’t deny that the moving color is really drawing my eyes. Just as she was about to leave though, I began my very evil plan.


“Mama! Set!” My baby tongue still couldn’t pronounce properly even though I could form words. But that is not the point! I even hit the sofa next to me so she would understand what I meant!


“Yoha, Mama got work to do, so Mama can’t-” here! Right now it is time to use my ultimate technique!


“B-buwt…Mama…luk…tie…” There it is folk! The ultimate puppy eye from an adorable girl! Bonus point due to the blood tied! HAHAAH! She won’t be able to escape with this!


Mama flinches for a second, looking between the working room and me, with my puppy eye it should work right away! But why is she still hesitating!? No good! If… I don’t do this then! 


“Pleawse? Pewwty pleawes?” Urhg! The cringe! The Cringe is killing me! Why! Why do I have to resort to this!? Right! Yoha, this is to get her to relax! Relax so she will be able to rest! 


“Mmmh…Alright…just…one hour.” It’s work! Yosha! Mama seat next to me, and taking advantage of the moment, I quickly climb up to Mama’s lap, I’m not heavy so it won’t be a burden and then, quickly I warp myself around Mama into a tight hug.


Now, she won’t be able to take me off! Hahaha!


Mama seemed content to let me do whatever I wanted while she was just looking ahead with tired eyes, as she stared into the TV, I could see her slowly, falling asleep. Slowly, I take my hand off her and then, using my pincer finger! I managed to grab the blanket that was quite light and managed to cover both of me and Mama.


Hehehe, the tireless day of working out my whole body is finally paying off! Though I stumble around a lot I manage to do it! I managed to pull a blanket! What, Baby should grab something light? Nah, take that thing away from me! I want to quickly grow up! And my body seemed accommodating to me too as it was strong! Very strong! I feel like with a body like this, I could become the best Olympic gold winner in any event!


“Hwe…hehwehe…HWAHAHAHA! Ops…” Laughing out loud, I managed to stop before Mama could wake up, seeing her happily sleeping was quite enough…well, maybe I would sleep too since I was quite tired after all. 


Snuggle up close to her, I let the warmth of the blanket cover me and hug Mama, “Mama…Rewst wel….” With that as my parting word, I let sleep overcome me in the warm bliss.


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


October 21st / I.J.C. 190 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 /


“Mowegaree Gundam…” Right now, I was humming along the familiar beat of the Mobile Suit Gundam opening, Fly! Gundam which I memorized in my heart, was something that always seemed to lift me up, even though the episodes were quite…hard to watch, unlike this upbeat opening.


But the real reason I am singing this right now is because I want to train my vocals even further so I can talk better! 


Right now, Mama is so focused on her work to the point she doesn’t even notice me singing! Well, if she DID notice then I would die of embarrassment. For real, yeah, I don’t think I can keep living if she sees me like that…


Shaking my head to get the very, very dark thought away, I focus again, “Ahh…iii…uuu…eee…ooo.” The test seems ok, now! To do the real thing.


“ Moe…gare…moegaare…moegare gundam…!” I did it! I managed to say it right! My training has paid off!


“Hmm…Did you sing something, Yoha?” The sudden voice from Mama startled me!


“Mhh? Nhow? Wey?” I said in the cutest and sweetest voice possible, and the most babies too! So, please! Go back to work! Don’t push it! As I prayed in my heart while maintaining the best smile I could on the front, Mama finally shrugged and went back to work!


Phew! Close one! Can’t let her know the origin of that song! Well, I don’t think that will be a problem if I just said that I learned it from TV…


Alright, let's check my effort of 1 year of hard work since I woke up! My finger! I can now pinch things with a lot of strength! Though I can’t lift heavy objects or even grab them firmly at all, like a mug full of water for example. 


Next is my arm! I can now move it around much more, hold it up or down, and even support myself a bit! 


Next and most importantly! My legs! Hehehe, this is the one I’m most proud of! I can now…Stand! Like standing up! Though I need to hold onto something so I can properly stand…I still can’t wall though…


Mhhm! It’s ok! I can learn them slowly! Yes! I can do it!


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


December 13th / I.J.C. 190 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / Araya’s POV /


“That should work as the base code…” Araya finally allowed herself to relax a bit, as she stretched, she looked back toward the little baby who still slept inside the crib, though she would outgrow it soon.


The past year since she accepted the job, Araya has been spending less and less time with her daughter, even though she knows it is bad but this is for the future of her child, thankfully, Yoha is a good girl who didn’t cry much and is learning faster than any child she knows. 


Even now at just 1 and a half she is able to stand, and most likely will be able to walk soon, her speech is also getting better with her speaking with more words and more sentences. 


Araya wants to spend more time with her daughter…She knows that a mother should stay with her child and see them grow up, though Araya never received any of that when she was a child. That is why, she wants to become a mother like that, a gentle mother who would always care for her children.


But…Araya was failing and Yoha was able to grow up without her…It made Araya feel… conflicted… whether she was actually needed in Yoha to grow or not…


“She is able to speak with 2 words combined already…She learning a bit…too quickly in the vocabulary department, though her physical strength is still considered normal, well, faster than average but….” Thinking back, has Araya ever been there to witness Yoha do those feats? Why does she feel it ‘normal’ for children to grow this fast? Is it because of her? 


“Hah…I’m a mess, aren’t I?” She said into the picture, and couldn’t help but let out a smile. “god…I’m such a mess…” Tear slowly fall down, as Araya silently cries, not letting even a drop of tear fall down on her daughter’s face.

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