Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 4 Giant Robot is real!?

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


December 25th / I.J.C. 190 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 /


So, as of today, I have something important to announce! Mama has finally drowned herself in work to the point that she is getting me a tablet! 


Yay…? No, that's bad, isn't it? You know back in my time kids who grew up with tablets were called the tablet kids, you know? They are quite violent too! But I won’t turn out like that! Moderation is the key! So…why did Mama buy me a tablet anyway, I understand that she is very busy to the point of being unable to tend to me most of the time outside of food but…can’t she just put me in the nursery or something? 


From the look of our house, it was a two-story, quite big one too and even got a garden outside on the front, so I can assume that we are, quite wealthy, so putting me in a nursery wouldn’t and shouldn’t put a dent in her wallet…


In my year here, I haven’t even seen someone visit us before, you could say that we are alone in this big house, which gets quite lonely. 


And why does she think I would know how to use a Tablet anyway?! I’m just a 1-and-a-half-year-old girl, ya’know? Even though I’m a smart girl and in fact very independent, I could now stand up without anything to hold me up! I can even walk a few steps forward without falling down! Which mama has captured on her phone with a proud smile!


Hehe, well, I may have bragged too much, well. Since she got me a tablet I may as well use it…How do I turn this on anyway? It didn’t have a power button or home button, and it didn’t even have sound control or anything, yup, it didn’t have a button at all… 


“Mmh…Tuwn on!” I said, trying to pronounce it correctly but still, I couldn’t escape my baby voice, but that was beside the point! To my surprise, the tablet is actually turned on! I watch as the tablet screen opens and reveals a normal background, I try to touch it using my chubby hand, and voila! It moves! I quickly get in the tablet as there is no password on it and find a lot of games…kid games which would distract the kid for sure…


“Buwt nowt me! Nowh to the interwnewt!” Quickly swiping my hand at the tablet I open up the internet only to find…a parent lock on it… Wow…nice one mama, nice one….I am about to throw a tantrum…a very loud tantrum…


“Fuu….take a deepbreawht, Yoha…deep brewat…”


Quickly calming myself down, I go over to the setting and it has a password lock…mmh. Well…I guess I can pass the time with the game…But don’t think this is your win, Mama, Just you wait! When I can finally climb onto your computer I will show you what a massive nerd I am back then and still am now! Well… let's see what the YouTube of today is. Hm…BlogVlog? Well, we can’t always have nice things, isn’t it?


Open it up, I was once again, full of disappointment and quite the regret in my reincarnation…kid channels are everywhere, a lot of kid cartoons and a lot of toy reviews or something…


Shaking away my head in disappointment, I quickly type in what I want to watch.


“Mobilwe Sut Guwndam…therwe!”  Quickly enter the name, I wait for it to load only to see something I didn’t expect…


“Mobilwe Sut…tes?” Eh…is this real? For real, for real?! This is a joke, right?! There is no way…there is no way… 


[...MST-003 Titan, First test…oi! What are you doing!] The sound of who I assume was a mechanic rang out from the tablet, as I watched the giant robot suddenly start to move, only for it to fall head-first to the ground.


When I turned to look at the video name, it was marked with a big FAIL on the title which I missed…


But that is not the point…that not the point at all…A mobile suit…not just a toy or even anime but…a real and moving mobile suit… The same one that was in the anime, no it not, the name isn’t match, and the design is vastly different but…there is a giant robot out there, moving and flying in space…




“Mama!” Quickly, I ran up toward my Mother who was still working on something on the computer, she looked back tiredly as she saw me crawling quickly toward her from the living room with a tablet in my other hand. “Parenwt lock! Take off plwease!” I quickly said and scrambled words as best as I could while I handed the tablet to Mother who just looked as if she was done with everything.


“Ok ok…I know it wasn’t a good idea…” She said as she rubbed her eyes, then took the tablet away from me before quickly taking off the parent lock and handing me back the tablet which I take away quickly, then open up the search engine and quickly type in mobile suit.


“Yoha…you learn how to write already? When?” I couldn’t hear what Mama was saying in my hurry as I opened up the search engine and when it finally finished loading, I was…breathless.


The first thing that came up was the wiki next was the picture and god…there are…so many…


“Mama! Whast are Mobilew Sut?” I turn to ask my mother with a shiny eye, I already know what it is but…just to be sure, I ask her and the instant the word Mobile suit is mentioned, Mother’s eyes turn dark as she suddenly stops looking tired as she look at me and the tablet.


Instantly, everything in my body felt a chill, as if something cold was passing me, my body moved unconsciously as I held my tablet tighter and my hand immediately shaking.


I don’t think I had ever seen her like that…other than a loving face and tired face, I had never seen her like this…the eye that should have been bright gold was suddenly…very muddy as if it response to her emotion, I realized now that asking this was a mistake.


But suddenly, she gains a light in her eye again as she turns her frown into a smile. “Yoha, Those are giant robots that used to build our colony.”


Colony…I was right, we are actually in space, the thought occurred to me for a long time but I never had the confirmation. 


“Okey!” I quickly said as I put the tablet away, right now, the tablet doesn’t matter, what matters is I should not make her mad anymore! Her eye was so scary to the point I would piss my diaper off if I didn’t hold it back!


Information can come later, first, it is to make my mother happy!


“Mama! Huwg!” I said with my still baby voice, and soon, I just heard her sigh a bit before smiling brightly and taking me into a hug, honestly? Her hug feel good, very warm, Don’t know why, probably because in my last life, other than my brother and my father who rarely even home before he died because he got drunk and drove off a cliff in America, I pretty much grew up alone.


Maybe that is why I was very attached to Kenny. He is my first nephew and the last remnants of my brother and his wife, so I try to accommodate him to the best I can. But well…the past is the past, I can’t go back anymore anyway.


I mean, I literally died and got reincarnated here, even if I wanted to go back, I couldn’t. So, the best I can do is move on with life, as the saying goes, when in Rome do as the Romans do, well, I don’t actually think it applied to this condition though…

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <

January 1st/ I.J.C. 191 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 /


[ That is how the first year of interstellar Journey starts, with multiple factions…] 


I see…I get it now… Closing the video, I quickly opened Notepad, thank god it is still easy to use, I looked down to see multiple notes that I wrote, all containing the information I learned over the past week using my new tablet.


First of all, where did I live? 


Siga-7 is a resident colony that was close to Mar, I live in this colony that was the affiliate of Stellar Research Group.


Now how do I know? Map ND internet, I can find where I am with just that.


Now, let me tell you a brief history of the new century. 


Earth in the year 2433 has entered a crisis state, too many people, and too few resources to share. This has been a problem for so long but it finally reached the breakpoint when the Chinese government made the decision to break the ice by starting a war using new weapons. 


ARMS/ Advance Reinforce Military System. 


It was a suit of Armor that was developed by China in secret. It was so powerful at that time that it drove the world into an Arms race to see who could replicate or make even better Armor.


And the result? War: The US is naturally the first to replicate them due to the abundance of resources and capable researchers that they stole from other parts of the world.


But not only did they replicate it, they decided to make it better. ARMS has one problem, it lacks the energy to operate for a long. At most, it could only last for about an hour.


So how did the US fix this problem? A compact Nuclear fission generator. Naturally, it all comes back to Nuclear. Not only was it one of the cleanest energy sources But you also didn't count the nuclear waste and the risk that come with it. Then it could generate enough power to power the city with ease.


So a compact version would naturally be enough to power the suit. But there is still a problem, in a world where resources are scarce, it is naturally plutonium and uranium is too. The resources that are used to make nuclear fission and those resources that should be used to generate power for the people are now being used in war.


So riot happened and other countries took advantage of it, inciting the riot further, sending spies in to try and steal the formula and such.


Now then…what fuck the world up so much that they decide to leave the earth for good? Russia, and Asia. 


Unexpected right? Asian? Now hear me out. People in Asia are more than half of the world and the climate is mostly hot, meaning the few that are fortunate enough to live in a warm climate suitable for growing grain and such is safe! 


Or so you would think but global warming is real and it has resulted in most of the crops that used to be able to stand the heat now dying, Asia is naturally poor, except few countries like Korea, Or Japan and such, most of Asia live in a poor and rural area. 


Now if they aren't able to grow food, water that slowly evaporates from the heat, and the rain that rarely falls down, what do you think would happen? 


That's right, a mass migration! Over 70% of Asia at that time migrated to another continent together, resulting in a massive food shortage resulting in famine, the government crumbling due to civil unrest, and riots happening everywhere blah blah blah.


The result is the collapse of small countries in Asia and a massive food shortage to others, and Asians are considered second-class citizens resulting in the already racist becoming even more of a problem.


Now, where does Russia play a part in this? The answer is simple.




Russia is covered in snow and under that snow is a gold mine full of precious ore. Naturally, after they acquire the knowledge of ARMS, they don't go into war immediately, but they take their time gathering resources and slowly, evolve ARMS into something that was…both amazing and Horrifying.


ATLAS/ Armored Tactical Lethal Assault System.


A giant version of ARMS that was…the size of a house, but that isn't what makes it dangerous, it is the Swarm weapon that makes it dangerous. 


Not only were those drones so small around just the size of a person's head, but they could fire out an Anti-tank missile which could easily destroy ARMS and the person piloting it in one shot.


Russia managed to dominate the war with its new weaponry, and knowing Russia, they wouldn't expect anything other than absolute victory.


So they keep pushing and pushing, first is its former allies, China, then slowly make its way into Asia and Europe.


Russia was dominating everything in just a few years but it all came to an end with the development of a new and improved ARMS.


The US which hates Russia's gut with all its might, managed to overwork its workers more than the Chinese could in this war, resulting in the first-ever Mobile Weapon.


Mobile Tank, the name may be a bit lame but the capabilities of that thing are no joke, it was the first real one-man operating tank. 


But that is not what makes it special, the reason it is so special is that it could be said that it was the forefather of today's Mobile Suit.


With the development of Mobile Tank comes a powerful card in the game. 


AICS/ Artificial Intelligence Calculate System.


A powerful artificial intelligence that was never seen before… with it came the development of many weapons, including Mobile Suit.


Russia essentially pushed the US into overdrive to stop its rampage. China lost the war to Russia and had part of its territory taken.


Meanwhile, the rest suffer more damage due to famine than actually the war. 


So then, Humanity starts what they do best, expanding. Undergrounds are no good, they are limited and will run out in no time, so the only option left is Space.


First, what they did was try to build a space station but that would take too long and people would be required to train and they can't accommodate enough people.


So the scientists were hard at work and voila, another long and painful years passed.


The first ever Mobile Driver was finished, using the same material as the spacecraft. It aims to be able to move flawlessly in space by using oxygen. 


But how do they have enough oxygen to operate for such a long time? The answer is deep within the sea.


‘Polymetallic Nodules’ a metallic substances found on the sea bed that can generate electricity, by using their electrical charge to react with the seawater, the stone goes through a process called ‘Seawater Electrolysis’ that separates Hydrogen and Oxygen., resulting in the deep sea having oxygen and could produce if not almost but much more oxygen than the world combine.


Using this process they developed a new machine that could both extract Oxygen and Hydrogen, one to use as Fuel, then separate into breathing oxygen which needs to be filtered out to include other gases and pure oxygen.


In fact, the air I am breathing right now is also ‘Dark Oxygen’. It was one of the best research a man could hope to find. I mean, Creating more oxygen in a world where you mostly cut down trees to expand land is like a dream, isn’t it? 


This design is then used to develop a Mobile Glider. A compact-size glider that would push a person in a forward position.


A movement gear that was essential in the building of the Colony, after long and hard work of Humanity, they finally reach for the star.


The First ever Colony was named Interstellar Hub, It still stands today though part of it was destroyed in the new war.


So with the new hope that is a space Colony, another mass migration starts, this time though, it’s not the poor people. But rich ones get the first bite, why? Well, in the history lesson, I gather there isn’t any specific reason, but people thought it was because Earth at that time was on the verge of truly collapsing, time goes by faster due to less mass on Earth and the forest which once lush green was now nothing but a former shell of itself, the sea which has helped humanity for so long is now left with humanity trash and the life was true to begin to die.


The earth was dying, and you know, they had a chance of saving it, multiple time actually, but you know how it is, rich people don’t care about it, they only care about 2 things, themself and money. 


But there is still a silver lining, there is a group of passionate researchers that managed to create the first self-sustained space ship and they take as many people as they can while leaving the blueprint behind so that it may help others in the process.


But it was both a curse and a blessing. The group is Stellar Research, a group that this Colony, Siga-7, belongs to.


It is not really that hard to find which colony belongs to which group which is nice. Now then, since I already finished with the basic of the basic history of the interstellar journey, let's pick up the pace shall we?


Now, then…what should I introduce next…hm…well, I guess the basics about the 3 major factions which is now in control of space should be appropriate, isn’t it?


Which should I start with then? Hmm….Ah! Since I’m a part of Stellar Research, I should introduce them! 


Then, let’s start with the basics and how it got created!


Stellar Research is a group that at first consisted of mostly researchers along with little military personnel in order to protect them, the leader of this group is Krafgia Nevea Lionne. He is the leader and the head researcher, he is also the person who developed a new coding language. Call HyperLink which becomes the basic language for almost everything outside of something that needs a specific set. 


It’s something I’m interested in since I was also a nerd and this new language intrigued me.


How did they form into such a large group? It is partly due to Krafgia’s brilliance and his assistance charisma. Mostly his assistance though, Kashtri Quesnelia, was not a researcher by any means, in fact, she is just a normal girl who managed to catch Krafgia’s attention due to her unique Idea and curious nature, hence result in her being able to following him around without getting yell at like the other.


But unknown to Krafgia at that time, the girl Kashtri had a charm that was able to pull in others, unlike himself, making him form a lone researcher and forced into a leader by the group that was gathered by Kashtri’s charm.


Though he didn’t like it, having more people made his job much easier than before and he was able to pour time into his masterpiece, First is HyperLink, a cod language composed of multiple models of coding which could then be adapted to almost everything, making them easier to access and use, then the second is the first-ever self-sustain spaceship.


The ship has a name, one which he decided on upon the one who proposed the idea in the first place, Quesnelia. Name after Kashtri Quesnelia, and even her last name was from a flower, Quesnelia, a flower that represents Studiness and endurance. A very suitable name for a ship.


Well, well, I was a bit geek out huh, guess learning the history of this world…was a bit too fun. There are so many things I want to talk about and see. This world…no, this universe.


I really, really want to know more about it! Not only the history, not only the mobile Suit, not only the code! But the people as well! I want to know what people in this universe are like!


I’m not a people person back then but! With this…new chance, I could do the thing I wanted to do, I could see what I wanted to see, and I could do what my dream wanted to do…


Pilot, Mobile Suit, AI? Heh! I will make everything! I will make it from scratch if I have to! After all, if there is a chance and I didn’t take it then, why even get reincarnated in the first place, why even reincarnate into a world where they so accommodating in the first place?! 


If not do what I want then! I rather die than become an office slave again! Then first…is a dream since I learned to code, Ai. I will make it! An AI capable of Emotions and expressing them just right as real humans do! 


I have the tool, I have the mean, now I just need to learn the how, since this world has something this convenient, it would be a problem, if I didn’t use it, isn’t it?

Author's rant of the day!

Hello! it's a me! jestly! Sorry for the much and quite the unnecessary (?) Infor dump! I want to write about the faction in detail for a long time but this is most I can fit that is still in the character of Yoha and did not break it, I will slowly introduce other faction theater it will be in a long time or in the nearby hour! Anyway! Thank for reading! C ya in the next chapter! Jestly.....outto!

Shameless Discord promotion Time!

Come join me in [Jestly's raving cave.] We got crab rave! Or so I think.

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