Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 30 The Duel [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


November 25th, I.J.C 199, Elysium’s Colony, Ottoman’s Mansion.

“Are you insane?!” Klara was yelling with all her might toward me, and it was just the front door…Insane? What does she mean? I’m very normal, you know. If we are talking about insane then Sylvy would be in that criteria more than me.


“I don’t under-Ahem..Sorry, I said I would not talk like that with you, habits die hard. What do you mean?” I quickly correct my way of speaking around her. She wants me to stop being too polite so I will, at least when we are alone.


“Don’t pretend to be dumb! I mean the whole Duel deals with that… What's his name?” Just as she started to berate me she stopped in her tracks as she forgot about the name.


“Galde Mustia?” 


“Yeah! Him! Why would you agree to something like that! Didn't you know he was famous for being the best pilot of his year!?” She continued her rumbling when I pulled her inside, walking past the maid and all to get to my room, when we were there I finally sat her down.


“So?” That was my answer, and I could see her face heat up. From anger, it seems.


“SO WHAT!? He is the best! In his year! Not only in Simulation but also in the real Field! Have you ever even piloted a real Mobile Suit before? No, you don't even need to be a mobile suit, a mobile worker! Yeah, have you even piloted it before?!” 


“No? I didn't have any need to train with those before so I just put it aside, but since he challenges me, I will need to train with it now.” Her face froze at my answer, everything was frozen in her expression.


“You…kidding me,” Klara mutters out. “You're kidding me, right?”


“No, I’m not. I have never piloted any of the real Models before.” I said, and it seemed to seal the deal with whatever she had in her mind as she seemed to finally lose the screw in her head.


“Are you Crazy!?” She screamed out, and unluckily for me, I didn’t cover my ear in time. 


“Urhg….you don’t have to scream…” 


“I don’t!? What do you mean! You know you are risking your life, right now?! The accidents happen and it especially happens a lot in real Mobile Suit duels! Who knows? Maybe this is his plot to kill you in an accident!” 


“Oh…I guess that is one of the possibilities.” 


“Urg! Stop being so nonchalant about it!” The sudden weight of Klara pushed me down on the bed. I finally got a good look at her face and there was something…I didn’t see it for a long time. 


Worry…Genuine worry. Unlike Sylvy, who has confidence in me that I won’t lose, or Stephan who thinks of this as some kind of Test, Miss Kylie is also worried but she keeps it to herself, while Hemston believes in me that I can come out of it unscratched.


This is…the first time I saw someone genuinely worry for me since Mama…


For some reason, my hand reaches naturally for her head, slowly and slowly patting it in a comfortable rhythm, the same way Mama would caress me and cradle me to sleep. Klara’s face turned bright red and she froze on the spot, allowing me to slowly pat her, but before I could stop, she stood up and got out of bed.


“W-wha!--What are y-you doing!?” she said, while frustrated from the early experience. “I-I’m not a ki–d! I -i don’t need t-tat!” she bit her tongue at the end…cute…


“Don’t worry. I won’t lose.” I said and felt my mount move. “Trust me!” making my smile as genuine as I can, I smile at her. Klara stopped and stared at me, she quickly turned away and huffed in response.


“You better not! Otherwise, I couldn’t study that AI of yours anymore! Anyway, get to it already! I want to fix the mistake I noticed!” She quickly drowns her frustration and moves toward Yohai, but I could see a bit of red in her ear…I wonder…what does that mean?


[Gundam Nova]


November 25th, I.J.C 199, Elysium’s Colony, Ottoman’s Mansion. Hemston’s POV.

“My Lad-” 


“Shhh…” The silent hush of a child coming from the room, dimly lit light that was comfortable to eyes, the sound of the slow breathing, calm and peaceful, a slow rhythm that would put anyone to sleep.


“Don’t be so loud, Hemston. She is sleeping right now.” The young lady said and he quickly did as she was told. 


“My apologies. Everything has been prepared. Would you like to test it now?” This information intrigues her. Hemston watched as the young lady’s hand slowly moved the little head of her friend out of her lap. Slowly as to not stir her friend awake, she put a little blanket over the small frame.


“Let's go, Hemston. I assume that Stephan will also be watching?” The young lady moved swiftly and quietly, He led her out of the mansion where a car was, waiting for her.


He opens the door for her to get in and then drives off toward Elysium Academy, to one of the training grounds. Quickly arriving at the destination, he opens the door for the young lady to come out.


“Training ground Zero. A place for testing Mobile suit Capability. I thought training ground 1 or 3 would be more appropriate for my training.” She said, but he could feel like she knew something that he didn’t. And it would be correct, the Mobile Suit she is about to Pilot is not known to Hemston, it was what Master Stephan kept for her when she needed to use it. 


Walking into the training ground, he marvels at the sheer size of this thing, it would be able to hold a football stadium in here. And this is just the first layer, the Mobile Suits Hangar. The empty row of Hangar without any Mobile suit at the present. But at the end of the line, Hemston saw a man there.


His Master, Stephan Levis Ottoman. He was standing there, admiring the creation of his. Though it had been concealed by the closed Hangar door. 


“It took you long enough! I have been sitting here, bored out of my mind for more than an hour now.” Master said jokingly as he started walking.


“It’s your fault for using this place…Are you trying to keep it a surprise for its debut?” Young Lady Yoha said he is really sad that she would not use polite words against his Master but knowing the relationship between the two, he doubts it will change.


“Ha! Don’t be surprised, brat. This is your own design, I had a hard time finding someone to be able to create this.” At his word, the young lady's eyes quickly darted over to the closed Hangar.


“It was still a prototype, it didn’t have anything special, not even the MARIA system that we normally use in it. But I guess this is enough, right?” His master word quickly drew his attention.


“Master…It wouldn’t be unwise to not use the MARIA System. Otherwise, how could she pilot this suit?” At his inquiry, his Master simply laughed out loud.


“The MARIA System is good! The best ever! But that won’t help anyone grow, the system baby everyone resulting in a stagnant skill of the pilot! Only a fool would solely rely their life on a system that does not even know what life is.” 


Master Stephan said, looking toward the young lady. “That girl is no fool, she will become the new ACE and I will make sure she will be able to inherit me…we don’t have much time now. Agellus is moving faster than We thought, Folkard is allying with them and the disappearance of Stellar Research is making everything go downhill. What we need right now is a strong Military and a strong leader. The new flag of hope for people.”


“I’m old now, Hemston, I don’t have much time left, but our war is far from over.” The demeanor of his master changed, from the serious but jokester…back to the melancholic old man that would often appear with Miss Kylie. 


“I understand, Master.” so he did the only thing he should do in this situation, he obeyed and backed down, the last Ember of Stephan Lewis Ottoman was about to exhaust, and the new ember was about to be ignited.


“Stephan. Is it all according to the blueprint? Or is there some change?” He watched as his master quickly cleared away his expression, grinning from ear to ear at the young lady’s question.


“Ha, why don’t you test it out? Though the joint and the cockpit is the hardest part, I still say that I did a pretty good job.” Master said, turning his attention to the young lady. They continue to have conversations and Hemston quietly makes himself invisible. 


[Gundam Nova]


December 2nd, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy, Training Ground 8. Klara’s POV.


Today is the day…of the said duel. After the day I woke up in Yoha’s bed, she told me that I didn’t have to come for the week, saying that it would help her more focus if she was by herself during training. They are preparing right now. 


The place they would Duel, the training ground 8 is a field full of Rubble, desert, and destroyed buildings, the perfect place for guerilla warfare. There is even constant wind here to simulate real desert dust and all. 


[Ahem! Hello everyone! I will be today's host! Kira Chelly! Please take care of me!] 


“OH! Kira!” The loud cheer of every guy in the stand was overwhelming. It seems this girl is very popular with boys.


[Thank you! Thank you, Everyone! But now! Let us not get distracted by me, let's move on to the real contestant!] 


In her words, the glass that separates us from the training ground glows, and then an image appears. A cocky smirk of Galde Mustia and the serene smile of Yoha. 

[On the left side! We have Galde Mustia, The ACE of our School! With his experience, he has climbed up the leader and become the ACE!...]


I stopped listening to it halfway, focusing on just one person…Clutching the hem of my skirt with a bit of force, I took out my phone. There was one new number there.


Swallowing my saliva I quickly typed a message and sent it. Well, the only thing I can do now is to watch and encourage her anyway. Good luck.


[Gundam Nova]


December 2nd, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy, Training Ground 8, Mobile Suit Hangar Unit.




“Hm?” The ring of my phone breaks me out of my focus, taking it out of my pocket. I watch to see who is sending me a message. It was Klara Nelson, the one who sent it.


[Good Luck.] 


That was all the message she sent. Smiling to myself I put my phone back into my pocket. “Haro, get me some water,” I said to Haro and he rolled around in the air as he used the oxygen jet to push himself forward.


Watching as several people are making final adjustments to the Mobile Suit, I feel calm. Nothing to panic about, the absolute peacefulness.


“Lady Yoha! The final adjustment is ready! There is no dirty play here, no tinkering. The system is setting as you want…but are you sure you want to overload the energy Generator? It’s not really stable and it could disturb the performance of the suit, plus the sheer G-Force would have killed you if you were unable to withstand it.”


The one who said all this is Jena, the ‘maid’ of the Ottoman, she is not really a maid but a technician who works on Mobile Craft for the Ottomans. 


“No need to worry, Jena. Oh, thank you, Haro.” Taking water from Haro, I gulp it down to refresh my dried throat. “There is nothing to worry about. Even though I didn’t have any involvement in the development of this machine, I trust that you guys will be able to put my Idea to good use.”


Tapping my hand on the shoulder of Jena, I smile at her. “I trust you guys, you have been with me since I first came here after all. So trust me. Well, I’m off then.” Saying goodbye to Jena, I float off the ground, the anti-gravity they have is really something. To be able to float freely…


Well, we are in space after all. Floating toward one of the Hangar platforms, I steady myself near the area where the cockpit should be. 


As I finish steadying myself, I watch as the Hangar door of my Mobile suit opens slowly. Revealing a silver silhouette. 


“It's time for your debut, G-Alpha.”

Author's rant! So as I write this Chapter, I really thought 'Damn, I'm really suck.' I skip a lot of think I want to write, skipping lot of world-building I want to introduce, then not really put a lot of effort into background character, only on the character I want to focus on, hell I even forget some time and get to reread it all, good thing I remember what most chapter is about. But anyway, that it for today Author's rant! I think I will do this again in the next chapter, see you then!

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