Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 31 G-Alpha. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


“Control Module, Green. Main Camera, Green. Prolusion, Green, NF Generator, Green. Body’s movement system, Green. It Looks like there is no problem on my front. Jena, is there any problem on your end?” I said over to the Comm, waiting for the response from Jena.


[There is no problem, The hatch is locked. Ready for the transfer. Timing is for you to decide.] I heard the response, in a clear crisp voice. 


“Good,” taking a deep breath, I put the keyboard away. The room of this cockpit is designed to my liking, it was a bit basic but what can I do? I’m not a design expert, I just have what I need and want. Full HUD monitor that spans across the front, allowing me easy access to everything in my eyesight, A new type of handle, a round tip allowing my full hand to grip it, and easy access to any command I want to put in. 


The seat has built-in pedals, allowing me to adjust the propulsion of the backpack much more easily. This is still just a prototype. It still has much more to improve.


[My lady, it’s time.] Hemston’s voice calls me out of my daydream.


“I see. Jena, I leave the transfer process to you.” 


[Understood! Good luck, My lady.] As she said that, I felt the Box I was in was moving. Loud cracks and such make noise as the under of the box is scrubbing against the floor. 


I waited and waited until it finally stopped, which took around 5 minutes. 




The sound of my Box being dropped against the ground rang echo across this tight space.


[Hatch open!] With Jena's words, I slowly saw the crack in this darkness, slowly the field changed as I watched. In front of me, is an endless sands that seem to encompass everything, I saw the sand being picked up by the wind and becoming dust. 


[Lock off, You can move now. My Lady.] 


Thumb! Tub tub tub!


Several sounds of the lock Hanger that binds this suit to the Hatch. “Yoha Seres Ottoman, Take off now.” My left hand moves toward the handle slowly moving it forward, while my right hand is controlling everything else. Turned on everything I needed, The control, the HUD, the Main Camera Interface, and everything.


Slowly and slowly…I watched as the Mobile Suit moved, both of its arms extended and grabbing the Hatch, pulling itself forward out of the Box. Sadly, I damaged the box with this move. But who cares? I’m rich and it satisfies me.


“Heh… seems like I’m becoming more like you every day, Stephan. I have to say…I really hate it.” As I was getting out of the box, I heard the voice of the host for this match. 


“G-Alpha…show me what you are capable of.” With this, I take my first step toward my battlefield.


[Gundam Nova]


Klara’s POV




“KWAY! What the!? Why are you here?!” I jumped out at the sudden voice in my ear only to see the one behind it was Sylvia Stelle Hawkinf. 


“Ehehe! Nothing! I just want to see it with you!” Just as I was about to move away, I was unable to escape the sudden clinging from her. 


“Urgh! Stop clinging to me!” Everyone is watching! Awa…This is too embarrassing! “Why are you here anyway! Don’t you have a special seat or something?” I ask her as I push her face away from my arm but it is not working at all.


“I got one, but it's kinda lonely so I came to find you! Anyway, look at this!” She explains why and then pulls out her phone.


“200 time payout? If Yoha wins? Wow…people really are putting it in for that Muscle guy…” 


“Right! Imagine how rich you will be after this match! So…how much do you wanna bet?” 


… “I don’t gamble.” I said, and Sylvia just stared blankly like she just didn’t hear what I said. “I said, I don’t gamble,” I said again and this time her expression finally changed. She suddenly laughs.


“Ahaha! What do you mean? This is not a gamble! I will tell you a secret, come here.” she made a gesture with her hand, urging me to move my head closer. I ignored her but she just stared at me with that innocent, like smile of hers, for 5 minutes! 


“Urg! Whatever.” I did as she asked and moved my head closer, with my ear near her mouth. 


“The secret is…” She drags out her word, and I wait for it. “Chu!” 


“EW! What the!?” She suddenly kisses my ear out of nowhere! 


“Ehehe! Sorry, Joking over now, seeing you so frustrated and worried want me to tease you so much!” She then proceeded to jump on my arm again but this time I was prepared, I lifted my arm out of her way, but that was a mistake, I now left my body exposed!


“Sniff…AH! The smell of a computer, the scent of shampoo, and what's more, the scent of Yoha! You were with her?! No! Wait…this scent…it is Yoha’s favorite band of Shampoo!”


“Get out of me, you pervert!” Pushing her away with my might before she could get more sniff out of me. I finally manage to put her back in her seat, though the satisfied face on her is very annoying.


“Yoha would never lose.” As I was wiping away the imaginary dust, Sylvia suddenly said that. “She won’t and will never lose, because Yoha is strong…a girl stronger than anyone I ever know.” Her face was serious but also gentle at the same time.


“Hmph, I know that!” I said in response. And return my attention back to the field.


“Anyway! How much do you want to bet?” She turns back to the same Sylvia just now again…


“I don’t have money,” I said and then she simply took out her wallet and handed me a card.


“You can use mine! Don’t worry, I got a lot.” I stare at her, squinting so hard that it feels like I would hurt my eyes…


“Fine! This is all going to the orphanage anyway.” I took the card from her and then did what she said, putting in only 100. “That's enough, right? I will pay you back when I can.” 


“Don’t worry about it! Ah! She’s here!” Sylvia quickly switches her attention back to the field. I did the same, turning my attention there. What I saw was…amazing.


The black box was dropped down to the ground with a loud Boom, once the dust cleared up a bit, the hatch of the box was slowly opened. Then there the sound of something echoes out, the hands move suddenly and grab the door pushing out the hidden mobile suit.


It was…a mass of frame. Little to no armor at all! There was armor on the chest and legs but that is it! No armor on the back, the head isn’t finished, and what's more the arm is just straight up looking like a muscle! 


…wait…looking like a muscle? Can a mobile suit arm look like that? The head…it got 2 fins on the side as a receptor, and 2 main cameras on the face instead of the normal 1 main camera. 

Now that I saw it clearly, the frame is much slimmer than I thought… It was unlike any Mobile Suit I had seen, instead of a bulky frame. Instead, it has more of a slim tone to it. The leg that I thought had armor is actually not armor at all, it's just the Frame of the suit being panned out to store something?


[Alright! On our right! We have Yoha Seres Ottoman! The Heir to the Ottoman house and a fresh member of the Mobile Suit Club! What do we have here? A new mobile suit that I have never seen before! Such a unique design! But why is there no armor at all? Is this still in development? Could it rival the power of Galde Mustia’s Galdragruda custom? Let us find out now!]


Then suddenly the screen changes, and a woman appears out of nowhere. [Ahem! My name is Yelena Klasikia. I will be the referee to this Duel. Is there anything you want to object about?] 


The moment she finished that, 2 new screens came out, I saw Yoha on the right screen and Galde on the left.


[There’s none!/ I’ve no problem.] Both of them said.


[Understood. Then as We agree, We will be using Military Rules for this duel. The rules are simple, No life-threatening shot, meaning no shot to the cockpit other than that there is nothing to stop you from destroying each other. Is there any objection to this?]


[none!/ no.]


[Understood, then…I declare the start of this Duel, good luck!] With her words ending, the screen changes to the two mobile suits.


The Yellow Galgradruga has something new that I have never seen before, a giant Sniper that is longer than the suit itself, then there is also some change to the Fin, which should be only 1, got a change to it making there are 2 more, it looks like a horn. Now that I notice it, there is a change to the arm too, but it is not that much of a change, only more weapons.


The Galgradruga custom charges at Yoha with such speed but Yoha’s Mobile suit is going so slow…no it is actually just walking? What is she doing!? She is going to be open with no cover! The palace with the crumbling Tower is at the center! The way she was walking was not going to make it before Galde got there!


He is going to have the advantage! With so many places to hide after shooting his shot!


Just as I thought, Galde got there before her and already set up a place to shoot his Sniper. I saw him get up on the building and place himself out in the open just to show off.


[Oi oi oi! What with that turtle pace suit of yours! Know what? If you surrender right now I might not even shoot this thing!] 


Galde said into the comms letting everyone hear of it, there was no response from Yoha, she just walked steadily toward the center. This action seems to tick Galde off.


[Don’t say I didn’t warn you!]


He picked up his Beam Sniper and connected it to the chest, allowing the power to run through it more quickly. I saw the beam charge up in real-time, aiming straight toward Yoha...Wait! That much power would destroy the Mobile Suit in an instant!


Before I could even say anything, Galde fired. The high-pitch sound of the anonymous energy gathering in one place and shooting out was loud and overwhelming, the beam flew by so fast and I watched as the place Yoha was standing blew up to pieces, dust rose up, and Sand turned to glass as the high heated energy completely melted everything…


“Yoha!” The scream I make pulls everyone's attention toward me, but I don’t care about that! Where is she?! 


I felt a soft tug at my clothes, I turned around only to see Sylvia’s smile, she still kept… smiling. Why? Her friend could be dead!


“Calm down. Look.” She pointed at the screen, so I watched…the dust that rose up was starting to die down and I could see it…the silhouette…the white frame of the Mobile Suit. There was no scratch on it at all, it was still full of white like there was no dust clinging to it.


[What!? How did she dodge that?!] The voice of Galde rang out, he forgot to turn off the comms he connected to.


Somehow, Yoha managed to dodge it at the last second. 


[The concentration that had in that beam shot would have destroyed a normal mobile suit, much less mine. The fact that you still use it…did you have some hidden intent in them?] The slow yet sweet voice of Yoha…is both sweet and threatening.


[But oh well, I don’t really care about that, you see. Since I became the Heir, there have been several attempts already. But for you, I guess it is just the heat of the moment? Let see…The custom Galgradruga of yours, is packed with more than one NF generator, I assume? That much energy would have drained the mobile suit dry, I think those bulky backpacks of yours are the source? So…if I destroy them, you wouldn’t be able to use that sniper rifle anymore.]




Suddenly, the pace of the battle changes as Yoha’s Mobile Suit speeds up to an unbelievable degree. The 4 prolusion jet on the backpack roars to life as it increases her speed. Then the hands move toward the thigh as the pan-out area opens up to reveal 2 small beam daggers.


The speed she moved was so fast. That almost looks like a blur to me, even though we are still in the Colony and there is an Air Force that should hold the mobile suit to not go so fast…her suit is still able to do that. She breaks the sound barrier.


The speed made Galde stutter as he tried to aim at Yoha and shoot but all the shots he fired were miserably missed as she was dredging on the last second every time. Seeing as the sniper fails him, he raises up his right hand and reveals the hidden Vulcan Gun inside the arm. 


He fired it, and the sound of several hundred bullets was as loud as the shell hitting the floor. Just the weight of those shells alone could’ve killed a human…


Yoha dodges everything, The white mobile suit moves to the side and gets closer with every second, The shooting stops as he runs out of bullets, Galde quickly takes up his beam Sniper again, and this time…he charges it up much longer than before! I could see the Heated Energy was ready to come out.


Just as the sound of it was becoming too loud, he shot it. The long line of beams was so loud that the glass shook, and I could hear them through the glass wall. Yoha dodged it but the beam followed her, as the Galde moved the Sniper to match Yoha’s pace.


It catches up to her! It will destroy her…it will kill her-






The loud sound of an explosion! It was coming out from Galde's side?! His backpack was destroyed and exploded. Eh? What happened? The beam came to a stop and Yoha was speeding up to Galde’s Mobile suit with the same speed as she started off.


[You should take better care of your Mobile Suit.]


Yoha’s mobile suit managed to get close to Galde because he was too distracted by the destruction of his backpack. She swung her arm up and cut off both of the arms of Galgradruga Custom. Watching as both the arms drop down. 


She then proceeded to put one of the Beam daggers into the Head of Galdragruda, and then using her last dagger she cut off both legs. She kicks the chest of Galdragruda back down, letting it fall to the ground.


As the limbless body hit the ground, I could hear the loud cheer from both of my ears. People getting up in their seats, people crying because they lost the bet and now have to pay it off, and people who are just happy because an asshole got slapped.


[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This isn’t over! I can still fight-Gah!]


The loud cry of Galde drew my attention back to him, and then I saw it…the hand on Yoha’s Mobile Suit, the one that still had Beam Dagger on it, was pressing it against the cockpit of Galde’s Mobile suit.


[it is quite admirable that you refuse to lose, even with this much disadvantage…I guess I should ‘Finish’ this, right?]


Then slowly…I saw the beam dagger energy start to rise up. It was slowly melting the plating of Galgradruga…


[W-wait! Stop! I yield! I surrender!] The panicked voice of Galde is what put a stop to the beam dagger.


[I understand.]


She took back the beam dagger on Galdragruda’s head and put it back in the hidden storage on the thigh of her mobile suit.  


It was the end…She won, Yoha won…


“I told you, right? She would win, also! Look at this! This is how much you make with just one bet!” Sylvia suddenly shows me her phone and I look at it…there are… a lot of zeros…1,2,3,4?! 4 zero!? Wa- wa-wa what should I do!? I became rich! I-i n-need to-sent this to the orphanage!


I quickly took out my phone, opened the bank, and then looked over at my balance…20086…there…there is a lot of money…in there…wait..First I need to repay Sylvia.


“Give me your bank! I will transfer the money to you!” 


“Eh? There is no need though? Just a few hundred is nothing to me. You can keep it.” She said it with such a straight face that I wanted to punch her. Just some Hundred?! Does she know that it could buy groceries for the orphanage for a month!?


Urg! Calm down! Calm down…She is rich…right she is rich…so is Yoha…is her sense of money also this screw…?


“Come on! Let's go get Yoha back!” She pulled my arm off before I could protest, but oh well…I do want to see her too…


[Gundam Nova]


“Look, Brother! Lady Yoha won!” The little girl said in her brother's lap, but he ignored her entirely, instead his eyes were glued toward the white mobile suit.


“That the one…she could do it…if she can pilot this…she is the one.”


Author's rant of the day. God writing fight is hard! Anyway that it! See you next time!

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