Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 32 Freedom [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


The feeling…of the ground trembling beneath your feet, The feeling when you look out the window on the plane…the feeling…of freedom. I feel…so free right now, I don’t have to worry about anything when I'm here. I don’t have to worry about the future, the present, or the past, I don’t have to worry about how to live or how to act. 


I don’t have to act…I don’t have to worry about Mama…


[Oi oi oi! What with that turtle pace suit of yours! Know what? If you surrender right now I might not even shoot this thing!] 


The sound of an insect… ringing in my ear as it passes through my brain. The thing in front of me moved so slowly that it felt like I was watching a snail move. I watch as the hand moves to grip the handle of the enormous Sniper in front, attaching it to the chest.


Slowly, I watch as the Energy gathers in the barrel.


[Don’t say I didn’t warn you!]


The Enormous Energy that should be able to supply a single house for an entire year's worth was fired out, the beam moved toward me at a slow pace, everything was so slow…I feel like I’m becoming slower too…


Tick..Tick tick.


My hand moved, inserting the command into the joysticks with precision, my feet extended and pressed down on the pedals hard as I soon heard the familiar sound—the roaring of an engine.




Everything changed, The Beam was not in front of me anymore, instead, it was on my left side, The intense pressure of an enormous G-Force crushing me, the feeling of being pressed by the ton and ton of metal, and the feeling of air being pushed out my lung by force.


Beep! Beep! Beep!


The alarm rang loudly, I briefly glanced at it to see several of the meters being broken and hundreds of things going on. It should have made me scared, the fact that this suit was slowly breaking down from the inside. 


My energy output right now is over 200%, which is alarming...but who cares?! This was just a prototype! No matter how many times it breaks down I will just rebuild it!  redesign it! Until it won’t break anymore! 

[What!? How did she dodge that?!] I heard that Gold voice but I don’t really care. Now that I know this suit won’t last, I would just make the most of it!


“The concentration that had in that beam shot would have destroyed a normal mobile suit, much less mine. The fact that you still use it…did you have some hidden intent in them?” 


The energy output is too much for Military rule, because of the excess heat it could damage the Nuclear Fusion that was inside the mobile suit, resulting in the explosion of the already unstable Nuclear Fusion Generator.


There is no way that a normal NF Generator would be able to generate and sustain that much energy…so the only solution is, the giant backpack of his.


“But oh well, I don’t really care about that, you see. Since I became the Heir, there have been several attempts already. But for you, I guess it is just the heat of the moment? Let see…The custom Galgradruga of yours, is packed with more than one NF generator, I assume? That much energy would have drained the mobile suit dry, I think those bulky backpacks of yours are the source? So…if I destroy them, you wouldn’t be able to use that sniper rifle anymore.”


Tick… tick…


I start to raise up my speed again, this time, higher than before. The enemy is 3 kilometers ahead, with no obstacle.


The 4 thrusters on my backpack, 4 more on the feet, and 2 each on the arms and legs…All combined is 12 thrusters, using the latest Ottoman technology, creating a new type of Thruster, a High-burst output that can only be activated for a certain time before it needs to cool off and recharge the energy.


Meteors, just like its name, burn out fast exchanging for the swiftness that comes with it. With these Suits, only 30 seconds is allowed, but that is enough ... that is enough…for this duel…but it is not enough for me.




The raining hail of bullets dodging it was easy with how slow it was. I quickly input another command and then a screen shows up to me, revealing the only weapon I have installed in this suit. 


The 2 High Output Beam Dagger, would be able to melt anything with enough time, but for His backpack, I just need to cut off the port connecting his backpack to the Main Body, and that would do the job.


With the plan in mind, I finally regained my focus on the enemy in front of me, it seemed while I was dodging that the bullet was already empty so he went back to his sniper, he was charging it up, more than before. I have to hurry a bit.


Increasing the speed of the thruster is…not impossible, I just need the right timing, and it is not now. I need to watch him and observe him when he lets down most of his guard.


Just as the Energy that had been gathering was about to overload inside the Barrel, he fired. I dodge to the right, using the thruster in my left arm and leg to change the course of my speed. The loud jet engine rang in my ears, the beeping continued to ring so annoyingly that I didn’t hear anything.


Then just as the beam was changing course and started getting close to me, I noticed it. The Tiny fragment that would lead me to victory, our distance, is closer than 500 meters. He didn’t back down even though I was getting closer to him. 


That would work, I can make it work. I turn down all of my thrusters, leaving nothing to create my speed and I watch as the beam gets closer and closer. Just as the beam was about to hit my leg, I pressed down the pedal hard, yanking the speed of the thrusters to its limit.




The sound of my mobile Suit breaking the sound barrier for the second time, The beeping rings louder than ever before, and my backpack was destroyed, as the 4 thrusters exploded from the overloading energy. But it was enough, I have it in sight.


I swing down my right arm, cutting off the backpack in an instant. I heard the loud explosion of nuclear fusion. Surprisingly, the backpack that should stick tightly to the mobile suit came off pretty easily, he didn’t take care of it at all.


[W-What?!] I heard the bewildered sound of the gold hair.


“You should take better care of your Mobile Suit.” 


I then cut down both arms, plunging my Beam dagger into the head, destroying the Main Camera, before cutting off both of the legs and kicking him out of the building he stands on.




The loud sound of the limbless mobile suit clashing against the ground rang in my ear, it was like a calming tune but also a wake-up that my freedom is over now.


[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This isn’t over! I can still fight-Gah!] 


Before he could even say anything more, my hand moved instinctively, pressing the beam dagger down to the cockpit. Wait…stop it…I know what ‘I’m’ going to do, so stop it! Let him do what he wants! 


“It is quite admirable that you refuse to lose, even with this much disadvantage…I guess I should ‘Finish’ this, right?”


The voice that came out of me, I never thought of that! Oi! Don’t give up! Let me enjoy this freedom more! Let me! Just let me enjoy it more!


The HUD indicating the Beam Dagger output was shown to me, slowly, I see it rise up and up.


Stop! Let me! Let me fight! Let me Enjoy it more! I don’t want to do this anymore! I just want to live freely! Come on! Gold head! Don’t give up! 


Don’t let me go back to that li-


[W-wait! Stop! I yield! I surrender!]


“I Understand.” Lowering the power of my Beam Dagger, I took back the dagger that was in the head of the Galgradruga and put it back into my weapon storage. 


“Jena, send the box in, I will come back now,” I told her over the comms and then walked back toward the nearest Container drop area, waiting there.


When the container comes, I simply go in there, lock the mobile suit, and wait as the container lifts off toward the hangar, listening to the loud sound of metal scraping by, before I knew it, the container was open and several technicians come and inspect the mobile suit checking the area that needs repair when I open the cockpit I was greet with Stephan, who was floating in front of me.


“Good job, here. Catch.” he threw me the key to the Armeggedon’s Hangar on Earth. “That's a good expression you have there, the poker face is the best when you're on the field.” He said as he was grinning at me.


I was…having a poker face? It seems…to be a boring match for me. “Is that so? Then I suppose I should keep it like this when I’m on the field more?” With the fact that I beat one of the best Mobile Suit clubs in the Academy right now, Professor Gerald will have no choice but to include me in his Military exercise, meaning I would get much more experience than others, if war had broken out, I would be ready.


“Yeah, but don’t keep that face around the house, it's quite unpleasant. Also, there is someone who wants to see you. Well, I will see you at the Mansion.” Stephan said his last bit and moved out of the way, revealing to me that there were two people.


“S-stop! Don’t Push me! I-i can’t control myself!” 


“Oh come on, don’t be scared!” The sound of two familiar girls.


Klara was flying in the air and spinning without stopping because Sylvia was pushing her, it seemed she was not used to the anti Gravity effect. I feel like the corner of my mouth moves, my hand quickly unties the Belt that tied me to the mobile suit and my feet kick me into the air, toward where Klara is.


“W-wait! Don’t come here I’m gonna clash!” Klara said while she was frustrated, red-faced. I find it…very cute.


“Calm down your breathing, stop waving your hand around” I grab Klara’s hand and slowly, guide her toward one of the platforms, My hand reaches for her waist to hold her center, and slowly, I stop her rotating. “See? It was easy.” I smile at her and watch her with red down to her ear.


“Ah…-ehhhh-!” She suddenly shrieks out and then, for some reason…she passes out.


“Yoha! You shouldn’t do that! She is not ready for that!” Sylvia quickly came and took Klara out of my hand. Not ready? What did she mean by that?

Author rant of the day! Today My house got hit with a storm, so I need to unplug my PC so that It wouldn't get shock when the light goes out or something, that was what my brother said anyway. the lighting is quite pretty though. So What do you think of this chapter? How do you feel about the Little 'personality'? Well, see you next time!

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