Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 46 Moving Forward I [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


March 16th, I.J.C 200 Metalica’s Restrict Zone.


“Odis, May I have your time? Oh, call Hanya too.” I called out to Odis who was checking my bags. He nodded at me before leaving to call for Hanya, so Right now, I was alone in the room. Sitting down on the bed and letting the softness pull me in, I lay down comfortably. 


Somehow, bit and bit of memory was rushing through my head, the comfortable silence that brought about the short memories I have here. Both the good and the bad, The sound of children laughing and giggling was eternally dug down into my own heart, the fear I felt when I heard the news of Klara’s situation will always be at the back of my mind. 


Never again, will I let someone close to me go away, or be taken away from me. That was the promise I made to myself, and I will do everything to keep it. Even if that means I need to use Yohai in the upcoming war…


It is still just speculation but it has base evidence…Agellus is not over and they won’t stop. If we start looking into the history of Agellus…it wasn’t really pretty. The start of Agellus is because of a group of royal fanatics who were despairing due to the state of the earth at that time. They chose to leave with just a group of a few hundred or so people and leave their kingdom to die.


Then using pure violence, they kidnap other people who were leaving for the star too, making them breeding horses so that the genetics would not be too mixed up. Well, how they can even breed over a thousand babies in just a year really is a testament to what kind of nature they are.


The century of bloodshed…they relentlessly wage wars against every faction that has left the earth, that was How there are only 4 major Factions left, after the Agellus was eradicating them all in order to grow their empire, that was How Agellus is, until the ascension of King Lavinos the third.


He was able to unite the empire and stop the bloodshed for around a century but after his death, everything just turned back to normal.


Right now…the current king should be his great-grandson…Ulios Calvus Agellus, right? I think so, if my memory serves correctly that would be his name.


I think he has 4 children? That is the public record at least. The oldest is…I don't remember…Well, the history class is mostly focused on Earth history after all. Guess I need to refresh my knowledge later. It won’t do If I don’t know the head figure of another faction…I am the Heir after all.


“My lady, I'm back along with Hanya at your request.” Odis's voice comes through the door.


“Come in.” I sit up, patting down my hair a bit as it gets a little messy once I lay down.


They both got in when I allowed them, and once Hanya saw the state of my hair, she quickly moved behind me, and with a brush, she started to slowly brush down my hair to make it proper.


“Thank you, Hanya. So the reason I call you two here is, I want you to remain here for a bit.” Hanya stopped in her tracks and before she could say anything, Odis stared her down.


“May I ask for the reason, My lady?” he asked calmly.


“I need you guys to move the military lazy ass to work. The place has been unsupervised for too long, to the point that there is actually a gang that controls the town.” the two of them seem a bit shocked at my wording but otherwise remain silent.


“Don't worry, use the house name as you like, just don't use Stephan's name and instead, use mine. This will help the public opinion of me, Make the military move their ass, and secure the Restrict zone to make it safer. That was my mission for you two. I trust you two, so…can you guys respond to my trust?” I ask them, staring at Odis who was standing in front of me, slowly, I feel my hair drop down neatly and Hanya is now standing next to Odis.


“We accept this mission, and with our lives, we will accomplish this to the best of our ability.” they both said and bowed down at the same time.


I know that sending them is dangerous, after all. There are many who will become enraged at this decision and maybe they will try to hurt the two of them. Just thinking about how Odis and Hanya may get hurt, or at worst end up dead because of my decision…it was hurting like hell in my heart.


But this…is for the safety of the children. All for them.


“Odis, Hanya. I better see your face after a month, or else I will go through hell and heaven to find you guys and beat you guys myself.” I threatened them, or at least that's what I wanted it to come out but both of them just laughed.


“We understand, we will come back within a month.” I nod at Odis.


“Now then, my lady! Let's get you dressed up! You can't get to the ship in a way that looks like that!” Hanya got very excited at the thought of dressing me up, and she quickly kicked out Odis, it was the first time that I saw her kicking him out and successfully doing so…


Normally it would be Odis who would smack her head back but this time he just let her push him out like a sack of potatoes…


I stare dumbfounded at the new dynamic appearing from them before hesitantly looking at them too-excited Hanya. She just locked the door just now….I instantly stiff up the moment Hanya set her eyes on me.


“My lady~~~ how about we start with the preparation?” She said as she slowly moved toward me.


“...Ha…I will indulge you just this once since you are not going to see me for a month.” Once I said that, Hanya was visibly happy. 


“Understood! I will take a lot of pictures then I will send them all to flex on those girls at the mansion! After all, I already received the permission! AHAHA!” She laughs maniacally as she goes through my wardrobe that still hasn’t been packed in the bags.


“Pack them once you're done with it, ok?” I said to her as I let my mind take on Autopilot, letting her do whatever she wanted. 


March 16th, I.J.C 200 Metalica’s Restrict Zone. Klara’s POV


“Phew…that's all done! Now I wonder how Yoha is doing.” slumping down onto the chair, I look at the bags full of clothes I know I didn’t pack that much but how is it getting this big again? Right…Yoha decided to just supply the Orphanage with many clothes and snacks, plus a lot of facilities like a kettle or other kitchen utensils...


Also…her taste in clothes is a bit…girly. I never thought that about her, the fact that she likes a bit of frilly clothes and all. But most of them are oversized hoodies and t-shirts. Some skirt and thong here and there. But…the thing that bothers me the most is the thing I just packed…it was very…girly undergarments. Not that I don’t like it….it just… unsuited to me. Though I think she is just buying them for her taste.


Or maybe she just picked a thing she saw and thought I would like so she picked it. But…buying them and not using them would be very…unfortunate. So I should use it, at least a few times. I would outgrow it anyway! hopefully….I don’t have many assets like big sis Anna


urg…Why does it hurt so much!? Just thinking about them! Those jiggle things! It was not that important! That's right! It is not!


Arg! I can’t get the picture out of my head! No, it is not a picture, it is a frigging HD MOVIE! 


“Klara? Are you ok? You…seem to be having a lot of…pain?” The sudden voice stirs me awake from my thoughts, I look toward the person in front of me and freeze up.


Her bright red eyes shone brilliantly amidst the room, it was as if…it was sparkling, her light blue hair that was normally tied into Ponytails was now flowing down smoothly toward her shoulder and beyond, I didn’t know her hair was that long… What caught my eye was the headband that was used to tie her head. It was…red and it goes very well with the tone of her hair.


The soft pink lip, her small nose, her cheek that was a bit puff, showing how healthy she was… it was now…just a little bit away from me.


I can…


“TOO CLOSE!? Also, you're wearing makeup!?” I screamed out before my thoughts could get any more dangerous, quickly distancing myself away from her, that was too dangerous!


God, what with her and her sense of distance?! I mean, before it was like she would always put at least a hundred meters apart but now it is not even a meter! 


“Ah…this? Hanya put it on for me, I don’t normally wear it since it is against the Academy regulation but since I probably won’t see Hanya in a while, I decided to let her do whatever she wants.” 


Oh ... so she does not wear makeup very often? I mean the rich kids don’t care about the Regulation of the Academy but I guess she was different.


“W-wait, you said you won’t see Hanya for a long time? What do you mean?” I ask her, curious about what she means.


“Oh? I decided to have Odis and Hanya stay here for a month, just for work, don’t worry, they would take care of the orphanage when they have time so Ms.Claire wouldn’t need to strain her back much. Though I didn’t know if it was her back or leg or hand that hurt.”

She said nonchalantly as if it was normal. 


“But aren’t the two of them your bodyguards? Also, shouldn’t you get like…permission from the head or something from your family?”


“Don’t worry about that, I will take care of it when the time comes, anyway. Let’s go. Our flight will arrive in 2 hours, we have to go there ahead of time. My bags are already packed, Odis and Hanya will be sending us to port so we can say goodbye then.”


“O-oh. I also finished packing, by the way, the cloth you brought…isn’t it a bit…girly?” 


“Hm? Do you not like it? I thought since we were around the same age our interests would be quite alike. I guess I still have a lot to learn about being a girl.” She said as she started to ponder about whatever she was thinking, yeah she goes off into her world a lot lately.


“Big sis! You look so beautiful!” Ollie suddenly appears and jumps into Yoha’s arm which she accepts.


“Ehehe, thank you, Ollie. You look cute too.” Replied Yoha. Now that I got a careful look at her, she was really beautiful…I don’t know if it's the dress or it's her natural charm…probably both.


“Everyone is already waiting outside! Come on! Let’s go and take a picture!” Ollie quickly dragged Yoha away, she looked at me asking me for help but I just nodded at her and waved to go ahead.


She seems a bit hesitant but decides to go along with Ollie anyway, now that I’m alone let go and pack the things into the car.


“Do you need help with the loading?”


“JESUS! What the?!” Mr. Odis suddenly appears! Along with Ms. Hanya, who already started moving my bags to the car. “H-hey I can do them myself!” 


“It’s no problem, rather. We would appreciate it if you were to go along with the Young Lady,” he said as he moved to my second bag, which was the last one. “We want her to have more fun, to relax before she goes back.”


“...sure. Well, I will do that.” I got up from my seat and walked toward the door. Glancing one last time as the two of them wave at me. They adore her, isn’t it? Just like everyone in that mansion, they don’t openly show it but everyone already respects you, yoha. That is why you will be a good Heir, I just hope that you will come to accept it one day.


Though I don’t know much about that Heir thing anyway.


“Look! I got it!” I heard Ouro loudly shout at Yoha while showing her the new clothes she got. 


“You look very cute, Ouro,” Yoha said as she patted Ouro's head, and she giggled out loud.


“Oh! Look who decides to join!” Yougi said as he flexed his new cloth to me. 


“Ah, shut up,” I said a bit annoyingly as I punched him in the guts lightly, he pretended to be hurt, which was quite the act, considering it almost looked like he hurt but I knew he was not really hurt, after all. My punch shouldn’t do too much, right? I mean I only just put a bit of strength into it too.


“Ah, Klara. You come at the right time. Come now, Let's take a picture to commemorate this moment” Mother Claire said as she took out a camera.


“Sure, sure,” I said to her before I got in front of the camera. Then we all started to group up. I was holding Ken in my arms, but then he suddenly cried out so I put him down, and he rushed toward Big Sis Anna. Then suddenly Yoha was pushed into me.


“S-sorry, you ok? The children are suddenly pushing me here…” She said as she looked around her, surrounded by the children. 


“Y-yeah! It's ok, They probably want to be close to you” I said, while my face seemed to heat up a bit.


“Big Sis! Up up!” Ouro came to Yoha, asking to be picked up and Ollie was standing in front of her, Yoha picked up Ouro who was clinging to her with hugs.


“Big sister…” I heard the low and shy voice of Irly, so I looked down to see her, looking at how Yoha was picking up Ouro.


“You want to get picked up too?” She nods at me, and I feel myself instantly smile at the thought. “Ok, come on, let's get you up.” I extended my hand, kneeled, and picked up the girl's small body, she was heavier than the last time I remember. But it's ok, she is still a baby to me after all.


“Alright, everyone in position. The countdown is 15 seconds, so smile now everyone.” Mother Claire said, as she finished setting up the camera and walked toward us slowly. She stood in front of the row of kids who were making way for her. 


Just as the time slowly passed, I felt a light warm hand on my left hand, I looked down only to see Yoha’s hand intertwined with mine, my mind was blank at that moment, I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there, staring at the camera with my face burning bright red.


Nevertheless, I think…this would be one of my best memories in my life.


March 16th, I.J.C 200 Metalica’s Restrict Zone.


“We will see you later, My lady. I have already contacted the house and they will send 2 others to receive you at the port of Elysium.” Odis said to me before I started boarding the Ship. Klara is already going ahead as she suddenly doesn’t want to talk to me…I wonder why? Is it because I hold her hand? 


But I thought it was a normal gesture for girls?


“Thank you for your service. Odis, Hanya, I better see the two of you soon. Or I would need to make good on my promises.” I said as I waved goodbye to the two of them, they laughed lightly before bowing down to me.


“Then, I will see you soon, Odis, and Hanya,” I said to them as I turned my back and started boarding the ship. This time, I chose the Luxurious one, since I want Klara to enjoy herself.


Taking out my wallet, I stared at the picture, it was the group photo we had taken just now. Before we leave. I was surrounded by several children, holding up Ouro with one hand while my other hand was…holding Klara’s hand.


My face unconsciously smiles at the picture before taking it back into my wallet. I have a lot of good memories here, I feel…like I could face reality better now. I feel like I was a new person, I feel like I was able to accept myself more now. 


Not as a reincarnator named Yohan Agnes, but as Yoha Milas Revory. I think…I will not see the ghost anymore.


“It's time to look forward to the future, no matter how cruel it may be, Time to move on.” My steps were resolute as I took the step forward, toward a new future.

Author's rant of the day.

Hello there! Welcome back to today's author rant where I want to rant but I have nothing to rant about, so yeah, I decided to play a little game today. Do you notice something about the name of my character? Is it familiar by any chance? There are a few characters who have names from other franchises but I will not say them out. I wonder if you can point them out? I think there is one that will be easily recognized tho! So I look forward to it! Anyway, C ya in the next Chapter! Jestly out! PS. I'm very addicted to a Roblox game named Arcane Odyssey at the moment, it has been one of my favorite games since the old Roblox day!

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