Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 47 Moving forward II [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


Tick tock tick tock tick tock…


The sound of a clock keeps ringing into the ear of a young boy, it keeps ticking and ticking without a care for the world. He stares into the endless darkness before him, separated by a tiny mirror. 


If only he were to break this piece of glass, everything would be over and he would be free…the thought was very tempting but then the face of a woman appeared in his mind, her state of her was beyond broken but her eyes were still resolute as it never loses any hope.


Just as his thoughts have gone like a passing wind, the door opens up, followed by a row of people along with the tray of food.


“Your Highness, it's time for your lunch.” said one of the chefs as he opened up his tray to reveal a lavishly decorated steak.


But the look didn't make him feel hungry at all, in fact, it made him feel…suffocated.


Like a cattle in a cage being fed lavishly awaiting the day it will be slaughtered. 


He took up the knife and the thought of using it to gouge his throat came up, but the image of the woman appeared again like a curse that hung his very existence down to this world.


He hated that woman and he hated himself for being born. 


He eats the steak quietly, followed by a salad and a very sweet ice cream. All while keeping to himself and not talking to any of his so-called attendants.


He has a mission, one that would complete his existence, one That defines it and gives it meaning.


He put his spoon down and a maid came and wiped his mouth, they took away the trays and left him alone to his thoughts.


Being left alone, he returns to sit quietly while thinking about the woman again.


“Elysium Academy…That is not such a bad place to die.”


[Gundam Nova]


March 24th, I.J.C 200 Elysium’s Colony Port.


“Mmh…That was a long flight!” Klara began to stretch as she jumped down the stairs toward the ground. Many people look at her with contempt but just a glare from me mostly keeps them away, even though most people who are outside the circle of earth’s Conglomerate won’t know me, those who know will have the time of their lives, because I will remember their faces. 


I took my bags and slowly moved down to the elevator, I took a look at the surroundings and saw two maids, that's right. Full on maid clothes. They are waiting at the arrival gate, getting looks from many but they don’t care, or at least, they don’t show it on their faces.


I know who they are. It's Jena, the mechanic who was the one behind the creation of the meteors unit. Although the Idea was mine, she was the one who was able to craft it and make it usable.


The other one is, Fu Hua. A doctor who Miss Kylie trained. She is the one to care for my injury during training. The moment I set my eyes on them, the two of them straight up, and I waved my hand at them, the two smiled at me. While Jena was quiet, it was just that she didn’t talk very often. But Fu Hua on the other hand…she just quiet all the time, she doesn't talk much, and the only time I see or hear her talk is when she describes the type of wound to me, normally she would just smile and move on.


Once I reached the end of the elevator, Jena came to me and took away the bags while Fu Hua took away Klara’s, which she reluctantly let go.


“My lady, The car is ready, and Master wants to talk with you,” Jena said as she moved behind me.


“That so? I guess he doesn’t want to wait, huh?” I turned toward Klara who was next to me. “Sorry Klara, But I think I have to go now. Fu Hua, sent her to the dorm.” Fu Hua nods at my command and moves toward Klara.


“Oh…Well, I will see you…later?” She sounds a bit disappointed…I don’t really want her to sound like that…what do I do? Is there a trick? Ah…there is this one way Mother would do that would cheer me up, one that does involve sweets such as puddings.


I pull Klara closer to me, and while she is stunned, I plant a little kiss on her cheek. This was often done by my Mother when I was a child, while I was down about coding, or upset, she would console me with love and little kisses like this, often caressing my head.


I move away from her slowly, seeing her face turn bright red. Jena was stunned in place while Fu Hua took a hand to cover her mouth as if she couldn’t believe what I had just done. 


“Don’t be so upset, We will see each other soon. But I have to go right now, so excuse me. Come on, Jena, let's get going.” I said to the freezing Klara, deciding not to see what she would do once she stopped freezing.


The moment I left her, I could hear the sound of a low screeching.


“My lady…did you know-”


“Yes, Jena, I know what that means.” I cut out Jena and said my own piece before she could finish, and it left her more flabbergasted than before. That's right, I know what it means, and I know what I’m doing. 


I think I’m starting to understand my own heart more now, the beating that keeps me alive isn’t for my goal now, it is for someone else, and that person is Klara. I think Sylvy is going to get a good laugh out of this story. Though this isn’t the time for it, I think…I will just keep teasing her for a bit and when the right time comes, I think I will tell her about my feelings.


March 24th, I.J.C 200, Ottoman’s Mansion.


The moment I arrived, I was greeted by a familiar face. Hemston stood there, with a smile on his face, seemingly pleased by something.


“Welcome back, My lady.” he greets me, bowing down like all those years ago.


“I’m back, Hemston. Would you guide me to where…grandfather is?” The words I chose surprised him, he stared at me as if he couldn’t believe what was being said. 


“O-of course, I will guide you there immediately,” he said as he walked toward the mansion. I walked after him and took a look around this familiar mansion that I had lived in for 5 years.


The sight of this place brings back memories. I miss the simple home, the smell of paddy fields, the sound of the tractor, and the simple but happy life back in Siga but…it is all gone now…all that is left of Siga is…nothing. Not even a plate of metal that used to form Siga.


Such a nice memory, but that was it, a memory I could make again, and this time I will keep it forever. I won’t lose the memories I will make, with her and with everyone else. 


I now stood in front of the door, behind this was the man, who I’m now going to call Grandfather, as I will fully accept my role as the Heir, this is the first step toward my freedom.


I knock on it 3 times, slow and as graceful as Hemston.


“Come in.” He said, and I opened the door.


“Excuse me…grandfather.” He seemed a bit surprised but soon a grin appeared on his face.


“Take a seat, Granddaughter. We have a lot to talk about. Hemston, Call in Kylie…after 20 Minutes, I think she would love to hear what My granddaughter will call her.” Stepha-...grandfather said as he ordered Hemston.


“I understand, I will be back with Madam Kylie in 20 minutes.” Hemston leaves the room, leaving me and Grandfather alone.


“So, you decide to finally accept the role?” He asks, sipping the wine as he takes a seat comfortably.


“Calling you grandfather… feels very wrong in my mouth but I think I will get used to it after a while,” I said, pouring him a glass of wine after he finished, then proceeded to pour myself a glass of water. “Though Grandmother is a different story, I think it would suit my mouth more to call her that.” 


“Ahaha! That’s right! She has that Aura, doesn’t it? The aura of a mother…” He said the feeling of sadness was coming out of him. “We couldn’t have children…no, more especially, we couldn’t have anymore. During the war, Kylie was pregnant with my child, but she was injured by a spy and for her to survive…we need to get rid of the dead child, and along with that, is her uterus. I suggested we adopt one but she just smiled and said that the child would be bearing too much responsibility.” He told his tale with a nostalgic smile, not saddened by the event but he rather smiled, it was a way for him to hide his pain.


“Now then, let's talk business. Using my house name without permission, quite a bold move, you know what are you doing?”


“I was painting more targets on my back than before. Before this move, people don’t know much about me other than my name and appearance, but after this. They would see the me that I was about to shape into that image, the benevolent and intelligent Heir to the Ottoman. Using the house influence to affect the military, I just did what you would normally do, just a bit more dramatic than you hope to, after all. You don’t want another “Stephan Lewis Ottoman’ You want a new blood, a new blood name “Yoha Seres Ottoman.” To control the Military.”


He took his time to think about my reason, sipping wine as he continued to think. “That’s right, I don’t have much time now and Earth is losing its guard. You know of the transfer of the First Prince of Agellus, right? He would come to Elysium this year, he would be your Junior. The fact that Earth’s Conglomerate is allowing this is already a red flag. Those bastards' greed never ends.”


He said, as he placed down his glass and stood up, staring outside the window to see the enormous building that was the Elysium Academy. “ The military needs reform, and it would not be done by an old mind like me, but rather, a new and improved mind. That is you, I think you already piece the puzzle together and get a rough idea of the situation, isn’t it? War is coming, and soon whether you like it or not, though I hope it will come later to let you get some experience.”


“Heh, and let you get a rest by sleeping around all day while I do the work?” I saw his smile deepen, and soon, laughter came out.


“Ha! That’s right! I certainly would enjoy my retirement and go on vacation with Kylie! Hm, the beach would be good, but I think if we really want to enjoy it to the fullest then, how about the journey through space?”


“The aurora is quite pretty on earth, last I heard. Why not go there and enjoy the cold? Maybe go to Japan to buy some delicacies or India to fully submerge yourself?” I joke with him, and he seems to think about them deeply.


“Heh, that's a good one. But We don’t have time for that, since you have decided to fully accept the role, it is time for your real training. I will train you both in strategy, paperwork, and much more that is required to become a new commander, as for your social life, Kylie would be the one to handle it. Since we already debuted you, it is time for you to dip into the full circle of the social life of an influential person.”


He sits down and stares at me. “I won’t say that I’m sorry to drag you into this. But I will give you this.” he held up a box in his hand, it was…a very familiar box. The one that Mother left behind.


“Are you…sure? I’m still not the ACE and if I get that box…I may turn my decision around, you know?” I ask him, unsure whether this is a good move of him or not, but he just holds the box lower down to my height and throws it at me. 


By instinct, I catch it but force myself to not open it. “The you right now, is not that weak girl who would cry about her mother anymore, I think the experience you gain from going to Metalica is quite something, isn’t it? Because right now, unlike that time, your eyes are not filled with anger anymore, It is determination. And I like it. I like it very much, so I will just advance my promise a bit, that’s all.” 


He said as he grinned at me, laying back in the seat, taking the glass of wine, and slowly sipping it. I look at the box in my hand…it feels heavy, not because it is heavy but because the feeling of this box, the weight of it is making me…not hesitate at all. Because I already decided to move forward, not held back by the past anymore.


I placed the box down on the table next to me, and Stepahn laughed loudly, before the door swung open suddenly, before a tearful Kylie, no…grandmother was standing there, she looked toward me and rushed straight and took me into a hug.


“I’m sorry…I’m very sorry…I don’t want you or that child to be in this position at all.” She said, as her tears fell down on my shoulder, the sound of her crying was ringing in the room. My hand slowly and a bit hesitant but slowly, it warped around her, and I returned the hug.


“It wasn’t your fault, grandmother, I chose this path myself, even though it was forced on me in the beginning…but now…” I push her away and wipe away her tears with my hand. “I have…someone I want to protect now. So I will take this path and…I will protect that person, just like how you, grandfather, Hemston, Mother, and everyone in the mansion that protected me all these years, I will protect that person, with my life. So, cheer up! And teach me everything you know so I can survive better, ok?” 


My feelings reached out to her, but she didn’t stop crying but just hugged me with all her heart. I let her continue, hugging back and slowly caressing her back to calm her down. She was a really sensitive person. I think the weight of her guilt about pushing everyone's future onto me, a child was really haunting her. Even when she tried to act cheerful, I would always sense some sadness in it. 


After 20 minutes of her continued crying, she finally stopped, and wiped away her tears, “I’m sorry, Please forgive me.” she said it for the last time, before she changed her expression, to that of a serious one. “Yoha Seres Ottoman, I will teach you everything you need to know about Social life and information gathering. The connection you built at the Elysium was mediocre at best, that's why the training…will start after you come back from Military Camp.” 


“Yes, I will eagerly await your training.” All right, now…everything will move forward, there is no going back to that girl anymore, that girl…will not exist anymore. 


I continued the rest of the afternoon talking to them, laughing, and sharing about their possible vacation, it was awkward. But it was a good time, a family time…


Before I knew it, it was already dark and I excused myself back to my room, holding the box closely to my heart. Once I was inside, I turned off everything and only let the light and Yohai’s Program continue to run over and over.


I sit down on my bed, with the box in my hand, I inspect it, finding no dust at all, Grandfather…take good care of it. I reach for the lid but my hand stops, it is heavy, I feel so heavy I can’t even move my hand…my hand reaches for the wallet and opens it, taking out the photo, I stare at them fondly and take a deep breath.


“Ha…Let’s go, Yoha. Let's move forward together.” I reached for the lid, and slowly…taking it out, I saw a glint of silver and once I opened them fully, the object was fully shown to me.


A missing piece of my necklace, the one that Mother gave me, the one that she wears, The missing wing of my bird necklace…




Eh? Why? Why is it that my eyes were so…watery? What is this dripping on my face? Tears….? 


Slowly, my hand reached for the wings and took out my own necklace from the locker. My breathing was heavy and my hands were even heavier. As the two necklaces came closer, I slowly closed my eyes, waiting for the familiar click…




My eyes opened up, seeing the familiar silver bird, the complete one, from before, the bird with no wings, it finally got its wings back…


Sniff…Mama…” My throat felt dried up, and it hurt as my words were trying to get out of it but…no word came out, only the sound of my sniffing…”Urg…Ah...ah...ahh…” My throat hurt more and more until I couldn’t contain it anymore. “Argh...argh...aargh, arargh!” I let all my heart out, crying till I fell asleep.

Part 2 End.

Author's rant of the day.

Hey, it's me, Jestly! I have been rereading my novel from the first page to the last page, really hurts me to say that I make a lot of mistakes that I want to go back and fix but the story has already moved on, and it needs to move forward, so I put me all into this chapter, I use everything I know, everything that from reading my novel, other novel and done a bunch of research so I could perfect this chapter and the last, Is it my best? I don't know but Do I feel proud of it? Sure damn, I am, And Will I be able to make a better chapter than this? I will sure do. After all! I will continue to write and will continue to get better! I hope this chapter will satisfy you all and maybe get a few drops of tears! C ya on the next Chapter! jestly out! PS. This picture is for those who are curious about Yoha's Necklace! I managed to find one that matched my imagination but I couldn't find one that could be separate into 2 pieces.

Picture of the Necklace

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