Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 48 Time to wake up. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


March 24th, I.J.C 200 Elysium’s Colony Port. Klara’s POV.


Everything happened so fast, The sudden pulls, the sudden peck on the cheek, her fast goodbye, and suddenly, she disappeared. W-what happened?! Why did she do that?! Why am I in a car?! With her maid who keeps staring at me!


I’m so embarrassed right now! Why at the port!? In front of a stranger who was looking! Why!? Did she mean anything!? Is it her way of consoling?! Or does she have feelings for me?! W-wait, before that what do I think about her? Do I like her as a friend or….that? 


I mean she got me all embarrassed pretty quick, her demeanor is…quite…manly? No, more like…tomboyish? She was also pretty, her face would kill off a thousand alone with her smile! Her natural charm is also dangerous, what's more, her often clueless act of intimacy is…very very…dangerous.


Also…that smile…that damn smile, her innocent face, her curious face, her panicked face, and much more…I want to see more, man…Why is it gotta be a girl…


Why did I…fall for a girl? Why did I…fall for a rich kid that I hated with all my guts? Ah…I think I know it…because she too…just like me, she was human. She has emotion, and even though most of the time she tries to conceal it…she still lets it slip out.


I fell for her, because of that, not because she was pretty, or she was rich or smart…just because she was a very…lovely…girl.


Ahh……! What do I do with this Emotion?! With this growing feeling!? Do I…confess to her? What if she didn’t mean anything??! Wait! What do I do if she accepts and she thinks it is just a temporary thing? What if she likes guys? Wait…How do I even go on and confess that?! 


Argh! I’m going to die of this! R-right! We are still too young, we are just 11 years old, and love is still a far place for us! We’re friends!  Right, so that kiss means nothing at all, for all I know maybe she did that to Sylvia too!


…She did that to Sylvia too…? Why do I feel…quite sad about this? God girl get your grip together! No time for this! We need to focus on our studies! Now that I think about it…she is going to have her Military Camp in 2 days, right? wait…I won’t see her for more than a month!


W-what do I do!? Uhh…right! The military camp isn’t only for people in the Mobile Suit club, there is also a camp for the R&D club where I can be with her! After all, the 2 clubs have a close-tied relationship-, one can’t exist without the other! 


Right, I’m good with code so I think I could pass…wait! Is it still open for joining?! I mean, it should be right!? Right!?


Quickly taking out my phone, I go through Elysium’s app and start scrolling through the Event and everything and there! It is still open! It will close tomorrow! Thank god I found it in time! Alright, let me quickly fill it up, and send in my ID, grade, and everything else, also my reason…is to further improve myself, and to gather experience. Yeah, that's it! That should be good! 


Right, This is to get more experience and improve myself, with My grade I will surely get into it too, and it would be paid with my scholarship! So it is a win-win for me! Hehe, now that's a good move. Well, I look forward to her surprised face.


March 25th, I.J.C 200 Elysium’s Colony, Ottoman’s mansion.


I woke up and felt a bit parched as my throat felt dry, my hand…still holding onto the necklace, The silver glint flashed across my face, and My eyes felt a bit hurt, I got up from the bed looking across the bright room that I forgot to turn the light off as I cry myself to sleep, My eyes then draw toward the necklace again, and slowly, I hang it around my neck, feeling the weight of it.


It was…light, so light that I feel…relieved when I wear this. I walk toward the mirror, admiring the dangling necklace, my messy hair flowing down…I look kinda like her when she wakes up all night, doing whatever job she says she has.


Man…I look kind of miserable, and messy hair, dried lips, red eyes, and pale skin. Heh, even though I try to stay perfect all the time…I think…I will just let it go today, I reach for the door, opening it to see…Hemston, waiting outside with a change of cloth, and a towel.


“Good morning, My lady, Would you like a bath first? Or do you prefer breakfast?” he asks, he is still smiling even when looking at my state, and he seems surprised a bit by what is hanging on my neck, but he seems happy nonetheless.


“Hemston…I think…I want to have a bath first.” I said with a tired voice.


“Of course, everything has already been prepared. Would you like me to guide you there, My lady?” He kneels down and holds his hand out, somehow…this scene reminds me of that time when he guided me around Armageddon, I would hold his hand as he guided me around toward the room where I kept my bags. 


I reach out my hand, to grab him and feel the nostalgia rush through me, Hemston gets up and starts walking, holding my hand as he guides me toward the bathroom like that time. Taking my time to look around the mansion, looking at the portrait or the view outside.


“Doesn’t this remind you of that time Hemston, When I was still just a child who was curious about everything,” I said, as I watched the lone flower pot, the flower inside that one, was coincidentally a white lily, the symbol for remembrance. 


He looked toward where I was looking and a smile appeared on his face, “For me, no matter how long, You will always be a child in my eyes.” He said, “Though you lost that cuteness from before, which I was quite sad about.” he joked and laughed by himself, I could only smile.


“I was a naive child back then, wasn't I? Sometimes…I wonder whether I was even real, the absurdness of my birth, the duty I was to bear, and the future I need to hold. It feels…like I was in novels. A very bad novel where they force one character to have all the important roles.”


“Sometimes life does feel like that, doesn’t it? But my lady, life is like that. You are the protagonist of your story, just like I’m my own protagonist, But my story is finished and now I’m just a simple side character that exists to make you shine.” 


“Don’t degrade yourself like that. You are not a side character, you are one of my important people and I intend to work with you till you are not able to anymore. After all, I need all the cards I can play, Y’know?” 


“Ahaha, Please spare this old bone of mine,” He laughs with me as we continue our conversation.


Time passed by so fast, and before I knew it, the time for reminiscing came to an end as I stood in front of the bathroom. “Thank you for guiding me, Hemston, but I think you should go now. Also, heating up the breakfast in around…30 minutes, I think I will take a lot of time to get myself ready.” I said and he acknowledged me with a bow of his own, before leaving the set of new clothes and a towel for me.


I walk into the bathroom, place the clothes on one of the cabinets, and slowly take off my own clothes. It was quite…sticky, it seemed I sweat a lot when I slept last night. Slowly walk into the shower, I press for the water to start running, and soon, I feel the cold water raining down on my skin, it feels…good.


I grab the soap and start cleaning my body, letting the cold water run through every place before I grab the shampoo and start washing my hair. The feeling of cold water dripping down my neck as I rinse it with water is good, I feel…very relaxed.


I turn off the water, reach for a bottle of conditioner, and slowly massage my hair. Once I am done with it, I turn on the water again and wash it all down. I walk out of it, with a towel wrapped around myself, and walk toward the mirror, there is a scale there. 


I walk onto it and wait, seeing the number appear. 49 Kilograms…a bit on the skinny side huh? I guess I should gain more weight, and increase my training a bit to get more muscle, otherwise, I don’t think I can handle more than 7 G, G-Alpha is already generating more than 10 G, which is enough to kill a human and If I want to make G-Alpha better, I need to get better too. Right…I think Going for Phase 2 would be good now, G-Beta…is that a good name? 


I got off the scale and walked toward the mirror where I took my toothbrush and added the paste to it, before brushing them cleanly, and rinsing it, when I flashed my teeth, it was clean white, I took a mouthwash and measured them in the cup, around 20 gram should be enough for today. Gulping them down, I thoroughly rinse my mouth with them before spitting them out and rinse again with Water. 


The refreshing feeling of mint burns in my mouth…I’m ready for the day…well, I have oil to put on but I think…I will just forget them today, I want to take it easy after all.


Getting into a new change of clothes, I use the dry blower to blow my hair dry before combing it myself, seeing the light blue hair that went straight down Please me. I look at myself in the mirror, letting my red eyes reflect it, looking at the neck area where I saw my necklace hanging there proudly.


I got out of the bathroom and walked straight toward the Dining room, where I saw that Grand…father and grandmother were sitting there, waiting for me.


“I’m sorry for making you wait, but you could just eat first without waiting for me,” I said to them, taking a seat of my own. I looked over at the breakfast on the table, it was a simple scrambled egg, bread and butter, plus a simple fruit. “We eating light today, aren’t we?” I said as I picked up my knife and buttered the bread.


“Hm, this is to get you used to a Military meal, trust me, this would be one of the best meals you will have in a month's time,” Stephan said as he started eating too.


“I see. Well, I think it won’t be that bad, hopefully.” I said as I put the scrambled egg on the buttered bread, and slowly enjoyed it, the perfect amount of egg along with the buttered toast bread is quite good. However, I think it needs more spice.


“Do you want chili oil, My lady?” Jena came up to me with a cup of chili oils. Oh, it seems she added sesame oil along with toast peanuts too.


“Thank you, Jena.” I thank her, using my spoon to scoop up a good amount of it before pouring it on my bread and taking a bite. Just like I thought, the sweet and spicy oils go well with eggs. 


“So, how was…the trip?” Grandmother speaks up as she puts down her knife, it seems she has finished eating already as she wipes her mouth. 


“...It was…very memorable, I managed to befriend the children there, and I learned a lot too.” taking one more bite of the bread, I slowly remembered the time when I made a pie for the children. “The children there..were very sweet, and I want to protect them and give them the best opportunity they can have, not just the children on Metalica, but children everywhere, the children who lost their way or even someone that just wants warmth. I want to be there for them…But I’m still too weak, I need more power…and to do that, I need your teaching.”


I said as I put down the bread, Looking at them straight in the eyes. Grandfather grins at me while Grandmother smiles warmingly, though there is a hint of sadness in them, I don’t think she will be able to fully accept that she would be sending a child to her death.


“Of course, I will teach you everything, but it will start after you come back from the training camp, I think it is hosted on Polemios if I’m not wrong.” Grandfather said as he ate, quite a bad manner but he didn’t really care about it.


Polemios is a Colony situated just within Earth's range, it was the main Military base of Earth's Military Force, which means this Colony is a Military Colony that houses hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families. 


It was also one of the best Mobile Suit Development Departments that Earth has. And with me going there, I can take G-Alpha with me, along with my mechanic to have them learn from there, the problem would be transportation, the armageddon is not large enough to hold a mobile suit container, I suppose I could hire the transportation company. Or I could just ask them.


“I will take the G-Alpha with me, I think it would get a lot of attention with its unique design and a new type of thruster, So may I take all the mechanics together with me?” I ask Grandfather…dang, It kind of still stinks in my mouth to call him that but I am starting to get used to it, truly, humans can get used to anything.


“Sure, Hemston, you got and arranged the transport and contacted the base, use my name for it. This is important, make sure there is no leakage.” He ordered Hemston to do his bidding, guess I should get used to ordering people around like him too.


Hemston left soon after and we ate with occasional talk. Once I finished I wiped away the crump that stuck to my lips and drank some water to wash my palate. “Thank you for the food, Please Excuse me, I will go back to my room,” I said as I got up, and they didn’t stop me. 


"Before I leave...may I ask a question, Grandfather?" I turn back to face him once more, He nod to me. "The box...didn't use the key at all, and there are no clue about her it all just a trick to get me?"

I ask him the thing that bother me amidst all my myriad emotions, the key that he give me that day still sit tightly in my drower, and the necklace isn't providing any answer either.

"Hm? That? That key is just a trick, but it doesn't mean it useless, I already provide you a clue, it just wheater you can find the right answer or not. But I will give you a hint, once the Military camp is over, return to Earth, and go back to that room. That all I will give you, I'm sure with a brain like your, you could find it."

I a hint is over there huh? I become too narrow mind that I can't even look around. Just like Klara said, I was too...obsessed with Mother, with the past.

"Thank you, now please excuse me." I said and take my leave.

Once I made my way out of the diner room, I went straight toward my room. I sit down on the chair and turn toward my computer, seeing the line of code being written and rewritten again. 


“Alright, Yohai, I think it's time for you to wake up. I think I know the problem now, I will fix it so just wait, and be ready to hug me in your mind. You leave me alone long enough, my daughter.” 


I open up her program and move past everything else, going straight for her core, looking over at the virus I implanted into her, I sigh a bit.


“My virus is the one that keeps you from evolving, huh?” The key to her waking up…is an intense emotion, and my program is blocking that, or at least, that is what I thought on this matter, this is what I discussed with Klara. My Virus, to put it simply, is a virus that blocks anything that relates to ‘Bad’ Emotions, hate, anger, and such. 


It didn’t block any of her learning or search capacity, but I blocked the part that I deemed ‘Bad’ back then, I understand now, that everything exists for a reason, and I need to modifier this, I need to get the block out and let her fully experience everything and able to fully be awake.


A simple solution, a simple problem but why did I miss it? No…why did I always miss the little detail? It was always like that, during the Haro upgrade, Mother’s sign, and even my own feelings, I didn’t understand them but someone made me understand them, so I will too, make my creation understand their feeling.


What I need to do…is to overhaul the program, the one that keeps Yohai as a normal AI, the one that makes her ‘Safe’. I need to trust her and I will, because I trust in my creation, and I trust in myself. 


So I started moving, my eyes scanned over every line and started viewing them, looking at it from scratch, looking at the numbers, and words and it was overwhelming. The line kept going and going. I don’t even remember how I wrote this code, but…I can do it. 


I have improved since then, better than 5 years ago. I would get through this, and I would come out victorious with her back in my arms, again.

Author's Rant of the Day

Hello again! This is the beginning of Part 3! Yay! Clap clap clap! I didn't think I would make it this far this quickly! We are already almost half the story I envision, and I really hope I could deliver them to you, fresh and all, but now that I'm at this point, I'm starting to get nervous, because this part is mostly going to be Full of thing I don't think I'm very good at, so I hope you will support me and get through this to the end together with me! C ya in the Next Chapter! Jestly out!

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