Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 6 Everyday Life With Yoha (Part 2)

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


May 21st / I.J.C. 191 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / Julia’s POV


“Mmh…hmmm.mmm, Ah, Good Morning, Grandma! The light is on quite early today, isn’t it?” Julia greeted her grandma who only snorted at her, well old lady was like that.


“There's a brat in early, go take care of her.” Her grandma said simply without even glancing at her lovable granddaughter before turning to read her news. 


“Oh, right! Did you see my book around? I think I left it here yesterday.” Her grandma simply pointed toward the playroom. “Thanks! Oh, Mom make you this! Don’t eat too much ok? Otherwise, your sugar level will rise too much!”


“Tch! Shut up already brat! Go and do your job!” Said her grumpy grandma before she quickly took the bag and took the contents inside which was a cupcake and ate them without care.


Julia could only shake her head at this. Deciding not to bother her grandma any further, Julia moved toward the playroom which was already lit up. When she walked inside, instead of finding toys scattered around, it was instead the same clean room as yesterday.


“Hm? If a kid is here, shouldn’t they go for a toy to play with? So where is the child that Grandma mentions…” When she looked around, Julia’s eyes landed on the bookshelf, she saw a child, too little to enter kindergarten was reading quietly.


The child had gentle light blue hair, which then contrasted with her bright red eye that was so catching, Julia couldn’t help but stare for a minute, it was a shade of red that Julia hadn't seen before, and she knew that there were some people with red eyes but it normally appears more orange than anything, but the child’s eyes, it was truly red in color. 


The little girl was like a doll, mechanically moving page after page when she finished reading at an almost impossible speed for a child, and when Julia looked closely, the book that the little girl was reading was the book she had forgotten yesterday!


It’s the Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea she bought to tell the children the story of the Nautilus ship. To think a child not even 3 could read something like that…


Julia quickly shook her head away from the thought, right, maybe the child just found words interesting and was just changing pages as amusement! 


Because, there is no way a two-year-old would be able to read, right? 


“Hello, there Girly? What are you reading?” Julia slowly approached the child and kneeled next to her, the child looked up and Julia found herself staring deep into the child’s eye without knowing.


“Yesh?” the child still has the normal baby talk, then she turns back to the book, and then with a smile, she looks up again. “Itws Twenty Tousan Leage Undwer the Swea!” 


She said with a smile, making Julia melt in cuteness, “Awww, is that so? Do you understand what it's about?” 


“Mmh! It’s bout a cew going to hun for swea monwter only to knew that it was a sumarie all long!” 


Julia was silence…that was the plot of the book! How?! How did the child understand it?! She didn’t even lose the baby talk yet!


“I-is that so? hahaha…Can you tell me the name of the submarine?” Julia's word come of before she could think.


“Itws the Nautilus! Itsw belongs to Captain Nemo! And the desiwn is bas on the The Frwenh Navy, Plonguer during the 1800! Nautilus got it name from the subaminew of Robert Fulton! Also did you know…”


Then, suddenly, the child starts talking with great enthusiasm. She talked as if she were an adult with a baby voice, her knowledge on this subject was also beyond normal, also…the girl talked a lot, like…a lot.


“That hwy! Instead of scein Fiction! It should be an adventure Fiction instead!”


“O-oh!” Julia quickly clapped her hands once the child finished her speech. Which made the child pull her chest up and the aura of proudness was leaking from her.


The child acting so cutely Julia felt like her heart was starting to melt…


“W-wait! T-that not the point! H-how did you know about all this!” Julia quickly shakes away her thoughts and starts questioning the child.


In response, the child only tilt her head before she put one hand under her chin as if she was thinking. “The intewnewt!” She said with a smile as if it was to be expected…


“That's not right!” Julia blurts out loud before she remembers she was talking to a child so she quickly tones her voice down. “I-i mean, there's no way you could read…right?”


“Yoha is a very smort child! Not only ei can read but I can also write!” The child said while puffing her chest up, “And I canw eveen do math!” 


“E-eh!? T-then! What is five times seven!” 


“ thriwty fibw!” 


“nine times twelve!”


“hunrewt and eigwt!”


“T-then… twelve times thirty-five!” 


“ Hehe! It’s for hundrewt and twoo!” 


“No way! All correct!” Julia was astonished at how a child this small was able to do math this advance! “Then! Two-hundred-fifty-one times three-hundred-forty-two plus three-thousand-four-hundred-forty-five!” 


This time, the little girl called Yoha fell silent, before she looked up and tilted her head.


“Itw too lonwg, I donwt want to sey it.” Said Little Yoha as she look around, then her eyes set one a piece of paper and some crayons, the little girl quickly rush her little leg toward the table, she sit down and grab the crayon before quickly write something.


“There!” After she finish writing it, the little girl show Julia the paper.


In it was the number 89287.


“C-correct….eh…?” Julia, if before she was not surprised, now she is truly surprised and a bit terrified.


She look up from the sheet of paper, only to see the girl smiling brightly and innocently.


“Is this kid…a genius?” Julia whispered out unconsciously, and it was picked up by the little girl.


“Thwat riwth! Yoha is a Geniuws! Hehehe Hahahaha!” The girl proclaimed then proceeded to laugh out loud.


Julia could only stare at the haughty girl in silence, although it was probably right, the girl is a bit of a genius…and very weird, no…more like…she is quite…arrogant.


“Not onley Yoha the Cutuest, but she is alswo the smartest! Hahaha! Hahaha!” 


Ok, Julia takes back her word, she is not arrogant, she is straight-up narcissistic! Well, children normally like that, isn’t it?


Though in her case… it seems to stem from her overflowing confidence more than anything…


“Toys!” “Ah! Drawing book!” “No! I get the robot this time!” 


The sound of several children rang out as the door opened, Julia turned her back to see 10 of the children jump into the playroom before she noticed it, time passed by too fast and it was already 8:30! 


Julia turns to look back at the little girl, she is now ignoring the other children and going back to her book, which is Julia’s own…


W-well…as long as she doesn’t destroy them in a fit…


That was her thought before she went and took care of the other children.


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


May 21st / I.J.C. 191 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / 


“Mmmh! Thatws was a reawlly gud book!” Closing the book after I finished it, which took me roughly around 3 hours. I quickly place the book back down on the shelf and then, turn my attention to the rowdy children who have been playing while ignoring me for the past 3 or so hours. 


Well, they don’t really ignore me, more like I ignore them since I was solely focused on reading the book, well what time is it, since it has been around 3 hours and I come here around 8:00 or so, so it must be 11:00!


Well, I’m a bit hungry so I might as well, enjoy the cookies! I will save mama’s share for later and then I-




“Ahh!” Jumping up in surprise, I almost crush the cookies that I drop, I look behind me to see a girl, around 5? She was looking at me with innocent eyes as she stared at the book that I just placed on the shelf.


“You can…read?” Her voice was soft and slow, but she spoke clearly. The girl in front of me had light gold hair and bright blue eyes, which was very strange, it was like she come out of a crossplay event or something though I couldn’t say anything since my hair was an equally weird color.


“Ah…Mmh…I can rewd…” I said as I quickly picked up the bag of cookies, checking for any damage there was to it.


“Amazing…Even Anna still can’t read…but you can already…” The girl older than me said as she suddenly patted my head, blood rushed up to my face as I quickly backed away from her.


“W-wheat are yu doing!” My instinct jumps in an instant and I quickly hide my face, for some reason, I feel very embarrassed to be pat like that! Must be because I’m an adult on the inside! Yes, that is it! It just feels wrong to be pet by a girl tenth of your age!


“Mmh?” The girl tilts her head sideways as if she is confused by something, then suddenly looks at her hand slowly before looking up and smiling. “Anna’s Papa…like doing this when he praises Anna…hmmm…” The girl said slowly, then suddenly, as if she just thinking of something, the girl moved closer to me, I instinctively moved back, only to hit the wall of the bookshelf. 


Curse you! Conveniently place the bookshelf to block my path! You got other corners to be so why must you be placed here!


Then, I feel the soft touch of a child’s hand on my head, and then a soft whisper comes. “Good Girl, Good Girl, You can read, you are amazing.” The girl named Anna whispered softly as she continued to pat my head, but was rushing to my face and I hid it with every bit of strength I could.


“...Down’t praise me…” The soft whisper came out of my mouth, as I hid my face, the intense heat in my cheek was burning, and then, somehow, I felt a tinge of hotness in my eyes…


“Eh…? But, you can read, so You are a good girl, right? Good Girl get praise…is what Anna’s papa said.


Suddenly, I feel something snap inside, “Down’t Praise Me!” I yelled out before I knew it, my feet were running, and my heart was pounding as I kept running, to the point I even slam the door past the old lady, and before I knew it…I run far…very far…


To the point, my leg felt hurt, and my lungs felt as if they had just taken their last breath as I forced air into my mouth, I was going off my limit, and my leg felt wobbly, so I sat down on the…grass.


“Eh…?” I looked up around me, and it was full of grass, and flower fields, there were even some insects in here…like butterflies or ladybugs…all… artifactual.


But…the grass…the dirt and even the flower here were all real, I know because of the way it swung against the wind, there was no way humans could replicate that sort of movement with the manmade object and still make it look realistic.


Wait…wind? Normally, there is no wind in the colony. The wind was controlled as it would affect the gravity…gravity…


It is normal in here…there is no sudden no weight feeling to it at all…it is as if…I was back on earth. It was weird…the sky still is artificial so we were definitely still in the colony so why was this place…the only one that seemed different? 


This place is weird, this place was huge, surrounded by a lot of trees, the air here feels much more refreshed than anywhere else, must be the result of oxygen that comes out of trees instead of the dark oxygen…


This place is huge…how far did I run? To the point, I come into what seems like an artificial forest inside the colony? How did my legs…able to run this long? 


Is it because the effect of gravity here was less than that of Earth? The colony's mass is not quite similar to Earth's, but it would still be considered large since it was a habitat station. Maybe it's my own mass? Since I was quite small for a 2-year-old child, I naturally have a lower mass…


Then the gravity affected how I ran so I didn’t exert my full force and stamina when I ran…no that doesn’t make any sense! I don’t make sense and I don’t know where I am!


In the first place! I don’t even know why I ran away! I-it’s not because I'm embarrassed or anything! It-it’s just that this body was reacting weirdly! Why would I get embarrassed about a child praising me!?


“Urgh! Where ewn am EI!” My scream echoes throughout the forest, startling some artificial bugs! 


“Rigwt…no use gewttin upwset…” Slapping my face a little bit, I looked over at the sky, the trees were blocking out the sky for me, so I looked around, there was no footprint, it seemed my body was so light it didn’t even leave one. 


Go by instinct then…I turn to walk forward, since I don’t know where is where, going forward is probably better, besides, this colony is not infinite and we are not on earth, If I truly get lost then People will find me either sooner or later and If I manage to find people in this then I could bother them to take me to police, or the city would be fine, the chance of me encounter a criminal is almost zero since this place got strict identification systems.


Well, the chance is still isn’t zero. So long as anything is not a Hundred or Zero it means it is a fifty-fifty bet.


I kept on walking for a little while longer until suddenly, I felt some strange feeling behind me, It was as if someone was looking at me.


When I look back though, I see a girl, around my age, hiding behind the tree, her hair was beautifully gray, not the kind of old people's gray but this one was shining, like snow, and her eyes shone bright blue, like a gem…like…sapphire…


“H-helloe?” I said out loud and the girl was startled, before looking around as if searching for someone other than her then looking back at me again. She was wearing a dress? I couldn’t see it the first time since she was hiding behind a tree but she was wearing one of those princessly dresses with a lot of garments.


“...” Also, why is she just staring at me so quietly… it's kinda creepy.


“Um…Do yu know where wee are?” I ask again, but she just continues staring into my eyes. 


Suddenly, her mouth moved. 


“...” Eh? I can’t hear anything but it seems like she said something.


“Ah! H-hey!” Suddenly, the girl started running away, so I ran after her, she was fast, very fast in that dress of her too! I couldn’t catch up! We kept running and running until suddenly, she disappeared from the trees.


“Hey! Where are you!” I yell out as I continue to walk forward and when I leave the patch of tall grass, I suddenly find myself in the city…no, not in the city, more like the edge of it, when I look back, I see a huge mansion that was obscure by the trees.


That…was just the garden? 


“Yoha!” My body stiffened up at that voice, slowly, I turned back to see my mother, standing while panting as if her life depended on it…


“U-uh…Hi…Mama?” My voice was shaking, and right now, I was imagining myself forcing a very forceful smile.


“You…are in a world of trouble when we get home, Young Lady,” Mama said as she came to a stop in front of me and raised her hand, I closed my eyes instinctively and backed away but all I felt was …warm.


“But we not home right now…So…Don’t do that again…Do you know how worried I was when I got that call!” Mama hugs me tightly, I feel a drop of warm tear dripping down onto my shirt as a little sniff comes from her.


“I’m…sorwy…” My hand reaches and warp around her as I hug her back, and my tears come out a bit. “I won’t do dat..again. I’m…sowrry…” My voice was shaken, everything was shaken until the tear I was trying desperately to hold back was coming out, people would say that a man should never cry, but…but…Someone who can’t trust themselves in the embrace of others and cry…that…not the kind of person I want to be.


It took an hour for me to calm down, Mama took me back to the nursery and the girl called Anna was crying and apologizing to me, which I too, was apologizing to her. Mama took me back home and scolded me just like she promised.


She then brought out some sweets and watched a movie with me until she fell asleep on the sofa and I too, even though I have so much sugar, was feeling terribly tired, before I knew it, I was already sleeping with her.

Author's rant of the day!

AHHH! I finally finished this chapter! It took so long! Well, it going to be more build-up before I can truly get into action just like my last one though, so it going to be a long while, but I'm happy! and that is all the matters! Anyway! Thank you for reading this chapter! C ya on the next! I better go write my MHA fic now. Then! Jestly.....outto the space!

Shameless Discord promotion Time!

Come join me in [Jestly's raving cave.] We got crab rave! Or so I think.

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