Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 7 Everyday Life With Yoha! (Part 3)

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


Febuary 18th / I.J.C. 192 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / 


“Alright… Let’s try this…” I press enter and let the program in front of me run, waiting patiently as each word passes my eyes in a flash, waiting for something to happen, something to go wrong, or hopefully, something to go right…


As hundreds of words run past my eyes, my heart almost stops moving as the code suddenly stops flowing… Only for it to resume again and open up a new program, entirely.


“Yes! Nice! It’s finally working!” I punch up the air in celebration as the program I painstakingly work for has finally run properly without crashing long before it actually opens! This is but a simple program, well, it is what you would call an RPG maker, though it was a very simple one, but it was so hard! 


“HyperLink is easy my ass! But I finally did it! I finally program something after a year of hard work!” Maybe it was easy for others, but for me, it was like I needed to learn everything from the beginning again, shaking away the very basics that I grew accustomed to and building a new one.


Get rid of the old root and let the new one grow…or rather, should it be leaves? Since roots are important to the tree after all…


Well, no matter, now time to import those assets I've been Steal- borrowing from the net and seeing what I can make with this, I've Never tried it before tho, so It could be very sucky.


…Copyright Laws don’t apply to 16-bit assets…right?


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


Febuary 25th / I.J.C. 192 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / 


Days pass by quite fast, Mama has been taking me to that Nursery a lot recently so I don’t have much time to learn HyperLink, but instead I got to socialize! I even make one friend! One! The girl's name is Anna Hasti, she was 4 years older than me so she was 6.


We became quite close with how we bonded over what happened I was so embarrassed I could run away again but I managed to swallow the bitter pill and decided to bury the event under my mind for the rest of my life with no knowing when it would come back to haunt me in the future as a super cringe memory.


Well, It was mostly me teaching her how to read and do mathematics and such, which to my surprise, Mama didn’t seem to care that I was able to do those things at such a tender age, in fact, she thought it was normal, so when the caretaker which I later learn the name of as Ms. Julia, told Mama about those things, she just shrugged it off, saying it was normal…


Well, Mama is weird so I think that's why she thinks it is normal, though I do think that I should hold back a little to not make me too suspicious, but Mama didn’t seem to care about it so I will just let loose, besides, it not like I was predicting the Future and telling people fortune or anything.


Now then, about the game I make, Naturally I don’t have the skill for drawing for shit so I just stole some assets online, free ones mind you! I just read the law regarding the copyright so yes! I need to reassess the whole thing and get the copyright-free one and the music!


So, what type of game do I make? It was just a normal RPG fit the RPG maker, though I don’t have experience making games, it was surprisingly easy, just put some rock over there, house here, trap and trap and trap and trap there oh, and don’t forget the NPC you couldn’t win so you got sent back to your last save which surprisingly, was over an hour ago since I never put a proper save system. 


I would call it brain adventure but that would be a ripoff of such an amazing RPG, the best RPG to ever exist, to troll the player that is.


Well, getting a review bomb feels surprisingly good with the amount I manage to troll with a little bit of false advertising and algorithm manipulation, those web really should have better protection against some old coding language, I mean, with my skill, it was pretty much like cracking an egg.


Wait, egg cracking took a bit of skill to do since it got a chance of the egg yolk breaking…then…a piece of cake? Nah that's kinda old…hmmm…


“Yoha, Mama got you some Pudding.”


“Pudding!” instantly putting my thoughts away, I rush out of my room, and into the kitchen to see a plastic bag with the pudding inside placed on the top! My feet jumped as I took the pudding off the plastic bag and marveled at this perfect creation!


In my previous life, I never have craving for this sweet and precious thing before, but now that I been truly reborn, I finally know the appeal of this perfectly sweet thing! Not only was it a good source of sugar, but it was also soft yet firm at the same time, creating jelly-like movement! What's more, the little caramel sauce that was poured on top just added deep sweetness along with bitterness that contrasted together creating a perfectly balanced flavor! 


The creaminess of the flesh was the best! Each bite feels like heaven! 


Just as I was about to open the lid that sealed the pudding away from me, it suddenly snatched away from my hand! I look up to see Mama holding the pudding in one hand while in another was holding a plate of hot meals, freshly delivered from the food service.


“No, sweet before dinner dear. Now, be a good girl and eat your meal while I refrigerate the pudding for you.” Said Mama as she put the plate down on my seat and returned to put the pudding in the refrigerator, I quickly sat down and was about to gulp everything but Mama's voice stopped me.


“No rush either, you know last time you did it, you didn’t have a very good time at the hospital.” I quickly stopped myself from recalling the time at the hospital, it was painful… So I did what a good girl would do and ate slowly and chewed thoroughly so that the meal would be thoroughly crunched up before my stomach acid dissolved them and turned into nutritious for my body to continue living to eat pudding.


Well, that's quite gross thinking, isn’t it? I don’t care though, I mean it is the truth. Though I should probably stop speaking the truth lest I want to vomit everything out…


So I slowly, enjoyed the mashed potatoes, Hamberg, and salad, and just like that, my meal came to an over without Mama even touching hers…


Lately, Mama has been drowning in work to the point I think I saw Anna more than Mama’s face. It made me very worried, I knew she was a widow, as I had seen a man's picture with her in one of the drawers, he had eyes that resembled mine, which were red and a silver ring on his left hand, so I assume that was my Father, but I never ask about him before, as Mama never talk about him, or her private life before having me for that matter.


Even though she was my mother, she was still mysterious in my eye, I love her, that is no doubt at all but…I do want to know about her, because, wouldn’t you feel weird that you know nothing about someone who raised you at all?


Normally, Parent would often tell their child a story from their past, isn’t it? Either as a joke or as a teaching. That was how Humans managed to conserve their history after all, so it was my nature to want to know My Mother's past.


But if she didn’t want to talk, then I wouldn’t pry, I just hoped that she would tell me on her own, sooner or later, Because I don’t want to hear it from others, I want to hear it from her.


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


September 5th / I.J.C. 192 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / 


My birthday passed by again, turning me 3, I continued to improve my knowledge of HyperLink, making games, calculators, and even data calculation which surprisingly, was quite easy to make with HyperLink, Gotta say it probably because I don’t need to bother changing so many programs and run different thing at the same time.


In the meantime, I was drowning myself in AI research, almost as much as Mama, and I can honestly think I know all the things needed to make AI, well, everything except equipment, personal and actual experience, My nursery life is going well too, well, as good as I was alone since Anna got to go to elementary school and I don’t bother myself with others since I have better thing to do.


It’s not because I was socially awkward, ok!? I just want to make my dream come true here!


Well… that's a bit depressing isn’t it…but no matter! It's good that I have time to focus on myself! And to prove that I have improved! Here is my version of ChatGPT!


I press Enter and wait with anticipation only to see the BIG Error on the middle of my screen and getting bluescreened…


Well, of course, it didn’t work…I don’t have those big server rooms that used to house hundreds of thousands of terabytes worth of information…


Slumping down on the sofa, I was now watching the ceiling, the white ceiling was quiet the watch, as it managed to make me absorb it to the point Mama got to wake me up for dinner.


Yeah…let’s try again next time, something more… manageable.

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


September 5th / I.J.C. 192 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 / Araya’s POV


“Ngh…What time is it…” Araya slowly looked up from the table and dropped the blanket that was covering her in the process, it was Yoha’s work for sure, her daughter was very considerate.


“18:32 huh…” She took a quick peek at her computer, seeing the time before slowly getting up and stretching, “O-ow ow ow…” Her aching back showed the sign that she was working too much on the computer, and without being able to walk around, the only real exercise she gets is to get food and a long drive to put Yoha in the nursery.


Well, the grandpa and granny next door also take care of Yoha, mostly when she can’t drive though, both of them seem to love Yoha as if she was their grandchild, mostly because they're real is not here and off to find their place in society, but because of all those visits, Yoha has now grown quite a bit…chubby? 


She gained quite a weight, from just a little over 7.5 to now 12.4 kilos and she was just 3 years old…Araya didn’t know if that was normal or not since she was never that heavy when she was a child.


Now, Araya can’t even lift her daughter without putting in the work, and with her strength, she doesn’t think she can hold Yoha when she turns 5…


“Yoha, let's have dinner,” Araya yelled out but got no response, it was weird, normally Yoha would be responding with an energetic shout, even without that pudding she was so invested in. 


So Araya was quite surprised when she saw her little angle sleeping on the sofa, she was sleeping soundly while mumbling about pudding and little drool was coming out of her mouth, but Araya was more focused on Yoha’s hand, and clutching it tightly the tablet Araya got for Yoha to make her stave of some of her boredom.


There was something on the screen that made Araya pick up and she was assaulted with thousands of words, numbers, and symbols. The program’s code is what it is.


Araya looked at her daughter wordlessly, sure, all of this was but a beginner one, but the thing she worked on was…a search engine using a vast network of information to find the answer. It was fairly difficult to program to code but more than that, it was her daughter, a child only just 3 years old was capable of creating this, of course, there were so many mistakes Araya could write a whole paragraph about it but… if only she has a server room capable of storing and managing the information then…it would work… albeit, badly but it would work.


“How…?” Is her honest reaction. When she was at that age, she was still a brat wrecking havoc anywhere she went and putting burden on everyone to the point she was-


“Mmh…Ma…ma…rest…” The little mumbling of Yoha stopped whatever bad thought Araya was thinking.


She look at the tablet once again before placing it down, releasing a sigh…


“I guess, she has too much of my gene…Joel.” She mutters out before turning her face into a smile.


“Yoha, get up dear, it time for dinner.” She wakes her daughter up like nothing ever happened.

Arthor's rant of the day!

Nothing today, you all are free from it.

Shameless Discord promotion Time!

Come join me in [Jestly's raving cave.] We got crab rave! Or so I think.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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