Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 353: Red Dragon

"So, why did you call me here?" Jaewan asked, leaning against the couch. He received Jina's call at night and she asked him to meet at her mansion because she had something important to tell him. To his surprise, Gayoon's old man was there too.

Junho was still eyeing Jaewan with suspicion while Casper and Yumi sat next to Jina. Casper was a little afraid of what Jaewan was going to reveal because he was apprehensive of the truth. Ever since Junho told him about his previous identity, he was scared. How could he be a killer? And if he was, then he would never be able to face Jina out of shame.

"That watch…"

Jina pointed at the dragon watch he was wearing. "Can we take a look at it?" she asked.

"I can't let you touch it!" Jaewan said sharply. "What if you dirty it?"

"What was that?" Junho growled. "Did you just call my granddaughter dirty? You want me to pummel ya, punk?"

"Use a sanitizer before you do so," Jaewan commented.

"What was that?"

"Shut it!" Jina scolded them. "We'll spray it with disinfectant later! Just show it to us!"

Jaewan groaned before taking out a tissue from his pocket to wrap the watch with it and handed it over to Jina. She carefully checked the watch with Casper watching over her back. 

"Is this it?" she asked him. Casper nodded and made a gesture. Jaewan was a little afraid when the little girl was talking to something invisible.

"I-Is there a ghost there?" Jaewan asked, pointing at the place where Casper sat.

"Yes," Junho said in a smug tone. "If you talk too much, I'll unleash him on you."

"Casper says this is the watch," Jina said. "But the dragon he saw on his killer's watch was red. This is blue."

Before Jaewan could reply, Minho burst into the house. He was tired from staying up all night but with Kanji in jail, there was nothing else he could think of. Gayoon and Mina were still at the police station. They had requested Mina to return home but she was adamant to be with Kanji despite the fact the latter had refused to meet her.

Minho was surprised to see Jina and Junho at the living room but to his dismay, there was an uninvited guest too.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded of Jaewan.

"Your daughter called me," the clean freak shrugged. "It's not like I wanted to come to this place. Although, your mansion needs a good cleaning. It's so dusty!"

"Your brain needs more cleaning!" Minho scowled. "I can help with that by sticking the toilet brush up your-"

"Stick it elsewhere!" Jina scolded her father. "We're in the midst of a very important task here! Catching Casper's killer!"


Jina ignored her father and turned to Jaewan. "You said in an interview it's a limited edition watch," she stated. "Who else has it?"

"This thing?" Jaewan asked. "You don't know? Then again, you're a kid so it's not surprising."

Minho sat next to Junho, curious about what was going on. Jaewan took a dramatic breath and exhaled.

"This is a limited edition watch made for the Lin family," he revealed. "The mafia clan."

"Mafia clan?" Jina frowned. "What's that-"

But now Minho spoke up. "Lin family?" he demanded. "You mean Lin Cheng's family? The mafia clan who are known for their barbarity?"

"Yeah them!" Jaewan said. "The only reason they gave me this is because they sponsored one of my dramas. I wasn't keen on taking it but my manager forced me to accept their gift. So I had to show it off in interviews to placate the Lin's. Only their selected members have it."

"Their head wears the Golden one," he cited. "And the second-in-command wears a red one. The rest are given blue ones."

"The red one?" Jina gasped. "That's the guy! He killed Casper!"

But Junho was now looking at Minho. His son seemed shocked and had put a few pieces in place.

"What's going on?" he frowned. 

"The second-in-command of the Lin family just sent Kanji to jail," Minho revealed. "Gayoon told me everything about the case she had received. Apparently, the Lin clan thinks that Kanji and his family killed their old head, Lin Cheng. And now, they're trying to destroy the Jang's."

"But Uncle Kanji didn't kill Casper!" Jina protested. "It was the guy with the red dragon!"


Minho's eyes widened in shock. "Casper is Lin Cheng?" he exclaimed. 

"He is," Junho confirmed. "This means that this right hand man of the Lin's framed Kanji and started the bloody mafia wars. He must have set everything up for some hidden motive. Killed the head of his own gang and framed the rivals. And now, he's manipulating the current head of the gang."

"And the worse thing is, Mina has been caught up in all of it," Minho revealed. "She knows the current head of the Lin family. I don't know how but she also got tangled in this dangerous web. She went to his house last night and straight up slapped him. I don't know how he's gonna react now."

"What?" Junho bellowed. "Who the hell is he to hurt my daughter?"

"Someone dangerous," Minho winced. "We-"


Jina's yells echoed in the room. She was looking frantically everywhere. Even Yumi was scanning, apparating in different rooms, calling out for Casper.

"What happened?" Minho asked.

"C-Casper is gone!" Jina cried. "H-he left!"


He stood in the midst of a construction spot, staring at the concrete gravel. It had been smoothly laid out but a few months ago, his body was found at that spot, broken and unrecognizable. When he woke up as a ghost, he had no recollection of his memories. He was lost and scared, wandering from one place to another.

The only thing in his heart was infinite guilt and at the same time, unending love. He did not know who he was or where he came from, but for him, this was a second chance. There was something he had to complete, tell someone the truth he inadvertently hid in his heart. A secret which he took to the grave.

And now that he was no longer alive, he was not tied to the bounds of the promises he made. He knew who he was now.

That's right, he told himself as the memories of his past came rushing back. The gun he held, the blood he spilled. Everything was clear in his mind. He was the most dreaded man in the country. There was no remorse nor any hesitation in his actions. He did what he had to for the sake of his family.

He was Lin Cheng, the most dangerous gangster to have lived in this country. And even in death, he was going to show who the real boss was.

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