Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 354: Burnt

"Have the bodies arrived yet?" Jaein asked her assistant. She received a call from Gayoon that they were going to receive bodies from the crime scene at the red light district. Apparently there were many bodies so they would be stuck dissecting them for a long time.

"Not yet, doc," her assistant said. "The ambulances carrying the bodies are on its way but there had been a blockade on the road so they got stuck."

"Well if they delay, then the bodies might begin to enter Rigor Mortis!" Jaein snapped. "Ugh! Where are the crime scene pictures?"

The assistant showed her the photographs which had been mailed to them. She went through the blood bath, tch-ing under her breath.

"Whoever did this will be thrown into prison for a long time," she remarked. "Maybe even face the gallows."

"This is terrible," the assistant muttered. "The bodies will begin to rot if the ambulance doesn't hurry up."

Jaein looked at the clock. It had been over eight hours since these people died. Any longer than this, the decomposition might start especially under the summer sun. If that happened, then a lot of evidence could be lost.

Where are they? She wondered.


"What the hell do you mean you won't take the case?" Jang Jason yelled over the phone.

"I'm sorry Jason, but bail is impossible for Kanji!" Lawyer Lee argued. "I've seen the crime scene photos! Also, the fact that Kanji admitted to killing his own men, is equal to a death sentence!"

"But it was in self-defense!" Jason shot back. "He was protecting Mina!"

"Even if that argument wins in court, there is still the murder of the brothel's owner," Lee stated. "She was killed by poison and the last man with her was Kanji. There is no doubt that he would not be able to escape this mess!"

Jason grumbled in frustration. His son was always so careful in covering his tracks, never killing unless it was absolutely necessary. Why would he murder Yeonjoo in such a careless manner?

"Someone is trapping my son, Lee!" he claimed. "I'm sure of it."

"Even if they are, Kanji's records speak against him," Lee sighed. "He's been revealed as the heir to the Jang family. Do you really think the court will grant him bail easily?"

"Do something!" Jason begged. "Anything! Bribe them if needed! But get him out of there!"

"I'll try but I can't make any more promises," Lee said. "It really is the end for him, Jason."

He hung up the phone, leaving Jason to deal with the mess. The old man did not know what to do. He was devastated upon seeing his only son in jail and what was worse, even Mina knew the truth now. After taking so many steps to ensure that she would be spared from the reality of their business, she still found out.

"This is all my fault," he moaned. "I shouldn't have let Kanji enter this business."

If Kanji had not insisted all those years ago, Jason would have never let his son enter their line of work. But after Mina nearly lost her life to a serial killer, Kanji was determined not to let anyone hurt her again. At first, he acted as an older brother who wanted to protect his friend's sister.

Who would have thought that Kanji would actually fall in love with Mina afterwards? Their feeling for each other only complicated matters and Jason could only watch as his son rotted in his misery. He was distant and aloof from the only woman he would ever love.

And it was killing him now.


His secretary entered the room. "Miss Anna is here for the meeting."

"Anna…" Jason almost forgot. He was supposed to meet with Kirishima Anna, the Executive Secretary of the CEO of D&D Corps. The legitimate business of the Jang's were taking up a tender from them so she was supposed to meet with him regarding the project.

"Tell her that I'm busy!" he snapped.

"But she's already here, sir," his secretary said. "She's insisting on meeting with you."

Jason was in no mood to entertain guests at the moment but he had little choice. I'll finish it off in minutes, he decided.

Anna entered the room. She was a little surprised to see that Kanji was not there.

"Mr. Kanji is not here," she stated. "Is everything alright?"

"Kanji is a little occupied," Jason lied. "I'm Jason, his father."

He held out his hand for her to shake. Anna smiled and took his hand. There was a twinkle in her eyes but within a blink, it was gone.

"Shall we discuss business?" she asked. Jason kept on glancing at the clock on the wall while Anna discussed the tender. He was not really listening to her but his mind was on his son who was still in jail. The woman was simply talking about some old age home D&D wanted to build so he would let his secretary handle her from now on.

After half an hour, Anna said, "I guess that's it. Those are the details."

"Thank you, Ms. Kirishima," Jason nodded. "We'll look at the project and get back to you."

Anna smiled and strutted out of the room. Jason was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not notice the cunning smile toying on her lips. Unbeknownst to him, the moment they shook hands, she read all his memories. She knew what happened to Kanji and what the Hwang's were up to.

Taking out her phone, she sent a text.

"We can strike tomorrow at night," she wrote. "I'm about to create havoc."

Pressing the send button, she quietly walked away. Time for some fun.


Back at the lab, Jaein was still pacing to and fro. It had been over fourteen hours and the bodies still had not arrived! 

She had called Gayoon numerous times but the detective was busy interrogating Kanji. Moreover, the driver of the ambulance was not picking up either. 

"Ma'am by now the decomposition must be starting," her assistant said, feeling worried. "The way the men were killed, their blood must have dried up."

"It's not entirely impossible to perform the autopsy even if the decomposition started," Jaein explained. "We can still do it. But in cases of murders like this, the sooner we can finish the autopsy, the more accurate our reports would be."

She was about to call Gayoon again when her phone rang up. It was from one of the cops who was escorting the bodies.

"Where are the bodies?" she demanded. "It's been fourteen hours!"

"Doc, bad news!" the cop exclaimed. "The ambulances…"

"What happened?" Jaein frowned.

"The ambulances swerved away from the road and fell off the cliff!" he revealed. "And then caught fire! All the bodies in it have been burnt!"

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